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Compare 1587 edition: 1 And hauing ruled his ſubiects with great iu|ſtice by the ſpace of .xl. yeres or therabout, he died, after whoſe deceaſſe ſucceeded Fandufus,Fandufus. who had iſſue Ethion, and he [...]gat Glancus, whiche Glancus begat Noitafilus the father of Roth|ſay: all of them raigned ſucceſſiuely [...] the Scotiſh men in Irelande, as in the deſcription of that land more plainly may appeare.Rothſay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Rothſay (perceyuing the Scottiſh na|tion encreaſed to a greater multitude in Ireland than the country was wel able to ſuſtaine) tranſ|ported ouer certaine numbers of them into the Iles aunciently called [...]bo [...]es, The Scottes [...]erie ouer into the weſterne Iſles. afterwards H [...]|b [...]ides, but now by the Scottes, the weſtern Iles, bycauſe they lie on the weſt halfe of Scotlande: and there they placed them to inhabite.They inhabite the Iſle of Rothſay. He named alſo that Iſle which he firſt beganne to poſſeſſe, Rothſay, after his owne name. Which tranſla|tion of theſe Scottiſh men into thoſe Iſles was 133. yeares after the [...]oro [...]ation of Brechus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Rothſay had not beene long in thoſe Iſles, but that hearing of his fathers deceaſſe, he returned into Irelande to ſuccede in his place. Where the Scottiſh men p [...]eyuing the fertilitie of the Iſles, and how the ſame ſerued wel for the breeding of cattel, became ſo deſirous to inhabite the ſame, that they went ouer thither dayly in|greate numbers, with their wiues, children, and whole families, ſo that within a [...]horte time, they multiplied in ſuch wiſe, that the Iſles were not large ynough to finde them ſuſtenauce,The Scottes inhabite the maine lande of Scotlande. by reaſon wherof diuerſe companies of them got them ouer into the maine lande of the North part of this our Bry [...]taine, called as then Al|bion, where they firſt inhabited a waſte and de|ſert portion thereof, lying to waſte [...] weſt ne|uer againſt the foreremembred Iſles, by [...]he [...] al|readie inhabited. Anno mundi. 338 [...]. 4617. H.B. They inhabite the countrey called Arguile.

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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 B [...]echus being thus crownd, was the first king Brechus. that reigned ouer the Scots in Ireland, who [...] his reigne there, in the yéere from the creation of the world 3270, which time by master. Harisons, account is after the floud 1616, from the first buil|ding 4504 H. B. 60 H. B. 696 H. B. Fandufus. of Rome 55, after the entrie of Brutus into Britaine 870, and before the incarnation of our sa| [...]our 697. And hauing ruled his subiects with great iustice by the space of fortie yéeres or thereabout, he died, after whose deceasse succéeded Fandufus, who had issue Eth [...]on, and he begat Glaucus, which Glau|cus begat Noita [...]ilus, the father of Rothsay: all of them reigned successiuelie ouer the Scotishmen in Ireland, as in the description of that land more p [...]inelie may appéete.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This Rothsay (perceiuing the Scotish nation in|creased Rothsay. The Scots ferris ouer in|to the we|sterne Iles. to a greater multitude in Ireland than the countrie was well able to susteine) transported o|uer certeine numbers of them into the Iles anci|entlie called Ebonides, afterwards Hebrides, but now by the Scots, the westerne Iles, bicause they lie on the west halfe of Scotland: and there they pla|ced them to inhabit. He named also that Ile which he first began to possesse Rothsay, after his owne They inhabie the Ile of Rothsay. name. Which translation of these Scotishmen into those Iles was 133 yeeres after the coronation of Brechus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This Rothsay had not béene long in those Iles, but that hearing of his fathers deceasse, he returned in|to Ireland to succéed in his place. Where the Sco|tishmen perceiuing the fertilitie of the Iles, and how the same serued well for the breeding of cattell, became so des [...]ous to inhabit there, that they went ouer thither da [...]lie in great numbers, with their wiues, children, and whole families, so that within a short time they multiplied in such wise, that the Iles The Scots inhabit the maine land of Scotland. were not large inough to find them sustenance, by reason whereof diuers companies of them got them ouer into the maine land of the north part of this our Britaine, called as then Albion, where they first inhabited a waste and desert portion thereof, lieng toward the west, ouer against the foreremembred Iles, by them alreadie inhabited, Anno 3383. That 4617 H. B. They inhabit the countrie called Arguile part where they first began to settle themselues, they named Argathelia, after the name of their first cap|tein and guide Gathelus, but the inhabitants at this day call it Arguile.