Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest king Henrie thus prouided himselfe of an armie, the lords with their capteine Richard Mar|shall ioined themselues to Leolin prince of Wales, & doubting the comming of the king, spoiled all the marshes next adioining to England, leauing no vit|tels nor cattell any where about in those parts wher|by the kings armie might haue reléefe, and further made all things readie for their owne defense so well as they could deuise. The earle of Kent about the same time, Matth. Paris. The earle of Kent escapeth and taketh sanctuarie. by helpe of two yeomen that attended vpon him, escaped out of the castell of Uées, and tooke sanctuarie in the next church: but when those that had the charge of him and the castell in keeping, mis|sed him, and heard where he was, they fetcht both him, and the two yeomen that holpe him to make the escape out of the church,He is fetcht out. and bringing them backe to the castell, imprisoned the earle.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And though the bishop of Salisburie came thi|ther and threatened to accursse them, if they would not deliuer the earle, and restore him to sanctuarie a|gaine: they made answer, that they had rather the earle should hang for himselfe, than they for him. And so bicause they would not deliuer him, the bishop did excommunicate them, and after riding to the court, and taking with him the bishop of London, and other bishops, preuailed so much by complaint exhibited to the K. that the earle was restored to the church againe the eighteenth day of October:He is restored to sanctuarie. but so, as the shiriffe of the shire had commandement to compasse the church about with men, to watch that no releefe came vnto him, whereby he might be constreined through famishing to submit himselfe. Notwithstan|ding, Anno Reg. 18. The earle of Kent rescued and conueied into Wales. shortlie after there came a power of armed men, and fetcht the said earle from thence (setting him on horssebacke in faire complet armour) and so conueied him into Wales, where he ioined with o|ther of the kings enimies, the thirtith day of Octo|ber.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Polydor. The king en|treth into Wales with an armie.Within a few daies after came the king with his armie, and entring into Wales, for want of vittels was constreined to retire backe to the marshes, be|twixt Worcestershire & Salopshire, where staieng certeine daies togither in those parts, his souldiers straied abroad in the countrie vnaduisedlie, and kéeping no watch nor ward about their campe, were surprised in the night by their enimies, and slaine on euerie side. The slaughter had béene greater, but that the residue which laie in campe, brake foorth about midnight, and in a plumpe togither fled into a castell which was néere at hand, called Grossemound, in the which the king himselfe was lodged. There were slaine aboue fiue hundred men, and all the trusse and baggage of the campe lost. Yet Matthew Paris saith there were but two knights slaine, which cast awaie themselues by their owne wilfulnesse, that would needs stand to it and make resistance, where the resi|due being spoiled of all that they had with them, got awaie by flight, as the bishops of Winchester and Chichester, the lord chéefe iustice Stephan Segraue, Peter de Riuales treasurer, Hugh Bigot earle of Norfolke, William earle of Salisburie, William lord Beauchampe, and William Dalbenie the yoonger, who were witnesses of this losse amongst the residue.