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Appendix A.11 L.


  • LAborers, an act of parlement for the drawing of them in order, 835, b 20
  • Lacie Hugh, and of king Henrie the seconds gift vnto him, 82, b 30. Slaine in Ireland, 109 b 60. His puissance and con|tempt, his diligence to in|large his possessions in Ire|land, 110, a 10
  • Lacie Robert constable of Che|ster hangeth two for spite, 133 b 40
  • Lacie Roger a Norman, 17, a 60
  • Lacie Walter in armes against the rebels, 11, a 50
  • Lacies constables of Chester by inheritance, their estimati|on and credit, 215, b 60, 217, a 10, 20, &c. Erls of Lincolne of whense they had their origi|nall, 20, a 30
  • La [...]gnie on the riuer of Maine beséeged, 608, a 10
  • Lambe esquier, a good common wealths man, deceaseth, his acts and déeds full of charitie: note, 1311, a 60, b 10, &c: 1312, his epitaph, 1313, a 40
  • Lambert earle of Lens, 11, b 10
  • Lambert Simenill. ¶Sée Si|menill.
  • Lamperdeuaux castell builded, 279, b 10. Taken, 281, a 10
  • Lancaster and Yorke house, and the vniting of them in one in|tended, 740, b 40. Furthered 741, a 10, &c: 742, a 10, &c: 743, a 10, &c. Some matter con|cerning both worthie the rea|ding 761, a 20, 30
  • Lancaster house, and how ma|licious Margaret the du|chesse of Burgogne was therevnto, 765, b 10. Enuied 776, a 10
  • Land, and how manie acres an hide conteineth, 13, b 10
  • Lands let out for yearelie rent in duke Williams time, 8, a 40 Morgaged for monie, 17, a 30. Of the church defended and recouered by archbishop Lanfranke: note 18, a 60, b 10
  • Landoise corrupted with re|wards betraieth the earle of Richmond into Richard the thirds hands, 747, b 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. His expectation disappointed by the priuie and vnknowne departing of the earle, 748, a 60
  • Lanfranke an Italian the thrée and thirtith archbishop of Canturburie, 9, a 20. His au|thoritie great among all the lords of England, 16, a 30. His counsell to William Ru|fus to winne the nobles fa|uor, 16, a 10. Diligent care for the safetie of William Ru|fus, 17, b 20. In fauor with pope Alexander, 9, a 40. Assi|steth duke William in armes against the rebelles, 9, b 50. Calleth a councell of the cler|gie, 11, b 60. Praised for hold|ing with the moonks, 18, b 10. Enuied for his prosperities sake, 17, a 10, 20. His death, 18 a 40, with a description of cer|teine his qualities, and di|uerse of his acts and déeds, 18 40, a 50
  • Largesse of William Rufus at his coronation: note, 16, a 40
  • Law marshall a burthen intol|lerable, 1052, b 10, Execu|ted, 1199, a 50. 566, a 60, 1007, a 10, &c. ¶Sée Soldi|ors.
  • Law sal [...]ke, 836, a 60, 545, b 40
  • Law of armes: note, 669, a 60, 577, b 40. Uiolated by the French, 1204, b 50. Touch|ing heralds violated, 984, a 40
  • Law of duke William against such as forced anie women, 15, b 50
  • Law to be quite abolished at the rebelles request, 432, a 50
  • Law against buieng and selling on the sundaie, 624, a 20
  • Lawes penall of duke William: note, 14, a 20. Confessed to be vnequall, 8, b 40: note. Of S. Edward supposed most equa [...]l and indifferent, 10, a 20. Of William Rufus sharpe, rigo|rous, and peremptorie, 20, b 10. Of king Henrie the first commanded to be vniuersallie obserued, 181, a 30
  • Lawes written in the Nor|man toong not vnderstood of the English: note, void of conscience and equitie, 8, b 10. Of England ancient abro|gated and established, 8, a 60. Remaine in Kent onelie, 2, b 30
  • Lawes and liberties fought for, 2, a 10
  • Lawiers to plead their cases in English, &c: 396, a 20. Broght to blockham feast by the re|belles, 430, a 60. Fraudulent punished, 950, b 30
  • Lecture. ¶Sée Surgerie.
  • Léeds castell beséeged, 327, b 60, And yéelded, 328, a 10
  • Legat Anselme with his au|thoritie from Rome, 39, b 60 Ferentino gathereth much monie in England, 170, b 10 Gualos practises to get mo|nie, 193, a 20. Iohn de Ana|gnia from Rome to procure peace betweene kings, 113, b 60. Otho cardinall, and what dutie he gathered of the cler|gie, 208, a 30. Pandulph, ¶Sée Pandulph: note.
  • Legat from the pope about re|formation, a bawdie knaue, 42 b 40. With the archbishop of Yorks pall, 36, a 50. ¶ Sée archbishop: note, 29, a 40. A shift by forbearing the name, 239, b 50. ¶ Sée Cardi|nall.
  • Legats from Rome to reconcile the bishop of Elie and the archbishop of Rouen, 137, a 50 They practise for their owne aduantage, 100, b 10. Autho|rised to celebrate a marriage, 98, a 50. Not regarded, they excommunicate, 37, b 30. From the pope about Bec|kets death, 82, b 50
  • League betwixt England and Flanders, 354, b 30. Conclu|ded, 296, b 50. Renewed, 160, a 50. Betwéene England and France, 897, b 50. Rene|wed, 193, b 60: note, 768, b 60 Confirmed, 1229, a 40, 1238, a 30. Betwéene England and Scotland, 1402, b 30. With the Scots and French to annoie the English, 296, a 10. Betwéene the emperour and king Henrie the fift, 557, b 20, &c. Betwéene king Hen|rie the eight and the emperor 959, b 60. Betwéene king Henrie and the duke of Bri|taine, 568, a 60. Betwéene king Henrie the fift and the duke of Burgogne, and how articulated, 575, b 30. With king Henrie the third and the Welsh nobilitie vpon certeine articles, 226, b 50, &c. Secret betwixt the pope and certeine states of Italie, 893, a 10
  • League of peace to breake, an e|uill déed, 820, b 60. ¶ Sée Peace and Truce.
  • Leicester woone by force, 89, a 40. The wals and the castell raced, 98, b 20
  • Leigh knight. ¶Sée Iusts tri|umphant.
  • Leith burned, 990, a 30. More riches found there than was looked for in anie towne of Scotland, 962, a 30. Entred by the English armie, and by them possessed and spoiled: note, 962, a 30. Assailed on the seuenth of Maie, 1191, a 20. The great skirmishes be|twéene the English & French there in quéene Elisabeths time, 1186, b 40, &c. 1187, 1188. 1189. The French men dri|uen into it, 1188, b 10. A fire in it, and augmented with shot of ordinance and windie wether, 1190, a 50. Maipoles set vp therein on Maie daie, b 10. Whie the describing of the siege thereof is so largelie set downe, 1193, a 20. Peace concluded thereabouts, a 40, &c. Burned to the ground, 963, a 20
  • Leofwins malicious mind a|gainst Liuifus: note, 12, b 30
  • Leolin prince of Wales sum|moned to come and doo his homage, 278, a 10. And the Welsh rebels accurssed, 281, a 20. His wife taken from him, he beginneth to make wars, maketh sure for peace, 278, a 50, 60. Restored to hir hus|band, 279, b 10. He sueth for peace, 278, b 10. Beginneth new warres, 279, b 60. In|uadeth Edward the firsts fréends, 281, b 10. Discomfi|ted, 205, a 30. Inuadeth the English borders, 213, b 60. His courage, 214, a 10. Spoi|leth the marches of Eng|land, 217, a 20. Made cuckold and how he reuenged it, 211, b 60. Wasteth and spoileth all the marches betwixt Wales and Shrewesburie, 218, a 30. Deceaseth, 224. Slaine, his head presented to Edward the first, 281, b 40, 60
  • Leopald. ¶ Sée duke of Au|strich.
  • Lerning in the earle of Mel|lents sonnes: note, 44, a 60
  • Letter of king Iohn to his no|bles of England, touching his victories, and taking of duke Arthur prisoner, 165, [...] 10. Of the proud bishop of E|lie to the shiriffe of Kent, 130, b 30. Of the pope to the clear|gie of England for the cele|brating of a holie daie, 85, b 10. Of king Richard the first to the states of England for the deposing the bishop of Elie, 132, a 30. Of the empe|ror to the states of England, touching his deliuerance, 140, b 20. Of Richard the first to the archbishop of Cantur|burie, touching his deliue|rance out of prison, 140, a 50. To the duke of Austrich, clée|ring Richard the first of the death of the marquesse of Montferrat, 136, a 50. Of Henrie the fourth to pope Gregorie and the cardinals, 535, a 40, &c. Of William Northbourgh the kings con|fessor describing the kings voiage into France, 373, b 50, &c. Seditious of a préest, 437, b 30. Of E. W, concerning the earle of Essex Walter Deuereux, 1266, a 60, b 10, &c. Of cardinall Como to Par|rie for resolution to kill quéen Elisabeth, 1388, b 10. Of Creitchton to sir Francis Walsingham touching Par|ries intended murthering of the quéene, 1388, a 10. Of Boner vn [...]o cardinall Poole, concerning persecution, 1164 a 10. Of the councell to Ed|mund Boner as touching quéene Marie conceiued with child, 1123, b 60. Of the ladie Marie, touching hir chalenge vnto the crowne, 1084, b 50. With an an|swer of the lords, 1085, a 40. Of the king to the lord Cheinie, at his going in|to France: note, 1123. Right excellent of the duke of Sum|merset to the Scotish nobili|tie touching the marriage be|twéene Edward the sixt and the quéene of Scots, 998, b 10 &c. 999, 1000, 1001, a 10. Of defiance from the Scotish K. to Henrie the eight, 820. Of the French king prisoner to his mother the regent of France, 884, b 50, 60. Of Gef|ferie the kings base sonne to Richard archbishop of Can|turburie, EEBO page image 1509 104, b 10. Of Gar|diner to Boner, touching the cel [...]brating of pope Iu [...]ies funerals, 1128, a 60, b 10. Of yoong king Henrie touching the disappointment of arch|bishop Richards consecrati|on. 86, a 10. Of Henrie the se|cond touching the pacificati|on betweene him and Tho|mas Becket, 78, a 20. Of the popes. ¶ See Pope.
  • Letters of the duke of Sum|merset and the lord Russell, 1057, a 60, b 20. Of Henrie the sixt to the duke of Yorke, 638, a 60. Of the duke of Yorke to Henrie the sixt, 637, b 60, 638, a 10, &c. Of the duke of G [...]l|derland to Richard the se|cond: note, 475, b 60, &c. 476, a 10, &c. Concerning prince Edwards dooings and pro|ceedings beyond s [...]a, 384, a 10, &c. Of Parrie to quéene E|lisabeth & lords of the coun|cell after his voluntarie con|fession: note, 1387, a 20, b 10. Of submission and sute of one Francis Throckmorton traitor against quéene E [...]isa|beth and the realme, 1373, a 60, b 60, 1374. He is executed, 1375, b 30. Missiue taken from the quéenes ambassa|dors seruants, 1195, b 20. Seditious of a bishop sent into a forren realme: note, 17, a 10. Treasonable, 428, a 60. Of protection from the French king to the king of England, 102, a 60
  • Letters intercepted, 329, b 10.
  • Letters patents reuoked, 526, b 50
  • Lewin a Welshman hanged: note his treacherie, 299, b 60, 300, a 10, &c,
  • Lewis the French king incli|neth to peace with Henrie the third, 201 b 10. Deceaseth 208, b 60, 209, a 10. His sons intituled to the kingdome of England, 201, b 20. Sendeth to his father for aid, 200, b 60. An armie prepard in France to succour him, 201, a 10 His faire, 200, b 10. Mainteineth his title pretended to the crowne of England, 191, a 50 ¶ Sée French king.
  • Lewis le grosse, 34, b 60
  • Lewis. ¶Sée Physician.
  • Libell against cardinall Wool|seie, 895, a 30. Seditious a|gainst Henrie the seuenth, and the libellors executed, 778, a 60. Causing losse of life, 746, b 10 Set on the duke of Northfolks gate forewar|ning him of trecherie against Richard the third, and of his owne safetie, 759, b 10. A|gainst the quéene and realme are false, 1363, a 40. Published in Italian against quéene Elisabeth, and the same an|swered, 1418, a 40. Printed against quéene Elisabeth, 1370, b 60. Against the clear|gie, 558, b 20. ¶Sée Bookes seditious.
  • Liberalitie of Richard the first woonderfull, 126, b 30. Of the earle of Arundell: no [...]e, 454, b 50. Of Edward the first to his nobles, 308 a 40. Of sir Thomas Sackuill to the French, 1224, b 60, 1225, a 10. Of William Rufus, 27, a 20. Repented: note, 20, b 10. In a prince commended, 16, b 10
  • Libertie preferred before a kingdome, 726, b 60. Obtei|ned by gentle language, 673, a 60, b 10. Bought with monie, 140, a 20, b 60. ¶ See Ran|some. Obteined by great words and proud brags, 23, b 60, 24, a 10. Desired aboue all things: note, 1046, a 30, 60
  • Liberties. ¶ Sée Lawes, Lon|doners, Priuileges, and Southworke.
  • Licence to build castels, 47, a 30 Of king Richard the first to gather riches, 120, a 60. For the English iusts and turme: note, 145, b 60. Asked of Hen|rie the third of the commonal|tie to passe ouer sea, 262, a 30. To burie the bodies of the rebels. 335, a 60. And that without it none should depart the realme, 20, b 40. To depart the realme, sought and obtei|ned, 14, b 10
  • Li [...], & how dangerous to cre|dit: note, 587, a 50
  • Life to saue what shifts noble|men can be content to make, 460 b 30
  • Lightening. ¶ Sée Th [...]nder.
  • Limerike a kingdome, 101, b 10
  • Limoges besieged, taken by force, 406, a 10, 40. Rendered to king Henrie the second, 107, b 20
  • Lincolne besieged, 56, b 10. Ta|ken, 272, a 10. Woo [...]e o [...] the French, 192, b 60
  • Lincolne castell, 6, a 40
  • Lincolne Iohn the author of the insurrection on ill Maie daie, the griefes particula [...]i|sed in his bill for the cities behoofe, a great enimie to strangers, prosecuteth his in|formation of greeuances by specialties, 840, b 10, 20, 40, 50, 60. Indicted, & wha [...]la [...]d to his charge, he is executed in Cheapside, 843, b 40, 60
  • Lincolneshiremen throw awaie their cotes the lighter to run awaie, 674, a 20. In armes a|gainst Henrie the eight, 941, a 50, &c. They giue ouer their rebellious enterprise, 941, b 10. Submit themselues and receiue a new oth of fealtie, 941, b 20, 30
  • Lisle yéelded vnto the French king, 304, b 40
  • Li [...]leton a iudge of the common plées, 702, b 10
  • Liu [...]fus slaine, and what mis|chiefe thereof insued, 12, b 30
  • Loialtie of the citizens of Ro|uen vnto king Iohn: note, 167, b 40. ¶See Oth.
  • Loiterer described, 1050, b 20
  • London the onelie place for the Iewes to burie their dead, 101, b 20. When their burges|ses were chosen commonlie called their councell, 164, a 40. The bailiffes thereof com|mitted to prison, and whie, 171, b 40. Bridge repared, 172, b 10. Consumed with fier, 176, b 10. Bridge on fier, 791. The kings especiall chamber, 729, b 20. Wall part thereof newlie built, 702, b 60. Sore vexed, assalted, & in sun|drie places spoiled, & burnt, 689, b 10, &c 690, a 10, &c. When it first began to receiue the forme and state of a common|welth, 120, a 20. Of how ma|nie wards it consisteth, 120, a 30. Men of armes & archers lie round about it twentie miles compasse was it were in campe, 451, b 50. The armes thereof augmented by additi|on of a dagger, 436, b 20. Li|berties seized into king Ed|ward the firsts hands, 282, b 60. Confirmed, the rent of the farme of the shiriffes increa|sed, 274, b 40. The liberties thereof seized into Henrie the thirds hands, the shiriffes imprisoned, 251, b 40, &c. Wals decaied and newlie repared, 256, a 40. The custodie there|of committed to the constable of the Towre: note, 256, b 20. Under the rule of prince Ed|ward, &c: he appointeth the maior and shiriffes, 274, b 20, In charge of the bishop of Excester, 338, a 40. Bridge and the towre there taken downe, 1270, a 30. Serued with Thames water by pipes brought into seuerall houses, 1384, b 50. Where much hurt was doone with wind, 19, b 10. A great part of it burned to the ground, 14, b 10. And of the charter gran|ted vnto the citizens by duke William, 15, a 60
  • Londoners prouident and piti|full in the time of scarsitie, 476, b 60, 477, a 10. Pursued by prince Edward, 268, a 10. Refuse to lead the king a thousand pounds, 477, b 50. Reuolt from the duke of Northfolke going against Wiat, 1094, b 60. Take Wiats part, 1095, b 40. Receiuing of the duke of Summerset at his returne out of Scotland, 992, a 60. Keepe S. Barna|bees d [...]ie holie daie, 1062, b 10. Redinesse to ass [...]st Edward the sixt in a motion & worke of charitie, 1082, a 10, 40. They & gentlemen of courts by the eares, 623, a 30 Skir|mish with Iacke Cade and his rebels vpon London bridge, 635, a 10. Prouidence for s [...]fegard o [...] peace, 647, a 50 Loiall and disclosers of trea|sons, 428, a 60. Are spited and enuied at, 42 [...], [...] 20, 30. Abused of strangers whereof follow|ed the riot of ill Maie daie, 840, a 20, &c: b 10, &c: 841, 842, 843, 844. Interteine and ban|ket the king of Denmarke, 878, b 10. Hated of [...]ardinall Woolseie, 895, a 30, 40. Set foorth a power into France, 969, b 10. Lend Henrie the eight 20000 pounds, 874, a 20 Glorious receiuing of Hen|rie the eight, and the emperor Charles, 873, b 10, 20. State|lie and gorgious muster be|fore Henrie the eight: note, 947, a 40, &c: b 10, &c. Conspire to take the empresse Maud, 53, b 60. Sue to king Iohn for a maior and two shiriffes, 172, b 30. Sore affraid of the Cornish rebels, 782, a 50. Re|solue to receiue Edward the fourth, and reuolt from Hen|rie the sixt, 683, a 60. Grant fiue thousand marks to Ed|ward the fourth, which were seized of the fiue and twentie wards, 704, b 60. Loiall to Edward the fourth: note, 689, b 20. Riot against the Iewes at king Richard the firsts coronation, 118, b 10. &c: 119, a 10, &c. Ualiantnesse, & among them of two alder|men, 690, a 50, b 20. Present monie to king Richard the first, 119, b 60. Large priui|leges and liberties, 11 [...], b [...]. And the priuileges of their communaltie by whom gran|ted, 131, b 30. Triumphant receiuing of king Richard the first into the citie, 14 [...]. b 60. Hardlie reported of by an A [...]maine lord, 141, b 60. Serue Richard the first in his butterie at his coron [...]|tion: note, 143, b 40. Fowle disorder noted, and complai|ned of to Richard the first, 149, a 40. Refused to fight a|gainst the lords, 459, a 10, 60. Speciallie affraid of the French forces, 451, b 30. In perplexitie whether to take part with Richard the second or with the nobles, 462, a 60. They incline to the lords, 462 a 60. Receiuing of the duke of Lancaster, 505, b 40, 50. Fauourers of Wicliffes doc|trine, 440, b 20. Meet the K. and queene on Blackheath, 487, a 60, b 10, &c. Seale to blanke charters, &c: to win Richard the seconds fauour, 469, a 10. Euill reported of for their vnstablenesse, 457, b 20. Commended themselues to the fauour of Richard the second before the deth of Ed|ward, 415, b 40. They submit their quarell with the earle of Lancaster to the kings or|der, 416, a 10. Freends to the earle of Northumberland. 439, b 10. Aiders of the rebels of Kent and Essex, 430, b 60. The lords of the land stand in doubt of them, 426, b 30. Pretilie cousened of a thousand markes by king Henrie the third, 247, b 50. Gift to the duke of Bedford at his returne from beyond sea, 491, a 40. Sued vnto to make choise of two to be their king, 1. a 40. Appointed to kéepe the subsidie granteth by the parlement, 418, b 60. Banished the citie, 283, a 60. Their magistrats deposed a new ordeined in their roonie, 204, b 10. Haue frée warren granted them of king Hen|rie the third, and other liber|ties, 208, a 10. They & the con|stable of the towre at vari|ance, 263, k 60. Outrage whetted with ill counsell, 204 a 40. Haue frée libertie to passe toll frée through all En|gland, 208, b 30. Paie Henrie the third 5000 marks for a fine, 208, b 40. Haue a grant to vse a common seale, 210, a 40. Good deuotion towards the earle of Kent, 215, a 60. Terrified with thunder, 216, b 10. Seruice at the mariage of Henrie the third, 219, b 40, 60. Cast in prison and depri|ued of their liberties, 270, b 50, 60. Sworne to be true to Henrie the third and his heirs, 264, a 30. Riot vpon the bishop of Salisburies men, 478, a 20. Grieuouslie com|plained of to the king, their liberties seized vpon, a gar|dian appointed to gouerne them, their liberties in part confirmed in part condem|ned, gifts presented by them to pacific the kings displea|sure, 478, all. More gifts gi|uen by them to the king, their liberties ratified, 479. a 10, 20. In great disorder, 265, a 60. Curstlie handled, their citie EEBO page image 1510 committed to a gardian or custos: note, 271, a 30, 40. Pardoned by Henrie the thirds charter, 271, b 20. Par|doned for receiuing the earle of Glocester into their citie, 273, b 40. Goldsmiths and tailors togither by the eares, 274, a 50. Rob the house of the lord Greie, 264, a 60. Buie Henrie the thirds plate to his great losse, 241, a 20. They and the abbat of Westminster at strife, 242, b 60. Receiuing in of the countesse of Pro|nance, 231, a 50. Paie a tal|lage and are grieued, 238, b 10 Fined at fiftéene hundred marks for receiuing a bani|shed man into their citie, 236, a 30. Helpe Henrie the third at a pinch, 247, a 10, 20. Haue their liberties restored vnto them, 252, a 60. Called ba|rons in der [...]sion, 247, b 60. Gréedie dealing to the hurt of the commonwelth, 257, a 60 Agrée with the barons, 266, b 20. Spoiled at Croidon, 269, a 30. In an vprore choose new officers, 273, a 30. Glad to submit themselues to Hen|rie the third, put to their fine, 271, a 10. Game of wrestling, and what tumult followed, 204, a 10, &c. Take part with the quéene & hir adher [...]nts, 338, all, 339, a 10. Unrulie & giuen to sedition: note, 338, b 10. Set prisoners at libertie out of the Towre, 338, b 50. Loialtie, auouching to kéepe traitors out of their gates, 338, a 10. Behead a citizen & a bishop in a riot, 338, b 10, 30 Will not permit king Ed|ward the thirds iustices to sit within the citie, 361, b 20. Haue their franchises con|firmed, 343, a 40. Lent Ed|ward the third monie to be paid againe out of the subsi|die monie, 357, b 40. In arms against the duke of Lanca|ster, ment to haue slaine him, 412, a 20. Outrage for words spoken to their bishop, 412, a 20. Commended, 1402, b 10. Foure thousand trained vp for seruice in the field, 1402, a 60, b 10. Muster before quéene Elisabeth at Gréenewich, 1184, b 10. Their thréefold plague, 1206, a 20. Houshold stuffe sold by a common crier or belman, 1207, a 50. Trai|ned vp in the field, 1228, a 50, 60. Loue and hartie goodwill towards quéene Elisabeth, 1377, a 20. Withstand duke William, 1, b 10. Loue to quéene Elisabeth manifested on the daie of hir coronation: note & obserue it well, 1172, 1173, &c: Their farewell vnto hir, going out at Templebar 1178, b 60, Hir last words to them by waie of promise, 1179 a 30
  • Lone of monie taken by Hen|rie the eight, 957, a 10
  • Longchampe. ¶ Sée Bishop of Elie.
  • Longland doctor misliketh of Henrie the eights marriage with his brothers wife, 906, b 20
  • Lords created and made, 480, a 20 Conspiring against Ri|chard the second. ¶Sée No|blemen.
  • Lords and ladies put out of the court, &c. 463, a 50, &c.
  • Lords of misrule. ¶Sée Fer|rers.
  • Losaunge. ¶ Sée Herbert.
  • Losecote field, 674, a 20
  • Lot [...]rie at London called the great lotterie, 1211, a 60, b 10
  • Lou Hugh how he became earle of Chester. 20, a 10, His death and what issue he had, 20, a 40
  • Loue that Edward the second bare Péers Gaueston, 320, a 20. ¶ Sée Péers Gaue|ston, and Edward the second. Of the people to the lord Cabham: note, 544, b 30. Of Henrie the seuenth to his wife ladie Elisabeth, 768, a 60. Of a mother naturall and kind: note, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721. Of the duke of Britaine to the earle of Richmond in|corruptible, 747, b 10, &c: 748, b 20. Unlawfull of Richard the third towards his néece, 751, a 50. Of naughtie men conuerted into deadlie hate, 739, b 10, &c. Wanton mislea|deth and bréedeth discord, 672 b 40, 50. Of the people to the earle of Warwike: note, 679. ¶ Sée Earle of Warwike in Henrie the sixts time, & Ed|ward the fourth. Of a concu|bine to hir paramour, 149, b 60. Of king Richard the se|cond to the earle of Oxford, & earle of Suffolke: note, 454, a 10, 20, 30, 40. ¶ Sée more in Earles. Of the father to the children, preferment to the mother, 486, a 10. Betwéene man and wife exemplified, 481, a 20. Of a Iewish wo|man made a decon, plaid the apostata, 203, b 60. Gotten by liberalitie and profit, 454, b 60 Blind & vngodlie, 586, a 30. And lust with the danger & mischiefe of both, 545, a 40, 50, &c. Unlawfull, with the shamefull end thereof, 937, b 40. Therein is losse euen of life: note, 41, b 30: note, 423, b 20
  • Loue French, 699, b 60
  • Louell William held the castell of Carie, 48, b 60. Lord, his rebellion, he escapeth, 764, a 60 b 30. Arriueth in Flanders, continueth conspiror against Henrie the seuenth. 766, a 20. Knight, sent ouer to Calis with a power, 831, b 40, 50
  • Louiers besieged, 609, a 20. And yéelded vp, 564, a 60, b 10
  • Louelace Thomas. ¶Sée Pu|nishment.
  • Louthian spoiled, 89, a 60
  • Low countries. ¶Sée States.
  • Lucie Richard lord chiefe iu|stice of England deceaseth, 103, a 50
  • Ludlow woone by king Ste|phan, 50, b 10
  • Lumleie lord founder of surge|rie lecture in London: note, 1349, a 20
  • Lupus. ¶Sée Lou.
  • Lust of William Rufus, 18, b 10 ¶ Sée Loue.

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