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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yere .1272. the Lorde Iames Audley was ſlayne by a fal from his horſe in Thomoũd, and then was Morice Fitz Morice made Lorde Iuſtice of Irelande,Randon. and the Caſtell of Randon was deſtroyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1272.The deceſſe of king Hen|ry the thirde. King Henry the thirde de|parted this life, and the Lorde Walter. Genuille lately returned home from his iourney into the holy land, was ſent into Ireland,


Walter Gen| [...]ille.

and made Lord Iuſtice there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1275.1275 the Caſtell of Roſcoman was eftſoones repaired and fortifyed.


An ouerthrow at Glenburry.

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