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Compare 1587 edition: 1 1266In the yeere .1266. there chanced an Earth|quake in Ireland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1267In the yeere following, King Henry tooke vp the variance that was in Ireland betwixt ye par|ties, and diſcharging Dene, appoynted Dauid Barry Lord Iuſtice in his place,Dauid Barry Lord iuſtice. who tamed the inſolent dealings of Morice Fitz Morice, couſin Germane to Fitz Gerald.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1268.1268 Conhur Obren was ſlaine by Dermote Mack Monerd, and Morice Fitz Gerald Earle of Deſmond, was drowned in the Sea,Robert Vffert betwixt Wales and Ireland. And Roberte Vffort was ſente ouer to remayne Lord Iuſtice of Ireland, and Barry was diſcharged, who cõ|tinued till the yeere .1269.

Richard de Exceter.



and then was Richarde de Exceter made Lord Iuſtice. And in the yeere following, was the Lorde Iames Audley made Lord Iuſtice. Richard Verdon, and Iohn Ver|don were ſlayne, and Fulke Archbiſhop of Du|blin deceaſſed. Alſo the Caſtels of Aldleck, Ro|ſcoman, and Scheligagh, were deſtroyed. The ſame yeere was a greate dearth and mortalitie in Irelande.The Lord Audley.

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