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Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Iohn appoynted his Lieutenauntes in Ireland, and returning home, ſubdued ye Welch|men, EEBO page image 44 and ſoone after, with Pandulfus the Le|gate of Pope Innocentius the thirde, who came to releaſſe hym of the cenſure, wherein hee ſtoode excommunicate, to whome as to the Popes Le|gate he made a perſonal ſurrẽder of both Realms in way of ſubmiſſion, and after hee was once aſ|ſoyled, he receyued them againe. Some adde, that he gaue away his kingdomes to ye Sea of Rome for him and his ſucceſſors, recogniſing to holde the ſame of the Popes in fee, paying yeerely there|fore one thouſand markes, as ſeuen hundred for England,An hundred markes of gold. Blondus. and three hundred for Ireland. Blon|dus ſaith Centum pro vtroque auri marchias. Sir Thomas More (as Campion ſaith) a man both in calling and office, likely to ſound the matter to the depth writeth preciſely, that neither ſuch wri|ting the Pope can ſhew, neyther were it effectuall if he could. How farre forth, and with what limi|tation a Prince maye, or maye not addict hys realm feodarie to an other. Iohn Maior a Scot|tiſh Chronicler, and a Sorboniſt, not vnlearned, partly ſcanneth, who thinketh .300. markes for Ireland no very hard penyworth? The inſtru|mẽt (as Campion thinketh,) which our Engliſhe writers rehearſe, might haply bee mocioned and drawen, and yet not confirmed with any ſeale nor ratifyed:Iohn Bale in his Apologie againſt vowes. but though the copie of this writing remayne in record, yet certaine it is, King Iohns ſucceſſors neuer payed it. After Iohn Comin Archbiſhop of Dublin, & founder of S. Patricks [figure appears here on page 44] Church, ſucce|ded Hẽry Loũ|doris in ye See, who builded ye Kings Caſtell there, being lord chiefe Iuſtice of Ireland, him they niknamed (as the Iriſhe doe commonly giue additions to their gouer|nors in reſpecte of ſome fact or quality) Scorch Willein, that is, burne bill, bycauſe hee required to peruſe the writings of his tenantes, colorably pretending to learne the kinde of eache mans ſe|uerall tenure, and brent the ſame before their fa|ces, cauſing them eyther to renue their takings, or to hold at will.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1216. King Iohn departed thys life. In his dayes, diuers monaſteries were builte in Ireland as (beſide thoſe that before are menti|oned) in the fourth yeere of his raigne, the Abbey of Dowiſh was founded, in the ſixt the Abbey of Wetherham in ye countie of Limerike, by Theo|bald le Butler Lorde of Caeracky, and in the twelfth yeere, Richard Oute builded the Mona|ſterie of Grenard.Henry the third. Warres be|twixt Lacy and Marſhall. In the dayes of Henry ye thirde that ſucceeded his father K. Iohn, great warres were reyſed in Ireland betwixt Hugh Lacy and William Marſhal, ſo that the countrey of Meth was greeuouſly afflicted.

In the yeere .1228. after the death of Loundo|ris Archbiſhop of Dublin,1228 that was Lord chiefe Iuſtice, King Henry the third vnderſtanding the good ſeruice done by the Giraldines euer ſith their firſt comming into Irelande,The Geral|dines. though by wrong reportes the ſame had bin to their preiudice for a time ſiniſterly miſconſtrued, ſo as the Gentlemẽ had ſtill bin kept backe, and not rewarded accor|ding to their good deſertes: The King nowe en|formed of the troth, made Morice Fitz Geralde,Morice Fitz Geralde. the ſonne of Morice aforeſaid, Lord chiefe iuſtice of Ireland. Lucas ſucceeded Loundoris in the Archbiſhops See,Lucas Arch|biſhop. and was cõſecrated in the yere 1230.

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