Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The bastard meaneth to enter the citie by force.But the citizens on the other side lodged their great artillerie against their aduersaries, and with violent shot therof so galled them, that they durst not abide in anie place alongst the water side, but were driuen euen from their owne ordinance. Yet the ba|stard not meaning to leaue anie waie vnassaied that might aduance his purpose, appointed a great num|ber of his retinue to set fire on the bridge, so to open the passage, and to enter into the citie that way forth; and withall, he caused aboue thrée thousand other to passe by ships ouer the Thames; giuing order, that when they were got ouer, they should diuide them|selues into two battels, the one to assault Algate, and the other Bishops gate,Algate and Bishops gate assaulted. which order accordinglie was executed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 For they did their best at both places to force the gates, not sparing to bend and discharge such guns as they had brought with them against the same, nor ceassing with arrowes to annoie those that there stood at defense: whereby much hurt was doone, as well at the one place as the other, fire being set on both the gates, in purpose to haue burnt them vp, and so to haue entered.Houses burnt on the bridge. The fire which they had kind|led on the bridge little auailed them, although they burnt there to the number of a thréescore houses. For the citizens had laid such péeces of ordinance directlie in their waie, that although the passage had béene wholie open, they should haue had hard entering that waie foorth. The maior, aldermen, and other worship|full citizens were in good arraie, and each man ap|pointed and bestowed where was thought néedfull.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Essex, and manie knights, esquiers, and gentlemen, with their fréends and seruants, came to aid the citizens, taking great paine to place them in order, for defense of the gates and walles: and furthermore, deuised how and in what sort they might make a sallie foorth vpon the enimies to di|stresse them: and suerlie, by the intermingling of such gentlemen and lords seruants in euerie part with the citizens, they were greatlie incouraged to withstand their enimies. Yet the rebels, vnder the leading of one Spising, bare themselues so stoutlie at Algate, that they wan the bulworks there, and droue the citizens backe within the portculice, & en|tered with them, to the number of six or eight: but some of them were slaine with the fall of the portcu|lice that was let downe vpon them, to kéepe the resi|due out, and those that were entered within the gate were suddenlie dispatched.