Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bre|chus. [figure appears here on page 5] BRechus beeyng thus crowned, was ye firſt king yt rai|gned ouer the Scottiſh men in Irelande, who began his raigned [...] in the yeere from the creation of the worlde, 3270:4504. H.B. which fynte by [...] Hariſons ac|com [...]t is after the ſtoud, 1616:60. H. B. from the firſt buylding of Rome, 5.5. after the entrie of Brutus into Brytaine, 870. and before the Incarnation of our Sauiour,696. H.B. 697.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And hauing ruled his ſubiects with great iu|ſtice by the ſpace of .xl. yeres or therabout, he died, after whoſe deceaſſe ſucceeded Fandufus,Fandufus. who had iſſue Ethion, and he [...]gat Glancus, whiche Glancus begat Noitafilus the father of Roth|ſay: all of them raigned ſucceſſiuely [...] the Scotiſh men in Irelande, as in the deſcription of that land more plainly may appeare.Rothſay.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Rothſay (perceyuing the Scottiſh na|tion encreaſed to a greater multitude in Ireland than the country was wel able to ſuſtaine) tranſ|ported ouer certaine numbers of them into the Iles aunciently called [...]bo [...]es, The Scottes [...]erie ouer into the weſterne Iſles. afterwards H [...]|b [...]ides, but now by the Scottes, the weſtern Iles, bycauſe they lie on the weſt halfe of Scotlande: and there they placed them to inhabite.They inhabite the Iſle of Rothſay. He named alſo that Iſle which he firſt beganne to poſſeſſe, Rothſay, after his owne name. Which tranſla|tion of theſe Scottiſh men into thoſe Iſles was 133. yeares after the [...]oro [...]ation of Brechus.