Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king of England pas|seth into Scotland.King Edward to be reuenged herof, with a migh|tie armie brauelie furnished, and gorgiouslie apparel|led, more seemelie for a triumph, than méet to incoun|ter with the cruell enimie in the field, entred Scot|land, in purpose speciallie to rescue the castell of Sterling, as then besieged by the Scotishmen. But at his approching néere to the same, Robert Bruce was readie with his power to giue him battell. In the which king Edward nothing doubtfull of losse, had so vnwiselie ordered his people, and confounded their ranks, that euen at the first ioining, they were not onelie beaten downe and ouerthrowne, by those that coped with them at hand, but also were woun|ded with shot a farre off, by those their enimies which stood behind to succour their fellowes when need re|quired, so that in the end the Englishmen fled to saue their liues,The English+men chased. and were chased and slaine by the Scots in great number.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king escapeth.The king escaped with a few about him, in great danger to haue béene either taken or slaine. Manie were drowned in a little riuer called Banokesborne, neere to the which the battell was foughten.The battell of Banokes|borne. There were slaine of noble men, Gilbert earle of Gloce|ster, Robert lord Clifford, the lord Giles Argentine, the lord Paine Tiptost, the lord William Marshall the lord Reginald Daincourt, the lord Edmund of Mauley the kings steward, with other lords and ba|rons to the number of 42, and of knights and baro|nets to the number of 67. There were slaine of all sorts vpon the English part that daie about ten thou|sand men,The great slaughter of Englishmen. Polydor. ouer and beside the prisoners that were ta|ken. Amongst the which were accounted 22 men of name, as the earle of Hereford, the lord Iohn Se|graue, Fabian. Croxden. Addition to Triuet and Matth. Paris. William lord Latimer, Maurice lord Berk|ley, and others. He that listeth to heare more of this discomfiture may read thereof further at large in the Scotish historie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king of England hauing escaped from this battell, which was fought on Midsummer day in the yeere aforesaid, Anno Reg. 8. A councel hol|den at Yorke. came to Yorke, where he held a coun|cell of his lords, to haue their aduise by what means he might best restore his armie, and reuenge the losse which he had susteined at the hands of his enimie R. Bruce.Sir Peter Spalding. And shortlie after was sir Peter Spalding sent vnto Berwike, with a crew of souldiers to de|fend the towne against the said Bruce, who intended shortlie to laie siege to that towne, as the king had certeine vnderstanding. Also the Scotishmen ad|uanced highlie in their minds for the late gotten vi|ctorie, The Scots in Ireland. passed ouer into Ireland, vnder the conduct of Edward Bruce, the brother of Robert Bruce, sore af|flicting that countrie, by spoile, sword, and fire: the villages were robbed, the townes and castels which they wan were sacked, and after fired, so vtterlie to deface them.