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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The tenth of Aprill seauen pirats which among o|thers had béene taken on the north seas,Pirats han|ged at Wap|ping. were lead from Southworke to Wapping, and fiue of them were there hanged: the other two had their pardon at the gallowes.Foure wo|men on the pillorie. The seauentéenth of Aprill a chande|lers wife without Aldersgate of London, who had practised hir husbands death by poisoning and other|wise, was set on the pillorie in Cheape, with thrée o|ther women, who had béene of hir counsell: two of them were with hir there whipped.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The seauenth of Iune,Haile in Nor|thamptõshire. betwéene the houres of one and two of the clocke in the after noone, a great tempest of haile and raine happened at Tocester in Northamptonshire, wherethrough six houses in that towne were borne downe, and foureteene more sore perished with the waters which rose of that tempest. The hailstones were square, & six inches about. One child was there drowned, and manie shéepe with o|ther cattell, which when the water was fallen, manie of them were lieng on the high hedges, where the wa|ters had left them. The sixteenth of Iune, Thomas Woodhouse, a priest of Lincolnshire,Thomas Woodhouse. who had laine long prisoner in the Fleet, was arreigned in the Guildhall of London, and there condemned of high treason, who had iudgement to be hanged and quar|tered, and was executed at Tiburne the ninetéenth of Iune.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The sixtéenth of August, Walter earle of Essex, accompanied with the lord Rich,Erle of Essex and the lord Rich with o|ther sailed in|to Ireland. and diuerse other gentlemen, imbarked themselues in seuerall ships at Leirpoole, and the wind sitting verie well, tooke their voiage towards Ireland. The earle after manie and great dangers on the sea, at length woone Cope|mans Iland, from whence in a pinnesse of capteine Perses he was brought safe to Knockfergus. The lord Rich with the like danger landed at castell Kil|life, EEBO page image 1259 where being met by capteine Malbie, maister Smith, & master Moore pensioners, he was conduc|ted to Inch abbaie maister Malbies house, where he had in a readinesse on the morrow morning a hun|dred and fiftie horssemen for their safegard to Knock|fergus, beside fiftie Kerns which went a foot through the woods: there was among these a thirtie bowes with a bagpipe,Bowes, bag|pipes & darts among the Irish. the rest had darts. Sir Brian Make|phelin had preied the countrie, and taken awaie what was to be carried or driuen, but on the sixt of Sep|tember he came to Knockfergus, to the earle of Es|sex, and there made his submission: the number of kine were estéemed thirtie thousand, besides shéepe and swine.

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