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Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 13Vnto hyr therefore he inſtituted monethly ſacrifice, by reaſon wherof this vſe was takẽ vp, that ſo ſoone as any of them g [...]t ſight of the new Moone nexte after hyr chaunge, he ſaluted hyr with certaine prayers or ſalutations moſt reue|rently. Whiche cuſtome endured amongſt them many hundred yeares after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A liuing pro|uided for the prieſts.Mainus did alſo appoint foorth liuings for the Prieſts to be taken of ſuche ſacrifice as was offered vp to the Goddes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, when he had thus inſtructed his peo|ple in lawes and ordinances, aſwel touching the religious ſeruice of the Goddes, as alſo for poli|tike gouernment of his countrey, he ended his life, after he had raigned about .xxix. yeares: lea|uing the eſtate to his ſonne Doruadille, Elidu|rus raygning the ſame time in Brytaine, and Thaara amongſt the Pictes.

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