Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Hereof it came to passe, that manie of the kings armie (speciallie those which had lost their horsses, ar|mour, monie, and other furniture, with their vittels) returned into their countrie, to their great confusi|on. For the Welshmen and other outlawes, hauing spoiled the campe, returned with the cariages and sumpters which they had taken, into places of safe refuge. The king hauing receiued this losse, and of|tentimes tried fortune nothing fauourable vnto him in those parts, Polydor. by reason of the streits and disaduan|tage of the places, thought good to reserue the re|uenge of his receiued iniuries vntill a more conue|nient time, and therevpon returned to Glocester,The king returneth out of Wales. and furnished diuers castels and fortresses in the borders of Wales, with garrisons of souldiers, namelie Poictouins and other strangers to defend the same against William Marshall, and the other his com|plices, who vpon occasions dailie sought to suppresse and distresse the said strangers.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And beside other encounters, in the which manie of those Poictouins and other strangers were slaine and oppressed by the said William Marshall and his adherents, it chanced that vpon saint Katherins day, the said William Marshall comming néere to the castell of Monmouth to view the same, was in danger to haue remained prisoner in the enimies hands, through an issue made by sir Baldwine de Guines, capiteine of that castell, with his Poicto|uins and Flemings.The earle of Penbroke in danger. But by such rescue as came to his aid, he was deliuered out of their hands, and the Poictouins and other of the garrison discomfited. At this skirmish sir Baldwine himselfe being sore wounded, was borne out of the field into the castell,He is rescued. The Poicto|uins discom|fited. losing fiftéene knights of his part, and a great sort of other which were taken prisoners, besides no small number that were slaine in the place.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The same yeare chanced a great dearth,Dearth. by reason that the growth of all things was much hindered with the extreame cold weather. Tempests. Also there happened about the beginning of Nouember great thunder and lightning,An earth|quake. and therewith folowed an earthquake to the great feare of the inhabitants of the towne of Huntington and other places thereabouts. After this, came a great dearth amongst the people,A death. being commonlie a neere companion to great famine and dearth.