3.1. ¶ Edwarde the ſeconde.
EEBO page image 50¶ Edwarde the ſeconde.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 RIchard Archbiſhop of Dublin, after he hadde gouerned that Sea the ſpace of fiue yeeres, by reaſon of a viſion that he ſawe in his ſleepe, fee|ling himſelfe troubled in conſcience, with conſi|deration of that dreame, reſigned the nexte mor|row al his title to the Archbiſhops dignitie (as be|fore ye haue hearde) and contented himſelfe with other eccleſiaſticall benefices, as ſeemed conueni|ent to his eſtate.
The order of the Templers ſuppreſſed.
This yeere by vertue of letters directed from the Pope to the K. of England; hee cauſed al the templers as wel in Englãd as Ire|land, to be apprehended, & committed to ſafekee|ping. The profeſſion of theſe templers beganne at Ieruſalem, by certayn Gentlemen yt remained in an Hoſtell neere to the Temple, who til ye coun|ſel of Trois in France, were not increaſed aboue the number of .9. but frõ that time foorth, in little more than fiftie yeeres, by the zealous contributiõ of al Chriſtian Realmes, they had houſes erected euery where, with liuings bountifully aſſigned to ye ſame for their maintenance, in ſo much, as they were augmented vnto the number of three hun|dred, that were Knightes of that order, beſide in|feriour brethrẽ innumerable: but now with welth they ſo forgot themſelues, that they nothing leſſe regarded, than the purpoſe of their foundatiõ: and withal being accuſed of horrible hereſies (whether in all things iuſtly or otherwiſe the Lorde kno|weth) they were in the counſel at Lions in Frãce condemned, and their liuings tranſpoſed to the knights Hoſpitalers, otherwiſe called ye Knights of the Rodes, and nowe of Malta. The manner of their apprehenſion and committing was ſud|dayne, and ſo generally in all places vppon one day, that they had no time to ſhift for thẽſelues. For firſt, the King ſente forth a precept to euery Sherife within the Realme of Englande, com|maunding them within each of their roomths to cauſe a preſcribed number of Knightes, or rather ſuch men of credite, on whoſe fidelities he mighte aſſure himſelfe, to aſſemble at a certayne towne, named in the ſame writte, the Sunday next af|ter the Epiphany, and that each of the ſame She|rifes failed not to bee there the ſame day to exe|cute all that ſhoulde be enioyned them by any o|ther writte, then and there to be deliuered. The Sherife of Yorke was commaunded to gyue ſommonance to .24. ſuch Knightes, or other ſuf|ficient men, to meete him at Yorke. The Sherife of Norfolke and Suffolke, was appoynted to ſommone twentie to meete him at Thetford, the other Sherifes were appoynted to call to them ſome tenne, ſome twelue, or ſome fourteene, to meete them at ſuch Townes as in their writtes were named. The date of this writte was, from Weſtminſter the fifteenth of December, in the firſte yeere of thys King Edwarde the ſecondes raigne: the other writte was ſent by a Chapleyne authorized both to deliuer the ſame writte, and to take an othe of the Sherife, that he ſhould not diſcloſe the contentes, till he had put the ſame in execution, which was, to attache by aſſiſtance of thoſe aforementioned Knightes, or as many of them as he thought expedient to vſe, al the temp|lers within the precinct of hys roomth, and to ſeaze all their landes, goodes, and Cattells, into the Kings handes, and to cauſe an Iunentarie of the ſame indented be made in preſence of the Warden of the place, whether he were Knighte of the order, or any other, and in preſence of other honeſt men neyghbours thereaboutes, keepyng the one counterpane with himſelfe, ſealed with hys ſeale that made the ſeazure, and leauing the other in the hands of the ſayde Warden: and further to ſee the ſame goodes and Cattels to bee put in ſafekeeping, and to prouide that the quicke goodes mighte be well kept and looked vnto, and the groundes manured to the moſt profit, and to cauſe the bodies of the templers attached, to be ſo deteyned in al ſafetie, as that they be not yet cõ|mitted to Irons nor to ſtreyght priſon, but to re|mayne in ſome conuenient place other than their owne houſes, and to be found of the goods ſo ſea|zed, accordingly as falleth for their eſtates, till he haue otherwiſe in commaundemente from the King: and what is done herein, to certifie into the Eſcheker the morrowe after the Purification. The date of this ſeconde writte was, from Bi|flet the twentith of December. There was lyke|wiſe a writte directed to Iohn Wogan, Lorde Iuſtice of Irelande, ſignifying vnto him what ſhould be done in England, touching the appre|hẽſion of the Templers, and ſeazure of their lãds and goodes, commaunding him to proceede in Temblable manner againſt them in Irelande: but the day and place when the Sherifes ſhould there aſſemble, was lefte to the diſcretion of the ſayde Iuſtice and Treaſorer of the Eſcheker there, but ſo as the ſame might be done, before any rumour of this thing coulde be brought ouer out of Eng|land thither. Alſo a like commaundemente was ſent vnto Iohn de Britaigne Erle of Richmõd, Lorde Warden of Scotlande, and to Euſtace Coteſbache Chamberlayne of Scotland: Alſo to Walter de Pederton Lorde Iuſtice of Weſt Wales, to Hugh Aldigheleygh, Alias Auderley Lord Iuſtice of North Wales, and to Roberte Holland Lord Iuſtice of Cheſter. Thus muche for the Templers. But now to other doings in Irelande. In the yeere .1308. the .xij. of April,1308 deceaſſed Peter de Birmingham a noble warri|our, and one that had bin no ſmall ſcourge to the Iriſh. The eleuenth of May, the Caſtell of Kennun was brente, and dyuers of them that hadde it in keeping were ſlayne by William EEBO page image 51 Macbalther,This Mac|balther was after hanged at Dublin. The Lord Iuſtice diſ|comfited.
and other of the Iriſhe, and like|wiſe the towne of Courcouly was brente by the ſame malefactors. And the ſixth of Iune, Iohn Lorde Wogan Lorde Iuſtice was diſcomfited neere to Glindelorie, where Iohn de Saint Ho|gelin, Iohn Norton, Iohn Breton, and many other were ſlayne.Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſixteenth of Iune, Dunlouan, Tobir, and many other Townes were brent by the I|riſh Rebels.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 About thys ſeaſon, Iohn Decer Maior of Dublin builded the highe Pipe there,Iohn Decer Maior of Dublin. and the bridge ouer the Liffie towardes Saint Vlſtons, and a Chappell of our Ladie at the Friers Mi|nors, where he was buried, repaired the Churche of the Friers Preachers, and euery Friday tabled the Friers at his owne coaſtes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Wogan hauing occaſion to paſſe into England,Burgh. William Burgh ſupplied his roomth, vnto whome Kyng Edwarde recommended Peers de Gaueſton,Piers Gaue|ſton ſent into Irelande. when contrary to the kings minde he was baniſhed by the Lordes of Eng|lande, and about the Natiuitie of oure Lady, hee came ouer into Irelande, beeyng ſente thyther by the King with many Iewels, and beſide the let|ters which he brought of recommendation from the King, he had aſſigned to him the commodi|ties royall of that Realme, whiche bredde ſome trouble and bickerings there, betwixte Richarde Burgh Earle of Vlſter, and the ſayd Gaueſton, who notwithſtanding bought the good willes of the Souldiers with his liberalitie, ſlew Dermot Odempcy, ſubdued Obren, edifyed ſundry Ca|ſtels, Cauſeys, and bridges, but the next yeere, he was reuoked home by the King, as in the hiſto|ry of England it may appeare.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the vigill of Simon and Iude,Lord Roger Mortimer. the Lorde Roger Mortimer landed in Irelande with hys wife, righte heire to the Seigneurie of Meth, as daughter to Piers Genuille, that was ſonne vnto the Lord Geffrey Genuille, whiche Geffrey became a Frier at Trym of the order of ye Prea|chers: by reaſon whereof, the Lorde Mortimer and his wife entred into poſſeſſion of the landes of Meth. In the yeere .1309. on Candlemas day,
Lord Iohn Bonneuille ſlayne.
the Lorde Iohn Bonneuill was ſlayne neere to the towne of Ardſcoll, by the Lorde Arnold Po|wer, and his complices, his body was buried at Athy in the Church of the Friers Preachers.1310 In the yeere following, at a Parliamente holden at Kildare, the Lord Arnold Power was acquit of that ſlaughter, for that it was prooued it was done in his owne defence.Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1311.
A Parliament at Kelkenny.
or (as ſome bookes haue) the yeere .1309. Iohn Wogan Lord Iuſtice ſummo|ned a Parliamente at Kilkenny, where dyuers [figure appears here on page 51] wholeſome lawes were ordeyned, but neuer exe|cuted.Campion. There fell the Biſhops in contention a|bout their iuriſdictions, namely, the Biſhop of Dublin forbade the Primate of Ardmagh to reyſe his croiſier within the prouince of Leyni|ſter.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, Rowland Ioice the Primate ſtale by night in his Pontificals, from Howthe, to the Priory of Grace dieu, where the Biſhops ſeruants met him, and with force chaſed him out of the dioceſſe. This Biſhop was named Iohn a Leekes, and was conſecrated not long before hee kept this ſturre.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Richard Earle of Vlſter with a greate armie came to Bonrath in Thothmond,Sir Richarde de Clare. where Sir Roberte or rather ſir Richard de Clare diſcomfi|ted his power, tooke Sir William de Burgh pri|ſoner, or (as ſome bookes haue) the Earle hym|ſelfe. Iohn Lacie the ſonne of Walter Lacie,Iohn Lacy ſlayne. & diuers other were ſlayne. The .xij. of Nouẽber this yere Richard de Clare ſlewe .600. of the Ga|lagheghas, & Iohn Margoghedan was ſlaine by EEBO page image 52 Omolmoy. Alſo Donat Obrene was murthe|red by his owne men in Tothemonde.
Compare 1587 edition: 1
Robert Verdõ reyſeth a rio|tous tumulte. Iohn Wogan Lord iuſtice.
The one and twentie of Februarie, beganne a riot in Vrgile, by Roberte Verdon, for the ap|peaſing whereof, an Army was ledde thither by Iohn Wogan Lord chiefe Iuſtice, in the begin|ning of Iuly, but the ſame was diſcomfited, and diuers men of accompt ſlayne, as Sir Nicholas Auenell, Patricke de Roch, and other. At length, yet the ſayde Roberte Verdon, and many of hys complices came, and ſubmitted themſelues to priſon, within the Caſtell of Dublin, abidyng there the Kings mercie.Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Edmond Butler was made depu|tie Iuſtice vnder the Lorde Iohn Wogan, who in the lent next enſuing, beſieged the Obrenes in Glindelowe, and compelled them to yeelde them|ſelues to the Kings peace.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in the yeere aboueſayde .1312. Maurice Fitz Thomas married the Ladye Katherine, daughter to the Earle of Vlſter, at Greene Ca|ſtell, and Thomas Fitz Iohn married an other of the ſayd Earles daughters in the ſame place, but not on the ſame day: for the firſt of thoſe two marriages was celebrated the morrow after S. Dominikes day, and this ſeconde marriage was kept the morrow after the feaſt of the aſſumption of our Lady.
[figure appears here on page 52]
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo Robert de Bruce ouerthrew the Caſtell of Man, and tooke the Lorde Donegan Odowil on Saint Barnabies day.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1313. Iohn a Leekes Archbiſhop of Dublin departed this life.
After whoſe deceaſe were elected in ſciſme and deuiſion of ſides two Succeſſors, Walter Thorneburie Lord Chan|cellor, and Alexander Bignor Treſurer of Ire|land. The Chancellor to ſtrengthen his election, haſtily went to ſea, and togither with .156. other perſons periſhed by Shipwracke.Compare 1587 edition: 1 The other ſubmitting his cauſe to the proces of lawe, tarried at home and ſpedde.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Vlſters ſonne and heire de|ceaſſeth.Moreouer, the Lorde Iohn de Burgh, ſonne and heire vnto the Earle of Vlſter, deceaſſed at Galby on the feaſt day of Sainte Marcell and Marcellian.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the Lord Edmond Butler created .xxx. Knightes in the Caſtell of Dublin,1314 on Sainte Michaels day, being Sunday. The Knightes Hoſpitallers or of Sainte Iohns as they were called, were inueſted in the lãds of the Templers in Ireland.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeere was the Lorde Theobalde Verdon ſent Lord Iuſtice into Irelande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ninth yeere of King Edwards raigne,
Edward Bruce inuadeth Ire|lande.
Edward Bruce, brother to Robert Bruce King of Scottes, entred the Northe part of Irelande with ſixe thouſand men. There were with hym diuers Captaynes of high renowne among the Scottiſhe Nation, of whome the chiefe were theſe, the Earles of Murrey and Menteth,Captaynes of name with Bruce. the Lord Iohn Stewarde, the Lord Iohn Cambell, the Lorde Thomas Randolfe, Fergus de An|dreſſan, Iohn Wood, and Iohn Biſſet. They landed neere to Crag Fergus in Vlſter the fiue and twentith of May, and ioyning with the I|riſh, conquered the Earledome of Vlſter, and gaue ye Engliſh there diuers great ouerthrowes, tooke the towne of Dundalke, ſpoyled and brente it, with a greate parte of Vrgile:Dundalke ta|ken and brent they brente Churches and Abbeyes, with the people whome they founde in the ſame, ſparing neyther manne, woman nor childe. Then was the Lord Ed|monde Butler choſen Lorde Iuſtice,Edmonde Butler Lord iuſtice. who made the Earle of Vlſter and ye Giraldines friends, and reconciled himſelfe with Sir Iohn Mande|uill, thus ſeeking to preſerue the reſidue of the Realme which Edwarde Bruce meant wholly to conquere hauing cauſed himſelfe to be crow|ned EEBO page image 53 K. of Ireland. The Lord Iuſtice aſſembled a great power out of Mounſter and Leyniſter, and other parties thereaboutes, and the Earle of Vl|ſter with an other armie came vnto him neere vnto Dundalke, where they conſulted togyther how to deale in defending the countrey agaynſte the enimies: but hearing the Scottes were with|drawen backe, the Erle of Vlſter followed them, and fighting with them at Coyners, hee loſt the fielde.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There were many ſlayne on both partes, and William de Burgh the Earles brother, Sir Iohn Mandeuill, and Sir Alane Fitz Alane were taken priſoners. Heerewith the Iriſhe of Connagh and Meth began forthwith to rebell againſt the Engliſhmen, and brente the Caſtell [figure appears here on page 53] of Athlon and Randon. And the Bruce com|ming forwarde, brente Kenlis in Meth, and Granard, alſo Finnagh and New Caſtell, and kept his Chriſtmas at Loghſudy. From thence he went through the Countrey vnto Rathyme|gan and Kildare, to the parties about Triſtelder|mot and Athie, then to Raban and Sketlier nere to Ardſcoll in Leyniſter, where the Lord Iuſtice Butler, the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas, the Lorde Arnold Power and other the Lords and Gentle|men of Leyniſter and Mounſter came to encoũ|ter the Bruce: but through diſcorde that roſe a|mong them, they left the field vnto the enimies, Sir William Prendergaſt Knighte, and Hay|mond le Grace a righte valiaunte Eſquire were ſlayne there. And on the Scottiſhe ſide, Sir Fer|gus Andreſſan, and Sir Walter Morrey, with diuers other that were buried in the Churche of the Friers Preachers at Athy. After this, the Bruce in his returne towardes Meth, brente the Caſtell of Ley, and ſo paſſed foorthe till hee came to Kenlys in Meth. In which meane time, Ro|ger Lorde Mortimer, truſting to winne hym|ſelf fame if he might ouerthrow the enimies, cal|led foorthe fifteene M. men, and vnderſtanding ye the Scottes were come to Kenlys, made thy|therwards,The Lorde [...]lu [...]imer diſcomfited by the Scots. and there encountring with them, was put to the worſe, his men (as was ſuppoſed) wilfully ſhrinking from him, as thoſe that bare him hollow hartes. With the newes of this ouer|throwe, vpſtart the Iriſh of Monſter, the Otoo|lies, Obrienes, Omores, and with fire & ſworde waſted all from Arclowe to Leix. With them coped the Lorde Iuſtice, and made of them a great ſlaughter .80. of their heades were ſente to the Caſtell of Dublin.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In time of theſe troubles and warres in Ire|lande by the inuaſion thus of the Scottes, cer|tayne Iriſhe Lordes, faithfull men and true ſub|iects to the King of England, did not only pro|miſe to continue in their loyall obeyſance to|wards him, beeing their ſoueraigne Prince, but alſo for more aſſurance, deliuered hoſtages to bee kept within the Caſtell of Dublin. The names of whiche Lordes that were ſo contented to aſ|ſure their allegiance were theſe,Aſſurance gi|uen by the Lords of Ire|lande for their loyaltie. Iohn Fitz Tho|mas Lord of Offalie, Richard de Clare, Morice Fitz Thomas, Thomas Fitz Iohn le Power Baron of Donoille, Arnolde le Power, Morice de Rochfort, Dauid de la Roche, and Miles de la Roche. Theſe and dyuers other reſiſted with all their might and mayne the iniurious at|tempts of the Scottes, although the Scots had drawen to their ſide, the moſt parte of the wilde Iriſh, and no ſmall number alſo of the Engliſhe Iriſhe, as well Lordes, as other of meaner cal|ling, ſo that the countrey was miſerably affli|cted, what by the Scottes on the one parte, and the Iriſh Rebels on the other, which Rebels not|withſtandyng were ouerthrowen in diuers par|ticuler EEBO page image 54 conflicts. But yet to the further ſcatte|ring of the Engliſh forces in Irelande, there roſe foure Princes of Connagh,A great ouer|throwe. but the Burghes and Birminghams diſcomfyted them, and ſlewe ele|uen [figure appears here on page 54] M. of thẽ beſide Athenri. Amõgſt other were ſlayne in this battell Fedelmicus, Oconghur King of Connagh,The King of Connagh ſlayne. Okelly, & diuers other greate Lordes and Captaynes of Connagh and Meth. The Lord Richarde Birmingham had an Eſ|quire that belonged to him called Iohn Huſey, whome by commaundemente of his maiſter, went foorthe to take view of the dead bodies, and to bring him worde, whether Okelli his mortall foe were ſlayne among the reſidue. Huſſey com|ming into the fielde with one man to turne vp and ſuruey the dead carcaſſes, was ſtraight eſpy|ed by Okelli, that lay lurking in a brake buſhe thereby, who hauing had good proofe of Huſſey his valiancie afore that time, lõged ſore to traine him from his Captayne, and preſuming nowe vpon this good oportunitie, diſcouered hymſelfe, not doubting, but eyther to winne him with cur|teous perſwaſions, or by force to worke hys will of hym, and ſo comming to him, ſayde: Huſſey, thou ſeeſt I am at all poyntes armed, and haue my Squire here likewiſe furniſhed with Armour and weapon, ready at myne elbow, thou arte na|ked with thy Page, a yongling, and not to bee accõpted of, ſo that if I loued not thee, and ment to ſpare thee for thyne owne ſake, I might nowe do with thee what I would, and ſlea thee for thy maſters ſake, but come and ſerue me vpon thys requeſt heere made to thee, and I promiſe thee by Sainte Patricks ſtaffe, to make thee a Lorde in Connagh of more poſſeſſions, than thy mai|ſter hath in Irelande. When theſe words mighte nothing way him, his owne man (a great ſtoute lubber) beganne to reproone hym of tollie, for not conſenting to ſo large an offer, which was aſſu|red with an oth, wherevpon he durſt guage hys ſoule for performance. Now had Huſſey three e|nimies, and firſt therefore turning to his knaue, he diſpatched him, next he raught vnto Okellyes Eſquire ſuch a knocke vnder the pitte of the eare, that downe he came to the grounde, and there hee laye.Okelly ſlaine. Thirdly he layd ſo about hym, that ere any help coulde be looked for, he had alſo ſlaine Okel|ly, and perceyuing the Eſquire to be but aſtoni|ed he recouered him, and h [...]lp him vp againe, and after he was ſomewhat come to hymſelfe, he for|ced hym vpõ a troncheõ, to beare his Lords head into the high towne before him, who did ſo, and Huſſey preſented it to Brimingham, who after the circumſtaunces declared, hee dubbed Huſſey Knight, aduauncing him to many preferments. The ſucceſſors of that familie afterwardes were Barons of Galtrim. Sir Thomas Mandeuill and other in this meane while made oftentymes enterpriſes againſt the Scottes, and ſlew diuers of them in ſundry conflictes. But howſoeuer it chanced, wee fynde recorded by Henry Marle|bugh, that eyther the ſayd Sir Thomas Mande|uill (that thus valiantly behaued hymſelfe againſt the Scottes) or ſome other bearing the ſame name,Sir Thomas Mandeuill ſlayne. and his brother alſo called Iohn Man|deuill were both ſlayne ſhortly after at Downe vppon their comming foorthe of Englande, by the Scottes that were readye there to aſſayle them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus may wee ſee, that thoſe Lordes and Knightes, whiche had giuen pledges for theyr loyaltie to the King of Englande, ſought by all wayes and meanes howe to beate backe the eni|mies, whiche they mighte haue done with more eaſe, if the Iriſh had not aſſiſted the Scottes, and preſuming of theyr ayde, rebelled in ſundry parts of the countrey, who neuertheleſſe, were often|times well chaſtiſed for their diſloyall dealings, as partly we haue touched, although wee omitte diuers ſmall ouerthrowes and other particuler matters, ſith otherwiſe wee ſhould encreaſe thys Booke further than our firſte purpoſed intente woulde permitte.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the Scottes were thus holden vp in Irelande that they could not in all things worke theyr willes, Roberte le Brews King of Scots came ouer himſelfe,The King of Scottes in Irelande. landed at Cragfergus to the ayde of his brother, whoſe Souldiers moſt wic|kedly entred into Churches, ſpoyling and de|facing the ſame of all ſuche tombes, monu|mentes, plate, Copes, and other ornamentes whiche they founde, and myghte lay handes vppon.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Caſtell of Cragfergus, after it had bene EEBO page image 55 ſtraightly beſeeged a long time,Cragfergus deliuered vp to the Scottes. was ſurrendred to the Scottes, by them that had kept it, till they for want of other vittayles were driuen to eate lether,Men e [...]ten. and eyght Scottes (as ſome write) whiche they had taken priſoners.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Thomas, ſonne to the Earle of Vlſter departed this life.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And on the Sunday next after ye Natiuitie of our Lady,Iohn Fitz Thomas the firſt, Earle of Kildare de|ceaſſeth. ye Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas deceaſſed at Laragh Brine neere to Maynoth, & was bu|ried at Kildare, in the Church of ye Friers Prea|chers. This Iohn Fitz Thomas, a little before his deathe, was created Earle of Kildare, after whome ſucceeded his ſonne Thomas Fitz Iohn a right wiſe and prudent perſonage.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fourteenth of September, Conhor Mac|kele, and fiue hundred Iriſhmen were ſlayne by the Lord William de Burgh, and Lord Richard Birmingham in Connagh. Alſo on ye Monday after the feaſt of all Saintes,Scottes ouer|throwen. Iohn Loggan and Sir Hugh Biſſet ſlewe a great nũber of Scots, among the whiche were .100. with double ar|mours, and .200. with ſingle armours: ſo that of their men of armes, there dyed three hundred be|ſide footemen.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fifteenth of Nouember chanced a migh|ty tempeſt of wynde and rayne,A great tẽpeſt. whiche threwe downe many houſes, with the Steeple of the Trinitie Church in Dublin, and did much other hurt both by land and water.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fifth of December, Sir Alane Stewarde that had bin taken priſoner in Vlſter by Iohn Loggan, and Sir Iohn Sandale, was brought to the Caſtell of Dublin.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 1317After Candlemas, the Lacies came to Du|blin, and procured an inqueſt to be impanelled to inquire of their demeanor, for that they were ac|cuſed to haue procured the Scottes to come into Irelande: but by that inqueſt they were diſchar|ged, and therewith tooke an oth to keepe the kings peace, and to deſtroy the Scots to the vttermoſt of theyr power.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of Lent, the Scottes came in ſecret wiſe vnto Slane, with twẽtie thouſand armed mẽ: and with them came the army of Vl|ſter, deſtroying all the countrey before them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, on Monday before the Feaſt of S. Mathias the Apoſtle, the Earle of Vlſter lying in the Abbey of Sainte Mary neere to Dublin, Robert Notingham Maire of that Citie, with the communaltie of the ſame went thither, tooke the Earle,The Earle of Vlſter appre|hended. and put him in priſon within the Ca|ſtell of Dublin, ſlew .vij. of his men, and ſpoyled the Abbey.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame weeke, Edwarde Bruce marched towardes Dublin, but heerewith, turning to the Caſtell of Cnocke,Hugh Tyrrell taken by the Scottes. he entred the ſame, and tooke Hugh Tyrrell the Lorde thereof, togither with his wife, and raunſommed them for a ſumme of money. The Citizens of Dublin brent all theyr ſuburbes for feare of a ſiege, and made the beſt purueyance they coulde to defende their Citie, if the Bruce had come to haue beſieged them: but he turning another way, went vnto the towne of Naas, and was guided thither by the Lacies, cõ|trary to their othe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 From thence, he paſſed vnto Triſteldermot, and ſo to Baliganam, and to Callan, at length he came to Lymerike, and there remayned till after Eaſter.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 They of Vlſter ſent to the Lorde Iuſtice la|mentable informations of ſuche crueltie as the e|nimies practiſed in thoſe partes, beſieching hym to take ſome order for their reliefe in that theyr ſo miſerable eſtate. The Lorde Iuſtice deliuered to them the Kings power with his ſtanderd,The Kings ſtanderd deli|uered to them of Vlſter. where|with vnder pretence to expell the Scottes, they gote vp in armour, and raunging through the countrey, did more vexe and moleſt the ſubiectes, than did the ſtrangers. The Scots proceeded and ſpoyled Caſſhels, and whereſoeuer they lyghte vpon the Butlers lands, they brente and ſpoyled them vnmercifully.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, had the Lord Iuſtice, and Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare, Ri|chard de Clare, and Arnold le Power, Baron of Donnoill, leuied an armie of thirtie thouſande men, readie to goe againſte the enimies, and to giue them battayle, but no good was done, for about the ſame time, the Lord Roger Mortimer was ſent into Irelande as Lord Iuſtice,Roger Morti|mer iuſtice of Irelande. and lã|ding at Yoghall, wrote his letters vnto the Lord Butler, and to the other Captaynes, willing thẽ not to fighte, till he came with ſuch power as he had brought ouer with him. Whereof the Bruce being warned, retired firſt towardes Kildare: but yet after this he came wtin four miles of Trym, where he lay in a wood, and loſt many of his men through famine, and ſo at length, about the be|ginning of May, he returned into Vlſter.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Edmonde Butler made greate ſlaughter of the Iriſhe neere to Triſtledermot,Slaughter of Iriſhmen. and likewiſe at Balitehan, hee hadde a good hande of Omorche, and ſlewe manye of hys men.1317 The Lorde Mortimer pacifyed the diſ|pleaſure and variance betwixt Richarde Earle of Vlſter, and the Nobles that had put the ſayde Earle vnder ſafekeping within ye Caſtell of Du|blin,The Earle of Vlſter deliue|red out of priſon. accuſing him of certaine riots committed to the preiudice and loſſe of the Kings ſubiectes, whereby the Scottes increaſed in ſtrength and courage, whoſe ſpoyling of the countrey cauſed ſuch horrible ſcarcitie in Vlſter,Scarcitie of vittayles in Vlſter. that the Souldi|ers which the yeere before abuſed the Kings au|thoritie to puruay themſelues of ouer fine diet, ſurfetted with fleſhe and Aqua vite all the Lente EEBO page image 56 long, prolled & pilled inſatiably, whereſoeuer they came without neede, and withoute regarde of the poore people, whoſe onely prouiſion they deuou|red.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe people nowe liuing in ſlauerie vnder the Bruce, ſ [...]erued for hunger, hauing fyrſt expe|rienced many lamentable ſhiftes, euen to the ea|ting of dead carcaſſes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Vlſter deli|uered.The Earle of Vlſter was deliuered by maine price, and vpon his oth, by the whiche hee vnder|tooke neuer to ſeeke reuenge of hys apprehenſion otherwiſe, than by order of lawe, and ſo had daye giuen him vnto the feaſt of Natiuitie of Sainte Iohn Baptiſt, but he kept not his day, whether for that hee miſtruſted to ſtande in triall of hys cauſe, or through ſome other reaſonable let, I can not tell.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Great dearth.A great dearth this yeere afflicted the Iriſhe people, for a meaſure of Wheate called a chro|necke was ſold at foure and twentie Shillings, and a cronecke of otes at ſixteene Shillings, and all other vittayles likewiſe were ſolde, accordyng to the ſame rate, for all the whole countrey was ſore waſted by the Scottes and them of Vlſter, in ſo muche that no ſmall number of people peri|ſhed through famine.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of Pentecoſt, the Lord Iuſtice Mortimer tooke his iourney towards Droghda, and ſent to the Lacies, commaunding them to come vnto him: but they refuſed ſo to do:Sir Hugh Crofts ſlayne. where|vppon he ſente Sir Hugh Croftes vnto them to talke with them about ſome agreement of peace, but they ſlew the meſſenger, for whome greate lamentation was made, for that he was reputed and knowne to be a right worthy knighte.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Iuſtice ſore offended herewith, ga|thereth an army, and goeth againſte the Lacies, whome he chaſed out of Connagh, ſo that Hugh Lacie, withdrewe into Vlſter,The Lacyes reuolt to the Scottes. and there ioyned himſelfe with Edward Bruce. Wherevpon, on the Thurſday nexte before the feaſt of Sainte Margaret, the ſaid Hugh Lacie, and alſo Wal|ter Lacie, were proclaymed Traytours.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeere paſſed very troubleſome vnto the whole Realm of Irelãd, as wel through ſlaugh|ter betwixt the parties enimies one to another, as by dearth and other miſfortunes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hugh Cannon the Kyngs Iuſtice of hys bench was ſlayne by Andrew Bermingham,1318 be|twixt the towne of Naas and Caſtell Marten.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in the feaſt of the purification, the Popes Bulles were publiſhed, wherby Alexander Big|nore was conſecrated Archbiſhop of Dublin.Bignore con|ſecrated Arch|biſhop of Du|blin. A|bout the ſame time was great ſlaughter made of Iriſhmen, through a quarrell betwixt two greate Lordes in Connagh, ſo that there dyed in fighte [figure appears here on page 56] to the number of foure thouſande men on bothe parties.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Eaſter, Walter Iſlep Treaſurer of Ire|land,Walter Iſlep tre [...]ſorer of Irelande. was ſent ouer into ye Realme, who brought letters to the Lorde Mortimer, commaundyng hym to returne into England vnto ye king: which he dyd, and departing forth of Ireland, remayned indebted to ye Citizens of Dublin for his prouiſiõ of vittayl [...]s, in the ſumme of a thouſand pounds, wherof he payde not one farthing, ſo that many a bitter curſe he carried with him to the ſea leauing William Archbiſhop of Caſſhell Lord Chancel|lor, gouernor of the lande in his place: & ſo by this meane was the ſayd Archbiſhop both Chancellor and Iuſtice, and ſo continued till the feaſt of S. Michael, at what time Alexander Bignor Arch|biſhop of Dublin arriued at Yoghall, beeing con|ſtituted Lorde Iuſtice, and came to Dublin on Saint Dioniſe day, being ye ſeuenth of October.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But here is to be remembred, yt a little before the departure of the Lord Mortimer forth of Ire|land, to witte the fifth of May, the Lord Richard de Clare with foure Knightes, ſir Henry Capell,The Lord Ri|chard de Clare ſlayne. Sir Thomas de Naas, Sir Iames Caunton, and Sir Iohn Caunton.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo Adam Apilgard and other, to the num|ber of foureſcore perſons, were ſlayne by Obrene and Maccarthy.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was ſayde, that the enimies in deſpite, cauſed the Lorde Richardes bodie to bee cut in peeces, ſo to ſatiſfye their malicious ſtomackes: but the ſame peeces were yet afterwardes buried in the Churche of the Friers Minors at Lime|rike.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo before the Lorde Mortimers returne into Englande, Iohn Lacye was hadde foorthe of the Caſtell of Dublin, and carryed to Trim, where hee was arreygned and ad|iudged EEBO page image 57 to be preſſed to death, and ſo he died in pri|ſon.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to returne vnto the doings in time of Bignors gouernment.The Lord Bir|mingham and other captaines agaynſt the Scottes. Immediatly vpon his arriuall the Lorde Iohn Birmingham being ge|nerall of the fielde, and hauing with him diuerſe Captaines of worthie fame, namely ſir Richarde Tute, ſir Miles Verdon, ſir Hugh Trippetton, ſir Herbert Sutton, ſir Iohn Cuſacke, ſir Ed|mõd Birmingham, ſir William Birmingham, Walter Birmingham the primate of Ardmagh, ſir Walter de la Pulle, and Iohn Maupas, ledde forth the kings power to the number of .1324. able men againſt Edward Bruce, who being accom|panied with the Lord Philip Mowbray, the lord Walter de Soules, the Lorde Alaine Stewarde, with his three brethren, ſir Walter, and ſir Hugh, ſir Robert, and ſir Aymerie Lacies, and others, was encamped not paſt two miles from Dun|dalke with three thouſande men there abyding the Engliſhmen, to fight with them if they came forward, which they did with all cõuenient ſpeed, being as deſirous to giue battaile as the Scottes were to receyue it.The Primate of Ardmagh.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Primate of Ardmagh perſonally accom|panying the Engliſh power, and bleſſing their enterpriſe,The battaile of Ardmagh. The Scottes vanquiſhed. gaue them ſuch comfortable exhorta|tion as he thought ſerued the time, ere they began to encounter. And herewith buckling togither, at length the Scots fully and wholy were van|quiſhed, [figure appears here on page 57] and two thouſande of them [...]laine, togi|ther with their captaine Edward Bruce.Edward Bruce ſlaine. Maw|pas that preſſed into the throng to encoũter with Bruce hande to hande, was founde in the ſearche deade aloft vpon the ſlaine bodie of Bruce.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The victorie thus obteyned vpon Saint Ca|lixtus day, made an end of the Scottiſh kingdom in Irelande, and Lorde Birmingham ſending the head of Bruce into Englande, or as Marle|burgh hath, being the meſſenger himſelfe, preſen|ted it to king Edwarde, who in recompence gaue to him and his heyres Males,Birmingham made Erle of Louth. the Earledome of Louth, and the Baronie of Ardich and Athenrie to him and his heyres generall for euer.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after ſir Richard de Clare with foure other knightes of name,
Sir Richard de Clare ſlaine.
and many other men of warre were ſlaine in Thomond, the Lord Roger Mortimer came againe into Ireland to gouerne as Lorde iuſtice there nowe the ſecond time, and the townes of Atheſſell and Plebs were brent by the Lorde Fitz Thomas, brother to the Lorde Maurice Fitz Thomas. And about this ſeaſon the bridge of Kilcolyn was buylded by Maurice Iakis.Compare 1587 edition: 1
The Earle of Kildare Lord Iuſtice.
In the yeare following, to wit .1320. which was the .xiiij. of king Edwards raigne, Thomas Fitz Iohn Erle of Kildare was made Lord Iu|ſtice of Irelande.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here is to be remembred,An Vniuerſitie erected at Dublyn. that about this time alſo, Alexander Bignore Archbiſhop of Dublyn, ſent to Pope Iohn the .xxij. for a priuiledge to inſtitute an Vniuerſitie within the citie of Dub|lyn, and his ſuite tooke effect. And the firſt three Doctors of Diuinitie did the ſayde Archbiſhop himſelfe create, William Hardity a Frier prea|cher, Henrie Cogie a Frier minor, and Frier Edmond Bernerden: and beſide theſe one Doc|tor of Canon, to wit, Richard Archdeacon of S. Patrikes, that was Chauncellor of the ſame V|niuerſitie, who kept their termes and Cõmence|ments ſolemnly: neyther was this vniuerſitie at any time ſince diſfranchiſed, but onely through chaunge of tymes diſcontinued, and now ſince the diſſoluing of Monaſteries vtterly decayed.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 A motion was made (as Campion hath no|ted) in a Parliament holden there whileſt ſir Henrie Sidney was the Queenes Lieutenant to haue it againe erected, by way of contributions to be layd togyther, the ſayde ſir Henry offring .xx. pounde landes, and an hundred pound in money: Other there were alſo, that according to their a|bilities, and deuotions followed with their of|fers. The name was deuiſed, A worthie Planta|tion of Plantagenet and Bulleigne But while EEBO page image 58 they diſputed of a cõuenient place for it, & of other circumſtances, they let fall the principall.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 1321In the yeare .1321. there was a great ſlaughter made of the Oconhurs at Balibagan, by ye Eng|liſh of Leyniſter & Meth. And Iohn Birminghã Earle of Louth was made L. iuſtice of Irelande. Vnto this man whileſt he was Lord iuſtice,Rec. Turris. the king wrote, cõmaunding him to be with him at Carleil in the Octaues of the Trinitie, in the .xv. yeare of his raigne, with .three. C. men of armes, one .M. hobellares, and ſixe .M. footemen, eche of them armed with an aketon, a ſallet, and gloues of Male, which number was to be leuied in that land, beſide three .C. mẽ of armes which the Erle of Vlſter was appoynted to ſerue with in that iourney, which the king at that time intended to make againſt the Scottes. The date of the letter was the third of Aprill.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yere .1322. diuerſe nobles in Ireland de|parted this life,1322 as the Lord Richard Birminghã, the Lord Edmond Butler, & the Lorde Thomas Perceuale. Moreouer the L. Andrew Birming|hã, & ſir Richard de la Lõd were ſlain by Onolã.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xviij. yeare of King Edward ye ſecond his raigne,
Iohn Darcie Lord iuſtice.
the L. Iohn Darcie came into Irelãd to be L. Iuſtice, and the kings lieutenant there.Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ladie A|lice Kettle ac|cuſed of ſor|cerie.In theſe dayes liued in the Dioces of Oſſorie the Ladie Alice Ketell, whom the Biſhop aſcited to purge hirſelfe of the fame of inchantment and witchcraft impoſed vnto hir, & to one Petronille and Baſill hir complices. She was charged to haue nightly cõference with a ſpirit called Robin Artiſſon, to whõ ſhe ſacrificed in the high way .ix. red cockes, & .ix. peacocks eies. Alſo that ſhe ſwept the ſtreetes of Kilkenny betwene Cõpleine & twi|light, raking al the filth towardes the doores of hir ſon William Outlaw, murmuring theſe words:
To the houſe of VVilliam my ſonne,Hie all the wealth of Kilkenny towne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the firſt conuiction they abiured and did pe|nance, but ſhorly after they were found in relapſe, and then was Petronille burnt at Kilkenny, the other twaine might not be heard of.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 She at the houre of hir death accuſed the ſayd William as priuie to their ſorceries, whome the Biſhop helde in duraunce .ix. weekes, forbidding his keepers to eate or to drinke with him, or to ſpeake to him more than once in the day. But at length through the ſuite and inſtance of Arnold le Poer then Seneſhall of Kilkenny, he was dely|uered, and after corrupted with brybes the Sene|ſhal to perſecute the Biſhop, ſo that he thruſt him into priſon for three Monethes. In rifeling the cloſet of the ladie, they found a Wafer of ſacra|mentall bread, hauing the diuels name ſtamped thereon in ſtead of Ieſus Chriſt, and a Pipe of oyntment, wherewith ſhe greaſed a ſtaffe, vpõ the which ſhe ambled and galloped through thick and thin, when and in what maner ſhe liſted.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This buſineſſe about theſe witches troubled al the ſtate of Ireland, the more, for that the Ladie was ſupported by certaine of the nobilitie, & laſtly conueyed ouer into England, ſince which time it could neuer be vnderſtood what became of hir.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare .1326. and laſt of king Ed|warde the ſecondes raigne, Richard Burgh Erle of Vlſter departed this life.