Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But the lords recomforting him with as good words as they could, and answering for the time as they thought to stand with his pleasure, there in his presence, as by their words appeared, ech forgaue o|ther, and ioined their hands togither, when (as it af|ter appeared by their deeds) their hearts were farre a|sunder.I counterfet and pretended reconcile|ment. As soone as the king was departed, the noble prince his sonne drew toward London, which at the time of his deceasse kept his houshold at Ludlow in Wales, which countrie being farre off from the law and recourse to iustice, was begun to be farre out of good rule, and waren wild robbers and reauers, wal|king at libertie vncorrected. And for this occasion the prince was in the life of his father sent thither, to the end that the authoritie of his presence should re|fraine euill disposed persons from the boldnesse of their former outrages.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 To the gouernance and ordering of this yoong prince at his sending thither, was there appointed sir Anthonie Wooduile lord Riuers, and brother vnto the queene,Lord Riuers. a right honourable man, as valiant of hand as politike in counsell. Adioined were there vnto him other of the same partie; and in effect euerie one as he was néerest of kin vnto the queene, so was he planted next about the prince. That drift by the queene not vnwiselie deuised, whereby hir bloud might of youth be rooted into the princes fauour, the duke of Glocester turned vnto their destruction; and vpon that ground set the foundation of all his vn|happie building. For whome soeuer he perceiued ei|ther at variance with them,The duke of Glocesters solicitations. or bearing himselfe their fauour, he brake vnto them some by mouth, & some by writing.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Nay, he sent secret messengers saieng, that it nei|ther was reason, nor in anie wise to be suffered, that the yoong king their maister and kinsman, should be in the hands and custodie of his moothers kinred, se|questred in maner from their companie and atten|dance, of which euerie one ought him as faithfull ser|uice as they, and manie of them farre more honou|rable part of kin than his moothers side. Whose bloud (quoth he) sauing the kings pleasure, was full vn|méetelie to be matched with his: which now to be as who say remooued from the king, and the lesse noble to be left about him, is (quoth he) neither honourable to his maiestie nor to vs, and also to his grace no suer|tie, to haue the mightiest of his fréends from him; and vnto vs no little ieopardie, to suffer our well prooued euill willers to grow in ouer-great authoritie with the prince in youth; namelie, which is light of beleefe and soone persuaded.