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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare, the king paſſed through the north partes of his realme, and holding Iuſtice eers,Iuſtice mini|ſtred. cauſed Iuſtice, dulye to be miniſtred in pla|ces where he came agaynſt offenders.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer in Edenbourgh was great inqui|ſition made, and puniſhment exerciſed agaynſt ſuch as were detected to holde opinions agaynſt the religion then vſed, the king himſelfe aſſiſtant thereto, Maiſter Normand Gorley that was ab|iured before, and Andrew Stratton that woulde not renounce his opinion were burned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Sherife of Linlitgew and diuerſe other that were fled for feare of puniſhment, were con|uict of hereſie.

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