Compare 1587 edition: 1 He cryed hauocke and ſpoyle where anye riche pray was to bee had, ſparing neyther thoſe of the laytie, nor of the Cleargie, neyther Church nor Chappell, abuſing hys victorie verie inſo|lently, Omalaghlilen King of Methe,Omalaghlilen king of Methe. was in ſome truſt with the tyrant. His onely daughter Turgeſius craued for his Concubine.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The father hauing a readie witte, and wat|ching his tyme, beganne to breake with Turge|ſius in this wiſe, ſauing your fancie (my Lorde quoth he) there are dyuerſe Ladyes of bloud in thys Countrey meeter bedfellowes for a King than that browne gryſtle, and therewyth he be|ganne to recken vppe a number of hys Neeces and Couſins, indowed (as he ſet them forth) with ſuch ſingular beautie, as they ſeemed rather An|gels than mortall creatures.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The tyraunt as it were rauiſhed, and doting in loue of thoſe Peereleſſe peeces before hee ſawe them, by reaſon of ſuch exceeding prayſes as hee thus heard of them, doubted yet leaſt Omalagh|lilen extolled them to preſerue his daughter out of hys handes,The policie of Omalagh|lilen. and the ſubtile father cloked his drift with modeſt behauiour, lyngering tyme to en|flame the Leachers folly, as he that wiſhed anye thing more to bee ſuſpected than that which hee ment moſt earneſtly to bring to paſſe.