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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This matter was heynouſly taken, and be|ing brought to the kings eares, it chaunced that ſhortely after he came to a banket in hir fathers houſe, and calling the maide afore him that was not yet paſt .ix. yeres of age: He aſked hir howe ſhee durſte preſume to deface the guyſte of EEBO page image 12 a king in ſuch wiſe as ſhe had done his. She an|ſwered that the ſame was beſtowed vpon a bet|ter king than he was, whom (quoth ſhee) finding in ſuch extremitie, I woulde haue giuen all that my father hath, and all that you haue, yea your ſelues to and all, were ye in my power to giue, rather than Chriſt ſhould ſtarue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 She profeſſed virginitie,She profeſſed, virginitie. and allured other no|ble yong Damoſels vnto hir felowſhip, with whõ ſhe continued in hir owne Monaſterie, where ſhe was firſt profeſſed,Anno 500 Bri|git departed this life. vnto the yere of our lord .500. and then departing this life, ſhee was buryed in Downe in Saint Patrikes tombe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Geraldus Cambrenſis reporteth of his owne knowledge, that among other monumentes of hirs,A concordance of the foure Euangeliſtes. there was founde a Concordaunce of the foure Euangelyſtes, ſeeming to be written with no mortall hande, beautifyed with myſticall pictures in the Margent, the colours and cun|ning workemanſhippe whereof, at the firſt bluſh appeared darke and nothing delectable, but in the heedfull viewe of the diligent beholder, very liue|ly and wonderfull artificiall.

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