Compare 1577 edition: 1 Yée remember (I trow) king Edward himselfe, al|beit he was a man of age & discretion; yet was he in manie things ruled by the bend, more than stood ei|ther with his honor, or our profit, or with the cõmodi|tie of any man else, except onlie the immoderate ad|uancement of themselues. Which, whether they forer thirsted after their owne weale, or our wo, it were hard (I wéene) to gesse. And if some folks fréendship had not holden better place with the king, than anie respect of kinred, they might peraduenture easilie haue betrapped and brought to confusion some of vs yer this. Why not as easilie as they haue doone some other alreadie, as neere of his roiall bloud as we? But our Lord hath wrought his will, and (thanks be to his grace) that perill is past. Howbeit as great is growing, if we suffer this yoong king in our enimies hand, which without his witting might abuse the name of his commandement, to anie of our vndoo|ing, which thing God [defend] and good prouision forbid.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Of which good prouision none of vs hath anie thing the lesse néed, for the late made attonement, in which the kings pleasure had more place than the parties willes. Nor none of vs (I beléeue) is so vnwise, ouer|soone to trust a new freend made of an old fo; or to thinke that an hourlie kindnes, suddenlie contracted in one houre, continued yet scant a fortnight, should be déeper settled in their stomachs, than a long ac|customed malice manie yeares rooted. With these words and writings, and such other, the duke of Glo|cester soone set on fire them that were of themselues easie to kindle, & in speciallie twaine, Edward duke of Buckingham, and William lord Hastings then chamberleine, both men of honour & of great power; the one by long succession from his ancestrie, the o|ther by his office and the kings fauour. These two, not bearing ech to other so much loue,A consent to worke wi [...]|kednesse. as hatred both vnto the quéenes part: in this point accorded togi|ther with the duke of Glocester, that they would vt|terlie remoue from the kings companie all his mo|thers fréends, vnder the name of their enimies.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Upon this concluded the duke of Glocester, vn|derstanding that the lords, which at that time were a|bout the king, intended to bring him vp to his coro|nation accõpanied with such power of their freends, that it should be hard for him to bring his purpose to passe, without the gathering and great assemblie of people and in maner of open warre, whereof the end (he wist) was doubtfull, and in which the king being on their side, his part should haue the face and name of a rebellion: he secretlie therfore by diuers means caused the queene to be persuaded and brought in the mind, that it neither were need, and also should be ieopardous, the king to come vp strong.