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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cenanus that was firſt a Souldier,Cenanus firſt a man of war, and after a biſhop. ſuccee|ded Saint Patrike in the Sea of Ardmagh, after he had certaine yeares followed the warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Brendan Abbot, at the age of tenne yeares was of ſuch incomparable holyneſſe (as they ſay) and therewith ſo wiſe and learned,Abbot Bren|dan. that hys fa|ther and mother thinking themſelues to haue gayned the moſte worthie fruite that myght enſue of theyr maryage, by mutuall conſent pro|feſſed continencie, and abandoned matrimoniall companie. He flouriſhed in the dayes of Saint Brydget, and lyued in familyer ſocietie wyth Saynt Arons the Byſhoppe, and Fyntan the Abbot.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Madoc.Madoc, alias Edan of noble parentage ta|ken pryſoner by the king of Temore and kept in his Court with dyuerſe yong men his ſchoolefel|lowes, openly adiured the king to licence him and them to depart, that they might ſerue God as they were accuſtomed, yt which being now kept in ſunder and reſtrayned of libertie, they were forced to diſcontinue. Herevpon immediately they were diſmiſſed.

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