Compare 1577 edition: 1 By the counsell therefore of these Spensers, he was wholie lead and gouerned: wherewith manie were much offended, but namelie Robert the archbishop of Canturburie, who foresw what mischeefe was like to insue: and therefore to prouide some remedie in time, he procured that a parlement was called at London. In the which manie good ordinances and statutes were deuised and established, to oppresse the riots, misgouernance, and other mischeefes which as then were vsed: and to keepe those ordinances, the king first, and after his lords receiued a solemne oth, that in no wise neither he nor they should breake them. By this means was the state of the realme newlie restored, and new councellours placed about the king. But he neither regarding what he had sworne, neither weieng the force of an oth, obserued afterwards none of those things, which by his oth he had bound himselfe to obserue. And no maruell: for suerlie (as it should seeme by report of Thomas de la More) the lords wrested him too much, and beyond the bounds of reason, causing him to receiue to be about him whome it pleased them to appoint. For the yoonger Spencer, who in place of the earle of Cornewall was ordeined to be his chamberlaine, it was knowne to them well inough, that the king bare no good will at all to him at the first, though afterwards through the prudent policie, and diligent industrie of the man, he quicklie crept into his fauour, and that further than those that preferred him could haue wished.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But now to our purpose. About the same time, to wit, vpon the eleauenth of Maie, the aforesaid Robert archbishop of Canterburie departed this life, nineteene yeares after his first entrance into the gouernement of that see. After him was Walter bishop of Worcester translated vnto the see of Canterburie, and was the nine and fortith archbishop that had ruled the same. Also William the archbishop of Yorke deceassed, and one William Melton succeeded him the two & fortith archbishop that had gouerned that see. This archbishop Melton, though he was most studious of things perteining to religion, bestowing almost his whole time about the same, yet neuerthelesse he was not forgetfull of that which belonged to the aduancement of the commonwealth, and therefore being at London vpon a time, Simon the elect bishop of Whitherne came to Yorke, that he might be consecrated of him: wherefore this archbishop gaue commandement to Iohn the bishop of Carleill, to consecrate the said Simon, and in his name to receiue of him his oth of obedience, which commandement the said bishop of Carleill did dulie execute.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The king and queene this yeare in Maie went ouer into France, where they were present in Paris on Whit EEBO page image 322 Whitsundaie at the coronation of Philip sonne to the French king, created that day king of Nauarre. ¶ Iohn de Drokensford bishop of Bath and Welles was appointed warden of the realme till the kings returne. Anno Reg. 7. Record. Tur. In Iulie the king returned backe from his iournie into France, and landed at Sandwich the mondaie before the feast of S. Margaret, hauing dis|patched his businesse with the French king in good and honorable maner, for his lands and countrie of Gascoine. Hen. Marle. Mariages. ¶ About this season Maurice fitz Tho|mas, and Thomas fitz Iohn maried two sisters that were daughters to Richard earle of Ulnester. In this meane time, Robert Bruce recouered the most part of all Scotland, winning out of the English|mens hands such castels as they held within Scot|land,The successe of Robert Bruce. chasing all the souldiers which laie there in gar|rison, out of the countrie, and subduing such of the Scots as held on the English part.