Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diuerſe Engliſh men that helde agaynſt the deuorce betwixt king Henrie,Engliſh fugi|tiues receyued into Scotland. and the Lady Ka|therin dowager, fledde this yeare into Scotlande, and were receyued.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare .1535. 1535 the Pope ſent a meſſenger into Scotlande requiring king Iames to aſſyſt him agaynſt the King of Englande, whome hee had decreed on Heretike, a Sciſmatike,The Pope ſen|deth into Scot+lande. a wedlock breaker, a publike murtherer, and a ſacrileger, and therefore he had declared him to be depriued of the ſayd kingdome, the which he would beſtow vpon him, and other catholike Princes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare .1536. the King tooke the Sea,1536 with fiue ſhippes without knowledge of the moſt part of the Lordes of his Realme, and ſayled a|bante the Iles of Skie and Lewes,The kings voyage about the Iſles. and the other Iſles, and by ſtorme was driuen to take lande at Saint Ninians in Galoway, and ſo returned to Striueling from whence he paſſed a foote in pyl|grimage vnto our Ladie Chapell of Lauret be|ſide Muſkelbourgh, and afterwarde ſent for dy|uerſe of his Lordes, and by their counſaile tooke his voyage againe by ſea with fiue ſhips to paſſe into Fraunce, as he was minded to haue done the firſt time, but what cauſed him to alter his pur|poſe then, we find not.