Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king of Scots standing in néed of freends, although not so greatlie as king Richard, did willing|lie consent to that motion of marriage,A marriage concluded be|twixt the prince of Rothsa [...]e & the duke of Suf|folkes daugh|ter. first broched by king Richard, insomuch that it tooke effect, and by commissioners was passed and concluded, in maner as in the historie of Scotland it likewise appeareth. But albeit that by this league and amitie thus co|uenanted and concluded, it might he thought, that all conspiracies, coniurations, and confederacies a|gainst king Richard had béene extinct, especiallie considering the duke of Buckingham and his a|lies were dispatched out of the waie, some by death, and some by flight and banishment into farre coun|tries: yet king Richard, more doubting than tru|sting to his owne people and freends, was conti|nuallie vexed and troubled in mind for feare of the earle of Richmonds returne: which dailie dread and hourelie agonie caused him to liue in dolefull miserie, euer vnquiet, and in maner in continuall calamitie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Wherefore he intending to be reléeued, and to haue an end of all his doubtfull dangers, determined cléerelie to extirpate and plucke vp by the roots all the matter and ground of his feare and doubts. In|somuch that (after long and deliberate consultation had) nothing was for his purpose and intent thought either more necessarie or expedient than once againe with price, praier, and rewards, to attempt the duke of Britaine, in whose territorie the earle of Rich|mond then abode,King Richard attempteth the duke of B [...]taine to del [...]uer the earle of Rich|mond into his h [...]s. to deliuer the said earle into his hands: by which onelie meanes he should be dischar|ged of all feare and perill, and brought to rest and quietnesse both of bodie and mind. Wherefore incon|tinent he sent certeine ambassadors to the duke of Britaine, which tooke vpon them (beside the great and ample rewards that they brought with them into Britaine) that king Richard should yearelie paie and answer the duke of all the reuenues, rents,A great temp|tation with large offers. and pro|fits of the seigniories, lands, and possessions, as well belonging and apperteining to the erle of Richmond, as to anie other noble or gentleman, which then were in the earles companie; if he after that time would kéepe them in continuall prison, and restraine them from libertie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The ambassadors (furnished with these and other instructions) arriued in Britaine, and came to the dukes house; where with him they could haue no ma|ner of communication concerning their weightie af|faires: by reason that he being faint and weakened by a long and dailie infirmitie, began a little to wax idle and weake in his wit and remembrance. For which cause Peter Landoise his cheefe treasuror, a man both of pregnant wit and great authoritie, ru|led and adiudged all things at his pleasure and com|mandement, for which cause (as men set in authori|tie be not best beloued) he excited & prouoked against him the malice and euill will of the nobilitie of Bri|taine, which afterward (for diuerse great offenses by him during his authoritie perpetrate & committed) by their meanes was brought to death & confusion.