1.16. King Edward the fourth.
King Edward the fourth.
EEBO page image 1310
[figure appears here on page 1310]
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 1. Edward the .iiij._AFTER that
thys noble Prince Ed|ward Erle of March had conſented to take vpõ him ye
gouerne|mente of thys King|dome of Englande, through perſwaſion of the Prelates, and other of the nobilitie, as before
ye haue hearde: the morow next enſuing, being the fourth of March, he rode
to the Church of Saint Paule,The Earle of Marche taketh
vpon him as King. and there offered: and after Te Deum
ſong, with greate ſo|lemnitie hee was conueyd to Weſtminſter, and there ſet
in the hall, with the Scepter royal in his hand, where to all the people
there in great num|ber aſſembled,His title
de|clared. his title and clayme to the Crowne of England, was declared two maner of wayes, the firſt,
as ſonne and heire to Duke Richard hys father, right inheritor to the ſame:
the ſecond, by authoritie of Parliament, and forfeiture commit|ted by King
Henry. Wherevpon, it was agayne demaunded of the commons, if they woulde
ad|mitte, and take the ſayde Earle, as their Prince, and ſoueraigne Lord,
whiche all with one voyce cryed, yea, yea.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This agreement then being
thus concluded, he entred into Weſtminſter
Churche vnder a Ca|napie, with ſolemne proceſſion, and there as king
offered, and herewith, taking the homages of all the nobles there preſent,
hee returned by water to London,He is proclay|med
King. and was lodged in the Biſhops palais, and on the morrow
after, he was proclaymed K. by the name of Edwarde the fourth, throughout
the Citie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This was in the yeare of
the world .5427. and after the birth of our ſauiour .1461.
after our ac|compt, beginning the yeare at
Chriſtmas, but af|ter the vſuall accompt of the Church of England
1460. about the twentith of the Emperor Frede|rike the thirde,
the nine and thirtith and laſt of Charles the ſeuenth King of Fraunce, and
fyrſte yeare of the raigne of Iames the thirde, King of Scottes.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Whileſt theſe things wer
adoing in ye South partes, King Henry beeing in the North Coun|trey,
aſſembled a great armie, truſting with little payne and ſmall loſſe to
ſubdue the reſidue of hys enimies, namely, ſith their chiefe [...]leader the Duke of Yorke was ſlaine, and diſpatched out of the way,
but he was deceyued: for out of the [...] ſtocke ſprang ſo mightie a branche, that [...] no meanes the ſame myght bee broken off whiche was this Edwarde the
fourthe, beeing ſo highly fauoured of the people, for hys greate
liberalitie, clemencie, vpright dealing, and courage, that a|boue all other,
hee was commended and praiſed to the very heauens: By reaſon whereof, men of
all ages, and of euery degree, to hym dayly repai|red, ſome offering
themſelues, and their men to ieopard their liues with him, and other
plentu|ouſly gaue him money to ſupporte his charges, and to mayneteine his
warre: by which meanes, he gathered togither a puiſſant army, to the
in|tente to deliuer battell to his enimies, and in one day to make an ende
of all hys troubles.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When his army was ready,
and all thinges prepared, he departed out of London the twelfth daye of
Marche, and by eaſie iourneys, came to the Caſtell of Pomfret, wher he
reſted, appoin|ting the Lorde Fitz Walter to keepe the paſſage at
Ferribridge, wyth a greate number of talle perſonages.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Henry on the other
parte, hauyng hys army in a readineſſe, committed the gouernaunce of the
army to the Duke of Somerſet, the Earle of Northumberlande, and the Lorde
Clifforde, as men deſiring to reuenge the death of their pa|rentes, ſlayne
at the fyrſte battayle of Sainct Albons.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe Capitaines, leauing
King Henry, hys wife, and ſon, for their moſte ſafegard within the Citie of
Yorke, paſſed the riuer of Wharfe wyth all their power, intending to ſtop
kyng Edward of his paſſage ouer the riuer of Ayre.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And for the better and
more eaſye exploite of their purpoſe, the Lorde Clifforde determined to make
an aſſaye to ſuche as kepte the paſſage of Ferribridge, and ſo hee departed
wyth hys light horſemen from the great army on the Saterday before
Palmeſonday, and earely ere his enemies wer aware, gat the bridge, and flewe
the keepers of the ſame, and all ſuche as woulde withſtande hym.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Fitz Walter
hearing the noiſe, ſo|dainely roſe out of his bedde, and vnarmed, with a
pollaxe in his hande, thinking that it had bin a fraye amongſt his men, came
downe to appeaſe ye ſame, but ere he eyther began his tale,The Lord [...] Water ſ [...]
or knew what the matter ment, he was ſlaine, and with him the
baſtard of Saliſbury, brother to the erle of Warwike, a valiant yong
Gentleman, and of greate audacitie.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1297When the Earle of Warwicke was enfor|med hereof, like a
man deſperate, hee mounted on his [...] and [...] paſſing and blowing to king Edward ſaying, Sir I pray God haue mercie
of their ſoules, which in the beginning of your enterpriſe, haue loſt their
liues, and bicauſe I [...]e no ſuccours of the world, I remit the ven|geance and puniſhment to
God, our creator and re [...]enne, and with that alighted downe, [...] flewe his horſe with his ſworde, ſaying, lette him flee that will,The Earle of
VVarwike. for ſurely I will tarrie with him that will tarrie with
me, and kiſſed the croſſe of hys ſword.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edward perceyuing
the courage of his truſtie friend the Earle of Warwike, made pro|clamation,
that all men which were afrayde to fight, ſhould departe, and to all thoſe
that tarried the battell,A proclama|tion. he
promiſed great rewards, with ad|dition, that anye Soldiour whiche
voluntarily woulde abyde, and afterwardes, either in, or be|fore the fighte ſhould flee or turne his backe, that
then hee that could kyl hym, ſhould haue a great rewarde, and double
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After thys proclamation
ended, the Lorde Fawcombridge, Sir Walter Blont, Roberte Home with the fore
ward, paſſed ye riuer at Ca|ſtelford, three miles from Feribridge,
intendyng to haue enuironed the Lord Clifford and his cõ|panie, but they
being thereof aduertiſed, departed in great haſt towarde King Henries armie,
but they met with ſome that they looked
not for, and were attrapped ere they were aware, for the Lord Clifford,
either for heate or paine, putting off his gorget, ſuddainely with an arrow
(as ſome ſay) without an head,The Lorde Clifford
ſlaine was ſtriken into the throte, and immediately rendred his
ſprite, and the Erle of Weſtmerlands brother, and all his companye
[...]gdale. were there ſlayne, at a place called Din|tingdale,
not farre from Towton.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This ende had the Lord
Clifford, which ſlew the Earle of Rutlande
kneeling on his knees, whoſe yong ſon Thomas Clifford, was brou|ght vp with
a Sheppard in poore habite, and diſ|ſimuled behauiour, euer in feare to
publiſhe hys lignage and degree, till King Henry the ſeuenth obteyned the
Crowne, by whome he was reſto|red to his name and poſſeſſions.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When this conflict was
ended at Ferſbridge, the Lord Fawcombridge hauing the fore ward,The Lorde Fawcombridge bycauſe the Duke of Northfolke
was fallen ſicke, valiantly vpon
Palmeſonday in the twy|light,
[...]n. W [...]hamſted [...], that K. [...]ies power [...]ded in [...]ember King Edwards a [...], men. ſet forth his army, and came to Saxton, where hee
mighte apparantly behold the hoſt of his aduerſaries, which wer accompted
threeſcore thouſand men, and thereof aduertiſed King Ed|ward, whoſe whole
armie amounted to eyghte and fortie thouſande ſixe hundred and threſcore
perſons, which in continently with the Earle of Warwike ſette forwarde,
leauing the re [...]warde vnder the gouernaunce of Sir Iohn Wenlocee,An
he [...]e pro|clamation. Sir Iohn Dinham, and other, and firſt of
all, he made proclamation, that no priſoner fl [...] bee taken, nor one enimie ſaued.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 So the ſerue daye, about
nine of the clocke, which was the nine and twentith day of March,Palme gunday fielde. being Palmeſonday, both the
hoſtes approched in a faire playne fielde, betweene Towton, and Saxton.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When each parte perceyued
other, theyr made a great [...]ont, and at the ſame inſtant, there [...]ell a ſmall fleete or ſnowe, whiche by violence of the winde that
blewe againſt them, was driuen in|to the faces of them whiche were of King
Hen|ries part, ſo that their ſighte was ſomewhat ble|miſhed, and dimmed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Fewcombridge
leadyng the fore warde (as is ſayde before) of Kyng Ed|wardes parte, cauſed
euery archer vnder hys Standerte to ſhoo [...]e one [...]ight (whiche before hee cauſed them to prouide) and then made them to
ſtande ſtill.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Northerne menne [...]ng the ſhotte, [...]t by reaſon of the ſnowe, not well viewing the diſtaunce betweene them
and their [...]myes, ly [...] hard [...]e menne, [...]lle their ſhe [...] arrowes as faſt as they myghte, [...]ut all theyr ſhotte was loſt, for they co [...]
[...] the Southe [...] men by threeſcore Taylors [...]aides.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When theyr ſhotte was
almoſt ſpente, the Lorde Fawcombridge marched forwarde with his archers,
whiche not onely ſhotte theyr whole ſheafes, but alſo gathered the arrowes
of theyr enimies, and lette a greate parte [...]e agaynſte theyr fyrſte owners, and ſuffered a great ſorte of them to
ſtande, which ſore troubled the legges of the Northerne menne, when the
battell ioy|ned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of
Northumberlande and An|drew Trollop,The Earle of
Northum|berlande. which were chiefe Captaynes of Kyng Henries
vawwarde, ſeeyng theyr ſhotte not to preuaile, haſted forwarde to ioyne with
theyr enimies, and the other part ſlacked not, to accompliſh their
Compare 1587 edition:
2 This battell was ſore
foughten, for hope of life was ſet aſide on eyther parte, and takyng of
priſoners proclaymed a great offence,The obſtina|myndes
of both partes. by reaſon euery man determined to conquere, or to
dye in the field. This deadly battell and bloudy con|flict, continued tenne
houres in doubtfull victo|rie, the one parte ſometime flowing, and ſome|time
ebbing: but in concluſion, King Edwarde ſo couragiouſly comforted his men,
that the o|ther part was diſcomfited, and ouercome,Kyng
Henries parte diſcom|fited. & like to men amazed, fled
towarde Tadcaſter bridge to ſaue them ſelues, but in the meane way, there is
a little booke called Cocke, not very broade,Cock or
EEBO page image 1312 but of a greate deepeneſſe, in whiche, what for haſt to
eſcape, and what for feare of follo|wers, a greate number [...] me [...]ht and [...]+ned.
[figure appears here on page 1312]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was reported, that men
aliue paſſed the riuer vpon dead carcaſſes, and that the greate ri|uer of
Wharfe, whiche is the great ſewer of that brooke, and of all the water
comming frõ Tow|ton, was couloured with bloud.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The chaſe continued all
night, and the moſt parte of the nexte daye, and euer the Northerne men, as
they ſawe anye aduantage, returned a|gaine, and fought with their enimies,
to ye greate loſſe of both partes.The number ſlayne in bat|tayle, of Sax|ton, otherwiſe called
Palme ſunday fielde. For in theſe two dayes were ſlaine (as they
that knew it wrote) on both parts ſixe and thirtie thouſand ſeauen hundred
three|ſcore and ſixteene perſons, all Engliſhmen, and of one nation, whereof
the chiefe were the Erles of Northumberlãd and Weſtmerland, and the Lord
Dakers, the Lord Welles, Sir Iohn Ne|uill, Andrew Trolop, Robert Horne, and
many other Knightes and Eſquiers, and the Earle of Deuenſhire was taken
priſoner, but the Dukes of Somerſet and
Exceſter fledde from the field, and ſaued themſelues.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this great
victorie, King Edward rode to Yorke, where hee was with all ſolemnitie
re|ceiued, and firſt he cauſed the heads of his father, the Earle of
Saliſburie, and other his friends, to bee taken from the gates, and to be
buried with their bodies, and there hee cauſed the Earle of Deuonſhire, and
three other, to be beheaded, and ſet their heads in the ſame place.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Hẽry, after he
heard of the irrecouerable loſſe of his armye,King Henrye
withdraweth to Berwike, & from thẽce into Scotland.
departed incontinently with his wife and ſonne, to the Towne of Berwike, and
leauing the Duke of Somerſet there, wente into Scotlande, and comming to the
King of Scottes, required of him and his counſell, ayde, ſuccour, reliefe,
and comfort.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The yong King of Scottes,
lamenting the miſerable ſtate of King Henry, comfortedly [...] with faire words and friendly promiſes, and aſ|ſigned to him a
competente pencion to liue on, during his abode in Scotland.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Kyng Henry in recompence
of this [...] and frendſhip ſhewed to him by the K. of Scot|tes, deliuered to the
ſayd king the towne of Ber|wike.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that the Scottiſhe
king had giue poſ|ſeſſion of this towne, hee faythefully ſupported the parte
of king Henrye, and concluded a ma|riage betwixt his ſiſter, and the yong
Prince of Wa [...]es, but yet the ſame mariage was [...] conſummate, as after ye ſhall heare.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When king Henry was
ſomewhat ſettled in the realme of Scotlande,Queene
Mar|garet with his ſonne goeth into France. he ſente his wyfe and
his ſonne into France to K. Reigner hir father, truſting by hys ayde and
ſuccour to aſſemble [...] armie, and once agayne to poſſeſſe his Realme and former dignitie,
and hee in the meane tyme determined to make his aboade in Scotlande, to ſee
what waye his friendes in Englande would ſtudie for his reſtitution.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Queene beyng in
Fraunce, did obteyne of the young Frenche king then Lewes the .xj. that all
hir huſbandes friendes, and thoſe of the Lancaſtriall band, might ſafely and
ſurely haue reforte into any parte of the Realme of France, prohibityng all
other of the contrarie faction any acceſſe, or repaire into that
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus yee haue hearde, how
King Henry the ſixth, after he had raigned eight and thirtie yeres and odde
monethes, was expulſed and driuen out of this Realme, and now leauing him
with the Princes of his faction, conſulting togither in Scotlande, and
Queene Margaret his wife gathering of menne in Fraunce, I will returne EEBO page image 1313 where I left, to proceede with the doings of king
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yong Prince hauing
with proſperous ſucceſſe obteyned ſo glorious a victorie in the mortall
battell at Towton, and chaſed all hys aduerſaries out of the Realme, or at
the leaſt wayes put them to ſilence, returned, after ye ma|ner and faſhion
of a triumphant conqueror, with great pomp vnto London, where according to
the olde cuſtome of the Realme, he called a great aſſemblie of perſons of all degrees, and the nyne and
twentith daye of Iune, was at Weſtmin|ſter with al ſolemnitie, crowned,
& anoynted K.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the which yeare, this
King Edwarde cal|led his high courte of Parliament at Weſtmin|ſter, in the
whiche, the ſtate of the Realme was greatly reformed, and all the Statutes
made in Henry the ſixt his time (whiche touched eyther his title or profite)
were reuoked.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the ſame Paliament,
the Erle of Oxford, farre ſtriken in age,
and his ſonne and heire, the Lord Aworey Veer, eyther through malice of
theyr enimies, or for that they had offended the King, were both, with
diuers of theyr counſel|lors, atteinted, and put to execution, which cau|ſed
Iohn Earle of Oxforde, euer after to rebell.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were alſo beheaded
the ſame time, Sir Thomas Tudenham Knyghte, William Ti|rell, and Iohn
Mongomerie Eſquiers, and after them diuers others.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo after this, hee
created his two yonger breethren Dukes, that is to ſaye, Lorde George Duke
of Clarence, Lorde Richarde, Duke of Glouceſter, and the Lord Iohn Neuill,
brother to Richarde Earle of Warwike, hee firſte made Lord Montacute, and
afterwardes created hym Marques Montacute.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide this, Henrye
Bourchier, brother to Thomas Archbyſhoppe of Caunterburie, was created Earle
of Eſſex, and William Lorde Fawconbridge,
was made Earle of Kent.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To this Henrye Lorde
Bourchier, a man highly renowmed in martiall feates, Richarde Duke of Yorke,
long before this time, had gyuen his ſiſter Elizabeth in marriage, of whome
hee begate foure ſonnes, William, Thomas, Iohn, and Henrye, the whiche
William, beeing a man of great induſtrie, witte, and prouidence, in graue
and weightie matters, married the Lady Anne Wooduile, diſcended of high
parentage, whoſe mother Iaquet, was
daughter to Peter of L [...]r|enburgh, Earle of Sainte Paule, by the whyche Anne, hee had Lord
Henry Earle of Eſſex, one Daughter, named Cicile, maried to Water Lord
Ferrers of Chartley, and an other called Iſabell, which dyed vnmaried.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]int.The Earle of Kente was appoynted about this time to
keepe the Seas,1462 being accompanyed with the
Lord Audeley, the Lord Clinton, Sir Iohn Howard, Sir Richard Walgraue, and
o|ther, to the number of tenne thouſand, who lan|ding in Britayne, wanne the
Towne of Con|quet, and the Iſle of Keth, and after returned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When all things were
brought in order,
An. reg. 2. The Duke of Somerſet and other, ſubmit them to King
Edwarde. and framed as Kyng Edwarde in manner coulde wiſhe, Henrye
Duke of Somerſet, Sir Raufe Percye, and diuers other, being in deſpaite of
all good chance to happen vnto King Henrye, came humbly, and ſubmitted
themſelues vnto Kyng Edward, whome he gently receyued.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 All this ſeaſon,
An. reg. 3.
was King Henry in Scot|land, and Queene Margaret being in Fraunce,
found ſuch friendſhip at the French kings hands, that ſhe obteined a crew of
fiue hundred French|men, with whiche ſhee armed in Scotlande,
The Queene retourneth forthe of Fraunce and after
that ſhe hadde repoſed hir ſelfe a time, ſhee ſayled with hir gallante bande
of thoſe ruffling Frenchmen, toward Newcaſtell, and landed at Tinmouth, but
whether ſhee were afraid of hir owne ſhadowe, or that the Frenchmen caſt too
many doubtes, the troth is, that the whole army returned to their Shippes,
and a tempeſt roſe ſo ſuddaynely, that if ſhee had not taken a ſmall
caruelle, and that with good ſpeede arriued at Berwike, ſhee hadde bin taken
at that preſente tyme by hir aduerſaries. And although Fortune was ſo
fauourable to hir, yet hir company with ſtormy blaſtes, was driuen on the
ſhore before Banborough Caſtell, where they ſet their ſhips
[figure appears here on page
1313] on fyre, and fledde to an Iſlelande c
[...] holy Iſleand, where they were ſo aſſailed by the ba|ſterd Ogle, and
an Eſquer, called Iohn Man|ners, with other of K. Edwardes friendes, that
many of them were ſlayne, and almoſt fo
[...] hũ|dred taken priſoners: but their Coronell Peter Breſſie, otherwiſe
called Monſ. de Varenne, happened vpon a fiſherman, and ſo came to Ber|wike
vnto O. Margaret, who made him Cap|taine of the Caſtell of Al
[...]wike, which he with his frenchmen kept, till they were reſcued.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1314Shortly after, Queene Margaret obteyned a great company
of Scottes, & other of hir friẽds, and ſo bringing hir huſbande
with hir, and lea|uing hir ſonne, called Prince Edward, in the towne of
Berwike,Banborough Caſtell. entred
Northumberlande, tooke the Caſtell of Banborough, and ſtuffed it with
Scottiſhmen, and made thereof Captaine, Sir Raufe Grey, and came forwarde,
towarde the Biſhopricke of Durham. When the Duke of Somerſet heard theſe
newes,The Duke of Somerſet re|uolteth. hee
without de|lay reuolted from King Edwarde,
and fledde to King Henry. So likewiſe did Sir Raufe Per|cie, and many other
of the kings friẽds, but ma|ny moe followed King Henrye, in hope to get by
the ſpoyle, for his army ſpoyled and brenned townes, & deſtroyed
fields whereſoeuer he came. King Edwarde aduertiſed of all theſe things,
prepared an army, both by ſea and land. Some of hys Shippes were rigged and
vittailed at Linue, and ſome at Hull, and well furniſhed with ſoldiers, herewith were ſet forth to the ſea.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Alſo, the Lorde
Montacute, was ſent into Northumberlande, there to reyſe the people, to
withſtand his enimies. And after this, the King in his proper perſon,
acompanyed with his bree|thren, and a greate parte of the nobilitie of hys
Realme, came to the Citie of Yorke, furniſhed with a mightie army, ſending a
great part ther|of, to the ayde of the Lord Montacute, leaſt per|aduenture,
he giuing too much confidence to the men
of the Biſhopricke and Northumberlande, might through them be deceyued.The Lorde Montacute. The Lorde Montacute then hauing
ſuche with him as hee might truſt, marched forth towards his enimies, and by
the way, was encountred with the Lorde Hungerford, the Lord Roos, Sir Raufe
Percy, and diuers other,Hegely More. at a place
called Hegely more, where ſuddaynely, the ſaide Lordes in manner without
ſtroke ſtriking, fled, and only ſir Raufe Percy abode, and was there
manfully ſlayne,Sir Raufe Per|cyeſlaine. with
diuers other, ſaying, when he was dying, I haue ſaued the bird in my boſome,
meaning, that he had kept his promiſe and oth made to K. Hẽ|ry, forgetting
belike, that hee in King Henries moſt neceſſitie abandoned hym, and
ſubmitted him to king Edward, as before you haue heard.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Lorde Montacute
ſeeing fortune thus proſperouſly leading his ſayle, aduanced for|ward, and
learning by eſpials, that King Henry with his hoſt was encamped in a faire
playne called Lyuels, on the water of Dowill in Ex|hamſhire, haſted thither,
and manfully ſet on hys enimies in their owne campe, whiche like deſpe|rate
perſons, with no ſmal courage receiued him. There was a ſore foughten
fielde,Exham fielde. and long ere eyther parte
could haue any aduãtage of ye other, but at length, the victorie fell to
the Lord Mon|tacute, who by fine force, entred the battell of his enimies,
and conſtreyned them to flee,The Duke of Somerſet
ta|ken. as deſpai|ring of all ſuccours. In whiche flighte and
chaſe were taken Henrye Duke of Somerſet, whyche before was reconciled to
Kyng Edwarde, the Lord Roos, the Lorde Molins, the Lord Hun|gerford, Sir
Thomas Wentworth, Sir Tho|mas Huſey, Sir Iohn Finderne, and manye
o|ther.King Henry fledde. King Henrie was a
good horſeman that day, for he rode ſo faſt away, that no man might ouertake
him, and yet hee was ſo neere purſued, that certaine of his Henxmen were
taken, theyr horſes trapped in blew veluet, and one of them hadde on his
head the ſayde Kyng Henries hel|mette, or rather (as maye bee thought) and
as ſome ſaye, his highe cappe of eſtate, called Abococke, garniſhed with two
riche crownes, which was preſented to king Edward at Yorke, the fourthe daye
of May.The Duke of Somerſet be|headed. The Duke of
So|merſette was incontinentlye beheaded at Exham, the other Lordes and
[figure appears here on page 1314]
EEBO page image 1315 were had to Newcaſtell, and there after a little
deſpite, were likewiſe put to death.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide theſe, diuers
other, to the number of fiue and twentie, were executed at Yorke, and in
other places.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sir Humfrey Neuill, and
William Tayl|voys, calling hymſelfe Earle of Kyme, Sir Raufe Grey, and
Richard Tunſtall, with dy|uers other, which eſcaped from this battel, hidde
themſelues in ſecrete places, but yet they kepte not themſelues ſo cloſe, but that they were eſ|pyed,The earle of Kyme, other|wiſe Angus, beheaded. and
taken. The Earle of Kyme was ap|prehended in Riddeſdale, and brought to
New|caſtell, and there beheaded. Sir Humfrey Neuill was taken in Holdernes,
and at Yorke loſt his head. After this battell called Exam field, Kyng
Edwarde came to the Citie of Dureſme, and ſent from thence into
Northumberland, ye Erle of Warwike, the Lord Montacute, the Lordes
Fawconbridge, and Scrope, to recouer ſuche
Caſtels, as his enimies there held, and with force defended.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]e Ca|ſtel beſieged.They firſt beſieged the Caſtell of
Alnowike, whiche Sir Peers Breſſe, and the Frenchmen kepte,Eight thou|ſãd hath [...]ar dyng. and in no wiſe woulde yeelde, ſending for ayde to
the Scottes, wherevppon Sir George Douglas earle of Angus, wyth thirteene
thou|ſande choſen men, in the daye tyme, came and reſcued the Frenchmen out
of the Caſtell, the Engliſhmen looking on, which thought it much better to haue the Caſtell, without loſſe of theyr
men, than to leeſe both the Caſtell, and theyr men, conſidering the greate
power of Scottes, and their owne ſmall number, and ſo they en|tred the
Caſtell, and manned it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this, they wanne
the Caſtell of Dun|ſtanborough by force, and likewiſe the Caſtel of
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Iohn Goys, ſeruant to the
Duke of Somer|ſet, being taken within Dunſtanbourough, was brought to Yorke, and there beheaded, and Syr Raufe Grey
beeing taken in Bamborough, for that he had ſworne to be true to King
Edward, was diſgraded of the high order of Knighthood at Doncaſter, by
cutting off his gilt ſpurres, rẽ|ting his coate of armes, and breaking his
ſword ouer his head: and finally, he was there beheaded for his manifeſt
periurie. After this, King Ed|warde returned to Yorke, where in deſpite of
the Earle of Northumberlande, whiche then kepte himſelfe in the Realme of Scotland, he created Sir Iohn
Neuill, Lorde Montacute, Earle of Northumberlande, and in reproofe of Iaſper
Earle of Pembroke, he created William Lorde Herbert, Earle of the ſame
place, but after when by mediation of friends the Earle of Northum|berland
was reconciled to his fauoure, hee reſto|red him to his poſſeſſions, name,
and dignitie, and preferred the Lord Montacute,1464 to the title of Marques Montacute, ſo that in degree, he was
aboue his elder brother the Earle of Warwike, but in power, policie, and
poſſeſſiõs, far meaner.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edwarde,An. reg. 4.
though all things myghte ſeeme nowe to reſt in good caſe, yet hee
was not negligent, in making neceſſarie prouiſiõ, againſt all attemptes of
his aduerſarie King Henrye, and his partakers, and therefore reyſed
Bul|warkes, and buylded fortreſſes on eache ſide of his Realme, where anye
daunger was ſuſpected for the landing of any armie.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 He cauſed alſo eſpials to
be laide vpon ye mar|ches, fore aneinſt Scotlande, that no perſon ſhoulde
goe out of the Realme to King Henrie and his companie, whiche then ſoiourned
in Scotland. But all the doubtes of trouble that might enſue by the meanes
of K. Henries being at libertie, were ſhortly taken away and ended, for he
himſelfe, whether he was paſt all feare, or that he was not wel eſtabliſhed
in his w [...]s and perfect minde, or for that he could not long keepe himſelfe
ſecret in a diſguiſed apparell, boldly en|tred into England. He was no
ſooner entred,King Henry taken. but he was knowen
and taken of one Cantlow, and brought toward the King, whome the Earle of
Warwike mette on the way by the kings com|mandement, & brought him
through London to the Tower, and there he was layde in ſure hold.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Queene Margaret his wife,
hearing of the captiuitie of hir huſband, miſtruſting the chance of hir
ſonne; al deſolate and comfortleſſe departed out of Scotland, &
ſailed into France where ſhe remayned with hir father Duke Reigner, tyll ſhe
returned into Englande to hir harme, as af|ter ye ſhal heare. The new D. of
Somerſet, and his brother Iohn, ſailed into France, where they alſo liued in
greate miſerie, till Duke Charles, bycauſe he was of their kinne, as
diſcended of the houſe of Lancaſter by his mother, ſuccoured thẽ with a
ſmall penſion, which was to thẽ a greate comfort. The Earle of Pembroke
went from countrey to countrey,The earle of
Pembrooke. not alwayes at his hartes eaſe, nor in ſafetie of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edward being thus in
more ſuretie of his life than before, diſtributed the poſſeſſions of ſuch as
tooke part with King Henry the ſixt, to his ſouldiers and Captaines, whiche
he thought had well deſerued: and beſide this, he lefte no o|ther point of
liberalitie vnſhewed, by the which he might allure to him the beneuolente
mindes, and louing hartes of his people. And moreouer, to haue the loue of
all men, hee ſhewed himſelfe more familiar both with the nobilitie, and
com|munaltie than (as ſome men thought) was con|ueniente either for his
eſtate, or for his honor, notwithſtanding the ſame liberalitie he euer
af|ter vſed.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1326The lawes of the Realme in parte hee refor|med,
and in part he newly augmented.
Compare 1587 edition:
New coyne ſtamped.The coyne both of golde and of
ſiluer, whych yet at this day is, he newly deuiſed, and deuided, for the
golde hee named royols and nobles, and the ſiluer he called grotes and halfe
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this, hee made
Proclamation, that all perſons, which were adherẽts to his aduerſaries
parte, and woulde leaue their armour, and ſub|mitte themſelues wholly to hys
grace and mer|cie, ſhoulde bee cleerely
pardoned and forgy|uen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 By this kind of courteous
dealing, he wanne him ſuch fauour of the people, that euer after, in all his
warres, hee was through their aide and ſupport, a victor and conquerour.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When his Realme was thus
brought into a good quiet eſtate, it was thought meete by hym and thoſe of
his counſell, that a marriage were prouided for him in ſome couenient place,
and therefore was the Earle of Warwike
ſente ouer into Fraunce, to demaunde the Lady Bona, daughter to Lewes Duke
of Sauoy, and ſiſter to the Ladye Carlote, then Queene of France, which Bona
was then in the French Courte.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Earle of Warwike ſent into Fraunce about a
ma|riage.The Earle of Warwike commyng to the Frenche King, as then
lying at Tours, was of him honorably receyued, and righte courteouſly
enterteyned. His meſſage was ſo well liked, and his requeſt thoughte ſo
honorable for the ad|vancemente of the
Lady Bona, that hir ſiſter Queene Carlote obteyned both the good will of the
Kyng hyr huſbande, and alſo of hir ſiſter the foreſayde Lady, ſo that the
matrimonie on that ſide was cleerely aſſented to, and the Earle of
Dampmartine, appoynted with other, to ſayle into Englande, for the full
finiſhyng of the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But heere conſider the
olde prouerbe to bee true, whyche ſayeth, that mariage goeth by de|ſtinie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 For during the tyme that
the Earle of War|wike was thus in Fraunce, and according to his
inſtructions, brought the effect of his commiſſion to paſſe, the king beyng
on huntyng in ye Forreſt [...] Wychwood beſide Stony Stratford, came for his recreation to the Manor
of Grafton, where the Ducheſſe of Bedforde then ſoiorned, wyfe to ſir
Richard Wooduile Lord Riuers, on whome was then attendaunt a daughter of
hirs, called the Lady Elizabeth Gray,The Lady Eli|zabeth Grey. widowe of ſir Iohn Gray
knyght, ſlayne at the laſt batayle of Saint Albons, as before you haue
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Thys widdowe hauing a
ſuite to the Kyng for ſuche landes as hir huſbande had giuen hir in
ioynture, ſo kindled the Kings affection towards hir, that he not only
fauoured hir ſuite, but more hir perſon, for ſhe was a woman of a more [...] mall countenance than of excellent beautie, and yet both of ſuche
beautie and fauor, that with hir ſober demeanour, ſweete lookes, and comely
ſmy|ling, (neither too wanton, nor to baſhfull) beſide hir pleaſant tongue
and trimme wit, [...] ſo allu|red and made ſubiect vnto hir the hearte of that great
Prince, that after ſhe had denyed hym to be his paramour, with ſo good
maner, and wordes ſo well ſet as the better coulde not be deuiſed, hee
finally reſolued with himſelfe to marrie hee, not aſking counſell of any
man, till they might per|ceyue it was no boote to aduiſe him to the
cõtra|rie of that his concluded purpoſe: But yet the Ducheſſe of Yorke his
mother letted it as much as in hir laye: and when all woulde not ſerue, ſhee
cauſed a precontracte to bee alledged, made by hym wyth the Ladie Elizabeth
Lucye. But all doubtes reſolued, all things made cleere, and all
cauillations auoyded, priuily in a morning, he marryed the ſayde Ladye
Elizabeth Graye at Grafton aforeſayde, where hee firſte beganne to fanſye
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And in the next yere
after ſhe was with great ſolemnitie crowned Queene at Weſtminſter.
An. reg. 5.
Hir father alſo was created Earle Riuers, and
[...]ade high Coneſtable of Englande: hir brother Lorde Anthonie was
marryed to the ſole heyre of Thomas lorde Scales: Sir Thomas Graye ſonne to
ſir Iohn Greye the Queenes firſte huſ|bande, was created Marques Dorſet, and
mar|ried to Cicelie heire to the Lorde Bonuille.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Frenche king was not
well pleaſed to be thus dalyed with, but hee ſhortely to appeaſe the grief
of his wyfe and hir ſiſter the Ladye Bona, maried the ſaid lady Bona to the
Duke of Mil|lane.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Now when the erle of
Warwike had know|ledge by letters ſent to him out of England from his
truſtie friends, that king Edward had gotten him a new wyfe, he was not a
little troubled in his mynde, for that as hee tooke it,The Earle of Warwike of|fended with the kings maieſtie. his
credence thereby was greatly miniſhed, and his honour much ſtayned, namely
in the courte of Fraunce, for that it myght be iudged, he came rather lyke
an eſpyall, to moue a thyng neuer mynded, and to treat a mariage determined
before not to take effect. Surely he thought hymſelf euill vſed, that when
he had brought the matter to his purpoſed intente and wiſhed concluſion,
then to haue it quayle on his parte, ſo as all men mighte thinke at the
leaſte wyſe, that his Prince made ſmall accompte of hym, to ſend him on ſuch
a flee [...]|leſſe errand.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 All men for the moſte
parte, agree that this mariage was the onely cauſe, why the Earle of Warwike
conceyued an hatred agaynſte Kyng EEBO page image 1317 Edwarde, whome
hee ſo muche before fauou|red.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Other affirme other
cauſes, and one ſpecially, for that King Edwarde did attempte a thing once
in the Earles houſe, whiche was muche a|gainſt the Earles honeſtie (whether
hee woulde haue defloured his daughter or his neece, the cer|tayntie was not
for both their honors openly reuealed) for ſurely, ſuche a thing was
attempted by King Edwarde, whyche loued well, both to beholde, and to feele faire Damoſels: but whether the
iniurie that the Earle thought hee receyued at the Kings hands, or the
diſdeyne of authori|tie that the Earle had vnder the King, was the cauſe of
the breach of amitie betwixt them: troth it is, that the priuie intentions
of their heartes, brake into ſo many ſmall peeces, that England, Fraunce,
and Flaunders, could neuer ioyne them againe, during their naturall lyues.
But though the Earle of Warwike was earneſtly inflamed againſt the King, for that hee had thus married himſelfe
without his knowledge, hauing regard onely to the ſatiſfying of his wanton
appetite, more than to his honor,The Earle of Franke
ke|pe [...] his gre [...]e [...]e. or ſuretie of his eſtate, he did yet ſo diſſimule the
matter at his returne in|to Englande, as though hee had not vnderſtoode any
thing thereof, but only declared what he had done, with ſuch reuerence, and
ſhewe of friendly countenance, as hee hadde bin accuſtomed: and when hee
hadde tarried in the Court a certayne
ſpace, he obteyned licence of the King, to depart to his Caſtell of Warwike,
meaning whẽ time ſerued, to vtter to the worlde, that whych he then kept
ſecrete, that is to ſaye, hys inward grudge, whiche hee bare towardes the
Kyng, with de|ſire of reuenge, to the vttermoſt of hys power.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Neuertheleſſe, at that
tyme hee departed to the outewarde ſhewe, ſo farre in the Kynges fauoure,
that manye Gentlemen of the Courte for honour ſake gladly accompanyed hym
into his countrey.1466
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yere alſo, the kings
daughter, the Lady Elizabeth,An [...]. re. 6.
after wife to Kyng the ſeauenth was borne, Kyng Edwarde concluded an
ametie and league with Henrye King of Caſtill, and Iohn King of Aragon,C [...]teſholde [...]ex tranſ| [...]ed into [...]
at the concluding wher|of, hee graunted licence for certayne
Cotteſolde Sheepe, to be tranſported into the Countrey of Spayne (as people
reporte) whych haue there ſo multiplyed and increaſed, that it hath turned
the commoditie of England, much to the
Spaniſhe profite.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide thys, to haue an
amitie with his next neighbor the King of Scottes, hee winked at the loſſe
of Berwike,
[...] wyth [...]
and was contented to take a truce for fifteene yeares.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus King Edwarde, though
for refuſall of the Frenche Kings ſiſter in law, wanne him enimies in
Fraunce, yet in other places hee pro|cured him friends, but thoſe friendes
had ſtande hym in ſmall ſteede, if Fortune hadde not holpe hym to an other,
euen at hys elbowe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This was Charles Earle of
Charoloys, ſonne and heire apparant vnto Philippe Duke of Burgongue, whiche
Charles beeyng then a widdower, was counſelled to bee a ſuter vnto Kyng
Edwarde, for to haue in marriage the Lady Margaret, ſiſter to the ſame Kyng,
a La|dy of excellent beautie, and endowed with ſo ma|ny worthy giftes of
nature, grace, and fortune, that ſhee was thought not vnworthy, to matche
with the greateſt Prince of the worlde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Anthonie
baſterde,1467 brother to the ſayde Earle
Charoloys, commonly called the baſterd of Burgoigne, a man of great
An. reg. 7. The baſterd of Burgoigne am+baſſador into
Englande. cou|rage, and valiantneſſe, was appoynted by hys father
Duke Phillip, to goe into Englande in Ambaſſade, about this ſute, who being
furniſhed of plate and apparell, neceſſarie for his eſtate, ha|uing in his
companie Gentlemen, and other ex|pert in al feates of cheualrie and martiall
pro|weſſe, to the number of foure hundred horſes, tooke hys Shippe, and
arriued in Englande, where he was of the King and nobles honora|bly
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thys meſſage beeyng
declared, yee maye be ſure the ſame was ioyfully hearde of the Kyng and hys
counſayle, the whiche by that affinitie, ſawe howe they myghte bee aſſured
of a buckler agaynſte Fraunce: but yet the Earle of War|wike, bearyng hys
hartie fauoure vnto the french King, did as muche as in hym lay by euill
re|portes, to hynder thys marriage: but this not|withſtandyng, at length,
the Kyng graunted to the baſterdes requeſt, and the ſayde baſterde o|penly
in the Kyngs greate chamber contracted the ſayde Ladye Margaret, for, and in
the name of hys brother the ſayde Earle of Charro|loys.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After thys marriage thus
concluded,Iuſtes betwixt the baſtarde of Burgongne
& the lord Scales the ba|ſterde chalenged the Lorde
Scales, brother to the Queene, a man both egall in hart and vali|antneſſe
with the baſterde, to fighte with hym both on horſebacke, and on foote,
whyche de|maunde, the Lorde Scales gladlye accep|ted.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Kyng cauſing lyftes
to bee prepared in Weſt Smythfielde for theſe champions, and very faire and
coſtly galeries for the Ladyes, was preſente at thys martiall enterpriſe
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The firſte daye, they
ranne togyther diuers courſes with ſharp ſpeares, and departed with e|gall
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1318The nexte daye, they tourneyd on horſe|backe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Seales horſe
had on his chafron a long ſharp pike of ſteele, and as the two cham|pions
coaped togither, the ſame horſe (whether through cuſtome or by chance)
thruſt his pike in|to the noſethrilles of the baſterdes horſe, ſo that for
very payne, he mounted ſo high, that hee fell on the one ſide with his
maiſter, and thẽ Lorde Seales rode roũd about him, wt his ſword in his
hand, till the King commaunded the
Marſhall to help vp the baſterd, which openly ſaid, I can|not hold me by the
clowdes, for though my horſe faileth me, ſurely I will not faile my
contercom|panyon. The Kyng would not ſuffer them to do any more that
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The morowe after, the two
noble men came into the fielde on foote, with two poleaxes, and fought
valiantly, but at the laſt, the poynte of the Poleaxe of the Lorde Scales,
happened to enter into the ſight of the
baſterds healme, and by fine force, mighte haue plucked him on his knees:
the King ſuddaynely caſt downe his warder, and then the Marſhals them
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The baſterde not content
with this chaunce, and truſting on the connyng whiche hee had at the
Poleaxe, required the King of iuſtice, that he might performe his
enterpriſe. The lord Scales refuſed it not, but the Kyng ſayd, he would aſke
counſell, and ſo calling to him the Conneſtable, and the Marſhall, with the officers of armes, af|ter
conſultation had, and the lawes of armes re|hearſed, it was declared for a
ſentence difinitiue, by the Duke of Clarence, then Conneſtable of
Englande,The law of armes. and the Duke of
Northfolke, then Marſhall, that if he would goe forward with his attempted
chalenge, he muſt by ye law of armes, bee deliuered to hys aduerſarie, in
the ſame ſtate and like condition, as he ſtoode, when he was ta|ken from
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The baſterd hearing thys
iudgemente, doub|ted the ſequeale of the matter, and ſo relinquiſhed his
chalenge. Other chalenges were done, & va|liantly atchieued by the
Engliſhmen, whiche I paſſe ouer.
Compare 1587 edition:
The death of the Duke of Burgoigne.Shortly after,
came ſorowfull tidings to the baſterd, that his father Duke Phillip was
dead, and therevppon, taking his leaue of King Ed|warde, and his ſiſter the
newe Duches of Bur|goigne, liberally rewarded with plate & iewels,
with all ſpeede he returned to his
brother ye new Duke, who was not a litle glad, of the contract made for him
with the ſaid Lady, as after it wel appeared.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this ſame yeare, Kyng
Edward, more for the loue of the Marques Montacute, than for any fauour hee
bare to the Earle of Warwike, promoted George Neuill their brother,
George Neuil Archbiſhop of Yorke.
to the Archbiſhoprike of Yorke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Charles Duke of
Burgoigne, reioycing that he had ſo well ſpedde, for concluſion of mariage
with King Edwardes ſiſter,An. reg. 8.
was very deſirous to ſee hir, of whome he had heard ſo great prayſe,
wrote to King Edward, requiring him to ſende his ſiſter ouer vnto him,
according to the coue|nants paſſed betwixt them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edward being not
flacke in this mat|ter, appoynted the Dukes of Exceſter and Suf|folke, and
theyr wiues, beeing both ſiſters to the Lady Margaret, to attende hir, till
ſhee came to hir huſband. And ſo after that Shippes, and all other
neceſſarie prouiſions were ready, they bee|ing accompanyed with a greate
ſorte of Lordes and Ladyes, and other, to the number of fyue hundred horſe,
in the beginning of Iune,The Lady Margaret, ſi|ſter to
King Edward, ſent ouer to the Duke of Bur|goigne. depar|ted out of
London to Douer, and ſo ſayled to Sluſe, and from thence, was conueyd to
Bru|ges, where the mariage was ſolemnized betwixt the Duke and hir, with
great triumph, & prince|ly feaſtings.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane time, the
Earle of Warwike, bearing a continuall grudge in his hart toward king
Edward, ſith his laſt returne out of Frãce, perſwaded ſo with his two
breethren, the Arch|byſhoppe, and the Marques, that they agreed to ioyne
with him in any attempt which he ſhould take in hande againſt the ſaid
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Archebyſhoppe was
eaſily allured to the Earles purpoſe, but the Marques coulde by no meanes
bee reduced, to take any part agaynſte King Edward of a long tyme, til the
Earle had both promiſed hym great rewards, and promo|tions, and alſo aſſured
him of the ayde and po|wer, of the greateſt Princes of the Realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And euen as the Marques
was loth to con|ſente to thys vnhappie conſpiracie, ſo with a faynte harte,
hee ſhewed himſelfe an enemie vn|to King Edwarde, whyche double
diſſimulati|on, was both the deſtruction of hym, and hys breethren.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide this, the Earle of
Warwike, beeyng a farre caſting prince, perceyued ſomewhat in the Duke of
Clarence, whereby hee iudged, that hee bare no greate good will towards the
King hys brother, and therevpon, feelyng hys mynde, by ſuch talke as he of
purpoſe miniſtred, vnderſtoode how hee was bente, and ſo wanne hym to hys
purpoſe, and for better aſſuraunce of hys fayth|full friendſhippe, he
offered him his eldeſt daugh|ter in marriage, with the whole halfe deale of
his wiues inheritance.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And heerevppon, after
conſultation hadde of theyr weightie buſineſſe and daungerous affayres, they
ſayl [...] ouer to Calaice, of the EEBO page image 1319 whiche towne the
Earle was capitayne, where his wyfe & two daughters then ſoiorned,
whome the duke (being in loue with hir perſon) had great deſire to
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But the Earle hauing in
continuall remem|brance his purpoſed enterpriſe, apointed his bre|thren, the
Archbiſhop & the Marques, that they ſhoulde by ſome meane in his
abſence ſtirre vp ſome new rebellion in the Countie of York, and other
places adioyning, ſo that thys ciuile warre ſhould ſeeme to all men to haue bin begun with|out his aſſent or
knowledge, he being on the fur|ther ſide the Seas.
Compare 1587 edition:
Anno. re. 9.
The Duke of Clarence beeing come to Ca|lais with the Earle of
Warwike, after he hadde ſworne on the Sacrament to keepe his promiſe and
pact made with the ſaide Earle whole and inuiolate, hee married the Lady
Iſabell, eldeſt daughter to y
e Earle, in our Lady Church there.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after, according
as had bin aforehãd deuiſed, a commotion
was begunne in Yorke|ſhire, to the great diſquieting of that Countrey. The
ſame chanced by this meanes.
Compare 1587 edition:
Saint Leo|nardes Hoſpi|tall in Yorke.There was in
the Citie of Yorke, an old and rich Hoſpitall, dedicated to Sainct Leonard,
for the harbourrough and relieuing of poore people, Certaine euill diſpoſed
perſons, of the Earle of Warwikes faction, intending to ſet a broyle in the
Countrey, perſwaded the huſbandmen to re|fuſe to giue any thing to the ſaide
Hoſpitall, af|firming, that the corne
giuen to that good inTent, came not to the vſe of the poore, but was
conuer|ted to the behoofe of the maiſter of the Hoſpitall, and the Prieſtes,
whereby they grew to be riche, and the poore people wanted their due
ſuccoure and reliefe: and not contente with theſe ſayings, they fell to
doings: for when the proctors of the Hoſpitall, according to their vſage,
went about the Countrey to gather the accuſtomed corne, they were ſore
beaten, wounded, and euill in|treated.
Compare 1587 edition:
A Rebellion.Shortly after, the conſpiracie of the
euill diſ|poſed people, grew to an open Rebellion, ſo that there aſſembled
to the number of fifteene thou|ſand men, euen ready bent, to ſet on the
Citie of Yorke, but the Lord Marques Montacute, go|uernour and preſidente of
that countrey for the King, taking ſpeedie counſaile in the matter, with a
ſmall number of men, but well choſen, encountred the rebels before the gates
of Yorke, where after a long conflict, he
tooke Robert Hul|dorne their Captayne,Roberte Hui|dorne
Capi|taine of the re|belles, taken and beheaded. and before them,
com|maunded hys head to bee ſtriken off, and then, (bycauſe it was a darke
euening) he cauſed hys Souldiers to enter into Yorke, and there to re|freſh
them. Heere manye men haue maruelled, why the Marques thus put to deathe the
Cap|tayne of thoſe people, whiche he had procured to this their rebellious
enterpriſe. Some ſay, he did it, to the intent to ſeeme innocent and
faultleſſe of his brothers doings. But other iudge, that he did it, for that
contrarie to his promiſe made to his brother, he was determined to take part
with King Edwarde, with whome (as it ſhall after appeare) he in ſmall ſpace
entred into grace and fauour.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Rebels being nothing
diſmayd with the death of their Captain, but rather the more bent on
miſchiefe, by faire meanes, and craftie per|ſwaſions, gote to them Henry,
ſonne to the Lord Fitz Hugh, and Sir Henry Neuill, ſonne and heyre to the
Lorde Latimer, the one beeing ne|phew, and the other couſin germayne to the
Erle of Warwike.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Although theſe yong
Gentlemen bare the names of Captaynes, yet they had a gouernour that was Sir
Iohn Conyers,Sir Iohn Co|niers. a man of ſuche
courage and valiantneſſe, as fewe were to bee found in his dayes within the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After they ſaw that they
could not get Yorke bycauſe they wanted ordinance, they determi|ned with all
ſpeede to marche toward London, intending to rayſe ſuche a toy in the
peoples myndes, that they ſhoulde thinke King Edward neyther to bee a
lawfull Prince, nor yet profi|table to the common wealth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edwarde hauing
perfect knowledge of all the doyngs of the Earle of Warwike, and of his
brother the Duke of Clarence, was by di|uers letters certified, of the
greate armie of the Northerne men, with all ſpeede commyng to|warde London,
and therefore in greate haſt,The Earle of
Pembroke. hee ſente to William Lord Herbert (whome as yee haue
heard, hee had created Earle of Pembroke) requiring hym withoute delay, to
reyſe hys power, and encounter with the Northerne men.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Pembroke,
commonly called the Lorde Herberte, both ready to obey ye kings
commaundemente, accordyng to hys duetie, and alſo deſirous to reuenge the
malice whyche he bare to the Earle of Warwike, for that hee knewe howe hee
hadde beene the onely let why he obteyned not the wardſhip of the Lord
Bon|neuilles daughter and heire for his eldeſt ſonne, accompanyed with hys
brother Sir Richarde Herberte, a valiaunt Knyghte, and aboue ſyxe or ſeauen
thouſande Welchmenne, well furni|ſhed, marched forwarde to encounter with
the Northernemẽ. And to aſſiſt him wt archers, was apointed Humfrey L.
Stafford of Southwike,The Lorde Stafforde. named,
but not created Earle of Deuonſhire by the King, in hope that he would ſerue
valiantly in that iourney: he had with him eight hundred archers.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1320When theſe two Lordes wer met at Cotteſ|holde, they
hearde how the Northerne men were going toward Northampton, wherevppon, the
Lorde Stafforde, and Sir Richarde Herberte, with two thouſande well horſed
Welchmenne, rode forth afore the maine armye, to ſee the de|meanor of the
Northerne men, and at length, vnder a woods ſide, they couertly eſpyed them,
paſſing forward, and ſuddainely ſet on the rere|ward: but the Northerne mẽ
with ſuch nimble|neſſe turned about,The Welch|men diſcom|fited. that in a moment, ye
Welche menne were diſcomfited, and many taken, the remnaunte returned to the
armye with ſmall gayne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Northernemen well
cooled with thys ſmall victorie, went no further Southward, but tooke their
way towards Warwike, looking for aide of the Earle, whiche was lately come
from Calais, with his ſonne in lawe the Duke of Clarence, and was rayſing
menne to aide hys friends and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King likewiſe
aſſembled people to ayde the Earle of Pembroke, but before eyther parte
receyued ſuccoure from his friende or partaker, both the armies met by
chance in a fayre playne, neere to a Towne called Hedgecote,Hedgecote. Banbury field. foure miles diſtante from
Banburie, where there are three hilles, not in equall diſtance, nor yet in
equall quantitie, but lying in manner (although not fully) triangle.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Welchmen gote firſt
the Weſt hill, ho|ping to haue recouered the Eaſt hill alſo, which if they
might haue obteyned, the victorie had bin theirs, as their fooliſh
propheciers tolde them be|fore.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe Northerne menne
encamped on the South hill, the Earle of Pembroke, and the Lord Stafford of
Southwike, were lodged in Banburie, the day before the fielde, whiche was
Saint Iames day, and there the Erle of Pem|broke put the Lorde Stafforde out of an Inne,Diſcord what i [...] breedeth. wherein he delighted much to be, for the loue of
a Damoſell that dwelled in the houſe: and yet it was agreed betwixt them,
that which of them ſo euer obteyned firſt a lodging, ſhoulde not be
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Stafford in
great deſpite, departed with his whole bande of archers, leauing the Earle
of Pembroke almoſt deſolate in ye towne, who with all diligence returned to
his hoſt, ly|ing in the fielde vnpurueyd
of Archers.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sir Henry Neuill, ſonne
to the Lord Lati|mer, tooke with him certaine light horſemenne, and ſhi [...]ſhed with the Welchmen in the eue|ning, iuſt before their camp, where
doing ryghte valiantly, but alittle too hardilie aduenturing himſelfe, was
taken and yelded, and yet cruelly ſlayne, whiche vnmercifull acte, the
Welchmen ſore rewed the next day ere night: for the Nor|therne men ſore
diſpleaſed for the deathe of thys noble man, in the nexte morning, valiantly
ſit on the Welchmen, and by force of archers, c [...]|ſed them quickly to diſcend the hill, into the val|ley, where both
the hoſtes fought.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Pembroke did
right valiantly,The valiant manhoode of Sir Richard
Herbert. and ſo likewiſe did hys brother Sir Richarde Herbert, in
ſo muche, that with his Polcare in hys hande, hee twice by fyne force paſſed
tho|rough the battell of his aduerſaries, and with|out anye hurte, or
mortall wounde retur|ned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But ſee the happe, euen
as the Welchmenne were at poynte to haue obteyned the victorie, Iohn Clappam
Eſquier,Iohn Clappam ſeruaunte to the Erle of
Warwike, mounted vp the ſyde of the Eaſt hill, accompanyed onely with fyue
hundred menne, gathered of the raſcals of the Towne of Northampton, and
other villages aboute, ha|uyng borne before them the ſtandert of ye Earle
of Warwike, with the white beare, crying, a Warwike a Warwike.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Welchmenne thynking
that the Earle of Warwike hadde come on them with all hys puiſſance,
ſuddaynely as menne amaſed, fledde: the Northren men them purſued,The Welch|men ſlayne. and flewe without mercie, ſo
that there dyed of the Welch|men that day, aboue fiue thouſande, beſyde them
that fledde and were taken.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Pembroke,
and his brother Sir Richard Herbert, with diuers Gentlemen, were taken and
brought to Banberie, where the Erle with hys brother, and other Gentlemen,
to the number of tenne, that were lykewiſe taken, loſt
[figure appears here on page 1320] their heads, but greate mone was made,Sir Richard Herbert be| [...]d. for that noble and hardie Gentleman, Sir Richard
Herberte, beeyng able for his goodly perſonage and high valiancie, to haue
ſerued the greateſt Prince in Chriſtendome.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Northamptonſhire men,
with dyuers of the Northerne mẽ, by thẽ procured in this furie, EEBO page image 1321 made them a captaine, called Robert Hilliard, but
they named him Robin of Reddeſdale, and ſodainly came to Grafton,Io [...]yn of [...]de [...]dal. The E. Riuers and his ſonne beheaded. where they tooke
the Earle Riuers, father to the Queene, and hys ſonne ſir Iohn Wooduile,
whom they brought to Northamton, and ther beheaded them both with|out
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King aduertiſed of
theſe miſchaunces, wrote to ye Sherifs of Somerſetſhire, &
Deuon|ſhire, that if they might by any meanes take the Lord Stafford of Southwike, they ſhould with|out delay
put him to death. Herevpon ſearch was made for him,The L.
Scafford a Southwike [...]ded. till at lẽgth he was found in a vil|lage within
Brentmarch, and after brought to Bridgewater was there beheaded.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After the battaile thus
fought at Hedgecote commonly called Banburie fielde, the Northren men
reſorted toward Warwike, where the Earle had gathered a great multitude of
people, whiche Earle receyued the Northrenmen with greate gladneſſe, thanking ſir Iohn Coniers, and other theyr
Capitaynes for theyr paynes taken in hys cauſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The king in this meane
time had aſſembled his power, and was comming toward the Erle, who being
aduertiſed thereof, ſent to the Duke of Cla|rence, requiring him to come and
ioyne with him. The Duke being not farre off, with all ſpeede re|pared to
the Earle, and ſo they ioyned theyr po|wers togither, and vpon ſecret
knowledge had, that ye king, bycauſe they
were entred into termes by waye of comunication to haue a peace) tooke ſmall
heede to himſelfe, nothing doubting anye outward attẽpt of his enimies the
Erle of War|wike intending not to leeſe ſuch oportunity of ad|uantage, in
the deade of the night, with an elect companie of men of warre (as ſecretely
as was poſſible) ſet on the kings fielde, killing them that kept the watche,
and ere the king was ware (for he thought of nothing leſſe than of that
which thẽ happened) at a place called
Wolney, foure myles from Warwike,
[...]g Edward [...] petioner he was taken priſoner & brought to the
Caſtell of Warwike.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And to the intent his
friendes ſhoulde not knowe what was become of him, the Earle cau|ſed him by
ſecrete iourneys in the night to be con|ueyed to Myddleham Caſtell in
and there to be kept vnder the cuſtodie of the Archbi|ſhoppe of
Yorke and other his friendes in thoſe parties.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 King Edwarde being thus
in captiuitie, ſpake euer faire to the Archbiſhop, and to his other
kee|pers, ſo that he had libertie diuerſe dayes to goe on hunting. And one
day vpon a playne when hee was thus abrode,
[...] William [...]ley. there mette with him ſir Willi|am Stanley, ſir Thomas a
Borough, and dy|uerſe other of his friends, with ſuch a great bande of
menne, that neither his keepers woulde, nor once durſte moue hym to returne
vnto Pryſ [...] againe.King Edward is deliuered out of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Some haue thoughte that
his keepers were corrupted with money, or fayre promiſes, and therefore
ſuffered him thus to eſcape oute of daunger.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that he was once at
libertie, hee came to Yorke, where he was ioyfully receyued, and ta|ryed
there two dayes: but when he perceyued he coulde get no armie togither in
that Countrey to attende him to London,He commeth to
London. he turned from Yo [...]e to Lancaſter, where he founde his Chamberleyn the Lorde Haſtings
well accompanied, by whoſe ayde and ſuche others as drewe to hym, beeyng
well furniſhed, hee came ſafely to the Citie of London.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the Earle of
Warwike, and the Duke of Clarence had knowledge how king Edwarde by the
treaſon or negligence of them whom they had put in truſt) was eſcaped their
handes, they were in a wonderfull chaufe: but ſith the chaunce was paſt,
they began eftſoones to prouide for the warre, which they ſawe was like to
enſue, and found muche comfort, in that a great number of men, delyting more
in diſcorde than in concorde, offred themſelues to ayde theyr ſide. But
other good menne deſirous of common gui [...]e, and la|menting the miſerable ſtate of the realme, to re|dreſſe ſuch
miſchiefe as appeared to be at hand, by theſe tumultes, tooke paine and road
betweene the King, the Erle, and the Duke, to reconcile them eche to
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theyr charitable motion
and cauſes alledged, bycauſe they were of the chiefeſt of the Nobilitie, and
therefore caried both credite and authoritye with them, ſo aſſwaged the
woodes both of the king, the Duke and the Erle, that eche gaue faith to
other to come and goe ſafely without ieopardy. In which promiſe both the
Duke and Erle p [...]|ting perf [...] confidence, come both to London.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Weſtminſter, the King
the Duke, and the Earle, had long communication togither for to haue come to
an agreement, but they fell at ſuche great wordes vpon rehearſal of olde
matters, that in gret furie without any concluſion they depart, the king to
Canterburye, and the Duke and the Earle to Warwike, where the Earle procured
a newe armie to be rayſed in Lincolnſhire, & made Captaine therof,
ſir Robert Welles ſonne to Ri|chard Lorde Welles, a man of greate experience
in warre.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The King aduertiſed
hereof,1470 without delaye prepared on armie,
and our of hand he ſent to Ri|chard Lorde Welles, willing him vpon the
fighte of his letters, to repayre vnto him: whiche to doe he had oftentymes
refuſed, excuſing himſelfe by ſickneſſe and feebleneſſe of bodie. But when
that excuſe ſerued not, he thinking to pourge himſelfe EEBO page image 1322
ſufficiẽtly, of all offence & blame before the kings preſence,Sir Thomas Dymmock. tooke with him ſir Thomas
Dimmocke who had maryed his ſiſter, & ſo came to London, and when he
was come vp, being admoniſhed by his friendes that the king was greatly with
him diſpleaſed, hee with his brother in law tooke the Sanctuarie at
Weſtminſter: but king Edwarde truſting to pacifie all this buſie tumult
wythoute any further bloudſhed, promiſed both thoſe perſõs their pardons,
cauſing them vpon his promiſe to come out
of ſanctuarie to his preſence, and calling to him the Lorde Welles, willed
him to write to his ſonne to leaue off the warre, and in the meane ſeaſon he
with his armie went forwarde, hauing with him the Lord Welles,An. reg. 10.
& ſir Thomas Dim|mocke, and being not paſt two dayes iourney
frõ Stamforde, where his enimies had pitched theyr field, and hearing that
ſir Robert Welles, not re|garding his fathers letters, kept his campe
ſtill,The L. Wels and Thomas Dimmock be|headed.
be cauſed the Lord Welles father to the ſaid ſir Ro|bert, and ſir Thomas
Dimmocke to be beheaded contrarie to his promiſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sir Robert Welles baring
that the king ap|proched, and that his father and ſir Thomas Di|mocke were
beheaded, though he was ſomewhat doubtfull to fight, before the Earle of
Warwike were with his power aſſembled, hauing yet a yõg and luſtie courage,
manfully ſet on his enimies. The battaile was ſore fought on both ſides, and
many a man ſlaine, till ſir Robert perceyuing his
[figure appears here on page 1322] people at poynt to flie, was buſily in hand to ex|hort
them to tarie, and in the meane time being compaſſed about with his enimies
was there ta|ken, and with him ſir Thomas de Laund knight, and many mo.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After the taking of their
Captain, the Lincoln|ſhire men amaſed,
threw away there coates the lighter to runne away, and fled amaine, and
there|fore this battaile is called there yet vnto this day, Loſecote
fielde.Loſecote field.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king reioyſing at
this victorie, cauſed ſir Robert Welles and diuers other to be put to
exe|cution in the ſame place. The fame went that at this battaile was ſlaine
ten M. men at the leaſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Earle of Warwike lay
at the ſame time at his Caſtell of Warwike, and ment to haue ſet forwarde the next day towarde his armie in
Lin|colnſhire, but when he heard that the ſame was ouerthrowne, he tooke
newe counſaile, and wyth al diligence ymagined how to compaſſe Thomas Lorde
Stanley, which had maryed his ſiſter, that he might be one of the
conſpiracie:The faithful|neſſe of the L.
Stanley. whiche thing when hee could not bring to paſſe (for the
Lorde Stanley had anſwered him, that he woulde neuer make warre agaynſt king
Edwarde) be thought no longer to ſpende time in waſt, and miſtruſting hee
was not able to meete with his enimies, he with his ſonne in lawe the Duke
of Clarence, departed to Exceter,The Duke o [...] Clarence [...] the erle of [...] wicke take [...]|ſ [...], and there tarying a fewe dayes determined to ſayle into
Fraunce, to pur|chaſe ayde of King Lewes. And reſting vppon this poynte, hee
hyred Shippes at Dartmouth, and when the ſame were readie trimmed and
decked, the Duke and the Earle wyth theyr wyues, and a greate number of
ſeruauntes em|barqued themſelues, and fyrſt tooke theyr courſe towardes
Calays, whereof the Earle was Captayne, thinking there to haue lefte hys
wyfe, and daughters, till hee had returned out of Fraunce.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 But when they were come
before the towne of Calays, they coulde not be ſuffered to enter, for the
Lord Vauclere a Gaſcoigne, being the Erles Deputie in that towne, whether
hee did it by diſ|ſimulation or hearing good will to King Ed|warde,The erle of Warwik [...]
[...] out at Ca [...]
(as by the ſequele it may be doubted whe|ther hee did or no) in
ſteade of receyuing his ma|ſter wyth tryumph, hee bent and diſcharged
a|gaynſt EEBO page image 1323 him diuerſe peeces of ordinaunce, ſending him
worde, he ſhould not there take lande. This Nauie lying thus before Calays
at an anker, the Ducheſſe of Clarence was there delyuered of a fayre ſonne,
whiche childe the Earles Deputie would vneth ſuffer to bee Chriſtened within
the towne, nor without great intreatie would permit two Flagons of wine to
bee conueyed abourde to the Ladies lying in the Hauen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king of England
aduertiſed of the refu|ſall made, by
Monſeur de Vawclere to the Erle of Warwike,
[...]ock [...]r de [...]ac [...]e made [...] of Calays. was ſo much pleaſed therwith, that incontinently
he made him chiefe captaine of the towne of Calays by his letters patents,
which he ſent to him out of hand, and therof diſcharged the Erle as a
traytor and a rebell.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Burgoigne
(vnto whom King Edward had written, that in no wiſe he ſhoulde receyue the
Earle of Warwike, nor any of hys friendes within hys Countreyes) was ſo well
pleaſed with ye doings of Monſeur de
Vawclere, that he ſent to him his ſeruaunt Philip de Com|mynes, and gaue to
him yearely a thouſande Crownes in pencion, praying and requiring him to
continue in truth and fidelitie towarde King Edwarde, as he had ſhewed and
begonne. But though Monſeur de Vawclere ſware in the ſayd Philippes
preſence, truly to take king Edwards part,The double
dealing of Monſeur Va [...]e. yet hee ſente priuily to the Earle of War|wike lying at
Wytſandbay, that if he landed, he ſhoulde
be taken and loſt, for all Englande (as he ſayde) tooke part agaynſt him,
the Duke of Bur|goigne,The Lord Du|ras was a Gaſ| [...]ſo. and al the inhabitants of the towne, with the Lord Duras
the kings marſhal, and all the minne of the garniſon were his enimies.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Erle hauing this
aduertiſement from his feyned enimie, with his nauie ſayled towardes
Normandie, and by the way ſpoyled and tooke many ſhippes of the Duke of
Burgoignes ſub|iects, and at the laſt with all his nauie and ſpoile,
hee tooke land at Dieppe in
Normandie,The erle of Henrie lan|ded at Dieppe.
where the gouernour of the Countrey friendly welco|med hym, and aduertiſed
King Lewes of hys arriuall.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The French king deſirous
of nothing more than to haue occaſion to pleaſure the Earle of Warwike, of
whom the high renowme cauſed al mẽ to haue him in admiration, ſent vnto
him, re|quiring both him and his ſonne in lawe the duke of Clarence,
[...]. to come vnto his Caſtel of Amboys where be then ſoiourned.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Duke of Burgoigne
hearing that the Duke and Earle were thus receyued in France, ſent a poſt
with letters to the king Lewes, partly by way of requeſt, and partly by way
of mena|cing, to diſſwade him from ayding of his aduer|ſaries, the ſaid duke
and erle. But the French K. little regarded this ſute of the duke of
Burgoigne and therefore anſwered that he might & woulde ſuccour his
friends, and yet breake no league with him at all.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane time king
Edwarde made in|quirie for ſuch as were knowne to bee ayders of the Erle of
Warwike within his realme, of whõ ſome he apprehended as guiltie, and ſome
doub|ting themſelues fledde to Sanctuarie, and other truſting to the kings
pardon,Iohn Marques Montacute. ſubmitted
themſel|ues, as Iohn Marques Montacute whome hee courteouſly receyued.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 When Queen Margaret that
ſoiourned with duke Reigner hir father heard tell that the Earle of Warwik
was come to the French court, with all diligence came to Amboys to ſee him
with hir onely ſonne prince Edward. And with hir came Iaſper Earle of
Pembroke,The erles of Pembrok and Oxford. and
Iohn Earle of Oxford, which after diuerſe impriſonments late|ly eſcaped,
fled out of England into France, and came by fortune to this aſſemble.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe perſones after
intreatie had of their af|fayres, determined by meane of the French king to
conclude a league and amitie betweene them.A
league. And firſt to begin withall for the ſure foundation of
their newe treatie,Edward Prince of wales mari|ed.
Edward prince of Wales wedded Anne ſeconde doughter to the Earle of Warwike,
which Ladie came with hir mother into Fraunce.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After which mariage, the
Duke & the Erles tooke a ſolemne othe, that they ſhoulde neuer leaue
the warre, till eyther king Henrie the ſixt, or hys ſonne Prince Edwarde
were reſtored to the Crowne, and that the Queene and the Prince ſhoulde
depute and appoynt the Duke and the Erle to be gouernours and conſeruators
of the common wealth, til time the prince were come to eſtate. Many other
conditions were agreed as both reaſon and the weightineſſe of ſo great a
bu|ſineſſe required.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt theſe things were
thus a doing in the Frenche Court, there landed a Damſell be|longing to the
Ducheſſe of Clarence (as ſhe ſaid) which made Monſeur de Vawclere beleeue,
that ſhe was ſent from king Edward to the Duke of Clarence, & the
Erle of Warwike with a plaine ouerture and declaration of peace. Of the
which tydings, Vawclere was very glad for the Erles ſake: but this damoſell
comming to the duke, per|ſwaded him ſo much to leaue off the purſute of his
conceyued diſpleaſure towardes his brother king Edward,The promiſe of the Duke of Clarence. that he promiſed at his
returne in|to England, not to be ſo extreme enimie againſt his brother as he
was taken for, and this promiſe afterward he did keepe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 With this anſwere the
Damoſell returned into England, the Erle of Warwike thereof be|ing clearely
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The French King lent both
Shippes, men EEBO page image 1324 and money vnto Queene Margaret, and to hir
partakers, and appoynted the Baſterd of Bour|bon, Admyrall of Fraunce with a
great nauie to defende them agaynſt the nauie of the Duke of Burgoigne,
whiche hee layde at the mouth of of ye riuer Saine readie to encounter them
being of greater force than both the Frenche nauy and the Engliſh Fleet: and
yet king Reigner did alſo helpe his daughter with men and munitions of
warre. When their ſhips and men were come to|gither to Harflue, the Erle of Warwike thought not to linger
time, bycauſe he was certified by let|ters from his friends out of England,
that aſſone as he had taken lande, there would be readie ma|ny thouſandes to
do him what ſeruice and plea|ſure they coulde or might.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And beſide this, diuerſe
noble men wrote that they would helpe him with men, armour money, and all
things neceſſarie for the warre, and fur|ther to aduenture their owne bodies
in his quarel.
Compare 1587 edition:
The loue which the peo|ple bare to the erle of
War|wike.Surely his preſence was ſo muche deſired of all the
people, that almoſt all men were readie in armour, loking for his arriuall:
for they iudged that the very Sunne was taken from the worlde, when he was
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When hee had receyued
ſuche letters of com|fort, he determined with the Duke, and the Erles of
Oxforde and Pembroke (bycauſe Queene Margaret and hir ſonne were not fully
yet furni|ſhed for the iourney) to go before with part of the nauie, and part of the armie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And euen as fortune
would, the nauie of the Duke of Burgoigne at the ſame time by a tem|peſt was
ſcattered and dryuen beſide the coaſt of Normandie, ſo that the Earle of
Warwike in hope of a bone voiage, cauſed ſayles to be halfed vp, and with
good ſpeede landed at Dartmouth
[figure appears here on page 1324]
in Deuonſhyre, from whence almoſte ſixe
Mo|nethes paſſed he tooke his iorney toward France, (as before ye he haue
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the Earle had taken
[...]atiõ he made a Proclamation in the name of King Henrie the
ſixt, vpon high paynes commaunding and char|ging all men able to beare
armour, to prepare themſelues to fight agaynſt Edwarde Duke of Yorke, which
contrarie to ryght had vſurped the Crowne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It is almoſt not to be
beleeued, howe manye thouſandes of men of warre at the firſt things of the
Earles landing reſorted vnto him.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 King Edwarde wakened with
the newes of the Erles landing, and the great repayre of peo|pl that came
flocking in vnto him, ſent forth let|ters into all parts of his realme to
rayſe an anny, but of them that were ſent for, few came, and yet of thoſe
fewe the more part came with no greate good willes: which when he perceyued,
hee began to doubt the matter, and therefore being accom|panied with the
Duke of Glouceſter hys brother, the Lorde Haftings hys Chamberlaine, whiche
had maryed the Earles Syſter, and yet was e|uer true to the King his
maiſter, and the Lorde Scales brother to the Queene, hee departed in|to
Lyncolnſhyre, and bycauſe hee vnderſtoode that all the Realme was vp agaynſt
hym, and ſome parte of the Earle of Warwickes power, was within halfe a
dayes iourney of him, follo|wing the aduice of hys Counſayle, with all haſt
poſſible hee paſſed the Waſhes in greate leopar|die, and comming to
Lynne,King Edw [...] cometh to Lynne and [...]|keth ſhipp [...] paſſe ouer [...]
founde there an Engliſh Shippe, and two Hulkes of Hollande readie
(as fortune woulde) to make ſayle, where|vpon hee with his brother the Duke
of Glou|ceſter, the Lorde Scales, and dyuerſe other hys truſtie friendes,
entred into the ſhip.The L. Haſ|tings. The Lorde
Haſtings taryed a whyle after, exhorting all hys acquaintaunce, that of
neceſſitie ſhoulde tary be|hinde, to ſhewe themſelues openly as friendes to
king Henrie, for theyr owne ſafegarde, but hear|tily requiring them in
ſecret, to continue faythfull to king Edward.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This perſwaſion declared,
he entred the ſhip with the other, and ſo they departed, being in nũ|ber in
that one ſhippe and two Hulkes,The [...] that paſ [...]ed [...]|uer with king Edwarde. about ſe|uen or eight hundred
perſons, hauing no furni|ture of apparell or other neceſſarie things with
them, ſauing apparell for warre.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 As king Edward with ſayle
and oare was thus making courſe towardes the duke of Bur|goignes Countrey
(whither he determined at the firſt to go) it chanced that ſeuen or eight
gallant ſhips of Eaſterlings, then open enimies both to England and Fraunce,
were abroade on thoſe Seas, and eſpying the Kings veſſels, beganne to chaſe
him. The kings ſhip was good of ſayle,King Edw [...] arriued at [...]are. and ſo much gat of the Eaſterlings, that he cauſe on
the coaſt of Holland, & ſo diſcended lower be|fore a towne in ye
country called Alkmare, & there caſt ancre as nere the towne as was
poſſible, by|cauſe they could not enter the hauẽ at an ebbing water.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1325The Eaſterlings alſo approched the Eng|liſh ſhip as neare
as their great ſhips could come at the lowe water, intending at the floud to
haue their pray as they were verie like to haue atteined it in deede,The Lord C [...]late. if the Lorde Gronture, gouernour of that Countrey for
the Duke of Burgoigne, had not by chaunce beene at the ſame tyme in that
Towne, and vpon knowledge had of King Ed|wardes arriuall there in the Hauen,
and in what daunger he ſtoode, by reaſon of the Eaſterlings, commaunded them not to bee ſo hardie as once to
meddle with any Engliſh men, being both the Dukes friendes and allies.He commeth abade. And then did King Edwarde and all
his companye come a lande after they had beene well refreſhed and gentlye
comforted by the Lorde Grouture, they were by hym brought to the Haghe, a
riche Towne in Hollande, where they remayned a while, hauing all things
neceſſarie miniſtred vnto them by or|der of the Duke of Burgoigne, ſente
vnto the Lorde Gronture, immediately vpon
certificate ſent from the ſayd Lorde Gronture of king Ed|wardes
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the ſame was once
ſpred abroade that King Edwarde was fledde the Realme, an in|numerable
number of people reſorted vnto the Earle of Warwike to take hys part, but
all king Edwardes truſtie friends went to diuerſe Sain|tuaries,King Edwards [...]iend [...] take Sanctuary. and amongſt other his wife Queene
E|lizabeth tooke Saintuarie at Weſtminſter, and there in great penurie forſaken of all hir friendes, was
deliuered of a fayre ſonne called Edwarde,Queene
Eliza|beth deliuered of a Prince. whiche was with ſmal pompe lyke
a poore mans chylde Chriſtened, the Godfathers beeing the Abbot and Priour
of Weſtminſter, and the Godmother the Ladie Scrope.
Compare 1587 edition:
The kentiſh|men make an [...]y bu [...]ley.The Kentiſhmen this ſeaſon (whoſe myndes be euer
moueable at the change of Princes) came to the Suburbs of London, ſpoyled
manſions, robbed beerehouſes, and by the counſaile of Sir Giffray Gates and other Saintuarie men, they brake vp the
kings Benche, and deliuered priſo|ners, and fell at Radcliffe, Lunchouſe,
& Saint Katherines, to burning of houſes, ſlaughter of people, and
rauiſhing of women, whiche ſmall ſparckle had growne to a greater flame, if
the Erle of Warwike with a greate power had not ſodainly quenched it, and
puniſhed the offenders, which benefite by him done, cauſed him muche more to
be eſteemed and lyked amongſt the com|mons
than he was before.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 When he had ſetled al
things at his pleaſure, vpon the .xij. day of October,
[...]ng Henry [...]ed out of [...] and [...]a [...]e to his [...]g [...] gouern [...]. he rode to the tower of London, and there deliuered king
Henrie oute of the warde, where hee before was kept, and brought him to the
kings lodging, where he was ſerued according to his degree. And the .xxv.
day of the ſayde Moneth, the Duke of Clarence accompanied with the Earles of
Warwike and Shreweſburie, the Lorde Straunge, and other Lordes &
Gentlemen, ſome for feare, and ſome for loue, and ſome onely to gaſe at the
wauering worlde, went to the Tower, and from thence brought king Henrie
apparelled in a long gowne of blew Veluet, through London to the Church of
Saint Paule, the people on euerye ſyde the ſtreetes reioyſing and crying,
God ſaue the king, as though ich thing had ſucceeded as they would haue had
it: and when he had offred as kings vſe to do, he was conueyed to the
Biſhops Palais, where he kept his houſhold like a king. When K. Henry had
thus readep [...]ed and e [...]ſoones gottẽ his Regal power & authoritie,A parliament. he called hys highe Court of Parliament to begin
the .xxvj. day of Nouember, at Weſtm. in the which K. Edward was adiudged a
traytor to the countrey,King Edward ad [...]udged an vſurper. and an vſurper of the Realme. His goodes
were confiſ|cate and forfeyted. The like ſentence was gi|uen againſt all his
partakers & friends. And beſide this it was enacted, that ſuch as
for his ſake were apprehended, and were either in captiuitie or at large
vpon ſureties, ſhould be extreemely puniſhed according to theſe demerites,
amongſt whõ was the L. Iohn Tiptoft Erle of Worceſter lieutenãt for king
Edwarde in Irelande, exerciſing there more extreme crueltie than princely
pitie, and namely on two infants being ſonnes to the Erle of Deſmond. This
Erle of Worceſter was ey|ther for treaſon to him layde,The E. of Wor+ceter Tiptofe beheaded. or for malice a|gainſt him
conceyued, atteynted and beheaded.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, all ſtatutes
made by king Edward were clearely reuoked, and the Crownes of the realmes of
Englande and Fraunce,The Crowne entailed. were by
au|thoritie of the ſame Parliament entayled to king Henrie the ſixth, and to
his heyres Males, and for default of ſuch heyres, to remaine to George Duke
of Clarence, and to his heyres male: and further the ſayd Duke was enabled
to bee nexte heyre to his father Richard Duke of Yorke, and to take from him
all his landes and dignities, as though he had beene his eldeſt ſonne at the
tyme of his death. Iaſper Erle of Pembroke, and Iohn Earle of Oxford, and
diuerſe other by king Ed|ward attainted, were reſtored to their old names,
poſſeſſions, and ancient dignities.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide this, the Earle of
Warwike (as one to whom the common welth was much bounde [...]) was made gouernor of the realme,The Erle of
Warwicke in|ſtituted gouer+nour of the realme. with whome as
fellow was aſſociated George Duke of Cla|rence. And thus was the ſtate of
the realme quite altered. To this Parliament came the Mur|ques Montacute,
excuſing himſelfe that for feare of death he declined to take king Edwardes
part, which excuſe was accepted.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When Queene Margaret
vnderſtoode by hir huſbands letters that the victorie was gotten by EEBO page image 1326 their friendes, ſhe with hir ſon Prince Edwarde
and hir traine entred their ſhips, to take their voi|age into England: but
the winter was ſo ſharpe, the weather ſo ſtormie, and the winde ſo
contra|rie, that ſhe was faine to take lande againe, and to deferre hir
iourney till another ſeaſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
Iaſper Erle of Pembroke.About the ſame ſeaſon,
Iaſper Erle of Pem|broke went into Wales to viſite his landes there in
Pembrokeſhire, where he found Lorde Henry ſon to his brother Edmond Erle of
Richmond, hauing not full ten yeares of
age, he being kept in maner like a captine, but honorably brought vp by the
Lady Herbert, late wife to William Erle of Pembroke, beheaded at Banburie
(as ye before haue heard.Margaret coũ|teſſe of Rich|mond
and Darbie.) This Henrie was borne of Marga|ret the onely daughter
and heire of Iohn the firſt duke of Somerſet, then not being full ten yeares
of age, the which Ladie though ſhe were after ioi|ned in mariage with Lorde
Henrie ſon to Hum|frey duke of Buckingham, and after to Thomas Stanley Earle of Darby, both being yong and apt
for generation, yet ſhe had neuer any mo chil|dren; as though ſhee had done
hir part to bring forth a man childe, and the ſame to be a king (as hee
after was in deede, entituled by the name of Henrie the ſeuenth as after ye
ſhall heare.)
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Erle of Pembroke toke
this childe being his nephew, out of the cuſtodie of the Ladie Her|bert, and
at his returne brought the childe wyth him to London to king Henrie the
ſixte, whome when the king had a good
while behelde,The ſaying of king Henry the ſixte, of
Henry of Rich+mont after k. Henry the ſeuenth. he ſayde to ſuch
princes as were with him: Lo ſurely this is he to whom both we and our
aduerſaries lea|uing the poſſeſſion of all things ſhall hereafter giue rowme
and place.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 So this holy man ſhewed
before the chaunce that ſhould happen, that this Erle Henrie ſo or|deyned by
God, ſhould in tyme to come (as he did in deed) haue and enioy the kingdome,
and whole rule of this realme of England.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Erle of Warwike
vnderſtanding, that his enimie the Duke of Burgoigne had receyued king
Edward, and ment to ayde him for recoue|rie of the kingdome, hee firſt ſent
ouer to Calais foure .C. Archers on horſbacke to make warre on the Dukes
countreys, and further prepared foure M. valiant men to go ouer very
ſhortly, that the Duke might haue his handes euen full of trouble at home.
And where ye haue heard that the Erle of Warwike was kept out of Calais at
his flee|ing out of Englande into Fraunce,
ye ſhall note that within a quarter of an houre after it was known that he
was returned into England, and had chaſed King Edwarde oute of the Realme,
not onely Monſeur de Vawclere, but alſo all o|ther of the garniſon &
towne,The ragged ſtaffe. ſhewed themſelues to
be his friends, ſo that the ragged ſtaffe was ta|ken vp and worne in euery
mans cap, ſome ware it of golde enameled, ſome of ſiluer, and hee that could
haue it neither of golde nor ſiluer, [...] it of whytiſh ſilke or cloth: ſuche wauering myndes haue the common
people, bending like a reed with euery winde that bloweth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Burgoigne
hauing an armye readie at the ſame time to inuade the frontiers of Fraunce,
to recouer the townes of Saint Quin|tines and Amiens, lately by the French
king ta|ken from him, doubted to be hindered greatly by the Engliſh men, if
he ſhould bee conſtrayned to haue war with them: for the duke of Burgoigne
helde not onely at that ſeaſon Flaunders, but al|ſo Bulleyne, and
Bullennoys, and all Artoys, ſo that hee was thereby in daunger to receyue
harme out of Calais on eche ſide.The D. of Bur|goigne
ſendeth Ambaſsadors to Calays. Therefore he ſent Ambaſſadours
thither, which did ſo muche with the Counſayle there, that the league was
newly confirmed betwixt the Realme of Eng|lande and the Dukes Countreys,
only the name of Henrie put in the wryting in ſteade of Ed|warde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This matter hyndered ſore
the ſute of King Edwarde, dayly ſuing to the Duke for ayde at hys handes,
the more earneſtly in deede, bycauſe of ſuche promiſes as by letters were
made vnto him oute of Englande, from hys aſſured friends there.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But Duke Charles woulde
not conſent o|penly to ayde King Edwarde,
He aydeth k. Edward [...] hand.
but ye ſecretely vnder hande by others, he lent to him fiftie
thou|ſande Florens of the Croſſe of Saint Andrew, and further cauſed foure
great Shippes to be ap|poynted for him in the hauẽ of de Vere, otherwiſe
called Camphire in Zealãd, which in thoſe dayes was free for all men to
come vnto, and the Duke hyred for him fourtene ſhips of the Eaſterlings well
appoynted, and for the more ſuretie tooke bonde of them to ſerue him truely
till hee were landed in Englande, and fyftene dayes after.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Eaſterlings were glad
of this iourney, truſting if he got agayne the poſſeſſion of Eng|lande, they
ſhoulde the ſooner come to a peace, and obteyne reſtitution of theyr
lyberiges and franchiſes whiche they claymed of former tyme to haue wythin
this realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Burgoigne
cared not muche, on whoſe ſide the victorie fell, ſauing for payment of his
money: For he would oft ſay, that he was friende to bothe partyes, and
eyther parte was friendly to him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Indeede as hee was
brother in lawe to the one, ſo was hee of kynne to the other, as by hys
Grandmother being daughter to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaſter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When therefore all King
Edwardes furni|ture and prouiſion for his iourney were once rea|die,VV. Fleetr [...]
hauing nowe with him about two thouſand EEBO page image 1327 able
menne of warre, beſyde Mariners, hee en|tred into the Shippes wyth them in
the Ha|uen before Fiſhing in Zealande, vppon the ſe|conde day of Marche: and
bycauſe the winde fell not good for hys purpoſe, hee taryed ſtill abourde
for the ſpace of nine dayes, before it turned meete for his iourney.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 11.
But after that the wind once came about as he wiſhed, the ſayles were
hoyſſed vpon the .xj. of March being Monday, and forward they ſay|led,
[...]arineth on the coaſt of Norfolke.
directing their courſe ſtreight ouer
towardes the coaſt of Norffolke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the next day being
Tueſday, and the .xij. of March, towardes the Euening they roade be|fore
Cromer, where the king ſent a lande ſir Ro|bert Chamberlaine, with ſir
Gylbert Debenham knights, and diuerſe other, to the ende they might diſcouer
the Countrey, and vnderſtand howe the people within the lande were bent
towardes him, eſpecially thoſe countreys there next adioyning.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Vpon their returne, he
vnderſtoode that there was no ſuretie for him to lande in thoſe
partyes.The Erle of Oxford. by reaſon of the
good order whiche the Earle of Warwike, and the Erle of Oxford eſpecially
had taken in that countrey to reſiſt him: for not only the duke of Norffolk,
but all other the gentlemen (whom the Erle of Warwike had in any ſuſpi|tion)
were by letters of priuy ſeale ſent for, and eyther committed to ſafe
keeping about London, or elſe enforced to finde ſuretie for their loyall
de|meanour towards king Henrie: yet thoſe
knights and other that were thus ſente forth to make in|quirie, were well
receyued of their friendes, and had good cheare. But after the king
perceyued by theyr report, how things ſtood thereaboutes, hee cauſed his
Shippes to make courſe towardes the north partes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame night following,
a great ſtorme of windes and weather roſe, ſore troubling the ſeas, and
continued till the .xiiij. day of that mo|neth being Thurſday, on the whiche daye with great
[...] arriueth [...] the head of [...]ber. by reaſon of the tempeſtuous rage and torment of the
troubled Seas, he arriued at the head of Humber, where the other ſhips were
ſcattered from him, eche one ſeuered frõ other, ſo that of neceſſitie they
were driuen to land in ſun|der where they beſt might, for doubt to be caſt
a|way in that perillous tempeſt,
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]e hadeth at [...]eaſpurre.The king with the Lord Haſtings his cham|berlaine,
and other to the number of fiue hun|dred
men being in one ſhip, landed within Hum|ber on Holderneſſe ſide, at a place
called Rauen|ſpurre, euen in the ſame place where Henrie Erle of Darbie,
after called k. Henrie the fourth, lan|ded, when hee came to depriue king
Richarde the ſecond of the crowne, and to vſurpe it to himſelfe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Richarde Duke of
Glouceſter, and three hundred men in his companie, toke land in an o|ther
place, foure miles diſtant from thence, where his brother king Edward did
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle Riuers, and
with him two hun|dred men landed at a place called Pole, fourtene miles from
the hauẽ where the king came a land. The reſidue of his people landed ſome
here ſome there in places where for theyr ſuretyes they thought beſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the morow being the
.xv. of March, nowe that the tempeſt ceaſed, and euery man being got to
land, they drewe from euerye of their landing places towardes the king, who
for the firſt nyght was lodged in a poore village two miles frõ the place
where he firſt ſet foote on land.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 As touching the folkes of
the Countrey, there came few or none to him, for by the incenſing of ſuch as
had bene ſent into thoſe parties from the Erle of Warwike and other his
aduerſaries, the people were ſhrewdly induced to ſtande agaynſte him. But
yet in reſpect of the good will that ma|ny of them had borne to hys father,
they coulde haue beene content, that hee ſhoulde haue enioyed his ryght to
his dewe enheritaunce of the Du|chie of Yorke, but in no wyſe to the tytle
of the Crowne. And herevppon they ſuffered hym to paſſe, not ſeeking to
annoy him, till they myght vnderſtande more of his purpoſed meaning.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 The king perceyuing howe
the people were bent, noyſed it abroade that hee came to make none other
chalenge, but to hys inheritaunce of the Duchie of Yorke, and withall ment
to paſſe firſt vnto the Citie of Yorke, and ſo forward to|wardes London, to
encounter with hys aduer|ſaryes, that were in the South partes: For
al|though his neareſt way had beene through Lin|colnſhyre, yet bycauſe in
taking that waye hee muſte haue gane agayne to the water, in paſſing ouer
Humber, be doubted leaſte it woulde haue beene thought, that he had
withdrawne himſelfe to the ſea for feare, and ſo to auoyde the rumours that
might haue beene ſpredde therof, to the hyn|deraunce of his whole cauſe, he
refuſed that way and tooke this other, ſtill broyting it (as before we
ſayde) that his comming was not to chalenge the Crowne, but onely to bee
reſtored vnto hys lawfull right and inheritaunce of the Duchie of Yorke,
which was diſcended to him from his fa|ther: and here it ſeemed that the
colour of iuſtice hath euer ſuche a force in it ſelfe, amongeſt all men,
that where before fewe or none of the com|mons coulde be founde that woulde
offer them|ſelues to take his parte, yet nowe that hee did (as they thought)
clayme nothing but that which was his right, they began ſtreyght to haue a
ly|king of his cauſe. And where there were gathered to the number of ſix or
ſeuen thouſande men in dyuerſe places, vnder the leading chiefely of a
Prieſt, and of a Gentleman called Martine EEBO page image 1328 de la
Mare,Martyn de la Mare or Mar|tyne of the ſea
in purpoſe to haue ſtopped his paſ|ſage: now the ſame perſons tooke occaſion
to aſ|ſiſt him, and when hee perceyued mens myndes to bee well qualifyed
wyth this feyned deuice, he marched forth till hee came to Beuerley, whiche
ſtoode in his direct way as hee paſſed towardes Yorke.He
paſſeth to|wardes Yorke. He ſent alſo to Kingſtone vpon Hull,
diſtant from thence a ſixe myle, willing that hee might be there receyued,
but the inhabitants who had beene laboured by his aduerſaries, refuſed in
any wiſe to graunt therevnto.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike
aduertiſed by Meſ|ſengers of king Edwardes arriuall, and of his turning
toward Yorke, with all haſt wrote to his brother the Marques Montacute, who
hadde layne at the Caſtell of Pomfret all the laſte Winter, wyth a greate
number of Souldiers, willing hym to conſider in what caſe theyr af|fayres
ſtoode, and therevpon with all ſpeede to ſette vppon King Edwarde, or elſe
to keepe the paſſages, and to ſtay him
from comming any further forwarde, tyll hee himſelfe as then be|ing in
Warwikeſhyre buſie to aſſemble an ar|mye, myght come to hys ayde with the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But this notwythſtanding,
although there were greate companies of people of the Coun|treyes
thereaboutes aſſembled, they came not yet in ſight of the King, but ſuffred
hym quiet|ly to paſſe, eyther bycauſe they were perſwaded that hee ment (as hee in outwarde wordes pre|tended) not
to clayme any tytle to the Crowne, but onely his ryght to the Duchie of
Yorke, or elſe for that they doubted to ſette vppon hym, al|though his
number were farre vnequall to theirs, knowing that not onely he himſelfe,
but alſo hys companie were mynded to ſell theyr liues deare|lye before they
woulde ſhrynke an ynche from any that was to encounter them. It maye bee
that dyuerſe of the Captaynes alſo were corrup|ted: and although outwardly
they ſhewed to bee agaynſt him, yet in
heart they bare him good wil, and in no wiſe minded to hinder him.
Compare 1587 edition:
K. Edward with out interrupti|on paſſeth for|ward to
YorkeSo, forwarde hee marched, tyll bee came to Yorke, on a Monday
beyng the eightenth day of Marche.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Before hee came to the
Citie by the ſpace of three Myles, the Recorder of Yorke, whoſe name was
Thomas Coniers (one knowne in deede not to beare hym any faythfull good
will) came to hym,Th. Conyers recorder of Yorke
and gaue him to vnderſtande, that it
ſtoode in no wiſe with his ſuretie, to preſume to approche the Citie, for
eyther hee ſhould bee kept oute by force, or if he did enter, hee ſhoulde
bee in daunger to be caſt awaye by hys aduerſa|ries that were within.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 King Edwarde
neuertheleſſe ſithe hee was come thus farre forwarde, knewe well ynoughe
there was no going backe for him, but manfully to proceede forwarde with hys
begunne [...] and therefore kepte on hys waye, and ſho [...] after there came to him out of the Citie, Robert Clyfforde, and
Rycharde Bourgh, who affirm him that in the quarell whiche hee pretended to
purſue, to witte, for the obteyning of hys right to the Duchie of Yorke, he
ſhoulde not ſayle, but be receyued into the Citie: but immediately af|ter
came the ſayde Coniers agayne with the like tale and information as hee had
brought before, and thus King Edwarde one while put in com|forte, and an
other while diſcouraged, marched forth till he came to the gates of the
Citie, where his people ſtayed whyleſt hee and aboute .xvj. or xvij. other
ſuch as hee thoughte meeteſt,King Edw [...] commeth [...] to Yorke. w [...]e forth, and entred the Citie wyth the ſayde Clif|forde and Bourgh,
and (as ſome wryte) there was a prieſt ready to ſay Maſſe, in which Maſſe
tyme the King receyued the Sacrament of the Communion,He
receiued an othe. and there ſolemnly ſware to keepe and obſerue
two ſpeciall Articles: although it was far vnlyke that he mynded to obſerue
eyther of them: the one was that hee ſhoulde vſe the Ci|tizens after a
gentle and courteous maner: and the other, that hee ſhoulde bee faythfull
and obe|dient vnto King Henries commaundementes. For this wilfull periurie
(as hath beene thought) the iſſue of this king ſuffered for theyr fathers
of|fence, the depriuation not onelye of landes and worldlye poſſeſſions, but
alſo of theyr naturall lyues by theyr cruell Vncle king Richarde the
Compare 1587 edition:
2 When king Edwarde had
thus gotten into the Citie of Yorke, he made ſuch meanes among the Citizens,
that he got of them a certaine ſum of money, and leauing a garniſon within
the ci|tie contrarie to his othe, for feare leaſt the Citi|zens after his
departure, might happily moue ſome rebellion aginſt him, he ſette forwarde
the next day towards Tadcaſter, a towne .x. miles from thence, belonging to
the Erle of Northum|berland. The next day he tooke his way towards
Wakefielde, and Sendall, a Caſtell and Lord|ſhip belonging to the
inheritaunce of the Dukes of Yorke, leauing the Caſtell of Pomfret vpon his
left hande,The Ma [...] Monta [...] feeth king E [...]+ward to p [...] by hym. where the Marques Mon [...]e with his armie lay, and did not once offer to ſtop him. Whether the
Marques ſuffred him ſo paſſe by ſo, with his good will or no, diuerſe haue
dy|uerſly coniectured. Some thinke that it lay not in the power of the
Marques greatly to annoy him, doth for that the king was wel beloued in
thoſe parties, and againe all the Nobles and common there for the moſt part
were towardes the Earle of Northumberlande, and wythoute him or his
commaundement they were not willing to ſturre. And therefore the Erle in
ſitting ſtill & not mouing to or fro, was thought to do K. Edward
EEBO page image 1329 as good ſeruice as if he had come to him, and ray|ſed
people to aſſyſt him, for diuerſe happilye that ſhoulde haue come with him,
remembring diſ|pleaſures paſte, woulde not haue beene ſo faythful as the
Erle himſelfe, if it had come to the iumpe of any hazarde of battaile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About Wake fielde and the
partes there ad|ioyning, ſome companie of his friendes came to him, whereby
his power was encreaſed, but no|thing in ſuch numbers as he looked for. From
Wakefielde he croſſed on the left hand,
ſo to come againe into the high way,
[...] Edwarde [...] to [...]on. and came to Donca|ſter, and frõ thence vnto Notingham.
Here came to him ſir William Parre, and ſir Iames Har|rington, with ſix
hundred men well armed and appoynted: alſo there came to him ſir Thomas a
[...]d. and ſir Thomas Montgomerie with their aydes, which cauſed
him at theyr firſt com|ming to make Proclamation in his owne name, to witte,
of King Edwarde the fourth, boldely
affyrming to him, that they would ſerue no mã but a king.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt he remayned at
Notingham, and al|ſo before he came there, hee ſent abrode diuerſe of his
auaunt courrers to diſcouer the countrey, and to vnderſtande if there were
anye power ga|thered agaynſt him. Some of them that were thus ſent aproched
to Newarke, and vnderſtoode that within the towne there, the duke of
Exceter, the erle of Oxford,The Duke of [...] with a [...]er at [...]ke. the lord Bardolfe, & other were lodged with a great power to the number of four M.
men, whiche they had aſſembled in Eſſex, Norffolke, Suffolke, and in the
ſhires of Cam|bridge, Huntington, and Lincolne.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The duke of Exceter and
the Erle of Oxford, and other the chiefe chaptains aduertiſed that K.
Edwards foreriders had bene afore the towne in the Euening, ſuppoſed verily
that hee and his whole armie were comming towards thẽ, wher|vpon they, not
thinking it good to abide longer there,
determined with al ſpeed to diſlodge, and ſo about two of the clocke after
midnight they de|parted from Newarke, leauing ſome of theyr people behinde,
which either ſtate away from thẽ, and taried of purpoſe, or could not get
away ſo ſoone as their fellowes. In deede the for [...]riders that ſo diſcouered them within the towne of Ne|warke aduertiſed
the king thereof in al poſt haſt, who incontinently aſſembled his people,
and forthwith marched towards them: but
before hee came within three miles of the towne, hee had knowledge that they
were fl [...]dde and gone from Newarke, wherevpon be returned again to No|tingham,
intending to keepe on his neareſt waye towardes the Earle of Warwike, whom
he vn|derſtood to be departed from London, and to bee come into
Warwikeſhyre, where and in the Countreys adioyning he was buſied in lenying
an army, with the which he purpoſed to diſtreſſe him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King then from
Notingham came to Leyceſter, where three thouſande able men,King Edwarde commeth to Leyceſter. and well furniſhed
for the warre came vnto him. Theſe were ſuch as he knewe would liue and die
in his quarell, the moſt parte of them belonging vnto the Lorde Haſtings the
kings Chamber|laine. And thus he being more ſtrongly accom|panied than
before, departed from Leyceſter,The earle of Warwick in
Couentry. and came before the walles of the Citie of Couentrie
the, xxix. day of March.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike was
withdrawne into this Citie, keeping himſelfe encloſed therein with his
people, beeing in number ſixe or ſeuen thouſande men.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The king ſent to him, and
willed him to come forth into the fielde, and there to make an ende of the
quarell in plaine battaile: but the Erle at that preſent refuſed ſo to
do.King Edwarde prouoketh the erle of War|wicke to
fight. For although vnder pre|tence of king Henries authoritie, he
was reputed the kings generall lieutenant of the whole realm, whereby he had
got ſuch power togither, as was thought able ynough to matche with the King
for number, yet bycauſe hee doubted howe they were bent in his fauour, hee
durſt not commytte the matter vnto the doubtfull chaunce of a bat|tayle,
till he had more of hys truſtie friendes a|bout him.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The king therefore three
dayes togither pro|uoked him to come forth,Hee cometh to
Warwicke. but when hee ſawe it would not be he remoued to Warwike
an eight myles from Couentrie, where hee was receyued as king, and ſo made
his Proclamations from that tyme forth in all places where he came, vn|der
his accuſtomed name and tytle of king. Hee lodged here at Warwicke, the
rather (as was thought) to prouoke the Earle to iſſue forth of Couentrie to
giue him battaile, howbeit that de|uiſe nothing auayled: but yet there came
dayly dyuerſe perſons on the Earles behalfe to treate with the king about a
peace,A [...]reaty for peace. that ſome good com|poſition might haue bene
concluded, and the king for the aduauncement of peace and tranquilitie
within the realme, offred large conditions, as a free pardon of life to the
Erle and all his people, with many other beneficiall Articles on their
be|halfes, which to manye ſeemed verie reaſonable, conſidering their heynous
offences. But the Erle would not accept anye offers, except hee might haue
compounded ſo as it pleaſed himſelfe, and as was thought in no wiſe to
ſtande with the kings honour, and ſuretie of his eſtate.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 In this meane while, the
Earle of Warwike ſtill looked for the Duke of Clarence,The Duke of Clarence. who by the ſayde Earles appoyntment had
aſſembled a po|wer of men of warre about London: but whẽ the Erle perceyued
that the Duke lingered forth the EEBO page image 1330 tyme, and did not vſe
ſuch diligence as was re|quiſite, as one that had bene in doubt of warre or
peace, he began to ſuſpect that the Duke was of his brother corrupted, and
therin he was nothing deceyued: for true it is, that whileſt the king was as
yet beyond the ſeas, in the Dominion of the duke of Burgongne, the duke of
Clarence began to wey with himſefe the greate inconuenience in|to the which
aſwell his brother King Edwarde, as himſelfe and his yonger brother the Duke
of Glouceſter were fallen, through the
diſſention be|twixt them (which had bene compaſſed & brought to
paſſe by the politique working of the Earle of Warwicke and hys complices)
as fyrſt the diſinheriting of them all from theyr right|full tytle to the
Crowne, ſecondlye the mortall and deteſtable warre, that coulde not but
enſue betwixt them to ſuche miſchiefe, that to whether part the victorie
enclyned, the victorer ſhould re|maine in no more ſuretie of his owne perſon
or eſtate after the vpper hande gotte,
than before: and thirdly he well perceyued alreadie, that hee was had in
great ſuſpition, and not heartily be|loued of anye the Lordes and Rulers
that were aſſured partakers with king Henry and the Lan|caſtrian faction,
inſomuch they ſticked not dayly to goe about to breake and make voyde the
ap|poyntments, articles, and couenants, made and promiſed to him, and of
likelyhoode would dayly more and more intende thereto, for in truth hee
ſawe that they purpoſed nothing ſo much
as the deſtruction both of him and of all his bloud, all which things
throughly conſidered, with many other as they were layde afore him, by right
wiſe and circumſpect perſons, which in this behalf had cõference with him,
he conſented that by ſome ſe|cret wayes and meanes a recõciliation might be
had betwixt him and his brethren, the king & the duke of Glouceſter,
the whiche to bring to ſome good and full effect, theſe honourable
perſonages following became dealers
therein. Firſt of all the duches of Yorke their mother, the duches of
Ex|ceter, and the duches of Suffolke their ſiſters, the Lorde Cardinall of
Canterburie, the Biſhop of Bathe, the Earle of Eſſex, but moſt eſpeciallye
the Duches of Burgongne their ſiſter alſo, and diuerſe other right wiſe and
prudent perſonages,Prieſts vſed for priuy
meſ|ſengers. who wrought by mediation of certaine Prieſtes, and
other ſuche as they vſed for meſſengers be|twixt them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Finally by the earneſt
trauaile and diligence ſhewed by the ſayd Duches of Burgongne (who
inceſſantly ſent to & fro ſuch hir truſtie Meſſen|gers now to the
king being on that ſide the ſeas,King Edward and his
bro|ther of Clarẽce reconciled vn|witting to the erle of
War|wike. and then to the Duke remayning here in Eng|lande) at
length they were made friendes, and a perfect agreement concluded and
ratifyed, wyth aſſurance betwixt them ſo ſtrongly as might be, to the
furthering whereof the Kings Chamber|laine the Lorde Haſtings fayled not to
doe hys beſt, ſo as by his good diligence, it was thought the king was the
ſooner induced to wiſhe to ioyne eſtſoones in true friendſhip with his ſayde
brother of Clarence.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 And as it well appeared
the Duke of Cla|rence acquit himſelfe faythfully therein: for hea|ring now
that his brother king Edwarde was landed and cõming forwards towards
London, he gathered his people,The dili [...]+lation of th [...] D. of Clare [...]
outwardly pretending to paſſe with them to the ayde of the Erle of
War|wike agaynſt his brother, although impartly hee ment the contrarie, and
ſo accompanied wyth a|boue foure thouſande men, he marched forth to|wardes
the place, where he thought to finde hys brother.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edwarde being then
at Warwike, and vnderſtanding that his brother of Clarence ap|proched, in an
after noone iſſued forth of that towne with all his forces, and paſſed on
till hee came into a fayre large fielde three myles diſtant from Warwike
towards Banburie, where hee might beholde his brother of Clarence in good
ar|ray of battayle, comming towards him.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 When they were now within
halfe a mile ap|proched togither, the king placed his people in or|der of
battaile, vnder their banners, and ſo left the ſtanding ſtill, and appoynted
them to keepe their grounde, whileſt he taking with him hys brother of
Glouceſter, the Lorde Riuers, the Lorde Ha|ſtings, and a fewe other, went
forth to meete hys brother of Clarence: and in like ſort the Duke of
Clarence tooke with him a fewe of the Nobilitie that were about him, and
leauing his armye in good order departed from them to meet the king,
& ſo they met betwixt both the hoſts with ſo ſweete ſalutations,
louing demeanor,The breth [...] meete louing|ly together. & good countenan|ces, as
better might not bee deuiſed betwyxt bre|thren of ſo highe and noble eſtate:
and beſydes that, the lyke friendly entertainment, and cour|teous demeanour
appeared in the ſalutings of the other Noble men, that were on them
abun|dant, whereof al ſuch as ſawe it, and loued them, greatly reioyced,
gyuing God thankes for that ioyfull meeting, vnitie, and concorde,
appea|ring thus manyfeſtly betwixte them, and here|wyth the Trumpettes and
other Inſtrumentes ſounded, and the King withall brought the d [...]e vnto his armie, whom he ſaluting in moſt cour|teous wyſe, welcomed
them into the lande, and they humbly thanking him, did to him ſuch
reue|rence as apperteyned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This done, the K. leauing
his hoſt again kee|ping their ground wt the ſame few perſons which he toke
with him before, went with his brother of Clarence vnto his armie, and
ſaluting thẽ with ſweete & courteous words, was ioyfully of them
EEBO page image 1331 welcomed, and ſo after this, they all came togy|ther
ioyning in one, and either part ſhewing thẽ|ſelues glad thus to meete as
friends with the o|ther, they went louingly togither vnto Warwik with the
king, where and in the countrey there|aboutes they lodged as they thought
ſtoode moſt with their caſe and ſafeties.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Herewith the Duke of
Clarence deſyrous a|boue all things to procure ſome good and perfite
accorde, betwixte hys brother the King, and the Erle of Warwike (which ſhould bring great quietneſſe to the lande,
and delyuer the common wealth of many daungers that myght enſue by reaſon of
ſuche numbers of partakers, as well Lordes as other that were confederate
with the Earle) the ſayde Duke treated with the Kyng preſent,The Duke of C [...]ce ſee| [...] make peace betwixt [...]he Land the E [...] Warwik. and ſent meſſengers vnto Couentrie to the Earle,
moouing as well the one as the other moſt inſtantly to frame theyr mindes
vnto a pa|cification.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The king at the inſtance
of his brother was contented to offer large conditions, and verie
be|neficiall for the Earle and his partakers, if they woulde haue accepted
them: but the Earle whe|ther vtterly diſpayring of his owne ſafetie, if hee
ſhoulde agree to any peace, or elſe happily for that he thought it ſtoode
with his honour to ſtand vnto ſuch promiſes and couenaunts as hee had made
with the French King, and with Queene
Margaret, & hir ſon prince, Edward, vnto whom he was bounde by othe
not to ſhrinke or ſwarue from the ſame, he refuſed all maner of ſuche
con|ditions as were offred.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Inſomuch that when the
Duke had ſent to him, both to excuſe himſelfe of the act whiche he had done,
and alſo to require him to take ſome good waye wyth King Edwarde, nowe while
he myght, the Erle after hee had paciently hearde the Dukes meſſage, hee
ſeemed greatlye to ab|horre his vnfaythfull dealing, in turning thus
from hys confederates and alies,
contrarie to his othe and fidelitie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To the meſſengers (as
ſome write,) hee gaue none other anſwere but this,The
erle of Warwicks an| [...]re to the Duke of Cla| [...]ce meſſage that he had leuer bee like himſelfe, than like a
falſe and periured Duke, and that he was fully determined neuer to leaue
warre, till he had either loſt his own life, or vtter|ly ſubdued his
Compare 1587 edition:
1 As it was thought, the
Erle of Oxfords per|ſwaſion wanted not, to make him the more ſtif|ly
to hold out, and rather to trie the
vttermoſt hazard of war, than to agree to acknowledge K. Edward for his
lawfull ſoueraigne lord & king. Whervpon no appoyntment nor any
agreement at all could be brought to paſſe, & ſo al that treaty
which the duke of Clarence had procured, brake off and tooke none
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There came to the Erle of
Warwike whileſt he lay thus at Couentrie, beſide the Erle of Ox|ford, the
duke of Exceter, & the Lorde Marques Montacute, by whoſe comming
that ſide was greatly ſtrengthned, & the nũber much encreaſed.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 The K. vpon conſideration
hereof, and percei|uing he could not get the Earle to come forth of
Couentrie, departed from Warwike, and eſt|ſoones ſhewing himſelf with his
people before the Citie of Couentrie, deſired the erle and his power to come
forth into the fields, that they might end their quarel by battel: which the
erle and the other lords with him vtterly refuſed as thẽ to do. This was
ye .v. of April being Friday.King Edwarde paſſeth
to|wards Londõ. An. reg. 11. The K. herevpõ was
reſolued to march towards London, where his principall aduerſarie king Henry
remayned, vſing his kingly authoritie by diuerſe ſuch of the nobilitie as
were about him, wherby K. Edward was barred and diſappoynted of many aydes
& aſſiſtants, which he was ſure to haue, if he coulde once breake
that force of the royal authoritie, that was ſtill thus exerciſed agaynſt
him in K. Hen|ries name. Wherefore (by the [...] of his bre|thren and other of his counſaile) accordingly as it had
bene ordeined before this his laſt [...]ting forth frõ Warwik, he kept on his way towards Lon|dõ, cõming to
Dãtrie on the Saterday at night, and on the morow being Palmſonday, he
hearde ſeruice in ye church there, & after [...]d vnto Northãp|ton, where he was ioyfully receyued. Frõ thence he
toke the next way towardes London, leauing continually behind him as he
paſſed forth a com|petẽt band of ſpeares & archers, to be at back
[...] of ye erle of Warwiks people, as peraduenture be might ſend abrode
to trouble him & his army by the waye. In this meane while, that
things paſſed in maner as before ye haue heard, Ed [...]d duke of Somerſet, & his brother Iohn Marques Dorſet, Tho.
Courtney erle of Deuonſhire, & o|ther being at London, had knowledge
by aduer|tiſemẽts out of France, that Q. Margaret with hir ſon prince
Edward, the coũteſſe of Warwik, the prior of S. Iohns, the L. Wenlocke,
& diuerſe other their adherents and partakers, with al that they
might make, were ready at ye ſea ſide, purpo|ſing with al ſpeede to ſaile
ouer into England, & to arriue in the weſt coũtrey wherevpon they
de|parted forth of London, and with al haſt poſſible drew weſtwarde, there
to raiſe what forces they could, to ioine with thoſe their friends
immediat|ly after they ſhould ouer come to land, & ſo to aſ|ſiſt
thẽ againſt K. Edward & his partakers.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 True it is, that the
Queene with hir ſon, and the other perſones before mentioned, tooke theyr
ſhippes, the .xxiiij. daye of Marche, continuyng on the Seas before they
coulde lande (throughe tempeſtes and contrary windes) by the ſpace of
twentie dayes, that is tyll the thirtenth of Aprill, on which day, or rather
on the fourtenth they EEBO page image 1332 landed at Weymouth, as after ſhall
appeare: but now touching king Edwardes proceeding for|ward on his iourney
towards London, yet haue to vnderſtand, that vpon the Tueſday the .ix. of
Aprill he came to Saint Albons, from whence he ſent comfortable
aduertiſements to the Queene his wife, remayning within the Sanctuarie at
Weſtminſter, & to other his faythfull friendes in and about Lõdon,
to vnderſtand by co [...]ext mea|nes how to deale to obteyne the fauor of the Ci|tizens,
ſo as he might be of them receyued. The
Erle of Warwike vnderſtanding all his doings and purpoſes, wrote to the
Londoners, willing & charging them in any wife to kepe king Edward
out of their citie, & in no condition to permit him to enter:The Archbi. of Yorke. and withall he ſent to his
brother the Archb. of Yorke, willing him by al meanes poſſi|ble to perſwade
the Lõdoners not to receiue him, but to defend the Citie agaynſt him for
ye ſpace of two or three dayes at the leaſt, promiſing not to faile but to come after him, & to be
readie to aſ|ſaile him on the back, not doubting but wholy to diſtreſſe his
power, & to bring him to vtter confu|ſion. The Archb. herevpon the
.ix. of Aprill, called vnto him at Paules, all ſuch Lords, knights, and
gentlemen, & other that were partakers on ye ſide, to the number in
all of ſix or ſeuen thouſand men in armor, and herewith cauſed king Henrie
to mount on horſebacke, and to ride from Paules through Cheepe down to
Walbroke,King Henry ſheweth his ſelfe to the
Londoners. & ſo to fetch
a compaſſe as the cuſtome was when they made their general Proceſſions,
returning backe againe to Paules vnto the Biſhoppes Palace, where at that
time he was lodged.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Archbiſhop ſuppoſed
that ſhewing the king thus riding through the ſtreetes, hee ſhoulde haue
allured the Citizens to aſſyſt his part. True it is that the Maior and
Aldermen had cauſed the gates to be kept with watch and warde: but now they
well perceyued that king Henries po|wer
was to weake, as by that ſhewe it had well appeared, to make full reſiſtance
againſt K. Ed|warde, and ſo not for them to truſt vnto, if King Edward came
forward, & ſhould attempt to en|ter the Citie by force: for it was
not vnknowne vnto them, that many of the worſhipfull Citi|zens, and other of
the Commons in great num|bers, were fully bent to ayde king Edward, in all
that they might, as occaſion ſerued.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus what through loue
that many bare to King Edwarde, and what
through feare that diuerſe ſtoode in, leaſt the Citie beeing taken by force
myght happily haue beene put to the ſacke, with the loſſe of many an
innocent mannes life, the Maior,The Londo|ners reſolue to
receyue K. Edwarde. Aldermen, and other the worſhipfull of the
Citie fell at a poynt among themſelues, to keepe the Citie to king Edwardes
vſe, ſo as hee might haue free paſſage and entrie into the ſame at his
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Archbiſhop of Yorke
perceyuing the af|fections of the people,The Archbi. of
Yorke. and howe the moſt part of them were now bent in fauour of
king Edwarde vppon the ſayde Kings approche towardes the Citie, he ſent
forth ſecretely a Meſſenger to him, beſeeching hym to receyue him againe
into hys fauour, promyſing to bee faythfull to hym in tyme to come, and to
acquitte this good turne hereafter wyth ſome ſingular benefite and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king vpon good cauſes
and conſiderati|ons therevnto him mouing, was contented to receyue him
againe into his fauour. The Archb. hereof aſſured, reioyced greatly, and
well & truely acquit him concerning his promiſe made to the king in
that behalfe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame night following
was the Tower of London recouered to king Edwards vſe.The
to [...]
[...]+couered to [...] Edwards vſe. And on the morrow being Thurſday, and the .xj.
of Aprill, king Edward quietly made his entrie in|to the Citie with his
power,King Edw [...] entreth into London. hauing fiue .C. ſmo|kie gunners
marching foremoſt being ſtrangers, of ſuch as he had brought ouer with him.
He firſt rode to Paules Church, and from thence he went to the Biſhops
Palace, where the Archb. of York preſented himſelf vnto him, and hauing K.
Hẽrie by the hand, deliuered him vnto king Edwarde,King
Henry [...] deliuered [...] him. who being ſeaſed of his perſon, and diuerſe other his
aduerſaries, he went from Paules to Weſt|mynſter, where he made his deuout
prayers, gy|uing God moſt hearty thanks for his ſafe returne thither
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This done, he went to the
Queene to com|fort hir, who with greate pacience had abidden there a long
time, as a Sanctuarie woman, for doubt of hir enimies, and in the mean
ſeaſon was deliuered of a yong Prince, which ſhee nowe pre|ſented vnto him,
to his great heartes reioycing and comfort. From Weſtminſter the king
re|turned that night vnto London againe, hauing the Queene with him, and
lodged in the houſe of the Duches his mother.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the morrow being good
Fryday, he tooke aduiſe with the Lordes of his bloud, and other of his
counſayle, for ſuch buſineſſe as he had in ha [...], namely howe to ſubdue ſuche his enimies as ſought his
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike
calling himſelfe lieu|tenant of England vnder the pretenſed authori|tie of
king Henrie, hoping that King Edwarde ſhoulde haue much a doe to enter into
London, marched forth from Couentrie with all his puiſ|ſance, following the
king by Northãton,The earle of Warwike [...]+loweth the [...]
in hope to haue ſome great aduantage to aſſaile him, ſpe|cially if
the Londoners kept him out of their city, as he truſted they would, for then
hee accounted himſelf ſure of the vpper hand, or if he were of thẽ EEBO page image 1333 receyued, yet hee hoped to find him vnprouided in
celebrating the feaſt of Eaſter, and ſo by ſet|ting vppon him on the
ſodaine, hee doubted not by that meanes to diſtreſſe him: but K. Edward
hauing intelligence of the Earles intention, pro|uided all things neceſſarie
for battaile, & hearing that the Erle of Warwike was now come vnto
Saint Albons with his armie, he determined to marche forth to encounter him
before hee ſhoulde approche neare the Citie.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Earle of Warwike, accompanied with Iohn Duke of Exceter, Edmond
Duke of So|merſet, Iohn Earle of Oxford, and Iohn Neuill Marques Montacute
his brother, vnderſtan|ding that king Edward was not onely receyued into
London, but alſo had got king Henrie into his hands, perceyued that the
tryall of the matter muſt needes bee committed to the hazard of bat|tell,
and therefore being come to the towne of S. Albons, he reſted there a while,
partly to refreſhe his ſouldiers, and
partly to take counſaile how to proceed in his enterprice. At length,
although he knew that his brother the Marques Montacute was not fully wel
perſwaded wt himſelf, to like of this quarell which they had in hand, yet
the bro|therly affection betwixt them tooke away all ſu|ſpition from the
Earle, and ſo he vtterly reſolued to giue battaile, and thervpon remoued
towards Bernet, a towne ſtanding in the midway be|twixt London and Saint
Albons aloft on a hill, at the ende
whereof towardes Saint Albones there is a fayre plaine for two armyes to
meete vpon,Gladmore [...]th. named Gladmoore heath. On the further ſide of which
plaine towardes Saint Albons the Erle pight his campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edwarde on the other
part being furni|ſhed with a mightie army (hauing ioyned to that power which
he brought with him certaine new ſupplies) vpon Eaſter euen the .xiij. of
April in the after noone marched forth, hauing his ſayd army deuided into foure battailes.The ordering [...] the kings [...]y. He tooke with hym king Henrie, and came that euening vnto
Ber|net, tenne ſmall myles diſtant from London, in which towne his
foreryders finding certaine of the Erle of Warwikes foreryders, bet them
out, and chaſed them ſomewhat further than halfe a myle from the Towne,
where by an Hedge ſide they founde readie aſſembled a great number of the
Earle of Warwikes people.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King after this
comming to Bernet, woulde not ſuffer a
manne to remayne in the Towne (that were of his hoſte) but commaun|ded them
all to the fielde, and with them drewe towardes hys enimyes, and lodged wyth
hys armye more nearer to them than hee was aware of,
[...]ng Edward [...]
[...]tore [...]les. by reaſon it was darke, ſo as hee coulde not well
deſcerne where they were encamped, forti|fying the fielde the beſt hee
coulde for feare of ſome ſodaine inuaſion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He tooke his grounde not
ſo euen afore them as hee woulde haue done, it be might, haue diſco|uered
the place, where they had lyne, and by rea|ſon thereof he encamped ſomewhat
aſyde [...]e of them, cauſing his people to keepe as much ſilence as was
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They had great artillerie
on both partes,Artillerie. but the Earle was
better furniſhed therewith than the king and therefore in the nighte ti [...] th [...] ſhotte off from his camp [...] in ma [...] continuedly, but doing [...] hurt to the kings [...] ſhooting them by reaſon they lay muche meane than the Erle or any of
his men [...] eſteeme, and ſuche ſilence was kept in the Kings campe, that no noyſe
bewrayed them w [...]te they lay for to the ende it ſhoulde not bee knowne to the eni|myes,
howe near the King wyth his armie was lodged vnto them,A
good pollicy the King woulde not ſuffer any of hys Gunnes in all
that nyght to bee ſhot off, leaſt thereby they myghte haue geſſ [...] the ground, and ſo leuelled theyr Artillarie to his a [...]|noyance.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Earely on the nexte
morning betwixt foure and fiue of the Clocke, notwithſtanding there was a
greate myſte that letted the fight of bothe partes to diſcouer the fieldes,
the king aduaun|ced hys Banners, & cauſed his Trumpettes to ſounde
to the battaile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the other part, the
Erle of Warwike at the verie breake of the day,Hall. had likewiſe ſet hys men in order of battaile in this
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the right wing hee
placed the Marques Montacute,The order of the battel of
both ſides. and the Earle of Oxforde with cer|taine horſemen, and
he with the Duke of Exce|ter tooke the left wing, and in the myddeſt
be|twene both, he ſet Archers, appoynting the duke of Somerſet to guide them
as their chieftaine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edwarde had ſet the
duke of Glouceſter in the foreward, the middleward he himſelfe with the duke
of Clarence, hauing with them King Henrie, did rule and gouerne. The Lorde
Ha|ſtings led the rerewarde, and beſide theſe three battails he kept a
companie of freſh men in ſtore, which did him greate pleaſure before the
ende of the battaile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here is to be remembred,
that aſwell the king on his parte, as the Earle of Warwike on hys, vſed many
cõfortable wordes to encourage their people, not forgetting to ſet forth
theyr quarels as iuſt and lawfull, the king naming his aduer|ſaries
traytours and rebels, and the Erle accoun|ting him a tyrant, and a torcious
vſurper. But when the tyme came that they once got ſight ey|ther of other,
the battel began very ſharpe & cruel, firſt wyth ſhotte, and after
by ioyning at hande blowes. At the fyrſt yet they ioyned not front to frõt,
as they ſhould haue done, by reaſon of the EEBO page image 1334 myſt that
tooke away the ſight of eyther armye, and ſuffred the one not to diſcerne
perfectlye the order of the other, inſomuche that the one ende of the Earle
of Warwikes armie ouerraught the contrarie ende of the Kings battaile whiche
ſtoode Weſtward and by reaſon thereof through the valiancie of the Earle of
Oxforde that ledde the Earles vowarde,The valiancie of
the erle of Oxforde. the Kings people on that part were
ouermatched, ſo that manye of them fled towardes Barnet, and ſo to London,
brin|ging newes that the Earle of Warwike hadde wonne the fielde.
[figure appears here on page 1334]
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Earles men in deede
followed freely in chaſe of thoſe, that were thus put to the worſe, and ſlue
many of them, but the reſidue of thoſe that fought in other partes coulde
not perceyue this diſtreſſe of the Kings people, bycauſe the thicke myſte woulde not ſuffer them to ſee anye
ſpace, farre off, but onelye at hande, and ſo the kings battaile that ſaw
not any thing what was done beſide them, was nothing diſcouraged. For a few
excepted, that ſtoode next to that part, there was not any one that wyſt of
that diſcomfiture, and the other of the Erle of Warwikes men, that fought in
other places ſomewhat diſtant from them,The manfull
courage of the Erle of War|wike were nothing the more encouraged
by this proſperous ſucceſſe of theyr fellowes, for they perceyued it not. And in like caſe as at the Weſt ende
the Earles battaile ouerreached the Kings, ſo at the Eaſt ende the Kings
ouerreached the Earles, and with like ſucceſſe put the Erles peo|ple in that
place to the worſe. At length after ſore fight, and great ſlaughter made on
both ſides king Edwarde hauing the greater number of men (as ſome write,
though other affyrme the contracie) beganne ſomewhat to preuaile: but the
Earle on the other ſyde remembring his an|cient fame and renowme, manfully ſtucke to it, and encouraged
his people ſtill ſupplying wyth newe ſuccours in places where hee ſawe
expedi|ent, and ſo the ſight renued more cruel, fierce, and bloudie than
before, inſomuche that the victorie remayned ſtill doubtfull, though they
had fought from morning till it was now farre in the day.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 K. Edward therefore
willing to make an ende of ſo long a conflict, cauſed a new power of freſh
men (which he had for this purpoſe kept in ſtore) to ſet on his enimies. The
Erle of Warwicke was nothing abaſhed herewith, but vnderſtan|ding that this
was all the reſidue of King Ed|wardes power, comforted his men to beare oute
this laſt brunt, and in ſo doing the victorie was ſure on their ſide, and
the battayle at an ende: but King Edwarde ſo manfully and valiaunt|ly
aſſayled hys aduerſaryes, in the myddle and ſtrongeſt part of theyr
battayle, that with great violence he bare downe all that ſtoode in his way,
for hee was followed and aſſyſted by a number of moſte hardye and faythfull
menne of warre, that ſhewed notable proufe of tried manhoode in that inſtant
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike,
(when his ſouldi|ers awearyed with long fight, and ſore weake|ned wyth
woundes and hurtes receyued in the battaile) gaue little heede to his
wordes, (beeing a man of an inuincible ſtomacke) ruſhed into the middeſt of
his enimies, whereas he (aduentu|ring ſo farre from his companie, to kill
and ſlea his aduerſaryes,The Earle of Warwicke
ſlaine. that hee coulde not bee reſkued) was amongeſt the preaſſe
of his enimyes ſtriken downe and ſlaine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Marques Montacute
thinking to ſuc|cour his brother,The Marques Montacute
ſlayne. was likewiſe ouerthrowne and ſlain, with many other of
good calling, as knights and Eſquiers, beſide other Gentlemen.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Some write that this
battaile was ſo driuen to the vttermoſt point, that king Edward him|ſelfe
was conſtrained to fight in his own perſon, EEBO page image 1335 and that the
Erle of Warwike which was wont euer to ride on horſbacke from place to
place, and from ranke to ranke, comforting his men, was now aduiſed by ye
Marques his brother, to leaue his horſe, and to trie the extremitie by hand,
ſtro|kes.The number ſlaine at Ber| [...]ld. On both parties were ſlaine (as Hall hath) ten thouſande
at the leaſt, where Fabian ſayth but .xv.C. and ſomewhat aboue. Other wryte
that there dyed in all about three thouſand.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Vpon the kings part were
ſlaine, the Lorde Crumwell, the Lord Say,
the Lorde Montioys ſonne and heyre, ſir Humfrey Bourchier ſonne to the L.
Berners, & diuerſe other knights, eſquiers, and gentlemen. The
battaile dured the ſpace of three houres very doubtfull by reaſon of the
miſt, & in ſkirmiſhing and fighting, now in this place now in that,
but finally the victorie fell on the Kings ſide, and yet it could not bee
eſteemed that his whole armie paſſed nine thouſande fighting men, (as ſome
wryte) where his aduerſaryes (as by the
ſame wryters appeareth) were farre aboue that number. But bycauſe thoſe that
ſo wryte, ſeeme altogyther to fauour King Edwarde, we may beleue as we
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Somerſet, and
the Earle of Oxforde fledde in companie of certaine Nor|thren menne, whiche
hadde beene at the bat|tayle,The Duke of Sommerſet
& the Erle of Oxford. and as ſome wryte, the Earle of
Ox|ford kepte forth wyth them, and retyred after into Scotlande, but yet as
well the Duke of So|merſet, as the ſayd
Erle of Oxforde in fleeing to|warde Scotlande,
[...]hal. changed their purpoſe vpon the way, and turned into
Wales to Iaſper Earle of Pembroke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Exceter being
ſtryken downe and ſore wounded,The Duke of
Exceter. was left, for deade in the field, amongſt other the dead
bodies, bycauſe hee was not knowne, and by reaſon thereof comming to
himſelfe, got vp, and in greate daunger eſcaped vnto Weſtminſter, and there
tooke Sanctuarie.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]d.King Edwarde hauing got this victorie, re|freſhing
himſelfe and his people a while at Ber|net, returned the ſame day vnto
London, lyke a tryumphaunt Conquerour, [...]ading wyth hym King Henrie as a captiue priſoner, and ſom [...]|king a ſolemne entrie at the church of S. Paule offred his ſtande [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The deade bodyes of the
Earle and Mar|ques, were brought to London in a Coff [...] and before they were buryed in by
the ſ [...] of three dayes, lay open vyſaged in the Cathedral church of Saint
Paule, to the inte [...] that all menne might eaſily receyue, that they [...]rydedly were deade.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The common brayde raunce
that the King was not ſo ioyous of the Earles death as ſor|rowfull for the
loſſe of the Marques whom hee full well knewe, (and no leſſe was it euident
to other,) to be his faythfull friende and well wyl|ler, for whoſe onely
ſake, hee cauſed both theyr bodies to bee buried wyth theyr aunceſters at
the Priorie of Biſſam.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the Tueſday in Eaſter
Weeke, came knowledge to King Edwarde, that Queene Margaret the wyfe of King
Henrie,Queene Mar|garet landeth with a power out of
France wyth hir ſonne Prince Edwarde was landed vpon Ea|ſter day
at Weymouth in Dorcetſhire, accom|panyed with Iohn Longſcrother Priour of
Sainte Iohns, commonly called Lorde Trea|ſorer of Englande, who went ouer
into Fraunce to fetche them: Alſo the Lorde Wenlocke, a man made onely by
king Edwarde, beſyde dy|uerſe other Knightes and Eſquires, of whome part had
beene long foorth of the Realme, and part newly gone ouer thyther to them in
compa|nie of the Lorde Treaſorer.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 They tooke theyr Shippes
at Hunflue, the xxiiij. of Marche (as before you haue heard) but through
contrarie wyndes and tempeſtes, they were driuen backe, and conſtrayned to
abide for conuenient winde, whiche although it came ſometyme about fitte for
theyr purpoſe, it conti|nued not long in that ende, ſo as if therevppon they
tooke the Sea, at any tyme, they were for|ced to returne backe againe to
land ere they could paſſe halfe the way ouer: and thus being diuerſe tymes
vnder ſay [...]e, in hope to paſſe the Seas hy|ther into Englande, they were ſtyll
driuen backe againe, till the thirtenth of Aprill beeing Eaſter euen, on
which day the winde comming fauou|rably about, they tooke the Seas, and
ſayled for|ward towards this land. The Coũteſſe of War|wike hauing a ſhip
of aduauntage, arriued before the other at Porteſmouth, & from
thence ſhe went to Southãpton meaning to haue gone to Wey|mouth, where ſhe
vnderſtood that ye Queene was landed: but here had ſhe knowledge of the
loſſe of Bernet field, & that hir huſband was there ſlain. Wherevpon
ſhee went no further towardes the Q. but ſecretely gotte hirouer the water
into the newe Forreſt,The counteſſe of Warwik ta|keth
Sanctuary. and tooke Sanctuarie within the Abbay of Beaulieu.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Queene Margaret,
& hir ſonne Prince Ed|ward with the other that landed at
Weymouth,The Duke of Sommerſet & the erle of
Deuonſhire cõ|fort Queene Margaret.
[...] from thence to an Abbey neare by called [...]. Thither came vnto them Edmond duke of Somerſet, and Thomas Courtney
Earle of D [...]ſhi [...] with other, and welcomed thẽ into England, cõforting the Queene in
the beſt ma|ner they [...]ulde and willed hir not to deſpayre of good ſucceſſe, for albeit they
had loſt one fielde, (whereof the Queene had knowledge the ſame daye beeing
Monday in Eaſter Weeke, the fif|tenth of Apryll, and was therefore ryght
ſorrow|full) yet they doubted not but to aſſemble ſuche a puyſſance, and
that very ſhortly, forth of diuerſe EEBO page image 1336 partes of the
Realme, as beeing faythfull and wholy bent to ſpende theyr lyues and ſhed
the beſt bloud in theyr bodyes for hir ſake, and hir ſonnes, it ſhoulde be
harde for King Edwarde to reſiſt them with all the power hee had or coulde
Compare 1587 edition:
Hall.The preſence of theſe noble men greatly
com|fort [...] hir, and relieued hir of the ſorrowes, that in maner ouerwhelmed hir
penſiue hearte, for ſhee doubted ſore the ende of all theſe proceedings, the
which they concluded vpon to follow,
for the ad|uancement of hir and hirs, ſpecially it miſgaue hir,The ſeat [...] whi|che Queene Margaret had for l [...] ſonu [...]. that ſome euill ſhoulde chaunce to hir ſonne prince
Edward, for ſhe greatly weyed not of hir owne perill (as ſhe hirſelf
confeſſed, & therefore ſhe would gladly haue had them either to haue
defer|red the battell till a more conuenient time, or elſe that hir ſon
might haue bene conueyed ouer into France againe, there to haue remayned in
ſafetie, till the chance of the next battell were tried: but they being of a contrarie minde, and namely the
duke of Somerſet, ſhe at let length conſented to that which they were
reſolued vpon.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus euery man being bent
to battaile, ga|thered his power by himſelfe, firſt in Somerſet|ſhire,
Dorſetſhire, and part of Wilſhyre, and af|ter in Deuonſhire and Cornwall,
for the better encouraging of which Countreys to ioyne with them in theyr
quarell, they repayred to Ex|ceter. Here they ſent for ſir Iohn Arundell,
and ſir Hugh Courtney, and many other, in
whome they had any confidence.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To be ſhort, they wrought
ſo, that they rayſed the whole powers of Cornwall and Deuonſhire, and with a
great army departing forth of Exce|ter, they tooke the right way to
Glaſtenburie, and from thence to Bathe, rayſing the people in all partes,
where they came: for thoſe Countreyes had beene ſo laboured, firſt by the
Earle of War|wike, and after by the duke of Somerſet, and the Erle of Deuonſhire (which two noble men were
recoued as olde inheritors of the ſame countreys) that the people ſeemed
there greatly enclyned in the fauour of king Henrie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edward being at
London, was dayly aduertiſed by faythfull eſpials of all the doings of his
aduerſaries, and was in no ſmall agonie, by|cauſe he coulde not learne what
way his enimies ment to take, for be purpoſed to encounter them in one place
or other, before they ſhould approche nere
to London. And vpon ſuch reſolution with ſuch an army as he had got about
London,King Edwards ſetteth forward his
enemies. fur|niſhed with all artillerie and other prouiſions
ne|ceſſarie, hee ſet forward the .xix. of Aprill, & came to
Windſore, where hee ſtayed a ſeaſon, as well to celebrate the feaſt of Saint
George, as to a|bide the comming of ſuche bandes as he had ap|poynted to
repayre thither vnto him, making there his generall aſſemble.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The enimies to maſker him
the more, ſent forth their foreryders vnto ſundrie townes, both as well to
rayſe people in the Countreys aboute, as to make the King to belieue, that
their purpoſe was to paſſe thoſe wayes, where neuertheleſſe they ment not
once to come: and herevpon when they departed from Exceter, they ſent firſt
theyr foreryders ſtreyght to Shafteſburie, and after to Saliſburie, and then
they tooke the ſtreight way vnto Taunton, to Glaſtenburie, and after to
Welles, where houering about in the Countrey, they ſente another time their
foreryders vnto a towne called Yuell, and to Bruton, as if theyr meaning had
bene to drawe towardes Reading and ſo through Barkſhire, and Oxfordſhire, to
haue marched ſtreight to London, or elſe to haue ſet vpon the king at ſome
aduauntage, if it were offered.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But king Edwarde
conſidering aduiſedly of the matter, perceyued well that they being in an
angle of the Realme, if they ment to go to Lon|don, they muſt eyther holde
the ſtreight waye forth by Saliſburie, or elſe drawing vp to the ſea ſide,
paſſe alongſt through Hamſhyre, Suſſex, and Kent, or happily if they
miſtruſted theyr owne ſtrengthes, as not able to matche wyth his puyſſaunce,
they woulde then ſlyppe on the left hande, and drawe towardes Cheſſhire, and
Lancaſhyre, there to encreaſe theyr forces, and peraduenture by the waye to
ioyne wyth a po|wer of Welche menne, vnder the leading of Iaſper Earle of
Pembrooke, who hadde beene ſente into Wales long afore, to frame and putte
in a readineſſe the people there to aſſyſte King Henryes friendes, at theyr
commyng thytherwardes. And ſuche was theyr pur|poſe in deed, for they had
great confidence in ſuch ayde as they truſted to haue of the Cheſſhire and
Lancaſhire men.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edwarde meaning to
approche nea|rer vnto them, that hee mighte the [...]er make way to ſtoppe them of theyr paſſage, on whiche hande ſoeuer
they drewe, departed from Wind|ſore the morrowe after Saint Georges day,
be|yng the .xx [...]ij. day of Apryll, keeping [...] iourneye tyll on Saterdaye the .x [...]vij. of [...] pryſſhe [...] came to Abing [...]o [...], where hee lay Sun|day all day.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On Monday hee marche of
[...]e to C [...]+cheſter, wh [...] hee hadde ſure ad [...], [...] they intended to bee at Bathe the ſame daye beeyng Tueſdaye, and on
Wedneſdaye to come forwarde to gyue him battaile: Where|vpon king Edwarde
deſirous to ſet his people in order of battayle, drewe with them forth of
the towne, and i [...]ped in the field three miles dy [...]
[...] from thence.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1337On the morrowe, hearing no certayntie of their cõming
forward, hee marched to Malmeſ|burie, ſtil ſeeking to encounter them: but
here hee had knowledge, that they hauing changed theyr purpoſe, meante not
to gyue hym battaile, and therefore were turned aſide, and gone to
Bri|ſtowe, where they were receyued, relieued, and well refreſhed, by ſuche
as fauoured theyr cauſe as well with vittayles, men, and money, as good
ſtore of artillerie: wherevppon, they were ſo en|couraged, that the Thurſeday after, they tooke the fielde agayne,
purpoſing to giue King Ed|warde battell indeede, and for the ſame intente,
had ſente theyr foreriders to a Towne, diſtaunt from Briſtowe nyne myles,
called Sudburie, appoynting a grounde for theyr fielde, a myle off the ſame
Towne,Sudbury hill. towardes the Kings campe,
called Sudburie hill.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King hereof
aduertiſed, ye ſame Thurſe|day, being the firſt of May, with hys army fayre
raunged in order of battaile, came
towards the place, by them appoynted for their field: but they came not
there, for hearing that King Edwarde did thus approche, vpon a new change of
reſolu|tion, they left that way: albeit, ſome of theyr her|bengers were come
as farre as Sudburie towne, and there ſurpriſed fiue or ſixe of the Kings
par|tie, that were raſhly entred that Towne, atten|ding onely to prouide
lodgings for theyr may|ſters.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lordes thus hauing
eftſoones chaunged theyr purpoſe, not meaning as yet to fight with the King,
directed their way ſtraight towardes Berkeley, trauelling all that night.
Frõ Barke|ley, they marched forwarde towardes Glouce|ſter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King in the meane
time, on the Thurſe|day after noone, came to the ſame ground, called
Sudburie hill, and there ſtayed, ſendyng [...]che ſ [...]ow [...]ire [...], to hearken what they mighte vnder|ſtand of the enimies, whome he tooke to be ſome|where at hand:
but when hee coulde not heare a|ny certaynetie of them, he aduaunced
forwarde, lodging hys van [...]garde in a valley beyond [...] the hill, towardes the Towne of Sudburie, and lay hymſelfe with the
reſidue of hys people at ye [...] place, called Sudburie hill.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About three of the clocke
after midnight, hee was aduertiſed, that his enimies hadde taken theyr way
by Barkely, towardes Glouceſter.
Heerevpon, taking aduice of hys counſell, what was beſt to doe, he was
coũſelled to ſend ſome of hys ſeruauntes with all ſpeede vnto Glouceſter,
to Richarde Beauchamp, ſonne and he [...]
[...] Lorde Beauchamp of P [...], to whome [...] hadde before thys preſente, committed the rule and cuſtodie of the
Towne [...] Caſtel of Glou|ceſter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Kyng ſente therefore
with all ſpeede vnto him, commaundyng hym to doe hys [...]t, to defend the Towne and Caſtell agaynſte hys enimies, if they came
to aſſayle the ſame, as [...] was ſuppoſed they intended, and if they ſ [...]dy, hee promiſed to come with hys whole armie preſently to the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The meſſengers dyd theyr
diligence, and ſo beeyng ioyfully receyued into Glouceſter, [...] Towne and Caſtell, by the vigilant, regarde of the ſayde Richard
Beauchamp, was put in [...] keeping.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 And this meſſage was done
in good tyme, for true it is, there were diuers in the Towne, that could
haue bin well contented, that the Queene, and the Lordes with hir, ſhoulde
haue bin recey|ued there, and woulde haue aduentured to haue broughte it to
paſſe, if they had not bin thus pre|uented: and the Queene and the Lordes
with hir, hadde good intelligence with dyuers in the Towne, ſo as they were
putte in greate hope, to haue entred the ſame: wherevpon, they trauelled
theyr people ryghte ſore all that night and mor|ning, comming before the
Towne of Glouce|ſter, vppon the Friday, about tenne of the clocke. And when
they perceyued that they were diſap|poynted of theyr purpoſe, and theyr
entrie [...]tly denyed, they were highly therewith diſpleaſed, for they knew very
well, that dyuers within the Towne bare theyr good willes towardes them but
after they hadde vſed certayne menacyng braueries, and made a ſhewe as if
they hadde meane to aſſault ye gates, and walles ſo to haue entred by
force, they departed theyr wayes mar|ching with all ſpeede towardes T [...]w [...]+rie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It myght be maruelled at, why they attempted not the winning of
Gloucester indeede, Glouceſter, why it was not
aſſaulted. considering the friendes whiche they knewe they hadde
within it: but the cause whyche moued them chiefly to forbeare, was, for
that as well they without, as the other within the Towne, knewe that King
Edward approched at hande, and was ready to set vppon them on the backes, of
they hadde once begunne to haue assaulted the Towne, and so, neyther they
within the Towne, that were the Kyngs friendes, doubted the enimies forces,
nor the enimie indeede durst attempte anye suche enterprice agaynste them.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 About foure of the clocke in the after noone, they came to
Tewkesburie, A long march. hauing trauelled that
nighte last past, and that day, sixe and thirtie long myles, in a foule
Countrey, all in lanes and stonie wayes, betwixt wooddes, without anie good
refreshing, so that as well as the men, as the horses, were ryghte weerie:
and where the more parte of theyr armye consisted of foote men
EEBO page image 1338 men, the Captaynes coulde not haue gone any further,
excepte they woulde haue left theyr footmenne behynde them, and so of
necessitie, they were driuen to staye there, determinyng to abide the
aduenture that God woule sende them, for well they knewe that the Kyng
followed the(m) very neere at hande, so as if they shoulde haue gone
further, and lefte the most parte of theyr companie behynde, as it coulde
not otherwise haue chanced, he would haue bene readye to haue taken the aduauntage whollye, so to distresse them.
Compare 1587 edition:
The place where the Lords encam|ped.Herevpon, they
pight theyr fielde in a cloſe, euen harde at the Townes ende, hauyng the
Towne and the Abbey at theyr backes, and di|rectly before them, and vpon
eache ſyde of them, they were defended with comberſome lanes, deepe ditches,
and manye hedges, beſide hylles and bales, ſo as the place ſeemed as noyſome
as myght bee, to approche vnto.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Kyng thys Friday,
verye earely in the mornyng, aduaunced hys Standertes, and in good order of
battell, hauing deuided his armye into three wardes, marched thorough ye
playnes of Cotteſwolde, the daye was very hotte, and hauyng in hys armye
aboue three thouſande footemenne, hee trauelled with them and the re|ſidue a
thirtie myles and more, by all whyche way,The painefull
march of king Edward with his armye. they could fynde neyther
Horſemeate, nor mans meate, no not ſo muche as water for theyr Horſes, excepte one little brooke, of the whiche,
they receyued no greate reliefe, for what with the Horſes and carriages that
paſſed tho|rough it, the water meane ſo troubled, that it ſerued them to no
vſe: and ſtill all that daye, Kyng Edwarde with hys armye, was with|in fyue
or ſyxe myles of hys enimies, hee in the playne Countrey, and they among the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Kyng Edwarde had euer
good eſp [...]als, to ad|ueriſſe hym ſtill what
his enimies did, and which way they tooke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At length, he came with
all hys armye, vnto a diſlage called Chiltenham,Chiltenham. lyke a fyue myles diſtant from Tewkeſburie, where he
hadde cer|tayne knowledge, that hys enimies were alrea|dye come to [...]ew [...]eſburie, and were encamped there purpoſing to abyde hym in that place,
and to d [...]yuer hym battell.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Kyng Edwarde therevppon,
made no long delay but tooke a little
reflection hymſelfe, and cauſed hys people to doe the lyke, with ſuch
pro|uiſion of vittayles as he had appoynted to de|comi [...]yed forth with hym, for the reliefe of hym|ſelfe and hys armie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thys done, hee ſee
forwarde towardes hys enimies, and lodged that nyghtes in a fielde, not paſt
three myles diſtaunce from there.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 On the morrowe beeyng
Saterday, and fourth of May, hee drewe towardes hys eni|mies, and marſhalled
his armye,The ordering of King Ed|wards b [...]
deuided into three battailes in thys ſort. He putte hys bro|ther the
Duke of Glouceſter in the fore warde, and hymſelfe in the middle ward. The
Lorde Marques, and the Lorde Haſtings ledde the rereward. Heerewith, hee
approched the enimies camp, whyche was righte harde to be aſſailed, by
reaſon of the deepe ditches, hedges, trees, buſ|ſhes, and comberſome lanes,
wherewith the ſame was fenced, both a frount, and on the ſydes, ſo as the
King coulde not well approche them to any aduauntage: and to be the better
in a readineſſe, to beate backe the Kyngs power, when hee ſhoulde come to
aſſaulte them, they were embattelled in thys order:The
ordering of the [...] hoſt. the Duke of Somerſet, and hys brother the Lorde Iohn
of Somerſette ledde the foreward: The middle warde was gouerned by the
Prince, vnder thẽ conduct of the Lorde of Saint Iohannes, and the Lorde
Wenlocke (whome King Edwarde hadde aduanced to the degree of a Barone) The
rereward was appoynted to the rule of the Erle of Deuonſhire.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus may ye perceyue,
that King Edwarde was put to hys ſhiftes, howe (to any aduantage) to aſſault
hys enimies. Neuertheleſſe, he beeyng well furniſhed with greate artillerie,
the ſame was aptly lodged, to annoy the enimies, that they receyued great
domage thereby,The Duke of Glouceſter. and the
Duke of Glouceſter, who lacked no policie, gal|led them greeuouſly with the
ſhotte of arrowes, and they rewarded theyr aduerſaries haue a|gayne, with
lyke paymente, both with ſhotte of arrowes, and greate artillerie,Tewkes [...]er [...] fielde. although they hadde not the lyke plentie of gunnes
a [...] the king hadde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The paſſages were ſo
comberſome, that it was not poſſible to come vpon any euen hande, to ioyne
at hand blowes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Glouceſter
vppon a politike purpoſe (as ſome haue written) reouted [...]uche with all his companie, which when the Duke of Somerſet perceyued,
eyther moued therewith, [...] bicauſe he was too fore annoyed with the ſhotte in that place where
he with his fore wa [...]h,The Duke of Somerſet.
[...] lyke a Knyght more couragious than [...]ir|eu [...]d [...] came out of his ſtrength with hys would vaſell, and aduaunced
hymſelfe, ſome|what aly [...] ſhippes the Kings [...] and by certayne paſſages afore an [...]e, and for that pur|poſe prouided (to the Kings parte, although [...] on) hee paſſed a lane, and came into a [...] right afore the K. where he was einbaefel [...], not doubting, but the Prince, eche [...], with the middle wa [...], [...] follo|wed iuſt at his back, but whether ye L. Wlẽlocke EEBO page image 1339 diſſimuled the matter for king Edwardes ſake, or whether
his hart ſerued him not, ſtill he ſtode, and gaue the looking on.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]all.The king, or as other haue, the duke of Glou|ceſter,
taking the aduantage that he adue [...]
[...]ood for turned againe face to face to the duke of So|merſet his
battayle, and winning the hedge and ditche of hym, entred the cloſe, and
with greate violence put hym and his people vp towards the hill from whence
they were deſcended.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here is to bee noted,
that when the king was come before hys enimies, ere he gaue the onſe [...]te hee perceyued that vppon the ryghte hande of theyr Campe, there was
a Parke, and muche ſtore of woodde growyng therein, and doubtyng leaſt hys
aduerſaries hadde layde any ambuſhe within that woodde,The politike foreſight of the King. he choſe foorth of his
compa|nies two hundred ſpeares, commandyng them to keepe a ſtale, lyke a
quarter of a myle from the fielde, to attende vpon that corner of the
woodde, out of the whiche the ambuſhe, if
any were, was to iſſue, and to encounter with them, as occaſion ſerued: but
if they perceyued that there was no ambuſhe at all, then to imploye their
ſeruice as they ſhoulde ſee it expediente and behouefull for the tyme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This politik prouiſion
for danger that might haue enſued, (although there was none that way for to)
ſerued yet before the [...]end of the battayle, to greate good purpoſe. For when thoſe ſpares
perfectly vnderſtoode that there was no ambuſhe within the wood, and withall
ſa [...] conueniente tyme to employe themſelues, other cares and brake with
full rand [...] vppon the Duke of So|merſette and hys [...], in ſo violent wyſe vppon the ſodayne, that where they hadde before
ynough to doe with thoſe wyth whome they were firſte matched,The van [...]gard of the Lords diſtreſſed.
[...] with this newe charge giuen vppon them, by thoſe two hun|dred
ſpeares, they were not a little diſmayed, and to conclude, ſo diſcouraged,
that ſtreight|wayes they tooke them to flyght, ſome fledde in|to the Parke,
other into the meadowe there at hande, ſome into the lanes, and ſome hidde
them in dykes, eche one makyng what ſhift he could, by the whyche he hoped
beſte to eſcape: but ma|ny neuertheleſſe were beaten downe, ſlayne, and
taken priſoners.
[figure appears here on page 1339]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Somerſet
ſeyng this vnfortu|nate chance, as ſome write, tourned to the mid|dle warde,
and there finding the Lord Wenlock ſtanding ſtill,A [...]em [...]ble ſtroke. after he had reuiled him, and called him
traytour, with his axe he ſtroke the braynes out of his head.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Glouceſter
purſuing after them, that fledde with the
Duke of Somerſette to theyr camp, wher the reſt of their armie ſtode, entred
the trench, and after him the king, where he bare himſelfe ſo knightely,
that therevpon the Queenes parte wente to wracke, and was put to flight, the
king and other falling in chaſe af|ter them, ſo that many were ſlayne, but
eſpeci|ally at a mylne in the medow faſt by the towne, a great ſorte were
drowned, many ran towards the towne, ſome to the churche, and diuers to the
Abbey, & other to other places, wher they thou|ght beſt to ſaue
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the winning of the
Hall. Prince Edward taken. ſuche as ſtoode to it were
ſlayne out of hande. Prince Edward was taken as he fled towardes the towne,
by ſir Richarde Croftes, and kept cloſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the fielde and chaſe
were ſtayne,Nobles ſlaine. the Lord Iohn of
Somerſet, called Marques Dorſet, Thomas Courtney Earle of Deuonſhire, Sir
Iohn Delues, Sir Edwarde Hampden, Sir Roberte Whitingham, and Sir Iohn
Leuke|ner, with three thouſand other.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 After the fielde was
ended, proclamation was EEBO page image 1340 made, that whoſoeuer could bring
foorth Prince Edwarde alyue or deade, ſhoulde haue one An|nuitie of a
hundred pounde during hys lyfe, and the Princes lyfe to be ſaued, if he were
broughte foorth alyue. Sir Richarde Croftes nothing miſtruſtyng the kings
promiſe,Sir Richard Croftes deliue|reth the prince in
hope that his life ſhould haue bin ſaued broughte foorth hys
pryſoner Prince Edwarde, beeyng a fayre and wel proportioned yong Gentleman,
whom when kyng Edwarde hadde well aduyſ [...]d, hee demaundeed of hym, howe he durſt ſo preſump|tuouſly enter into his Realme with banner diſ|played?
wherevnto the Prince boldly anſwered, ſaying, to recouer my fathers Kingdome
& he|ritage from his father and graundfather to him, and from him
after hym, to me [...]liueally deſcen|ded. At whyche woordes, kyng Edwarde ſayde nothyng,
but with hys hande thruſte him from hym,Prince Ed|ward
mur|thered. or as ſome ſay, ſtroke him with his gant|lette, whome
incontinentely, George Duke of Clarence, Richarde Duke of Glouceſter,
Tho|mas Grey Marques Dorcet, and Wylliam
Lorde Haſtings that ſtoode by, ſodeynely mur|thered: For the which cruell
acte, the more part of the dooers in theyr latter dayes dranke of the lyke
Cuppe, by the ryghtuous Iuſtice and due puniſhment of God. His body was
homely en|te [...]ed wt the other ſimple corpſes, in ye church of ye Monaſterie of
blacke Monks in Teukeſbury.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thys was the laſte ciuill
battayle that was foughte in King Edward the fourths days, whi|che chaunced
thys fourth daye of Maye, beyng Saterdaye, in the eleuenth yeare of his
reygne, and in the yeare of our Lorde, 1471.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After the victo [...] was thus archieued, the [...] repayred to the Abbey Churche there, [...]o gy [...] God thankes for th [...] good ſucceſſe, whyche it hadde pleaſed hym to [...]ſſe him with: and [...] findyng a greate number of his enemyes, [...] were fledde thyther to ſaue themſelues, he gaue them all hys free
pardon: Al [...]t there was no franchyſe there for rebelles: but that he myghte haue
commaunded them to haue bene drawen foorth without breache of any liberties
of that Churche. Hee graunted alſo that the deade bo|dies, as well of the
Lordes as other, ſtayne in that battel, myght be buried in the ſame church,
or els where it pleaſed their frendes or ſeruants, without any quartering or
headyng, or ſetting vp the heades or quarters in any publike places.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 There were found in the
abbey and other pla|ces of the towne, Edmunde duke of Somerſet, Iohn
Lonſtrother, Lorde Prior of S. Iohan|nes, Sir Thomas Treſſham, Sir Gerneys
Clifton, and diuers other Knightes and Eſqui|ers, whiche were apprehended,
and all of them being broughte before the D. of Glouceſter ſit|ting as
Conneſtable of England, and the Duke of Northfolke, as Marſhall in the
middeſt of the Towne, they were arreigned, condemned, and iudged to die, and
ſo vpõ the Teweſday, being ye ſeauenth of May, the ſaid D. and the L.
Prior, wt the two forenamed Knightes,The Duke of
Somerſet and other behea|ded. and twelue o|ther knightes, were on
a ſcaffold ſet vp in ye mid|dle of the towne for that purpoſe, beheaded,
[figure appears here on page 1340] permitted to bee buried, without anye
other diſ|mẽbring, or ſetting vp of their heads, in any one place or other.
The ſame Teweſday the K. de|parted from Tewkeſburie towards Worceſ [...]er, and by the way had knowledge,Queene Mar|garet
taken. that D. Mar|garet was found in a pore houſe of religion,
not far frõ thence, into ye which ſhe was withdrawẽ, for ſafegard of hir
ſelfe, the Saterday in the mor|ning, beeing the day of the battell. She was
af|ter brought to London as priſoner, and ſo kept, till hir father ranſomed
on with greate ſummes of money, whyche bee borowed of L [...]wes the e|leuenth, Kyng of Fraunce, and bycauſe hee was not able to
make repaymente thereof, EEBO page image 1341 he ſold vnto the ſaid Lewes (as
the French wri|ters affirme) the Kingdomes of Naples, and both the Sicils,
with the countie of Prouance.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 King Edward being at
Worceſter, had ad|uertiſements brought forth of the North partes, that the
people there,
were about to aſſemble in armour againſt him, in fauour of King
Henry, wherevpon, he left the right way to London, and rode to Couẽtrie,
meaning to encreaſe the num|ber of his people, and ſo with a puiſſant army,
to goe Northwards. Herevpon, comming to
Co|uentrie, the eleuenth of May, and remayning there a three dayes, he well
refreſhed ſuch as had bin with him at Tewkeſburie fielde. Hither was
broughte to him Queene Margaret, from whence ſhe was conueyd to London,
there to remain in ſafekeeping (as before ye haue heard.)
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Whileſt hee was buſie in
ſending abroade to his friends to leauie an armie, he was aduertiſed that
the commotion in the North was pacified,
for after that it was knowen abroade, howe hee had obteyned the victorie, as
well at Tewkeſbu|rie, as at Barnet, and in manner, ſubdued al his enimies,
the Captaynes that had ſtirred the peo|ple to that Rebellion, began to
quayle, and for|ſaking their companies, dyuers of them made ſute to the
Earle of Northumberlande, that it mighte pleaſe him to be a mediator to the
King for their pardon,
[...] in [...] M [...]he [...]d. ſo that now, there was no Re|bellion in all the North
partes, but that as well, the Citie of
Yorke, as all other places, were at the Kings commaundement, readie in al
things to obey him,
[...]le of [...]ber| [...]
as true and loyall ſubiects. And this was confirmed by the Earle of
Northum|berlands owne mouth, who on the fourteenth of May, came to the King,
as yet remayning at Couentrie, by reaſon wherof, it was not thought
needefull, that the King ſhoulde trauell any fur|ther Northwarde at that
time, either about the pacifying of the people, or to ſee execution done
vpon the offendors, ſith all was there
in good tranquilitie and quiet.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 But now when al things
ſeemed to be at reſt, and no Rebellion after ſo happie victories doub|ted,
newes came to him before his commyng to Couentrie,
[...] Ne| [...]erde [...]idge. from the Lords of his bloud, abiding at London, that
one Thomas Neuill, baſterde ſonne to that valiant Captayne the Lord Tho|mas
Fawconbridge (who had lately before bene ſente to the Sea, by the Earle of
Warwike, and after fallen to practiſe
piracie) had ſpoyled dy|uers Merchante Shyppes, Portingalles, and others, in
breache of the auncient amitie that long had continued betwixte the Realmes
of England and Portingale: and furthermore, had now got to him a greate
number of Marriners, out of all parts of the lande, and manye traitors and
miſgouerned people, from each quarter of the Realme, beſyde dyuers alſo
forth of other countreys, that delighted in theft and robberies, meaning to
worke ſome exployte againſte the King: and verily, his puiſſance increaſed
dayly, for hauing bin at Calais, and broughte from thence into Kente many
euill diſpoſed perſons, he began to gather his power in that Countrey,
meaning (as was thoughte) to attempte ſome great and wicked enterpriſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 After the Kings comming
to Couentrie,The baſe [...]de Fauconbridge before London wyth an army. hee receiued
aduertiſementes, that this baſterd was come before London, with many
thouſandes of men by lande, and alſo in Shippes by water, purpoſing to robbe
and ſpoyle the Citie. Many Kentiſhmen were willing to aſſiſt hym in thys
miſcheuous enterpriſe, and other were forced a|gainſte their willes, to goe
with him, or elſe to ayde hym with their ſubſtance and money, in ſo much,
that within a ſhort time, he had got togy|ther ſixteene or ſeauenteene
thouſande men, as they accompted thẽſelues, with whome he came before the
Citie of London the twelfth of May, in the quarrell (as he pretended) of
King Henry, whome hee alſo meant to haue out of the tower, and to reſtore
him againe vnto his Crowne and royall dignitie, and for that intente, he
required to enter the Citie with his people, that receyuing King Henrye
forth of the Tower, they myghte paſſe with him thorough the Citie, and ſo to
march ſtraight towards King Edward, whoſe deſtruction they vowed to purſue,
with all theyr vttermoſt indeuors. But the Maior and Alder|men of the Citie,
woulde not in any wiſe agree to ſatiſfie theyr requeſt heerein, vtterly
refuſing to receyue him, or any of his company, into the Citie. King Edwarde
from tyme to time by poſtes was enformed of all theſe doyngs, and by aduiſe
of counſell, the fourteenth of May, ſent to the ſuccoures of the Maior and
Aldermen,Succours ſent to the Citie of London.
a fifteene hundred of the choyſeſt ſoldiers he hadde about him, that they
myghte help to reſiſt the e|nimies, till hee had got ſuch an armie togyther,
as was thoughte neceſſarie, meaning with all conuenient ſpeede, to come
therewith to the reſ|cue of the Citie, and preſeruation of the Quene,
Prince, and his daughters, that were within the Tower, not in very good
ſafegard, conſidering the euill diſpoſitions of many within the Citie of
London, that for the fauour they had borne to the Earle of Warwike, and
deſire to bee parta|kers of the ſpoyle, cared not if the baſterd myghte haue
atteyned to his full purpoſe, and wiſhed intente.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſixtenth of May, King
Edwarde ſette forth of Couentrie, towardes London. But here yee haue to
vnderſtand, that when the baſterde coulde not be receiued into the Citie,
neyther by gentle perſwaſions, nor greeuous threatnings, EEBO page image 1342
he made ſemblaunce, to paſſe ouer the Thaymes at Kingſton bridge, a tenne
miles from Londõ, and thitherwards hee drewe with his whole po|wer by
lande, leauing hys Shippes afore Saint Katherines and thereaboutes.
Compare 1587 edition:
The baſterdes purpoſe to ſpoile the ſub|urbs of
Lon|don.His pretẽce was, to ſpoyle and deſtroy Weſt|minſter, and
the ſuburbes of the Citie on that ſide, and after, to aſſault the Citie it
ſelfe, to trie if he might enter by force, and ſo to bee reuenged of the
Citizens, that had refuſed to receyue hym:
but as he was onwards vppon this iourney, hee was aduertiſed, that Kyng
Edward was pre|paring to come forwardes agaynſt hym, aſſiſted in
manner,The baſterd altereth his purpoſe. with
al the great Lords of ye realme, and others in great number, more than he
hadde bin at any time before, by reaſon whereof, doub|ting what myghte
followe, if paſſing the ryuer, he ſhoulde fortune ſo to be encloſed, that he
ſhuld be driuen thereby to encounter with the Kyngs power at ſuch oddes, hee
thought it beſt to alter his purpoſe, and
ſo returning, came backe a|gayne before London, and muſtered hys people in
Saint Georges field, araunged and placed in one entier battaile, and to the
intent they might worke theyr purpoſed feate, before the Kinges comming to
the reſcue, they reſolued with all theyr forces to aſſault the Citie, and to
enter it if they could by playne ſtrength, that putting it to the ſacke,
they mighte conuey the riches to theyr Shyppes, whyche lay in the Riuer,
be|twixte Sainte Katherins and Blacke
wall, neere to Ratcliffe: heerevpon, hauing broughte certayne peeces of
artillerie forth of theyr Ships, they planted the ſame alongſt the water
ſyde, ryghte ouer agaynſte the Citie, and ſhotte off luſtely to annoy them
within, ſo muche as was poſſible: but the Citizens on the other ſide, lodged
their great artillerie againſte their aduerſaries, and with violente ſhotte
thereof ſo galled them, that they durſt not abide in anye place alongſt
the water ſyde, but were driuen euen
from theyr owne ordinance.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The baſterd yet meanyng
not to leaue anye way vnaſſayed that myghte aduance hys pur|poſe,The baſterde meaneth to enter the City by force.
appoynted a greate number of hys retinue, to ſet fire on the bridge, ſo to
open the paſſage, and to enter into the Citie that way forth, and withall,
hee cauſed aboue three thouſande other to paſſe by Shyppes ouer the Thaymes,
giuing order, that when they were gote ouer, they ſhuld deuide themſelues into two battailes, the one to aſſault
Aldgate,Aldgate, and Biſhopſgate aſſaulted. and
the other Byſhoppes gate, whiche order accordyngly was executed, they doyng
theyr beſt at both places to force ye gates, not ſparing to bende and
diſcharge ſuch gunnes as they hadde broughte with them againſte the ſame,
nor ceaſſing with arrowes, to annoy thoſe that there ſtoode at defence,
whereby much hurte was done, as well at the one place as the other, fire
beeyng ſet on both the gates, in purpoſe to haue brent them vp, and ſo to
haue entred.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The fire which they had
kindled on ye bridge, little auayled them (although they brente there,Houſes [...] on the bridg [...]
to the number of a threeſcore houſes) for the Citizens hadde layde
ſuche peeces of ordinance directly in their way, that although the paſſage
hadde bin wholly open, they ſhoulde haue hadde harde entring that way
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Maior, Aldermen, and
other worſhip|full Citizens, were in good aray, and eache man appoynted and
beſtowed where was thoughte needefull.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Earle of Eſſex, and
manye Knyghtes, Eſquiers, and Gentlemen, with theyr friendes and ſeruauntes,
came to ayde the Citizens, ta|kyng great payne to place them in order, for
de|fence of the gates and walles: and furthermore, deuiſed howe and in what
ſorte they myghte make a ſally ferth vppon the enimies to diſtreſſe them:
and ſurely, by the intermingling of ſuche Gentlemen and Lordes ſeruauntes in
euerye parte with the Citizens, they were greatly en|couraged to withſtand
theyr enimies. The Re|bels yet, vnder the leading of one Spiſing, bare
themſelues ſo ſtoutely at Aldgate, that they wan the bulwarkes there, and
droue the Citizens backe, within the portculice, and entred with them, to
the number of ſixe or eyghte, but ſome of them were ſlayne with the fall of
the portcu|lice that was let downe vpon them, to keepe the reſidue out, and
thoſe that were entred within the gate, were ſoone diſpatched. Heerewith,
they laſſhed freelie, the one parte at the other, with gunnes and bowes,
although no great hurt was done with ſhotte,The vall [...] of Roberte Baſſet Alder|man. till at length Roberte Baſſet
Alderman (that was appoynted to the keeping of this gate, with the moſt part
of the Citizens) and the Recorder, named Vrſewike, either of them bring well
armed in ſtrong Iackes, com|maunded the portculice to bee drawen vp, and
mayntenauntly ruſhed forth vpon their enimies, putting them backe vnto
Sainte Bothulphes Church.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 At the ſame inſtante, the
Earle Riuers, ha|uing gote togyther a foure or fiue hundred men, well
choſen, and apparelled for the warre, iſſued forthe at the poſterne, by the
Tower, and aſſay|ling the Kentiſhmen, euen vppon the poynte as they were
thus put backe, mightely layde vppon them, firſte with arrowes, and after
ioyning with them at handſtrokes, ſlewe and tooke ma|nie of them priſoners,
ſo that the Rebels were fully putte to flighte, and followed firſte to Mile
ende, and from thence, ſome vnto Popelar, ſome to Stretforde, and Stepnith,
and in manner, eache way forth, aboute that parte of the Citie, EEBO page image 1343 the chaſe beeyng followed for the ſpace of two miles in
lengthe, many of them were of Eſſex, and ſo made their courſe homewardes,
but the more parte of them fledde to the waterſide, and
[figure appears here on page 1343] getting to their ſhippes, paſſed ouer the Thames to the
reſte of their companye. The other like|wiſe that were buſie to aſſault
Byſhopſgate, when they vnderſtoode that their fellowes were diſcomfited and
fled from Aldgate, they likewiſe ſlipped away, and made the beſt ſhifte they
could to ſaue themſelues. There were a
ſeuen hundred of them that fledde from Aldgate, and other pla|ces, ſlaine
out right, beſide the priſoners. And yet there were fiers brennyng all at
once at Aldgate, Byſhopſgate, and on the bridge, and many hou|ſes conſumed
wyth the ſame fiers. But now the baſterde, vnder whom that company was
direc|ted, that had ſet fier on the bridge, when he ſawe that hee myght not
preuaile, and vnderſtoode the euill ſucceſſe of thoſe whiche he had ſette
ouer the Thaymes, hee withdrewe alſo, and
lefte the bridge.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...] Ioſſe| [...].Here the hardy manhoode of Raufe Ioſſelin Alderman is not
to bee paſſed wyth ſilence, who after hee hadde valiantly reſiſted the
baſterde and his hande that aſſaulted the bridge, vpon their re|tire,
ſallied foorthe vppon them, and followyng them in chaſe a long the water
ſide, till they came beyonde Ratcliffe, ſlewe and tooke verye many of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The baſterde
notwithſtanding gathered his companyes
togyther,The baſtered [...]peth on [...]lacke heath. and wyth ſuche as were willyng to remayne wyth
hym, encamped on Blacke heathe, by the ſpace of three dayes next enſuyng, to
witte, the ſixteenth, ſeuenteenth, and eighteenth of May, vtterly deſpayryng
of hys wiſhed praye, ſith hee hadde beene thus repulſed from London, to hys
vtter confu|ſion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And nowe to conclude,
hearyng that Kyng Edwarde was commyng wyth a ryghte puiſ|ſaunt armye, the ſayde baſterde and hys people durſte no
longer abide, but brake vp and diſ|perſed themſelues, ſome one way, and ſome
an other. They of Calais gotte them thither a|gayne wyth all ſpeede, and
ſuche as were of o|ther Countryes, repayred likewiſe to theyr homes, and
many of the Kentiſhemen went alſo to their houſes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The baſterde wyth hys
Mariners and ſuche riotous rebelles, robbers, and wicked perſons as ſoughte
nothyng but ſpoile, gotte them to ſhippeborde, and wyth all their veſſelles
drewe downe to the coaſte.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edward hauyng
aſſembled an armie of thirtie thouſande men (as ſome write) and accompanied
in manner wyth all the greate Lordes of Englande, came to London the one and
twentye of May, beeing Tueſday, where hee was honourablye receyued by the
Mayor, Aldermen, and other worſhippefull Citizens, where euen vppon their
fyrſte meetyng wyth hym, hee dubbed diuers of them Knightes, as the Maior,
the Recorder, and other Aldermen, and worſhippefull Commoners of the Citie,
whyche hadde manfullye and valiauntlye ac|quite themſelues againſte the
baſterde Fau|conbridge and hys wicked companye of Re|belles.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Moreouer, heere is to bee
remembred, that poore Kyng Henrye the ſixth, a little before de|priued (as
yee haue hearde) of hys Realme and imperiall Crowne, was nowe in the Tower
ſpoyled of hys lyfe,
Hall. King Henry the ſixth mur|thered in the Tower. by
Rycharde Duke of Glouceſter, (as the conſtante fame ranne) who to the
intente that hys brother Kyng Edwarde myghte raygne in more ſure|tie,
murthered the ſaide King Henry with a dag|ger, althoughe ſome writers of
that time fa|uouryng altogyther the houſe of Yorke, haue recorded, that
after hee vnderſtoode what loſſes hadde chaunced to hys friendes, and howe
not only his ſon, but alſo all other hys chief partakers were dead and
diſpatched, he tooke it ſo to harte, that of pure diſpleaſure, indignation,
and me|lancolie, hee dyed the three and twentith of May.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 The dead corps on the
Aſcention euen,The nine and twentith of May. was
conueyed with bylles and gleaues pompouſly (if you wyll call that a funerall
pompe) from the Tower, to the Churche of Sainte Paule, and there layde on a
beere, where it reſted the ſpace of one whole daye, and on the nexte daye
after, it was conueyd without Prieſt or EEBO page image 1344 Clearke, torche
or taper, ſinging or ſaying, vnto the Monaſterie of Cherteſey, diſtant from
Lon|don fifteene miles, and there was it firſt buryed, but after, it was
remoued to Windeſore, and there in a newe vawte, newly intumulate. Hee
raigned eyght and thirtie yeares, ſixe monethes & odde dayes,
& after his readẽption of ye Crowne ſixe monethes. He lyued two
and fiftie yeares, hauyng by hys wife one onely ſonne, called Ed|warde,
Prince of Wales. He was of a ſeemely
ſtature, of body ſlender, to whiche proportion, all other members were
aunſwerable, hys face beautifull, in the whiche continually was reſi|dente,
the bountie of minde, with the whiche hee was inwardlye indewed. Of hys owne
natural inclination, he abhorred all the vices, as well of the body as of
the ſoule. His pacience was ſuche, that of all the iniuries to hym done
(whyche were innumerable) hee neuer aſked vengeaunce, thinkyng, that for
ſuche aduerſitie that chaunced to hym, hys
ſynnes ſhoulde bee forgotten and forgyuen. What loſſes ſo euer happened vnto
hym, hee neuer eſteemed, nor made anye ac|compt thereof, but if any thyng
were done, that myghte ſounde as an offence towards GOD, hee ſore lamented,
and with great repentaunce ſorowed for it, ſo that full vnlyke it is, that
hee dyed of anye wrath, indignation, and diſplea|ſure, bycauſe hys buſineſſe
about the keeping of the Crowne on hys head, tooke no better ſuc|ceſſe,
excepte peraduenture yee will ſaye,
that it greeued hym, for that ſuch ſlaughters and miſ|chieues as hadde
chaunced within thys lande, came to paſſe onely through hys folly and
de|faulte in gouernemente, or that more is, for hys fathers, his
Grandfathers, and hys owne vniuſt vſurping, and deteyning of the Crowne. But
howſoeuer it was, for theſe before remembred, and other the lyke properties
of reputed holy|neſſe, whych was ſayde to reſt in hym, it plea|ſed
God to worke miracles for hym in hys
lyfe tyme, as menne haue lyſted to report, by reaſon whereof,Canonizing of kings, deere King Henrye the ſeauenth
ſewed to Pope Iulio the ſeconde, to haue hym canonized a Sainct, but for
that the canonizing of a King, ſeemed to bee more coſtly than of a Byſhoppe,
the ſayde Kyng left off hys ſute in that behalfe, thynkyng better to ſaue
his money, than to purchaſſe a newe holy day of Sainte Henrye, with ſo great
a price, remitting to God the iudge|mente
of hys will and intent.
Eaton col|ledge.Thys Henrye the ſixte, amongſt
other good deedes, buylte the Schoole of Eton by Win|deſor, and alſo the
Kings Colledge in the Vni|uerſitie of Cambridge,Kinges
col|ledge in Cambridge. whereof hys liberal mind towardes the
mayntenance of good learning, may euidently be coniectured.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 But nowe to returne to
King Edward. Ye ſhall vnderſtande, that after hys commyng to London, hee
reſted there but one day, or two at the moſt, takyng hys iourney forthrighte
into Kente with all hys armie, following the [...]a|ſterd, and other his complices, to ſuppreſſe them, if they were in
anye place aſſembled agayn [...] to reſiſt him, but after they were once diſ [...]ed, they durſt not ſhewe themſelues agayne [...] ar|mour, thoſe onely excepted, that were wi [...]
[...]a|wen vnto Sandwiche with the baſterde,S [...]dwich [...] by the rebe [...]
whiche for the more parte were marriners, an eyght or nine hundred,
beſyde certayne other euill diſpo|ſed perſons, that accompanyed hym, as hys
ſol|diers, and men of warre, with whoſe aſſiſtance, the Baſterde kepte that
Towne by ſtrength, ha|uing in the hauen a ſeauen and fortie Shyppes, greate
and ſmall vnder his gouernaunce,The rebelle [...] ſue for par [...]
but vp|pon the Kings approching neere vnto thoſe par|ties, they
ſente to hym for pardon, promiſing, that vpon a reaſonable appoyntment, for
ye ſafe|gard of their liues, and other indempnities to bee hadde for their
benefite, they woulde become hys faithfull ſubiectes, & deliuer into
his hands all the Shippes. Their offer the K. vppon great conſi|derations,
& by good deliberate aduice of counſell, thought beſt to accept,
& there vpon, being at that time in Canterburie, he graunted to
theyr peti|tions, and ſent immediately vnto Sãdwich hys brother Richard
Duke of Glouceſter, to receyue them to mercie, togither with all the
Shippes, which according to their promiſe, they deliuered into his handes.
But notwithſtanding that (as ſome write) the Baſterde Fauconbridge, and
o|ther of hys companie that were gote to Sand|wiche, had thus theyr pardons
by compoſition at the Kyngs hande, we finde neuertheleſſe, that the ſayde
Baſterd, beeing afterwards at Sea (a rouing belyke,The
baſterd [...] of Faucon|bridge be [...]+ded. as hee hadde vſed before) came at length into the open
hauen at Southhampton, and there, taking lande, was apprehended, and ſhortly
after beheaded.
[figure appears here on page 1344]
Compare 1587 edition:
2 This chanced (as should appeare by Fabian) about
EEBO page image 1345 about the latter end of October. Moreouer Roger
Vaughan that had bin sent by K. Edwarde into Wales,
[...] V [...]ghã [...]
anon after Teukesbury field (being a man of great power in that
countrey) to entrap and surmise by some secrete sleight the Earle of
Pembrooke, the sayd erle being therof aduertised, tooke the same Roger, and
without delay stroke off his head. After this, was the erle besieged in the
towne of Pembrooke by Morgan Thomas, but the siege was reised by Dauid
Thomas brother to the sayd Morgan,
[...] Tho [...]s a faithfull frende to the Erle, and then the erle by his
help was conueyed to Tynby, where he got ships, and with his nephew the Lord
Henry erle of Richmond sayled into Britain,
[...]e earle of Pembrooke [...] his Ne| [...]re, the erle [...]nde [...] euer into [...]
where of the Duke they were curteously enterteyned, with assurance
made, that no creature should do them any wrong or iniurie within his
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edward viſiting
diuers places in Kent ſatte in iudgement on ſuch as had ayded the ba [...]|ſtard in the laſt cõmotion, of
whom diuers were condemned and executed, as Spiſing one of the captains that
aſſaulted Algate, whoſe head was ſet vp ouer the ſame gate:
[...]tion. and ſo likewiſe was the head of one Quintine, a
butcher, that was an other captaine amongſt them, and chief of thoſe that
aſſaulted Biſhops gate, as ſome write.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Moreouer, at Canterbury,
the Maior of that citie was executed, and diuers other at Roche|ſter,
Maydſtone, and Blackheath: for the Lord
Marſhal and other Iudges beeing appointed to hold their Oyer and determiner
in that countrey of Kent, there were aboue an hundred indited &
condemned: Diuers alſo of the Eſſex men that had bin partakers in this
rebellion with the ba|ſtard, and holpe to ſet fire on Biſhops gate &
Al|gate, were hanged betwixt Stratford & London. Manie of the welthy
cõmons in Kent were put to grienous fines, and when the king had made an
end of his buſineſſe in that countrey, he retur|ned to London, comming thither againe vppon Whitſon
euen,Fabian. being the firſte of Iune, and
ha|uing thus within the ſpace of .xj. weekes, recoue|red in maner the whole
poſſeſſion of his realme, being relieued of the moſt part of all his
doubtfull feare, he ment to remoue al ſtops out of the way, and therfore
ſent the Archebiſhop of Yorke bro|ther to the Erle of Warwike,The archi| [...] of Yorke. and to the Mar|ques Montacute ouer to Guyſnes,
therto be kept in ſafe cuſtodie within the caſtel, where he conti|nued
a long ſeſon, til at length he was by
friend|ſhip deliuered, and ſhortly after through very an|guiſh of mind,
departed this life, whom Lau [...]e Bathe, and after him Thomas Rothe [...]an in the ſea of Yorke, did ordinarily ſucceede.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beside this, Iohn Earle of Oxford, whiche after Barnet field, The Earle of Oxforde. bothe manfully and valiantly kept
Sainct Michaels mount in Cornewall, either for lacke of ayde, or perswaded by his frendes, gaue vp the
Mounte, and yelded himselfe to king Edward (his life only saued) whiche to hym was graunted, 1472 but to bee oute
of all, doubtfull imaginations, King Edward also sente hym ouer the sea to the Castell of Hammes, where by
the space of twelue yeares he was in strong prison shut vp and warely looked to.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edwarde was not a little disquieted in his minde, An. reg. 12.
for that the Earles of Pembrooke and Richemont were not onely
ascaped out of the Realme, but also well receyued and entertained of the
Duke of Britaine, Meſſengers ſent to the duke of
Britaine. hee sente therefore in secrete wise graue and close
messengers, to the sayde Duke, the whyche shoulde not sticke to promisse the
Duke greate and riche rewardes, so that hee would deliuer both the Earles
into their handes and possession.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Duke after hee hadde hearde them, that were sente, made thys
aunswere, that hee could not with his honour deliuer them to whom hee hade
gyuen his faith to see them preserued from all iniurie, but this (hee saide)
he woulde do for the King of Englande that they shoulde bee so looked vnto,
as he needed not to doubt of anye attempt to bee made againste hym by them
or by theyr meanes. The Kyng receyuing this aunswere, wrote louingly to the
Duke of Britaine that hee woulde consider his friendshippe, wyth conuenient
rewardes, if it shoulde please him to bee as good as hys promisse. The Duke
perceiuyng gaine commyng by the abode of the twoo English earles in his
country, caused them to be seperated in sunder, and all their seruants
being Englishmen to be sequestred fro(m) them, & in their places
appointed Britons to attend them.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 In the thirteenthe yeare
of his raigne King Edwarde called his highe courte of Parliament at his
Pallaice of Weſtminſter,
An. reg. 13.
in the whiche all lawes and ordinaunces made by hym before that day
were confirmed,
A Parliament. and thoſe that King
Henry had abrogated after his readeption of the Crowne were againe reuiued.
Alſo lawes were made for the confiſcation of traytors goodes, and for the
reſtoring of them that were for his ſake, fled the realme, whiche of his
aduerſaries hadde ben attaynted of high treaſon, and condemned to dye
Moreouer towards his charges of late ſu|ſteyned, a competent ſumme of money
was de|maunded and freely graunted.
A Subſidie.
There was alſo a pardon granted almoſt for all offences, and all men then
being within the Realme,
A pardon. were relea|ſed
and diſcharged of all high treaſons & crimes, although they had
taken part with his aduerſa|ries againſt him. In this ſeaſon the D. of
Bur|gongne had ſore warres with the French K. & to be the more
ſpedily reuẽged on his aduerſarie,
Ambaſſadours from the
duke of Burgongne. he ſent Ambaſſadors into Englande, to perſwade
EEBO page image 1346 kyng Edward to make war alſo on the French Kyng, for
the recouerie of his auncient right in the Realme of Fraunce, by the ſame
Frenche Kyng agaynſte all equitie, withholden and de|teyned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edward not ſo much
for ye lou [...]he hare to the duke of Burgongne, as for deſire to be re|uenged on the
Frenche king, whome he tooke to be his enimie for ayding the Earle of
Warwike, Queene Margaret, and hir ſonne Prince Ed|warde and their compli [...]es, gaue good eare to the duke of Burgongne his meſſengers, and
finally after he had taken aduice of his counſell, the ſaid Meſſengeres were
anſwered, that K. Edwarde in the beginning of the next yeare would land at
Caleys with a puiſſaunt armie, both to reuenge ſuche iniuries as hee had
receiued at the Frenche kings handes,Oportunitie not to
bee neg|lected. and alſo to recouer his right, whi|che he
wrongfully deteyned from him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In deed the tyme ſerued
verie well for ye En|gliſhmẽ to atchieue
ſom high enterpriſe in Frãce at that preſent, for not onely the Duke of
Bur|gongne as then made warre againſt the French K. but alſo many great men
within the realm of France,The Earle of Sainct
Pol. miſlyking the maners of their king be|gan to haue ſecret
intelligẽce with the ſaid duke, and namely Lewes of Lutzenburgh earle of S.
Paule Coneſtable of France was ſecretly confe|derate with the duke of
Burgongne, intendyng verily to bring the French kyng to ſome greate
hinderance, the better to haue his
purpoſe accom|pliſhed in certain weightie matters.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 King Edward vnderſtanding
all theſe thin|ges was greatly encoraged to make a iorney in|to France,
& therevpon with all diligence prepa|red all things ready for the
ſame, and bicauſe he wanted money, and coulde not well charge hys cõmons
with a newe ſubſidie, for that he had re|ceyued the laſt yeare great ſums of
money gran|ted to him by Parliament,A shift to reco|uer
money. he deuiſed this ſhift to
call afore him a great number of the wealthyeſt ſort of people of his
realme, and to them decla|ring his neede, and the requiſite cauſes therof,
he demaunded of euerye of them ſome portion of money, which they ſticked not
to giue, and ther|fore the K, willing to ſhew yt this their liberalitie was
very acceptable to him, he called this grant of money a Beneuolence,
notwithſtanding that many with grudge gaue great ſummes toward that newe
found ayde, which of them might bee called a Maleuolence: but the K. vſed
ſuche gen|tle faſhions toward them, with
frendly prayer of their aſſiſtance in his neceſſitie, that they coulde not
other wyſe doe but frankely and freelye yeelde and giue hym a reaſonable and
compe|tent ſumme.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg .14.
When all things conuenient for ſuche an en|terpriſe were in a
redineſſe, the king came to Do|uer, where he founde .v.C. ſhippes and dayes
rea|die to tranſpore hym and his armie.
The king [...] an army [...] ouer into Fraunce. And ſo the fourth day of Iuly he paſſed
ones, and la
[...] at Caleys with great triumph, but his armie, hor|ſes, and munitions
of warre ſcared paſſed ouer in
[...] dayes.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 In thys Armye (beeing one
of the hoſte ap|poynted that had paſſed oute of Englande in|to Fraunce in
many yeares before) were fifteene hundred men of armes well horſes of the
which the moſt parte were harded and riches [...]pped, and many of them trimmed in one [...]te. There were alſo .xv.M. Archers with bowes and ar|rows, of the
which a great number we [...] on horſ|backe: there were alſo a great companie of other fighting
men, and of ſuche as ſerued to ſ [...]e, vp Tentes and pauilions, to attende the artillerye and to encloſe
their campe, and otherwiſe to la|boure, and to bee employed in ſeruice. In
all this armye was there not one Page. The King of Englande was at his
arriuall highly diſplea|ſed wyth the Duke of Burgongne, whiche in the worde
of a Prince hadde, promiſſed to meete hym at hys landyng wyth twoo thouſande
men of armes and lyghte horſemenne, [...]de a great number of Launſquenetz, and Halberdices, and that hee
woulde haue begonne the warre three monethes before the Kings tranſporting
where|as contrarily,The ſiege of Nuſſe. the duke
lay lingeryng at the ſiege of Nuſſe, and let paſſe the occaſion of
atchieuing a more profitable enterpriſe. Kyng Edward in|continently
diſpatched the Lord Scales in poſte vnto the Duke,The
Lorde Scales. to put hym in remembraunce of his promiſe, and to
aduiſe him to come and ioyn wyth hym before the Sommer were ſpente.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Before King Edwarde
departed from D [...]|uer,A defyaunce ſent to the Frenche King
hee ſente an officer of armes vnto the french King wyth a defyaunce. The
Frenche Kyng receyuyng the King of Englandes letters at the meſſengers
hande, redde the ſame, and after he hadde conſidered thereof at leaſure, hee
called the Engliſhe Harrault aſide, and to hym de|clared the little truſte
that was to bee putte in the Duke of Burgongne, and the Coneſtable, by whoſe
procurement hee knewe that King Ed|warde was procured to come at that ſeaſon
into Fraunce, and therefore it ſhoulde hee better for hym to haue peace wyth
an old enemy, than to ſtaye vppon the promiſſes and familiaritie of a newe
diſſimulyng friende, whyche peace bothe moſt pleaſed God, & was the
thyng that he moſt deſyred: when hee hadde ſayde, he gaue to the Herrauld
three hundred Crownes, promyſyng him a thouſande Crownes if any good
appoint|ment came to paſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
5 Thys Herrauld was borne
in Normandie,The office of as H [...]. & being more couetous of the crowns thã ſecrete
according as of duetie by his office hee ought to EEBO page image 1347 haue
bin, promiſed to do all things that in him lay, and further ſhewed ways by
the whiche the French king myght enter into the port of treatie for peace,
the whiche he doubted not but would ſorie to a good concluſion. The Frenche
kyng glad to heare theſe thinges, gaue to the Hyrauld when he ſhould depart,
beſyde the other cowarde, a peece of crim [...] veluet of .xxx. yards long. The Lo Scales cõming to ye duke of
Burgongne, be|fore Nuſſe, could not
perſwade him to [...]tyſe his fielde,The Duke of Burgongne commeth to
king Edvvard. & as it ſtoode him vpon, to come and ioyne
with K. Edward, til at length conſtrained therto by other means, he left
Nuſſe vnconquered, ſen|ding the moſte parte of his armie into Lorrain, came
with a ſmall company to K. Edward ly|ing before Caleys. King Edwarde at the
firſte cõming of the duke vnto him, ſemed much to re|proue his vnwyſe
dealing, in makyng ſo ſlowe haſt to ioyne with him at thys tyme, ſith for
his ſake, and at his ſute, he had paſſed the ſeas with his army, to the intent to make warres in Frãce in
reuenge of both their iniuries, the time ſeruing their turnes ſo well as
they could wiſh or deſire, the oportunitie wherof, could neuer happely bee
recouered agayn. The Duke after he had knew fed himſelfe, with alledging the
diſhonour that ſhould haue redounded to him if he had [...]efte the ſiege of Nuſſe, without meane of ſome ſhew of compoſition,
encoraged K. Edward to aduance forward with many golden promiſes, aſw [...]ll of his owne parte, as of the
Coneſtable, the King agreed to ye dukes perſwaſion, & ſo ſet
forwarde: but yet when he was entred into the dukes coũ|treys, ye
Engliſhmẽ wer not ſo frendly entertai|ned as they loked to haue bin: for at
their cõming to Peronne, there were but a fewe ſuffred to en|ter the gates,
the remnant were driuen to lodge in the fieldes, better puru [...]yed of their owne, than of the dukes prouiſion. And at their cõming
be|fore S. Quintines (which town the Co [...]eſtable had promiſed to deliuer into
the hands of ye duke of Burgongne) the artillerie ſhot off,The Conſtable of Fraunce a deepe diſſaſter. and they
of the town came foorth both on horſeback & foot to ſkirmiſh with
them ye approched, of ye whiche .ij. or .iij. were ſlaine. This
entertaynment ſeemed ſtrange to K. Edw. pondering the laſt daye pro|miſe,
& this dayes doing. But ye duke excuſed the matter, &
woulde haue perſwaded him to make coũtenãce to beſiege the town, yt the
Coneſtable might haue a color to render it into his hands, as though he did it by cõſtrainte. But the K.
remẽ|bring what had bin tolde to hys Herralde by the French K. how he ſhuld
be diſſimuled wt, percei|ued the Freñch kings words to be too true,
& ther|fore thought it more ſurer to heat the fair words of the
Coneſtable, & the duke, than to giue credite to their vntrue
& diſceytfull doings. The engliſh men returned to their campe in a
great chafe to|wards the Coneſtable, & the next day to increaſe
their diſpleaſure, on other co [...] was miniſtred that ſmarted force:The Duke of
Burgongne de|parteth. for duke Charles of Burgon|gne toke hi [...]lton ſodenly of [...] Edward, alled|ging that he muſt needes [...] his armie [...] Bar|roys, promiſing ſhortly, [...]aith all his puiſſaunce to returne agayne to the greate commoditie of
them both. This departing muche troubles the king of England, bicauſe he
looked for no ſuche thing, but thought [...]ther yt he ſhoulde haue had the duke his continual felow in armes:
& therfore this diffi [...]ling and vnſted [...]aſt working, cauſed the king to thinke, that he neuer thought,
& to doe that he neuer intended. The Frenche K. in thys meanwhile
had aſſembled a mighty power, once the whiche he had made captaine Monſ.
Roh. de Eſtoutvile, whome he ſent into Arthoys, to de|fend the fro [...]iers there againſte he kyng of En|glandes entrie, and hee hymſelfe
tarried ſtill at S [...]ults to But though hee ſhewed countenaunce thus of warre, yet inwardly
deſirous of peace, ac|cording to the aduice giuen him by the engliſhe
Herraulde, hee cauſed a varlet or yeoman, as I may cal him, to be put in a
c [...]te armor of Frãce, which for haſt was made of a trumpet baner for K.
Lewes was a man nothyng preciſe in out|ward ſhewes of hande, oftentymes
hauing ney|ther officed of armes nor trumpet in his courte.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This counterfaite
Herraulde being throughly inſtructed in his barge,A
meſſenger ſent to the K. of Englande. was ſente to the K. of
England, & ſo paſſing f [...]rth when be approched the Engliſhe campe, hee put as his [...]e of Ar|mes, [...] being [...] of the [...]ders, was brou|ght to k [...] where the Lord Howarde, and the Lorde [...]t [...]ley wer [...] at diner o [...] whome he was curteouſly [...]ued, and by them conueyed to ye kings pro [...]nge, vnto whom he declared his meſ|ſage ſo wittily, that in the [...]nd he obteined a ſafe conduct [...]
[...]or one hunderd horſſes, for ſuche per|ſons as his maiſter ſhould
appoint to meete, as many to be aſſigned by K. Edward in ſome in|different
place betweene bothe enimies, to haue at lyke ſafe con [...] from hys ſaid maiſter, as he re|ceiued from him.
Compare 1587 edition:
7 After that the ſafe
conducts were deliuered on both patres, the Ambaſſadors m [...]tte at a village beſide Ami [...]s: withe kyng of Englandes ſide, the Lorde Howarde, Sir Thomas
Sentloger, doctor Morton after biſhop of Ely,Commiſſioners appointed to treate of peace. and Chan|cellour of
England, were chiefe. For the French K. the baſtard of Bourbon Admirall of
France. the Lorde of Sainte Pierre, the Byſhoppe of Evreux called Heberge,
were apointed as prin|cipall. The Engliſhmenne demaunded the whole Realme of
Fraunce, or at the leaſt Nor|mandye and whole Acquitayne, the allegati|ons
were proued by the Englyſhmen; and po|litikely defended by the Frenchmen, ſo
that with EEBO page image 1348 argumentes, without concluſion, the daye
paſ|ſed, and the commiſſioners departed, and made relation to then maiſters.
The Frenche K. & his counſel wold not conſent yt the Engliſhmẽ
ſhuld haue one foot of land [...] Fraunce, but rather determined to put himſelf & the whole
realme in hazard & aduenture. At the next me [...]ng ye cõmiſ|ſioners agreed vpon certain articles, which were of doth
ye princes accepted & allowed. It was ſ [...]
accorded yt the French K. ſhuld pay to
ye king of Englãd without delay. 75000. crowns of ye ſun,
& yerely .l.M. crowns to be payd at London,Articles of a|grement be|tvvene kyng Edvvarde and the french
king. du|ring K. Edwards lift. And further it was agre|ed, yt
Charles the Dolphyn ſhould mary the lady Elizabeth, eldeſt daughter to K.
Edward, & they two to haue for ye maintenãce of their eſtates, the
whole duchy of Guyinne, or elſe l.M. crownes yerely, to be payd within ye
toure of Lõdon by ye ſpace of .ix. yeres, & at the end of ye
terme the Dol|phyn & his wife to haue ye whole duchye of Guy|enne,
& of ye charge the French K.
to be clerely ac|quit. And it was alſo cõcluded, that the .ij. prin|ces
ſhuld come to an enterview, & ther take a cor|poral othe for the
performance of thys peace,VVant of mo|ney procureth
peace. ey|ther in ſight of other. On the K. of Englands pac [...] wer cõpriſed as alyes (if they wold therto aſ|ſ [...]t) ye dukes of Burgogne & Britanie. It was al|ſo couenãted,
yt after the whole ſum aforeſayd of 75000. crowns were payde to K.
Edw. he ſhuld leaue in hoſtage the L. Haward, & ſir Io. Chey|ny
maiſter of his horſe, til he wt al his
army was paſſed the ſeas. This agrement was very accep|table to ye French
K. for he ſaw himſelf and hys realme therby deliuered out of great peril yt
was at hand: for not only he ſhuld haue bin aſſailed, if this peace had not
takẽ place, both by ye power of Englãd & Burgongne, but alſo by
the duke of Britain, & diuers of his own people, as ye Com|ſtable
& others. The K. of England alſo vnder|ſtanding his own ſtate, for
wante of moneye, to maynteyne the
warres,The duke of [...] ſ [...] enimie to peace if they ſhalbe long conti|nue (though
otherwiſe he deſired to haue, attẽptes ſome high enterpriſe againſt the
Frenchmẽ was the more eaſily induced to agree by thoſe of his counſel, yt
loued peace better thã war, & their wy|ues ſoft beds better thã
hard armor & a ſtony lod|ging. But the D. of Glouceſter &
other, whoſe ſwords thirſted for Frenche bloud, cried out on this peace,
ſaying wt al their trauell pain & expen|ces wer to their ſhame,
loſt and caſt away, & no|thing
gayned but a continual mocke.The Duke of Burgongne
cõ|meth [...] haſte to the King of Englande. When the duke of Burgogne
heard yt there was a peace in hand betwixt K. Edward & the French
king, he came in no ſmall haſt from Lutzenburgh, only accõpanied with [...]up horſes into the K. of En|glandes lodging, and began as one in a
greate chafe ſore to blame his doings, declaring in plain termes how
diſhonorable this peace ſhuld be vn|to him, hauing atchiued and thing of
that a [...]ed the which he came. The K. of England after [...] had giuen him leaue to ſp [...] his fancie, anſwe|red him ſomwhat [...]ountly againe, openly repro|uing him for his promiſe de [...]inge [...] dealing with him; wherefor his cauſe, chiefly he had paſſed the [...]eas, & now found in [...] touch greatly one point which he had couenãted. The duke being in a
great rage,He departeth from the King in a rage.
had the king of England for wel, & ſodainly toke his horſe [...]od [...] again to Lutzenburgh, promiſing not to [...] into any league with the Frenche King, till [...]ng Edward was paſſed the ſeas again into Englãd & had bin
there .iij. months: but this promiſe [...] not perfourmed, for v [...]ceſſitie bee tooke a wiſer why & agreed with the French K.
vpon [...] immediatly after the departure of the Engliſhe armie oute of his
countreye.The Coneſta|ble of Fraunce his offer to King
Edvvard. The Conſtable of France alſo, doubting yt his vntrouthe
would be diſcloſed to his deſtraction, by meane of this a|greeu [...] betwene ye kings of England & France, as ſoon as he heare
they were entred into ch [...]| [...]tion therof, ſent to king Edw. requiring him not to credite the French
kings prouiſions, which he [...] no lõger ab [...]e, thã vntil he ſhuld vnto vnderſtand, that he was on the other ſide
of the ſea: & rather than he ſhuld agree, for want [...]
[...]+ney, he offered to bend him .l.M. crowns. But the king of England,
ſith the accord was pa [...] & a|greeth, wold not charge any thing for the promi|ſes of ſo
ſlipper a merchãt as he knew the [...]|ſtable to be. After yt the peace was concluded, the Engliſhmen were
permitted to enter into the town of Amiens, and there to buy ſuch
neceſſa|rie things as they wanted, & had plentie of wine and good
cheere made them of the French kings coſt, for at the entrie of euery gate,
there were .ij. long tables ſet on euery ſide of the ſtreete where they
ſhould paſſe, & at euery table fi [...]e at gen|tlemen of the beſt companions of all the coun|trey were
appointed to enterteyn the engliſhmen as they entred, and to ſee them ſerued
withoute looking. This chere laſted .iij. or .iiij. dayes not only to the
Frenche kings coſte, but alſo to hys vnquietnes at length, doubting to haue
but diſ|poſſeſſed of his towne: For one day ſhote entred the number of
.ix.M. engliſhmen well armed in ſundry companies, ſo that no frenchman
durſ [...]
[...]e forbid them to enter, but finally order was takẽ by the king of
England, who ment no de|ceit, that no greater nũber ſhuld enter, than was
conuenient, & the other were called backe, ſo that the French king
& his counſel were well qui [...], & rid of caſting further perils thã nede required.
Compare 1587 edition:
5 After this,The enter|vievv betvvixt King Edvvard the fourthe, and the
French King. bothe the Kynges enterviewed togither at Picqueny on
the water of Some .iij. leagues aboue Amiens, ſhewyng greate curteſie eyther
to other. The letters of both their agree|ments EEBO page image 1349
were opened & red, and then either Prince layd his right hand on the
miſſal, & his left hande on ye holy Croſſe (as it was tearmed)
& toke there a ſolemne othe to obſerue and kepe the treatie for ix.
yeares concluded betweene them with al their confederates and alies,
compriſed, mẽcioned and ſpecified in the ſame, and further to accompliſhe
the marriage of their children. There was wyth either prince .xij. noble mẽ
at this meeting, which was vpõ a bridge caſt ouer the water of Some,
a geate beyng ſet a trauerſe the ſame
in the mids, ſo from ſide to ſide, that the one Prince could not come vnto
the other, but only to imbrace eche o|ther, in putting their armes through
the holes of the grate. There were four Engliſhmen appoin|ted to ſtand with
the Frenchmen on the bridge to ſee their demeanor, and likewiſe .iiij.
Frenchmen were appointed to the Engliſhmen for the ſame purpoſe. There were
with the king of England his brother the duke of Clarence, the erle of
Nor|thumberland, the biſhop of Elie his
chãcellor, the lord Haſtings his chamberlain, and .viij. others. They hadde
louing and very familiar talke to|gither a good ſpace, bothe afore their
company, and ſecretly alone, whileſt their company of cur|teſy withdrew
ſomewhat backe. Finally, when theſe Princes had ended their communication,
they toke leaue eyther of other in moſt louyng & amiable wiſe,
& then mounting on horſback, they departed, the French king to
Amiens, and Kyng Edward to his armie.The Frenche kings liberaliti. The Frenche king gaue
to dyuers of the Engliſh Lords great rewards, as to the L. Chancellor, to
the L. Haſtings, to ye L. Haward, to ſir Thomas Montgomery, to ſir Thomas
Sentleger, to ſir Iohn Cheyny, to the Marques Dorſet, and to diuers other.
And be|ſide the extraordinarie rewards, which he beſto|wed amongſt them to
haue their ſtedfaſt fauour and good willes, he gaue to them great pẽcions,
amounting to the ſumme of .xvj. thouſand crou|nes a yere. When the king of England had re|ceiued his
money,King Edvvard rewardeth into Englande.
& his nobilitie their rewardes, he truſſed vp his tents, and laded
his baggage, & departed towards Caleys, where at his cõming
thither, he toke ſhip, and ſailed with a proſperous winde into Englande, and
was royally recey|ued vpon Blackheath by the Mayre of London and the
Magiſtrates, & .v.C. comoners apparel|led in Murrey, the
.28. daye of September, and ſo cõueyed thorough ye citie of
Weſtmin. where for a while after his long
labor, he repoſed him|ſelfe. About the ſame ſeaſon, the French king to
compaſſe his purpoſe for the getting of the Con|neſtable into his hands,
toke truce with the duke of Burgongne for .ix. yeres, as a cõtractor in the
league, and not comprehended as an other prin|ces alye.Sir Thomas Montgomery. The K. of England aduertiſed hereof, ſente
ouer Sir Thomas Montgomerye to the French king, offring to paſſe the ſeas
agayn the next ſommer in his ayde to make warres on the duke of Burgongne,
ſo that the French K. ſhuld pay to him fiftie thouſand crownes for the loſſe
whiche hee ſhould ſuſtein in his cuſtome, by rea|ſon that the woolles at
Caleys bycauſe of the warres could haue no vent, and alſo pay half the
charges, and half the wages of his ſouldiors and men of warre. The Frenche
K. thanked the K. of England for his gentle offer, but hee alledged that the
truce was already concluded, ſo that he coulde not then attempte any thing
againſt the ſame without reproche to his honour. But the trouth was, the
French K. neither loued the ſight not [...]ed the companie of the King of England on ye ſide the ſea, but when
he was here at home, he both loued him as his brother, and tooke hym as his
frende. Syr Thomas Montgomery was with plate richly rewarded, and ſo
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There returned with him
the Lord Hawarde and ſir Iohn Chey [...]y,1475 whiche were hoſtages with the French
king till the Engliſh army were returned into Englande.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 K. Edw. hauing
eſtabliſhed al things in good order, as mẽ might iudge,An. reg. 15.
both within his realme & without, was yet troubled in his
mind,Henry earle of Richmonde. for that Hẽry
the erle of Richmond, one of ye bloud of K. Henry ye vj. was aliue,
& at libertie in Britaine: therfore to attẽpt eftſoons the mind of
Frauncis D. of Britain, he ſent ouer vnto ye ſaid duke, one doctor
Stillington & two other his ambaſſadors laden with no ſmal ſum of
gold.Ambaſſadours into Britaine. Theſe
ambaſſa|dors declaring their meſſage, affirmed yt the K. their maſter
willed to haue the erle of Richmõd, only for this purpoſe, to ioyn with him
in alyãce by marriage, & ſo to plucke vp al the leauings of diſcord
betwixt him & the contrary faction. The duke gently heard the
Orators, & thoughe at the firſt he by excuſes denied their requeſt,
yet at the length beleuing that K. Edw. wold giue to the erle his eldeſt
daughter, ye lady Elizabeth in ma|riage, he conſented to deliuer him,
& receyued of ye engliſh Orators a great ſumme of mony: but ere
they were embarked with their pray, the D. being aduertiſed, that the erle
of Richmond was not ſo earneſtly fought for, to be coupled in ma|riage with
K. Edward his daughter, but rather that his head might be chopped off with
an hat|chet,The Earle of Richmonde taketh
Sanctu|arie. cauſed his treaſorer Peter Landoyſe to cõ|uey the
ſayd Erle of Richmond into a ſanctua|rie at S. Malo, wher the Engliſh
ambaſſadors then lay, only ſtaying for a cõuenyẽt wind: who complayned,
that they were euill vſed to bee ſpoyled both of their moneye and
merchandiſe, yet bycauſe the matter was ſo handeled, that it ſeemed the
Earle eſcaped into the Sanctuarie thoroughe theyr owne negligence, after
they hadde receyued hym into their handes, EEBO page image 1350 they
were ſoone aunſwered, but yet promiſe was made that the Erle ſhould be
ſafely kept, either in the Sanctuarie, or elſe as priſoner in the Dukes
houſe, that they ſhuld not need to feare him more than his ſhadow. And thus
the K. of Englande purchaſed for his money, the keeping of his eni|mie, the
ſpace onely of .iij. dayes, and no more.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edw. was ſomwhat
diſpleaſed wyth this chance, but yet truſting that the D. of Bri|tayn wold
according to promiſe, ſee the Erle of
Richmont ſafely kept from doing any greuance to him or his ſubiects, put all
doubtes therof out his mynd, & began to ſtudy how to kepe a liberal
princely houſe, and thervpon ſtoryng his cheſts with money, hee imployed no
ſmall portion in good houſe keepyng.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 16. The deathe of the Duke of Burgongne.
This yere the duke of Burgongne was ſlain by the Swytzers, before the
towne of Nancy in Lorrayne, after whoſe death the French K. wan all the
townes which the ſayd Duke held in Pi|cardie and Arthoys, and bycauſe that the towne of Bolongne and countie of
Bolongnoys, ap|pertayned by right of inheritance vnto the Lord Berthram de
la Toure, Earle of Auuergne, the Frenche king bought of him his righte and
title in the ſame, and recompenced hym wyth other lands in the countie of
Foreſts, and in other pla|ces. And bicauſe the forenamed town and coun|tye
were holden of the Erledome of Arthoys, he chãged the tenure, and auowed to
hold the ſame towne and countye of our
Lady of Bolongne, and therof did homage to the image in the great churche of
Bolongne, offering there an Heart of gold, weying two thouſand crowns,
ordeyning further that his heires and ſucceſſors at their en|trie into their
eſtates, by them ſelues or their de|puties, ſhuld offer an hart of like
weight & value as a reliefe & homage for y
e ſame town
& coũtye.
Compare 1587 edition:
1477About this ſeaſon through great miſhap, the
ſparke of priuie malice was newly kindeled be|twixt the K. and his brother the D. of Clarẽce, inſomuch that
where one of the dukes ſeruantes was ſodeinly accuſed (I can not ſay whether
of truth, or vntruly ſuſpected by the dukes enimies) of poyſoning, ſorcerie
or inchauntmente, and therof cõdemned, & put to executiõ for the
ſame, the Duke whiche might not ſuffer the wrong|full condemnation of his
man (as he in his con|ſcience iudged) nor yet forbeare but to murmure and
reproue the doyng therof, moued the Kyng
with his dayely exclamation to take ſuche diſ|pleaſure with hym, that
finally the Duke was caſt into the Tower,
An. reg. 17. George Duke of Clarence drovvned in a butte of
Malm|cy. and therwith adiudged for a traytour, and priuilye
drowned in a butte of Malmeſey, the .xj. of Marche, in the beginning of the
.xvij. yeare of the kings reigne.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Some haue reported, that
the cauſe of thys noble mans death roſe of a fooliſh propheſie whi|che was,
that after king Edwarde ſhould [...]gne one, whoſe firſt letter of his name ſhould be [...] wherwith the K. and the Quene wee [...] trou|bled, & began to conceiue a grea [...]
[...] a|gainſt this duke, and could not be [...] had brought him to his end. And as the [...] wõt to encõber the mynds of men [...] in ſuche diueliſh fa [...], they ſaid afterward [...] that propheſie loſt [...] his effect,Prophecies de|uil [...] f [...]. when after [...]ing Edward, Glouceſter vſurped his kingdom O|ther alledged, that the
cauſe of his death [...] that the duke being deſtitute of a wife by ye mea|nes of his ſiſter
the lady Margarete, Du [...] of Burgongne, procured to haue the Lady [...]y daughter & heire to hir huſband [...] Which mariage K. Edward (enuying the pro|ſperitie of his brother)
both again ſayd and di [...]r|bed, and therby olde malice reuiued victori [...] whiche the Queene and hir bloud (euer [...]tru|ſting, and priuily barking at the kyngs Ha [...]ge,) ceaſſed not to encreaſe. But ſure it is ye although king Edward
were conſenting to his drath, yet he much did both lament his infortunate
chance, and repent his ſodeyn execution. Inſomuch that when any perſon ſuch
to hym for the pardon of malefactors condemned to death, he woulde
ac|cuſtomably ſaye, and openly ſpeake: O [...] for|tunate brother, for whoſe life not our wold make ſuite, openly
and apparantly meanyng by ſuche words that by the meanes of ſome of the
nobi|litie he was deceyued & brought to his cõfuſion.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 This duke left behynd him
two yong infants begot of the body of his wife, the daughter of Ri|chard
late erle of Warwike, whiche children by deſtinie as it were, or by their
owne merits, folo|wing the ſteps of their anceſtors, ſucceded them in like
miſfortune and ſemblable euill chaunce. For Edward his heire whome K. Edward
had created earle of Warwike was .xxiij. yeares af|ter in the tyme of Henry
the ſeuenth,Edvva [...] of VVa [...] ſonne [...] to Geo [...] duke of [...]rence. attaynted of treaſon, and on the Tower hill loſt his
head. Margarete his ſole daughter maryed to ſir Ri|chard Pole knight, and by
Henry the .viij. reſto|red to the name, title and poſſeſſiõs of the
earle|dom of Saliſbury,Marga [...]
[...]reſſe of [...]bury. was at length for treaſon cõ|mitted againſt the ſayd
Henry the .viij. atteyn|ted in open parliamẽt, & ſixtie two yeres
after hir father had ſuffred death in the tower, ſhe on the greene within
the ſame place was beheaded. In whoſe perſon dyed the very ſurname of
Planta|genet, whiche from Geoffrey Plantagenet ſo long in the bloud royall
of this realme had flori|ſhed & continued. After ye death of this
D. by rea|ſon of great heat & intemperancie of aire, hapned ſo
fierce and quicke a peſtilence,A greate
peſti|lence. that fifteene yeares warre paſte conſumed not the
third parte of the people, that only foure moneths myſerably &
pitifully diſpatched & brought to their granes.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1351
An. reg. 18.
The counſellors of the yong Duches of Bur|gongne ſent to King Edwarde
for ayde againſt the French king, & aboute the ſame time had the
Quene of Engl. ſente to the lady Margaret du|ches of Burgongne for y
preferremẽt of hir bro|ther Anthonie erle Riuers to y
e yong damſel: but
the counſel of Flanders cõſidering y
t he was but an Earle of meane eſtate,
& ſhe the greateſt inhe|ritr
[...] of all Chriſtendom at that time, gaue but deafe care to ſo vnmeet a
requeſt. To which de|ſire, if the Flemings
had but giuen a lyking
[...]+dy outwarde ſemblance, and with gentle wor|des delayed the ſuit, ſhe
had bin both ſucco
[...]d & defended. Whether K. Edw. was not conten|ted with this
refuſall, or y
t he was loth to breake with the Frenche K. he wold in no
wiſe conſent to ſend an armie into Flãders againſt y
e French king, but yet
he ſent Ambaſſadors to hym with louing & gentle letters, requiring
hym to growe to ſome reſonable order and agreement with the yong Ducheſſe of Burgongne, or at the leaſt to
take a truce with hir at his requeſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The ambaſſadors of
Englãd wer highly re|ceiued, bountifully feaſted, & liberally
rewarded, but anſwer to their deſire had they none, but that ſhortly after,
the French K. wold ſend Ambaſſa|dors, hoſtages, and pledges to the K. of
Englãd their maiſter, for the perfecting and concludyng of all things
depending betwene thẽ two, ſo that their ſouetaine lorde and they, ſhould
haue cauſe to be contented and pleaſed.
Theſe faire words were only delayes to driue tyme till hee mighte haue ſpace
to ſpoyle the young Damoſell of hir townes and countreys. And beſide thys,
to ſtay king Edwarde from taking parte with hir, hee wrote to him that if he
would ioyne with him in ayde, he ſhould haue and [...]nioye [...] him and hys heyres the whole countie and countrey of Flan|ders,
diſcharged of homage, ſuperioritie and re|ſort to be claimed by the French
K. or his ſucceſ|ſors:Large offers made to the K. [...] Englande by the French K.
and further he ſhould haue the whole duchy
of Brabant, wherof the French king offered at his owne coſt & charge
to conquer .iiij. the chiefeſt and ſtrongeſt townes within the ſayd Duchye,
and them in quiet poſſeſſion to deliuer to the K. of Englande, graunting
further to pay to hym x.M. angels toward his charges, with muniti|ons of
warre and artillerie, whiche he promyſed to lende him, with men and cariage
for the con|ueyance of the ſame. The king of England re|fuſed to make any warres agaynſte thoſe coun|treyes that
were thus offered to him: but if the Frenche King would make him partener of
hys cõqueſts in Picardie, rendring to him part of the towns alredie gotten,
as Bolongne, Monſterel, and Abuile, then he wold ſurly take his part, and
ayde him with men at his owne coſts & charges.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus paſſed faire wordes
and golden promi|ſes betwene th [...]ſe two pri [...], and in the meane time the yong ducheſſe of Burgongne was ſpoi|led of
hir townes, caſtels and territories, tyll at length for maintinance, ſhe
condeſcẽded to ma|rie wt Mar [...]ian fonne to ye [...]ror Fred [...], that he might kepe the Wolfe from the folde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edward in the [...]yere of his reign be|gan more thã he was before accuſtomed to ſe [...]th the forfeiture of [...] all lawes [...] ſtatutes,
An. reg. 19.
aſwel of the
[...] of his no
[...]litie as of other gentlemen being
[...] of great poſſeſſions, or abu
[...]ye furniſhed with goodes, likewyſe of mer|chãts, & other
inferior perſons: by reaſon wherof, it was of all men iudged y
t he wold
proue hereaf|ter a ſore and a rigorous Prince among his ſub|iects: but this
his new inuẽted practiſe and coue|tous meaning, (by reaſon of foreyn
affaires and abridgement of his dayes in this tranſitorie lyfe, which were
within two yeares after conſumed) tooke ſome but not great effecte.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Ambaſſadors were ſent to
and fro betwixt the K. of England & France,
An. reg. 20.
and ſtil the french king fed the K. of England with faire words,
putting him in hope to match his ſon and heire the Dol|phyn with the lady
Elizabeth daughter to the K. of England, according to the concluſions of
a|greemẽt had & made at Pyqu
[...]y betwixt them, althoughe in very deede he meante nothing leſſe. His
ambaſſadors euer made excuſes if anything were amiſſe, & he vſed to
ſend chaunge of ambaſ|ſadors, ſo y
t if thoſe which had bin here afore, and
were returned, had ſayde or promiſed any thing (though they were authoriſed
ſo to doe) whyche might turne to their maſters hindrance, the other that
came after mighte excuſe themſelues by ig|norance of y
e mater, affirming
that they wanted cõmiſſion once to talk or meddle with that mat|ter, or if
he perceiued that any thing was lyke to be concluded contrary to his mynde,
for a ſhifte he would call his Ambaſſadours home in greate haſte, and after
ſend an other with new inſtructi|ons nothing depending on the olde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus the French king vſed
to dally with K. Edward in the caſe of this mariage, only to kepe hym ſtil
in amitie: And certainly the king of En|gand being a mã of no ſuſpicious
nature,The French k. fedeth the king of Englande vvith
faire vvordes and promiſes. thou|ght ſooner that the Sun ſhould
haue fallen from his circle, than that the French king would haue diſſimuled
or broken promiſe with him: but there is none ſo ſoone beguyled, as he that
leaſte my|ſtruſteth, nor anye ſo able to deceyue as hee to whom moſt
credence is giuen: but as in myſtru|ſting nothing is great lightneſſe, ſo in
too much truſtyng is to muche folly, whiche well appea|red in this matter:
for the Frenche king by cloa|kyng his inwarde determinate purpoſe, wyth
greate dyſſimulation and large promyſſes, kept hym ſtil in frendſhip with
the king of England, EEBO page image 1352 till he had wrought a
greate parte of his will a|gainſt the yong Ducheſſe of Burgongne, which king
Edward would not haue ſuffered, if he had put any great doubt in the french
kings fair pro|miſes, conſidering that the crown of France was in this mean
time ſo much encreaſed in domini|ons, to the great reinforcement of that
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 21.
In this very ſeaſon Iames the thirde of that name K. of Scots ſent
into England a ſolemne
[figure appears here on page
ambaſſade for to haue the ladie
Ambaſſadours foorth of Scot|lande. K.
Ed|wards ſecond daughter to be maried to his eldeſt ſonne Iames, prince of
Scotland, duke of Roth|ſay, and earle of Carick. King Edward and his
coũſel, perceiuing that this affinitie ſhuld be both honorable and profitable to the Realme, did not only
graunt to his deſire, but alſo beforehand diſ|burſed certain ſummes of
money, to the only in|tent that the mariage ſhould hereafter neyther be
hindred nor broken, with this condition, that if y
e ſaid mariage by any
accidentall meane ſhould in tyme to come take none effecte, or that K. Edw.
wold notifie to the K. of Scots, or his counſell, that his pleaſure was
determined to haue y
e ſayd mariage diſſolued: Then y
e Prouoſt &
merchãts of the town of Edenburgh, ſhuld
be bound for re|payment of the ſaid ſum again. Al which things were with
great deliberatiõ cõcluded, paſſed and ſealed, in hope of cõtinuall peace
& indiſſoluble a|mitie. But K. Iames was known to be a man ſo wedded
to his own opinion, y
t he could not a|bide thẽ that wold ſpeake cõtrary
to his fantaſy, by meanes whereof, he was altogither led by the counſel and
aduice of men of baſe linage, whom for their flaterie, he had promoted vnto
great di|gnities & honorable offices, by which perſons, di|uers
of the nobilitie of his realme were
greately miſuſed & put to trouble both with impriſonmẽt exactions
& death, inſomuche that ſome of them went into voluntarie exile.
Amongſt whome Alexander duke of Albany, brother to K. Iames, being exiled
into France, & paſſing through En|gland, taried with king Edward,
& vpon occaſi|on moued him to make war againſt his brother, y
e ſaid
K. Iames, for that he forgetting his other promiſe, and affinity cõcluded
[...] Edwarde cauſed his ſubiects to make roades & forrayne in|to
the Engliſh borders, ſpoyling, bre
[...]ning & h
[...]l|ling king Edwards liege people. King Edward not a little diſpleaſed
with this vnprincely doing prouoked & ſet on alſo by the D. of
Albanye, de|termined to inuade Scotland with an armie, a
[...]|wel to reuenge his owne iniuries receyued at the hands of king Iames,
as to helpe to reſtore the D. of Albany vnto his countrey and poſſeſſions
again. Herevpon al the winter ſeaſon, he muſtred his men, prepared his
ordinance, rigged his ſhips,
Preparation for vvarre
a|gainſt Scotlãd. and left nothing vnprouided for ſuch a iorney,
to that in the beginning of the yeare, all things ap|perteyning to the
warre, and neceſſarie for hys voyage, were in a readineſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
13 To be his chieftayn of
his hoſt,
An. reg. 22.
and lieutenant general, Rich. duke of Glouceſter was apoynted by his
brother king Edward, and with him wer adioyned as aſſociates,
An army ſcene into Scotlande. Henry the fourth earle
of Northumberland, Tho. L. Stanley lorde Ste|ward of the kings houſe, the L.
Lonell, the lorde Greyſtocke, and diuers other noble men,
[...] w
[...]r|thie knights. Theſe valiant captaine came to Alnewik in
Northumberland, about the begin|ning of Iuly, where they firſt encãped
thẽſelues, & marſhalled their hoſt: The forewarde was led by the
erle of Northũberland, vnder whoſe ſtan|derd were the L. Scrope of Bolton,
ſir Io. Mid|dleton, ſir Io. Dichfielde, & diuers other knights,
eſquiers and ſouldiors, to the number of .vj.M. & .vij.C. In the
middle warde was the Duke of Glouceſter, and wyth hym the Duke of Alba|ny,
the lorde Louell, the lorde Greyſtock, ſir Ed|ward Wooduile, and other to
the number of fiue thouſand and eight hundred men. The L. Ne|uile was
appoynted to folow, accompanied with iij.M. The Lorde Stanley led the wing
on the right hand of the dukes battail with .iiij.M. mẽ of Laneaſhire
& Cheſhire. The Lord Fitz Hugh, ſir Williã a Parre, ſir Iames
Harrington, with the number of two thouſande ſouldiors, guyded the left
wing: And beſide all theſe, there were one thouſand appointed to giue their
attendaunce on the ordinance. This royall armie not intending to loſe tyme,
came ſodeynly by the water ſide to the town of Barwike, and there what with
force and what with feare of ſo great an army,
vvon by the Engliſh|men.
[...] & entred the towne: but the erle of Bothwel being captain of
the caſtell, wold in no wiſe deliuerie: wherfore the capitains vpon good and
deliberate aduice, plãted a ſtrong ſiege roũd about it. Whẽ this ſiege
was laid, the ij. dukes & al the other ſol|diors (except y
e L.
Stãley, ſir Io. Eltingtõ trea|ſorer of y
e kings houſe, ſir Will. a Parre,
400 [...]
men that were lefte behinde to keepe the ſiege
EEBO page image 1353
before the caſtell (departed from Berwicke to|ward Edinborough, and in
marching thither|ward, they brent and deſtroyed many townes and haſti
[...]es. King Iames hou
[...]ig ſmall confi|dence in his communaltie, and leſſe truſt in his
nobilitie, kept himſelfe within the caſtell of E|denboroughe. The Duke of
Glouceſter entred into the town, & at the eſpecial deſire of the
duke of Albany, ſaued the town, and the inhabitants from fyer, bloude, and
ſpoile, taking only of the marchauntes,
ſuche preſents as they genti
[...]y of|fered to hym and his captains, cauſing Gartier principal king of
armes, to make a publike pro|clamation at the high croſſe in the market
place of Edenboraughe, by the which he warned and admoniſhed king Iames, to
keepe, obſerue, and performe, all ſuche promiſſes, compactes, coue|nauntes,
and agreements, as he had concluded and ſealed to, with the king of
Englande, and alſo to make ſufficiẽt recompẽce to his ſubiects, for the tyranny, ſpoile, and crueltie, which hee
and his people had committed and don, contra|ry to y
e league, within the
marches of his realm of England, before the firſt day of Auguſt next
enſuing. And further without delay to reſtore his brother the duke of Albany
to his eſtate, and all his poſſeſſions, offices, and aucthorities, in as
large maner as he occupied and enioyed the ſame before: or elſe the duke of
Gloceſter lieu|tenaunt generall for the king of England, was ready at hande to deſtroy hym, his people, and
countreys, with ſlaughter,
[...]ame, and famine. King Iames woulde make no anſwer neyther by worde nor
writyng, but kepte hymſelfe cloſe within the caſtell: but the lords of
Scotland ly|ing at Habington with a great puiſſaũce, de|termined firſt to
practiſe with y
e duke of Glou|ceſter for a peace, and after by ſome meanes
to allure the duke of Albany from the Engliſhe a|mitie, & vpon this
motion, the .ij. day of Au|guſte they
wrote to the duke of Glouceſter, re|quiring that the mariage betwene the
prince of Scotland, & king Edwards daughter might be accompliſhed,
according to the couenants, and further that a peace from thenceforth might
bee louingly concluded betwene both realms. The duke of Glouceſter anſwered
again to theſe de|maundes, that for the article of the mariage, he knewe not
the King his brothers determinate pleaſure, either for the affirmaunce, or
denyall of the ſame, but neuertheleſſe he
deſired full re|ſtitution of all y
e ſums of money preſted out in lone vppon
the ſame mariage, and as for peace he aſſured them he would agree to none,
except the caſtel of Berwik might be to him deliuered, or at the leaſte wiſe
that they ſhoulde vndertake y
t the ſiege lying afore y
e ſame ſhuld not be
trou+bled by the K. of Scots, nor by any of his ſub|iects, nor by his or
their procuremẽt or meanes. The Scottiſh lords vpon thys anſwer and
de|maundes of the duke of Glouceſter,
The Bishoppe elected
of Mur|ray ſent to the Duke of Glou|ceſter. ſent to hym the elect
of M
[...]rray, & the lord Dernley, which excuſed the
[...]alter, touching the repayment of the mony, for that the time of the
lawfull con|tracte of the ſaide mariage, was not yet come, & no day
apointed for the money to be paide be|fore the contract beganne. But for
further aſſu|raunce, either for the contract to be made, or for the paiment
of the money, they promyſed ther|vnto accordingly (as reaſon ſhould require)
to agree. Secõd
[...]ly as touching y
e caſſel of Ber|wicke, they alledged that it
apperteined to the realme of Scotland, as the olde
[...]ũce of the ſame. The duke notwithſtanding, all that they could ſya,
wold agree
[...] peace, except y
e Caſtell of Berwicke might be deliuered to the king
of England, and ſo the meſſengers depar|ted. The ſame day the archbiſhop of
ſainct An|drewes, the Biſhop of Dunhill, Colin earle of Argyle, lord
Cambell, and lord Andrewe lord of Avandale chauncellor of Scotland, wrote to
the duke of Albany a ſolemne and an autenti|call inſtrument, ſigned
& ſealed with their hãds and ſeales, concerning a generall pardõ
to him and his ſeruaunts, vpon certaine conditions to be graunted, which
conditions ſeemed to reaſo|nable, that y
e duke of Albany deſirous to be
re|ſtored to his olde eſtate, poſſeſſions, and natiue countrey, willingly
accepted the ſame: but be|fore he departed from the duke of Glouceſter, he
promyſed bothe by worde and writyng of his owne hand, to do &
performe all ſuche things, as he before that time had ſworne and promiſed to
king Edward, notwithſtãding any agreemẽt nowe made, or after to be made,
with the lords of Scotland: and for performaunce of the effect hereof, he
againe tooke a corporall othe, & ſealed the writyng before the
The Duke of Albanie reſto|red home. of
Glouceſter in the engliſhe campe at Leuington beſides Hading|ton, the thirde
day of Auguſt in the yere
.1482. After he was reſtored,
He [...]s created greate lieute|naunt of Scot|lande. the Lords of
Scotlande proclaimed him great lieutenaunt of Scotland and in the kings name
made proclamatiõ, that all men within .viij. dayes ſhoulde be ready at
Crauſhaus, both to reiſe the ſiege before the ca|ſtell, and for the
recouering againe of the town of Berwicke. The Duke of Albany wrote all this
preparation to the Duke of Glouceſter, re|quiryng hym to haue no miſtruſte
in hys dea|lings. The duke of Glouceſter wrote to him a|gaine his minde very
roundely, promiſing that be with his army woulde defende the beſiegers frõ
all enemies that ſhould attempt to trouble them, or elſe die in the
quarrell. To be briefe, when the lordes of Scotland ſawe that it boo|ted
them not to aſſay the reiſing of the ſiege, ex|cept
EEBO page image 1354 they
ſhoulde make accompt to bee fought wythall, they determined to deliuer the
Caſtell of Berwicke to the engliſhmẽ, ſo that therevp|on there might be an
abſtinence of warre taken for a ſeaſon. And herewith they ſent to the duke
of Gloceſter a charter indented whych was da|ted the .xxiiij. day of
Auguſte, in the ſaide yeare 1482. contracted betwene the duke of Gloceſter
liuetenant general for the king of Englãd, and Alexander duke of Albany
lieutenãt for Iames king of Scottes, that
an eſpeciall abſtinence of warre ſhuld be kept betwixt y
e realms of
Eng|land and Scotland, aſwell by ſea, as by lande, to begin the .viij. day
of Septẽber nexte com|ming, to endure till the .iiij. day of Nouember nexte
following. And in y
e ſame ſeaſõ, the town and caſtell of Berwicke, to be
occupied and re|maine in the reall poſſeſſion of ſuche as by the king of
Englands deputie ſhulde be appointed. Hervnto the duke of Glouceſter
The Caſtell of Berwicke deliuered. and
ſo then was the caſtell of Berwicke
deliuered to the lord Stanley, and other thereto appointed, which therein
put both engliſhmen and artille|ry ſufficient to defend it againſt all
Scotlande, for .vj. moneths. The duke of Albany alſo cau|ſed the prouoſt and
burgeſſes of Edenborough, to make a ſufficient inſtrument obligatorye, to
king Edward, for the true ſatiſfaction, and cõ|tentation of the ſame mony,
which he alſo ſent by the ſaide prouoſte, to the duke of Gloceſter to
Alnewike. It was conteined in the ſaid
inſtru|ment or writing, that king Edward ſhuld inti|mate his pleaſure vnto
the ſaide prouoſt & bur|geſſes of Edenboroughe, before the feaſt of
All|ſaintes nexte following, whether he would the mariage ſhoulde take
place, or that he woulde haue the payment of the money, accordyng to which
Gartier king of armes is ſent into
Scotland. K. Edward ſẽt Gartier his prin|cipall king of armes,
& Northumberland Her|rauld, to
declare his refuſall of the mariage and the election & choiſe of the
repaiment of the mo|ny. They came to Edenbourgh .8. days before y
e feaſt of
Alſaints, where according to their cõ|miſſion and inſtructions, Gartier
declared the pleaſure of the king his maiſter, vnto y
e prouoſt &
burgeſſes of Edenboroughe, who made an|ſwer y
t now knowing his
determination ther|in, they wold accordyng to their bond, prepare for
repaiment of the mony, Gartier and his fel|lowe were gentilly enterteined,
and in ſafetie conueyed backe to Berwicke,
and ſo cõming to Newecaſtell, where the duke of Gloceſter than lay, made
relation to him of all their doings, & then the duke with all ſpeede
returned to Shri|nehuton and there abode.
Althoughe king Ed|ward reioyced that his buſines came to ſo good concluſion
with the Scots, yet he was aboute the ſame time ſore diſquieted in his minde
to|wards the frenche king, whome he now p
[...]|ued to haue datied with him as touching the a|greement of the
mariage, to be had der
[...] the Dolphin and his daughter the lady Elizabethe for the lord Haward
being as then
[...] out of Frãce, certified the king of his
[...]|ledge, how that he being preſent,
[...]dy Margaret of A
[...] daug
[...] to
[...]|imilian, ſon to the emperor F
[...] into Frãce with great pompe a
[...]e and at Ambois to the Dolphin contructed, and
[...]|ſed King Edward highly diſpleaſed with
[...] double & vniuſt dealing of the french king, cal|led his
nobles togither, & opened vnto them his griefes, who promiſed him
[...] therof, to be ready with
[...] their powers to
[...]ke war|res in France at his pleaſure and appointment.
Compare 1587 edition:
7 But whileſt hee was buſie
in hande to make his purueiaũce for warres th [...]s againſt Frãce whether it was with melancolye a anger, whi|che he
took with the french kings [...]gs & vn|curteous vſage, or were it by any ſuperf [...] ſurfet (to the which he was much giuen) yt ſo|dainely fell ſicke,
and was ſo gree [...]y taken, that in the end he perceued his natural ſtrength in ſuch wiſe
to decay, that there was liſte hope of recouerie in the cũning of his
phiſitiõs, whi|che hee perceyued only to prolong hys life for [...] ſmall time, wherefore he began to make readye for his paſſage into an
other world, not forget|ting as after ſhal appeare, to exhorte the nobles of
his realme aboue all thinges, to an vnitie a|mong themſelues, &
hauing as he tooke if, made an attonement betwixte the parties that were
knowen to be frant friends, he cõmended vnto their graue wiſedoms the
gouernmẽt of his ſon the prince, & of his brother the Duke of
Yorke, during the time of their tẽder yeres. And thus hauing ſet things in
good ſtay as might be ſup|poſed, hee ſhortely after departed this life at
Weſtminſter the .ix. of April in the yere .1483. After he had
reigned .xxij. yeres, one moneth, & viij. dayes, his body was with
funerall pompe conueyed to Windſor & there buried, he left be|hinde
him iſſue by the Quene his wife ij. ſons, Edward and Richard, with .v.
daughters, Eli+zabeth that was after Quene maried to Henry the .vij. Cicilie
maried to the vicount Welles, Briget a Nunne profeſſed in Sion or Dertfort
as ſir Tho. More hath: Anne maried to the L. Thomas Howarde, after erle of
Surrey, and duke of Norffolke: Katherin wedded to the L. Williã Courtney
ſon to the earle of Deuon|ſhire: beſide theſe he left behinde him likewiſe,
a baſe ſon named Arthur that was after vicoũt Liſle: for the deſcription of
his perſon & qualli|ties I will referre you to that whiche ſir Tho.
More hath written of him in that hiſtorie which EEBO page image 1355 he wrote
and left vnfiniſhed of his ſon Edward the fift, & of his brother
king Richard the third, which we ſhall god willing hereafter make, you
partaker of, as wee finde the ſame recorded a|mong his other workes, word
for word, when firſte we haue according to our beg [...] mor [...] re|hearſed ſuche writers of our nation as [...]ed in his dayes. As firſt, Nicholas Hent [...] borne an Suffolke a Carmelit Frier in Gipp [...]wich pr [...]|uinciall of his order throughe Englande: Hen|ry Parker a carmelite Frier of Doucaſter prea|ched againſte
the pride of prelates, and for ſuche doctrine as he ſet forthe, was
impriſoned wyth his fellowe Tho. Holden, and a certaine blacke Frier alſo
for the like cauſe. Parker was for|ced to recant .iij. ſpeciall articles, as
Baleno|teth out of Lelande: Iohn Harding an eſquier borne in the Northe
partes, wrote a Chronicle in Engliſh verſe, & among other ſpeciall
points therein touched he gathered all the ſubmiſſions and homages had and made by the Scottiſhe kings euen from
the dayes of King Athelſtons Whereby it euidently may appeare, howe the
Scottiſhe Kingdome euen in maner from the firſte eſtabliſhing thereof here
in Britaine, hath bene apperteining vnto the kings of England, and houlden
of them, as their chiefe and ſuperi|or Lordes: William Ive a doctor of
Diuini|tie and prehendarie of Sainct Poules in Lon|don: Thomas Wilton a
diuine, and Deane of the ſayde Churche of
Poules in London: Iulian Pemes, a gentlewoman endued with excellent giftes
bothe of body and minde, wrote certaine treatiſes of hauking and hunting,
de|lighting greatly hirſelfe in thoſe exerciſes and paſtimes: ſhe wrote alſo
a booke of the lawe of armes, and knowledge apperteyning to Ha|rolds: Iohn
Stambery borne in the Weaſte partes of this Realme, a Carmelite Frier, and
confeſſor to King Henry the ſixte, hee was alſo Maiſter of Gaton Colledge, and after was made Biſhop of
Bangor, and remoued from thence to the See of Hereforde: Iohn Slueley an
Auguſtine Frier prouinciall of hys order: Iohn Forteſkew a Iudge and
Chauncellor of England, wrote diuers treatiſes concerning the lawe, and
pollitike gouernement: Rochus a Charterhouſe Monke borne in London, of
ho|neſte parentes, and ſtudied in the Vniuerſitie of Paris, he wrote diuers
epigrammes: Iohn Phreas borne alſo in London was fellowe of Bailioll Colledge in Oxforde, and after wente into
Italy, where hee hearde Guarinus that excellent Philoſopher read in Ferrara:
he pro|ued an excellent phiſition and a ſkilfull lawier, There was not in
Italy whileſt hee remained there, that paſſed hym in eloquence and
know|ledge of bothe the tongues, Greeke and Latin Walter Hunt a Carmelite
Frier, a greate de|uine, and for his excellency in lerning ſent from the
whole body of this realme, vnto the gene|rall counſell houlden firſte at
Ferrara, and after at Florence by Pope Eugenius the .iiij. where he diſputed
among other wyth the Greekes in defence of the other and ceremonies of the
latine Churche: Thomas Wighenhall a Monke of the order called
Premonſtratenſis in the Abbey of Derã in Nortfolke: Iohn Gunthorpe went
into Italy, where he hearde that eloquent lear|ned man Guarinus read in
Farrara. After his commyng home into England, he was Deane of Welles, and
keeper of the priuy ſeale: Iohn Hamvoys an excellent Muſicion, and for hys
notable cunnyng therein, made doctor of Mu|ſicke: Williã Caxton wrote a
Chronicle cal|led Fru [...]
[...]porum, & an appendix vnto Tre|uiſa, beſide diuers
other bookes & tranſlations: Iohn Mi [...]ton a carmelite Frier of Briſtow and prouintiall of his order through
England, Irelande and Scotland, at lengthe bycauſe he defended ſuch of his
order as preached againſt endowments of the church with temporall
poſ|ſeſſions he was brought into trouble, commit|ted to priſon in caſtell
ſaint Angelo in Rome, where he continued .iij. yeares, and at length was
deliuered throughe certaine of the Cardi|nalles that were appointed hys
Iudges: Da|uid Morgan a Welcheman, Threaſourer of the church of Landaffe,
wrote of the antiquities of Wales, and a diſcriptiõ of the country: Iohn
Tiptot, a noble man borne, a greate trauailer, excellently learned, and
wrote diuers treatiſes, & finally loſt his head in the yero
.1471. in time of the ciuill warre betwixt the houſes of Yorke
& Lancaſter: Iohn Shirwood biſhop of Dur|ham: Thomas Kent an
excellent philoſopher, Roberte Huggon borne in Norffolk in a town called
Hardingham, wrote certayne vayne pro|phecies: Iohn Maxfielde a learned
phiſition: William Greene a carmelite Frier: Thomas Norton borne in Briſtow
an Alcumiſte: Iohn Meare a Monke of Norwich: Richarde Por|lande borne in
Norffolke a Franciſcan Frier, and a doctor of diuinitie: Thomas Milling a
Monke of Weſtminſter, a Doctor of diuinitie and preferred to the Biſhopricke
of Hereforde: Skogan a learned Gentleman and ſtudent for a time in Oxforde,
of a pleaſaunte witte, and bent to mery deuiſes, in reſpect whereof he was
called into the Courte, where giuing himſelfe to his naturall inclination of
mirthe and plea|ſaunt paſtime, he plaied many ſporting parts, althoughe not
in ſuche vnciuill maner as hath bene of hym reported.