And therefore they made triall of their valiantnesse euen with obteinement of victorie to the discomfiture of the enimie, who gaped after the conquest.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This doone, and order taken for the safe keeping of those quarters, he returned into Britaine, & comming to the citie of Naunts, remained a while there, spending the time vainlie in pleasure and banketing. Finallie in the moneth of October he tooke the sea, and returning into England after manie perils, landed at Portesmouth, the 27 of October, leauing behind him in Britaine 500 knights or men of armes, a thousand yeomen or stipendarie souldiers, for defense of the countrie against the Frenchmen, and appointed for their capteine the earle of Chester, the earle Marshall, and the earle of Albermarle, with certeine other valiant and approued warriours, who after the departure of the king, made two rodes into the French countries, but first into Aniou, where they remained 15 daies without battell, taking and destroieng the castell of Gonner, also Newchatell vpon the riuer of Sart, and finallie laden with plentie of rich spoiles, they returned into Britaine, from whence they set foorth. Shortlie after they entred into Normandie, destroieng the castell of Pontorson, & burning the towne: which enterprise when they had accomplished their wils, they returned eftsoones into Britaine, where they were ioufully receiued.