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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Great conſultation was had about this re|queſt of theſe ſtrangers,Doubtfull con|ſultation. and many things de|bated to and fro. In concluſion, the Iriſhe layde forth for anſwere the opinions of theyr Antiquaries, that is,The anſvvere of the Irishe to the requeſt of the Picts. ſuche as were ſkilfull in old hiſtories & ſayings of their elders, whervn|to they gaue credite, & therfore they gathered, it coulde not be expedient to accept the Scy|thians into the land, for that mingling of na|tions in one realme, bredeth quarels: moreouer that the multitude of the inhabitantes was ſuche, as roomth in the whole Ile was vueth able to receyue them, and therefore thoſe fewe newe commers being placed among ſo many olde inhabitants, might breede quickely ſome diſturbance to bring al out of ioynt. But (ſaid they) though we may not cõueniently receiue you among vs, yet ſhall you fynd vs readie to further you to be our neighbours.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Not farre hence there lyeth the great Ile of Britayne, in the northe parte whereof,The Irish per|ſuadeth the Picts to place themſelues in Britayn. beeing voyde of inhabitantes, your manhode and po|licies maye purchaſe for you roomthes to place yourſelues at eaſe, we ſhall appoynt you cap|taines to guide you thither, we ſhall aſſiſt to ſettle you with oure forces in that countreye, make readie your ſhippes that ye maye paſſe thither with all conuenient ſpeede. Encoura|ged with this perſuaſion they toke their courſe towards the north parts of Britain now cal|led Scotland,Marius other|vviſe called Aruiragus king of Britons. where contrarie to their expec|tation Marius king of Britayne was readye to awayte their comming, and with ſharp ba|tayle vanquiſhing them in fielde, ſlewe Ro|derike with a greate number of his retinues. Thoſe that eſcaped with lyfe, and ſoughte to him for grace, he licenced to inhabite the vt|termoſt end of Scotland. This Marius Hũ|frey Lluyd taketh to bee the ſame whome the Romain writers name Aruiragus, and reig|ned about the yere of our Lord .70. a Prince of a noble courage and of no ſmall eſtimation in his dayes (as ſhould ſeeme by that which is written of him.) His right name (as the ſayde Humfrey Lluyd auoucheth) was Meurig.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now concerning the Pights, whether that thoſe that eſcaped with lyfe, got ſeates by EEBO page image 7 king Meurigs graunte (as aboue is ſpecified,) or that getting to their ſhippes, they withdrew into the Iles of Orkeney, and there remayned. Wy|ues they wanted alſo to increaſe their iſſue:Picts mariyng vvith the Irish, [...] couenaunte the ſucceſsion of their kings. and bycauſe the Britons thoughte ſkorne to matche their daughters with ſuch an vnknown and new comen nation, the Pictes continued theyr firſte acquaintaunce with the Iriſhe, and by entreatie obteyned wyues from them, with condition, that if the crowne ſhould happe to fall in contention, they ſhoulde yelde thus muche to the prerogatiue of the woman, that the Prince ſhoulde be elected rather of the bloud royall of the female kind than of the male. Which order (ſayth Beda) the Picts were well knowne to keepe vnto his tyme.

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