Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When this armie had lien and rested in Calis a|bout the space of seauen daies, sir Robert Knolles caused euerie man to depart the towne, and to take the fields, marching the first daie néere to the castell of Fiennes, Iac. Meir. The number of men of war in this armie. Froissard. and there lodged for that night. The whole number of this armie was not aboue twelue thousand men. Froissard saith, they were but fiftéene hundred speares, & foure thousand archers. Within the castell of Fiennes was the constable of France, that was lord thereof, with such a number of souldi|ers and men of warre, that the Englishmen thought they should but lose their labour to assaile it. And so they passed foorth by Turrouane, and toward Arras, riding not past foure leages a daie, bicause of their cariages and footmen. They tooke their lodging euer about noone, and laie néere vnto great villages.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The French king had furnished all his townes and fortresses in Picardie with strong garrisons of souldiers, to defend the same against all chances that might happen either by siege or sudden assault. The Englishmen therefore thought not good to linger a|bout the winning of anie of the strong townes, but passed by them, wasting or ransoming the countries. At Arras they shewed themselues before the barri|ers,The suburbs of Arras burnt. and when none would issue to skirmish with them, they set fier on the suburbs, & departed. From thence they tooke the waie by Baupalmes, and so came into Uermendois,The towne of Roy burnt. and burnt the towne of Roy. Then went they to Han in Uermendois, in|to the which all the people of the countrie were with|drawne, with such goods as they might carie with them.The French mẽ withdraw into their for| [...]esses & strõg townes. And in like manner had those doone which in|habited about S. Quintine, Peronne, and other strong townes, so that the Englishmen found little abroad, sauing the barnes full of corne for it was after haruest.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus they rode faire and easilie, two or thrée leages a daie, and sometime to recouer monie of their eni|mies, they would compound with them within strong townes, to spare the countrie from burning and destruction, for such a summe as they agréed vp|on, by which meanes sir Robert Knolles got in that voiage aboue the summe of an hundred thousand frankes. For the which he was after accused to the king of England, as one that had not dealt iustlie in so dooing. In this sort passing the countrie, they came before Noion, and after they had rested a while afore the towne, they went foorth wasting and burning the countrie, and finallie passed the riuer of Marne, and so entered into Champaigne, and passed the riuer of Aube, and also diuerse times they passed to and fro ouer the riuer of Saine:The English|men before Paris. at length drawing toward Paris, and comming before that citie, they lodged there in the field a day and two nights, and shewed themselues in order of battell before the citie. This was on the twentie fourth daie of September.