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Compare 1577 edition: 1 A iourneie into Scot|land by the earle of Sussex.The two and twentith of August the earle of Sus|sex, lord lieutenant generall for the queenes maiestie in the north, and the lord Scroope warden of the west marches, with diuerse others, marched from Carleill with the quéens armie and force of the north as well of horssemen as footmen into Scotland, pas|sing ouer the riuers of Eske, Leuine & Sarke, which riuer of Sarke parteth England and Scotland, and so to Dornocke wood belonging to Edward Urone, the lord of Bonshow, and then to Annan a strong house of the lord Harris, which they rased and ouer|threw with others thereabouts: from thense to Hod|ham, which they burnt and blew vp: from thense to Kennell, a towne belonging to the lord Cowhill, which they burnt: from thense to Donfrise, which they sacked and spoiled of such paltrie as the fugitiues had left, [...]ast by fire and sword in Scotland. and also rased and ouerthrew a sumptuous house belonging to the quéene of Scots, in the kéeping of the lord Harris. Then passing the riuer of Longher, they burnt and spoiled Cowhilles, and Powtracke, and returned to Donfrise, and so to the towne of Bankend, which they burnt, with another house per|teining to william Maxwell of the Iles, and so to the castell of Carlauarocke standing in a marish, iust to an arme of the sea, which parteth Annerdale and Gal|lowaie; which castell they blew vp, and returned homeward, transporting their ordinance ouer quick|sands and bogs, where neuer the like was doone be|fore, and so came to Dornocke wood.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Knights made by the earle of Sussex.The eight of August they marched towards Car|leill, where (by the waie) they burnt and ouerthrew two houses, the one being Arthur Greams aliàs Car|leill, the other rich George, two notable théeues. The same daie at night after the lord lieutenants com|ming to Carleill he made knights, sir Edward Ha|stings, sir Francis Russell, sir Ualentine Browne, sir William Hilton, sir Robert Stapleton, sir Hen|rie Curwen, sir Simon Musgraue.Tempest by sea and land which did much hurt. This yéere the fift of October chanced a terrible tempest of wind and raine both by sea and land, by meanes whereof manie ships perished, & much hurt was doone in di|uerse parts of the realme, as by a little pamphlet set foorth therof by Thomas Knell minister appéereth, Tho. Knell. What hurt this tempest did in Bed|fordshire. the effect whereof insueth. About midnight the water o|uerflowed so much, that men were faine to forsake their beds, & one woman drowned, where also were lost a great number of sheepe, oxen, kine, horsse, and other cattell. Among other there, one maister Cart|wright gentleman, hauing his house inclosed round about, the water came in so much, that a cart being laden with thornes did swim about the ground. Hée lost by the same floud, sheepe, and other cattell, to the value of an hundred pounds. The same gentleman had a close gate by the high waies side,A woonder of an hole made in the ground by a water|course. where the water ran ouer so extremelie, that at the fall thereof it made such an hole, that it was fortie foot déepe: so that no man could passe that waie without great danger. To the filling vp of the said hole or pit, was cast in by the men of the said towne fiue and twen|tie lodes of faggots, & twentie lodes of horsse doong, which said faggots and horsse doong filled not the hole. Also one maister Lée at the friers in Bedford, ha|uing a faire yard, wherein was great store of elme|trees, whereof thréescore were blowen downe, with the roots pulled cleane out of the ground. Also he had a close of conies that were cleane destroied.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The sea brake in betwixt Wisbich and Walsoc|ken, and at the crosse keies drowning Tilneie,What hurt this tempest did in the countie of Norffolke. and old Lin, saint Marie Teding, saint Marie Tid, saint Iohns Wauple, Walton & Walsocken, Emneie, Iarmans, and Stow bridge, all being the space of ten miles. At the crosse keies the goodman of the inne had built an house with a strong foundation ioi|ning vnto an other house being old and not so strong, wherein were certeine ghests. And when the water came in so violentlie, the goodman of the house being in the stronger house, called the men out of the old house, and they would haue gone downe the stairs, but the water was so high that they could not come downe, wherefore they went backe againe, and brake an hole into the other house, where they went tho|rough, and the last man was no sooner in, but the old house fell downe. The walles of the houses were broken downe, and the horsses that were tied at the manger (which was made fast in the ground) did swim in the water, when the stable was cleane car|ried awaie, vntill the waters were asswaged, and were saued aliue, and the people were constreined to get vp to the highest parts of the house, and so to be carried awaie in botes.

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