Compare 1577 edition:
2 The thirtith
of December Reinold Greie was by the quéenes maiestie restored earle of Kent.
Anno Reg. 14. ¶ The thirtéenth of Ianuarie deceassed sir William Peter knight,
Reinold Gre [...] earle of Kent I St. pag. 115 [...] Sir Willia Peter dec [...]sed. His charita|ble déeds.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The sixteenth of Ianuarie the lord Thomas Ho|ward duke of Norffolke was arreigned at West|minster hall, before George lord Talbot,157 [...] Duke of Norf|folke arreig|ned. earle of Shrewesburie, high steward of England for that daie, and there by his péeres found giltie of high trea|son, and had iudgement accordinglie. The eleuenth of Februarie Kenelme Barneie, and Edmund Ma|ther were drawen from the tower of London,Mather, Barneie, and Rolfe execu|ted. and Henrie Rolfe from the Marshalsea in Southworke, all thrée to Tiburne and there hanged, bowelled, and quartered for treason; Barneie and Mather for con|spiracie, and Rolfe for counterfeiting of the quéens maiesties hand.
¶ The queenes maiestie hearing crediblie by re|port, I.S. pag. 1 [...]55. that certeine lewd persons, vnder pretense of EEBO page image 1228 executing commissions for inquiries to be made for lands concealed,Conueiers of bels, lead, and other church goods, are to b [...] punished to the example of their too manie followers. contrarie to hir maiesties mea|ning, chalenging lands, stocks of monie, plate, &c: let|ting not also to make pretense to the bels, led, and o|ther such things belonging vnto parish churches or chappels. Hir maiestie meaning spéedilie to with|stand such manner of vnlawfull practises, comman|ded, that all commissions then extant and not deter|mined, for inquisition of anie manner of conceale|ments, should be by Supersedias, out of hir excheker re|uoked.
And also appointed speedie remedie to be had against such extorcioners, as more at large appeareth by proclamation, concluding thus. Finallie, hir ma|iestie would hir iustices of assise to haue some speci|all care, not onelie to the premisses, but also to the re|forming of certeine couetous & iniurious attempts, of diuerse that of late time by other colour than for hir maiesties vse, had taken awaie the led of chur|ches and chappels; yea and bels also out of steeples, and other common goods belonging to parishes: an example not to be suffered vnpunished, nor vnrefor|med. And so hir maiestie eftsoones chargeth hir iu|stices of hir assise to prouide seuere remedie, both for punishment and reformation thereof. Dated at Westminster the thirtéenth daie of Februarie, the fourtéenth yeare of hir reigne.]