Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe in the meane tyme whyleſt the Iriſhmenne lyued in ſome tollerable order and reſte vnder their ſeuerall kings, one Rodorike a Scythian Prince with a ſmall companye of EEBO page image 6 men, being weather driuen rounde about the coaſts of Britayn, was by chaunce caſt vpon [figure appears here on page 6] the ſhore of Irelande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe were Pictes,Picts arriue in Irelande. and the firſt that hadde bin heard of in theſe parties (as ſome authors haue recorded) a people from their verie cradle giuen to diſſention, landeleapers, mercyleſſe, fierce and hardy. They being brought and pre|ſented to the Iriſhe king, craued interpreters, which granted, Roderike their chieftain made this requeſt for him and his, as followeth:
Compare 1587 edition: 1
Not as degenerate from the courage of our anceſtours,The oration of Roderik K. of the Pictes king of Ireland but faſhioning our ſelues to For|tunes courſe, wee are become to craue of Ire|lande, as humble ſuppliantes that neuer bee|fore this preſent haue ſo embaſed our ſelues to any other nation. Beholde ſir king, and re|garde vs well, no light occaſion cauſeth theſe luſty valiant bodies to ſtoupe. Scythians we are, and Pictes of Scythia, no ſmalle portion of glorie reſteth in theſe two names. What ſhal I ſpeake of the ciuill warre that hath ex|pulſed vs from our natiue homes, or rip vp old hiſtories to moue ſtraungers to bemoane vs, let our ſeruantes and children diſcourſe therof at leyſure, if perhappes you will vouchſafe to graunt vs ſome time of abode in your land, to the whiche effecte and purpoſe our vrgent ne|ceſſitie beſecheth your fauors, a king of a king and men of men, are to craue aſſiſtance: prin|ces can well diſcerne and conſider howe neere it toucheth their honour and ſuretie to vphold and relieue the ſtate of a king, by treaſon de|cayed: And manifeſt it is to all men of reaſo|nable conſideration, that nothing more beſee|meth the nature of mã, than to be moued with compaſſion, and as it were to feele themſelues hurte, when they hear and vnderſtand of other mennes calamities. Admit (we beſeeche you) and receyue amongſt you theſe fewe ſcattered remnauntes of Scythia: if your roomes bee narrowe, wee are not manye: if the ſoyle of your countrey be barreyne, wee are borne and enured to hardeneſſe: if you liue in peace, wee are at commaundemente as ſubiectes: if you warre, we are readie to ſerue you as ſouldi|ours: we demaunde no kingdome, no ſtate, no pompous triumph in Irelande: we are heere alone, and haue lefte ſuche things behynde vs with our enimies: howſoeuer you eſteeme of vs, we ſhall content our ſelues therwith, and learne to frame our liking to yours, calling to mynd not what we haue bin, but what we ar.