Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 After this battell, they saie also that a peace was concluded betwixt them. But other writers haue recorded, that the matter was first taken vp by a truce without anie battell, bicause both the kings being yoong men, and as yet not verie skilfull in martiall affaires, were content to giue eare vnto queene Blanch, to Philip erle of Bollogne, and to Ranulfe earle of Chester, which three tooke vpon them to intreat to a peace, and prescribe the couenants of agreement, by which meanes they were at the last accorded. Amongst other things which were concluded at this present time, the duke of Britaine, and the earle of March were made freends again with the French king, and receiued eftsoones into his fauour. Thus ceassed the warres for that time betwixt the kings of England and France, as some haue witnessed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Howbeit if we shall beleeue other, which wrote and liued in those daies, there was not peace at that time concluded: but after king Henrie had passed through Aniou and Poictou without battell, he came into Gascoigne, where he received the homages and dealties of manie noble men in those parties, and returning into Poitou, not onelie had the like also of sundrie lords and men of honour in that countrie, but also tooke the castell of Mirabeau by assault, thorough the manhood of the Englishmen, who chose rather with desperat aduentures to make entrance to honour, than by timorousnesse or want of courage to purchase reproch; for they knew verie well, that