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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo for the auoyding of enuious conten|tion, and for the better aſſurance of euery mans eſtate,The lande is parted. he iudged it neceſſary to haue a particion made of al the landes belongyng to the Scottiſh dominion. For before they occupied the whole as in commune, without knowyng to whom this peece or that did belong. Whiche politike aduiſe of Ferguſe, the Scottiſh men praiſed moſt high|ly,Obedient ſub|iectes. promiſing not onely to follow his counſayle herein, in all that he ſhoulde wiſhe, but alſo in all that he ſhould otherwiſe commaunde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whervpon ſhortly after there were choſen by his aduiſe .vij. auncient perſonages, men of good conſcience & great experience:Men diuide the lande into portions. which were apoin|ted to be Surueyours of the whole countrey, & to deuide the ſame as neare as they coulde into a ſet number of equal portions, (but with this cõ|ſideration, that according as the fruitfulneſſe or barraynneſſe of the ſoyle required, ſo they ſhould enlarge or diminiſh the circuite of their bounds.) Whẽ they had vewed the countrey, & according to their commiſſion, ſeuered foorth the ſame into parts,The gouern|ment is giuen vnto the no|bles by lottes. they returned into Argile where Ferguſe then ſoiourned, & there in his preſence, the names of al his noble men that were reputed as Gouer|nours were put in lottes, euery of them to haue ſuch parte of the realme for his owne, as ſhoulde fall to him by good lucke and preſent happe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this meanes eche of them being placed as his chaũce fell, they inhabited their quarters with ſuch people as they had the leading of, ſo that af|terwardes the countreys tooke theyr names of thoſe the firſt Gouernours: which names for the more parte (being a little chaunged) remayne a|mongſt them euen vnto this day.

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