Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 But shortlie after, Thom. W [...]. Sir Iohn Chandois slaine. Froissard. the said lord Chandois was slaine by the enimies (whom first he had ouercome) whilest without good aduise he put off his helmet, and so receiuing a stroke with a glaiue that entered into his head, betwixt his nose and his forhead, he neuer after spake word, not liuing past a day and a night after he was hurt. The death of this right famous, wise, and valiant knight, was bewailed as well of the Frenchmen as Englishmen. The French king himselfe, when he heard that he was slaine, greatlie lamented the mishap, affirming that now he being dead, there was not any le [...]t aliue able to agree the kings and realmes of England and France: so much was he feared, esteemed, and beloued of all men. But alas what auailed all their mourning and lamen|ting against the necessitie of death, sith we know that
Est commune mori, mors nulli parcit honori:After he was thus slaine,Sir Tho|mas Percie sir Thomas Percie was made seneschall of Poictou. By reason of the great wet and raine that fell this yeare in more abun|dance than had béene accustomed,A dearth. Hen. Marle. much corne was lost, so that the price thereof was sore inhanced, in so much that wheat was sold at thrée shillings foure pence the bushell. But as concerning the death, the west parts of the realme was sorest afflicted with this mortalitie, and namelie at Oxford there died a great number of scholers.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Somewhat before this time, the ladie Blanch EEBO page image 405 daughter to Henrie duke of Lancaster,The duches of Lancaster. Fabian. departed this life, and was buried on the north side of the high altar in the cathedrall church of saint Paule within the citie of London, where hir husband Iohn of Gant was after also interred. She ordeined for hir husband and for hir selfe a solemne obit to be kept yearelie in that church, where the maior being present with the shiriffes, chamberlaine, and sword-bearer, should of|fer each of them a pennie, and the maior to take vp a pound, the shiriffes either of them a marke, the chamberleine ten shillings, and the sword-bearer six shillings eight pence, and euerie other of the maiors officers two and twentie pence, and the number of eight officers belonging vnto the shiriffes (and by them to be appointed) eight pence a péece. ¶ This yeare was granted to the king in parlement assem|bled at Westminster of the spirituall mens liuings a tenth for the space of thrée yeares, Polychron. Anno Reg. 44. Froissard. Polychron. and a fiftéenth of the temporaltie during the same tearme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yeare, after that the king had gotten togither a great summe of monie,Sir Robert Knolles with an armie sent into France. as well by borowing of the clergie as of the laitie, he leuied an armie, & sent the same ouer to Calis about Midsummer, vnder the gouernance of that worthie chéefteine sir Robert Knolles, accompanied with the L. Fitz Walter, the lord Granson, sir Alaine Buxhull, sir Iohn Bourchi|er, sir William Meuille, sir Geffrey Wourseley, and diuerse other noblemen, knights, and worthie cap|teins.Truce with Scots. About the same time, the king of England con|cluded an abstinence of warre with the Scots for the tearme of nine yeares, yet so that the Scots might arme themselues, and at their pleasure serue and take wages, either of the English or French, by reason whereof, sir Robert Knolles had in his com|panie an hundred speares of the realme of Scot|land.