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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame ſeaſon there raygned amongſt the Brytains one Enanius,Eſdadus. Cruthneus. Camelonus. named by Hector Boetius Eſdadus, and amongſt the Pictes one Cruthneus Camelonus, that buylded a famous Citie, vpon the banke of the riuer called Carone,This citie the Scottiſhe wry|ters take to [...]e Camelodunã, of the whiche there is ſo oftẽ mention made in the Romain writers: but verily herein they do great|ly erre. as the Scottiſh wryters affirme, appointyng it to be the chiefe Citie of all the Pictiſhe kyng|dome, where in times paſte there was a fayre commodious hauen apt to herbrough ſhippes in at all ſeaſons, but now it is damned vp in ſuche ſorte, that vnneath there appeareth any token where that hauen was: and the citie it ſelfe was finally ſubuerted by Kenneth kyng of Scotland, as after ſhall appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The forenamed Cruthneus buylded alſo the Towne of Agneda,Agneda nowe called Edyn|brough. The caſtell of maydens. afterwardes called E|dynbrough, of Ethus kyng of the Pictes, the caſtell was named, the caſtell of Maydens, for that the daughters of the Pictiſhe kings, were there kept vnder ſtrayte cuſtodie, appoynted to learne to ſow and worke, till they came to yeares of mariage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to returne to the Scottiſh men. After the death of Ferguſe, the Nobles of the EEBO page image 11 Realme aſſembled togyther, to take councell whom they might chooſe to ſucceede in his place.The Scots cõ|ſ [...]lt about an other election of a king. Many of them in reſpect of the highe benefites whiche theyr nation had receyued by the politike gouernment of kyng Ferguſe, would not in any wiſe that his ſonnes, though young of yeares, ſhould be forgotten, but that according to reaſon & equitie, the eldeſt of them ſhould be elected, ſ [...]h they might not otherwiſe deliuer themſelues of the note of ingratitude towards his father, vnto whom they were more bounde than with toung might well be expreſſed.

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