Compare 1587 edition: 1 This deuiſe the Brytaynes kept ſecrete for a time, till occaſion ſerued to worke theyr in|tent. In whiche meane while the affinitie be|twixt the Scottes and Pictes increaſed to the welth of both nations, and for the iſſue ſake great loue and friendſhippe was mainteyned amongſt them: the Pictes applyed themſelues to tyl|ling the grounde, and buylding of fortreſſes:The Pictes good huſ|bandmen. the Scottes ſette all their delighte in hunting and fowling,The Scottes giuen to hun|ting and fow|ling. Good bow [...]. vſing about the ſame to go armed in Iackes and light ieſternes with bowe and ar|rowes, no otherwyſe than if it had beene in o|pen warre: For in this exerciſe they placed all the hope of the defence of their poſſeſſions, lands, and liberties.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length, the Brytaynes perceyuing hap|pily ſome grudge or enuie to bee entred amongſt them,The Brytaines ſend an Am|baſſadour vnto the Pictes. they ſente ſolemne Ambaſſadours vnto the Pictes, declaring that it were more honou|rable for them to ioyne in league with the Bry|taynes, than with the Scottes: whiche Bry|taynes were knowne to bee right famous, both in peace and warre,A craft [...]e ſug|geſtion. and inhabited a Countrey moſt fruitefull and repleniſhed with all commo|dities neceſſarie, hauing therein riche mynes of diuerſe kindes of mettall, where the Scottes be|ing a rude Nation, wilde and ſauage, inhabi|ted a barraine Countrey, full of roughe and fruitleſſe mountaynes, delyting therto in nothing but in the ſlaughter of men and beaſtes: And herevnto they added that, (whiche moſt moued the Pictes) howe it was foretolde by prophecies,Prophecies. that the Scottes through treaſon ſhoulde vtter|ly in time to come extinguiſhe and deſtroye all the Pictiſhe blo [...]de,A league con|cluded with the Brytaynes. whiche pre [...]ations in|duced the Pictes at the laſt, to make a league with the Brytaynes, who promiſed their ayde at all tymes in whatſoeuer enterp [...]iſ [...] the Pictes ſhoulde take in hande agaynſt the Scottes, and as often as occaſion ſhould require.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 7Thys league thus beeyng confirmed wyth the Brytaynes,The Picts be|c [...]me enimies to the Scots. encouraged the Pictes ſo, that they ſought dayly howe to pyke quarelles, and fall out with the Scottiſhe men: wherevppon making Proclamation that no Scottiſh man ſhoulde enter into their borders, vpon paine of death:The Scots re|uenge the in|iurie done vn|to them. ſome ſuche as they tooke within the ſame, they cruelly ſlue, other they ranſomed at exceſſiue ſummes: wherevpon the Scottes beeing kynd|led with iuſt diſpleaſure, on the other ſide, requy|ted them with the like, euer as they caught any of the ſayd Picts by hap or otherwiſe amongs them or in their walkes.