Compare 1587 edition: 1 In witneſſe of the thing there remayneth [...]n|to this day certaine of thoſe greate ſtones ſtan|ding rounde ringwiſe, which places are called by the cõmon people the old chapels of the Gods. A mã wold maruel by what ſhift, policy or ſtrẽgth ſuch mightie ſtones were rayſed in that maner.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other the Goddes alſo,Diana hono|red of the Scots. whiche the Scottiſhmen had in moſt reuerence, Diana was chiefe, whom they accompted as their peculiar patroneſſe, for that ſhe was taken to be the God|deſſe of hunting,Diana God|deſſe of hun|ting. wherein conſiſted their chiefeſt exerciſe, paſtime and delite.