Compare 1587 edition: 1 A league made.This requeſt was graunted, and a ful league ratifyed betwixt the Scottiſhe men, and Pictes, with couenauntes that neither of them ſhoulde ſeeke to vſurpe anye peece of that whiche the o|ther helde, but [...]ntent themſelues wyth theyr owne marckes. And further, hee that attemp|ted to wrong the on [...], ſhoulde bee accompted an enimie to bothe and agaynſte whome they ſhoulde bee readie to ioyne theyr powers in ey|ther others defence.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſucceſsion of the gouern|ment.Alſo it was accorded, that if at any tyme it were doubtfull who ought to ſucceede in the go|uernment of the Pictiſhe kingdome, ſome o [...]e diſcended of thoſe Scottiſh women ſhould be ad|mitted to the throne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This allyaunce was euen at the firſt miſ|lyked of the Brytaynes,Their alli [...] miſliked. who doubted that if theſe two Nations ſhoulde once bee ioyned in|ſeparatly togyther, they might in tyme to come, [...]ncreaſe to greater puiſſaunce than ſhould ſtand well with the ſuretie of their eſtate. There|fore ſtudying howe to preuent that daunger,Diſſ [...]ti [...] a preſent de|ſtroyer. they thought the readyeſt meane to deſtroy both thoſe Nations was (if they might bring it to paſſe) to ſette them firſte togither by the eares amongeſt themſelues, that afterwardes when their powers were by ſuche meanes ſor [...] abated, they might the more eaſily ſubdue them at their pleaſures.