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23.1. A copie of sir George Careis foresaid letter to the lord Fleming.

A copie of sir George Careis foresaid letter to the lord Fleming.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _LOrd Fleming, if either your birth or bringing vp had wrought in you a noble mind, or estimation of credit, hardlie would you haue so much forgotten and stained your honour, as in a parlée of late with our generall you did.The lord Fle|ming charged with treache| [...] At whom vilelie and vnhonorablie shooting, you falsed that assurance of warre which souldiers submit themselues vnto: and trained him to your treason vnder trust, a thing heretofore not accustomed, nor presentlie to be allowed of. He assu|redlie pretending your owne and your freends good, commoditie to your countrie, and quietnesse to the state, twise abased and submitted himselfe, comming to confer with you thereof: but your pride ioined with a harmefull meaning,With pride, harmefull meaning and vaineglorie. to those that you professe best vnto, and selfe wilfull vaineglorie, without cause why, refused that which reason and honour comman|ded you to haue doone. Therfore, bicause his calling is presentlie with his charge better than yours, and mine not inferior; I summon you reasonablie to ex|cuse that fault supposed to be yours, or else to main|teine that traitorous act with your person against mine in fight, when, where, or how you dare. Other|wise I will baffull your good name, sound with the trumpet your dishonour, and paint your picture with the heels vpward, and beare it in despite of your selfe. In the meane time I attend your answer. From Glasco, the 22 of Maie 1570.

Subscribed George Careie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1

23.1. The copie of the lord Fle|mings answer.

The copie of the lord Fle|mings answer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _GEorge Careie, I haue receiued your brainelesse letter, making mention of my false and treasonable dealing against your generall, in shooting vnder trust, so vilelie against my honour and truth, traitorouslie trained him vnder my trust: which is altogither false and vntrue.The lord Fle|mings de|fense against the charge of treacherie. And howbeit your generall came by the house of Dunglas by my appointment, which I suffered, and I appointed one place of mée|ting, six men of either partie which he refused, and he departed, and certeine of his companie came brag|ging vp the riuers side towards the house, viewing the same and the ground thereabouts, shooting your harquebusses against the same: I could doo no lesse but present you with such as I had. Whereas you write of your generals calling to be presentlie bet|ter than mine, and yours not inferiour; when your generall challengeth me therof, I shall giue answer. And as for you, I will not be inferiour to a better than you, or anie souldier vnder your generals charge. Whereas you summon me (as you call it) rea|sonablie to excuse that falt supposed to be mine owne,Lord Fle|ming beareth him bold of his gentrie. or else to mainteine that traitorous act with my per|son against yours: you shall wit, I haue gentlemen of honour, seruant souldiers to me, as ye are to your generall, which may be your fellowes, shall defend the same against you and your false and vntrue in|uented writing: and were not the charge I present, or how soone I can be relieued of the same, I should lowlie my person to méet you six English miles, or anie other person. Howbeit ye be but one souldier, assure your selfe from this daie foorth, I will not re|ceiue no such inuented message, for I haue little to doo with Englishmen, ye may raile vpon my hono|rable name as ye please. You shall haue as hono|rable gentlemen as your selfe against you fighting. Take this for answer.

Iohn lord Fleming.

23.1. The replie of sir George Careie vpon the lord Flemings answer.

The replie of sir George Careie vpon the lord Flemings answer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _LOrd Fleming, often the Flemings after noone answer smelleth more of wine than wit. But as to that common crime, the custome of their countrie yeeldeth them part of pardon; so your common acquaintance with the same condition, knowne to be verie great, shall to me somewhat excuse your witlesse writing, wherein first you disalow my right recitall of your traitorous dealing, by tearming it false and vntrue. For answer, know this, the truth my pen hath writ|ten, by the witnesse of a number;Sir George Carie voweth to mainteine no lesse than he hath written. and my hand I vow shall mainteine the same before the world at all times. But you in denieng it, haue both falslie and vniustlie lied in your throte, and dare neither defend nor disproue that in deeds, which in words you haue doone. Whereas you write, that our generall passed Dunglas, by your appointment which you suffered, therein you doo manifestlie saie vnhonorablie and vntrulie; for that you had no knowledge of our first comming, but saluted vs with your shot: and we likewise skirmished with your men euen at their owne strength, vntill we viewed the ground about at out pleasure. And touching the appointment of six of either part, easilie that maie be knowne to be a plaine lie: séeing we had neither parlée nor confe|rence with you before, to appoint place or méeting. But whereas you saie,The lord Fle|ming in sée|king to excuse accuseth him|selfe the more manifestlie. you could doo no lesse but present vs with such as you had, therein you confesse and acknowledge the dishonour and treason that I charged you withall, taking vpon your selfe that fault, which I supposed to haue bin of your seruants, for our generall retired his companie farre from him. And his trumpet being with you, approched him|selfe alone to haue parled, when vnder trust you dis|charged two harquebusses against him: an act rather séemelie for a cowardlie traitor, than one that profes|seth to be a souldier.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Finallie, whereas you let me wit, that you haue gentlemen of honour, seruant souldiers vnto you, that maie be my fellowes, which should defend the EEBO page image 1219 chalenge that toucheth so néere your selfe, as with honor you should not haue refused it. First I thinke scorne to be anie waies inferior to you, though but a souldier, too honourable a name for you, being bet|ter in birth, and vnsteined with reproch as you haue béene. Secondlie, I haue more, and as good gentle|men vnder my conduct,Sir George Careie his answer to the lord Flemings brag of his gentrie. as your selfe haue vnder your charge, which shall answer as many as you can bring, if with number ye meane to combat, and will put them to that which you dare not doo your selfe. But assure you, my quarell shall remaine euerla|sting, except the proofe of your owne person against mine maie end it: and when you shall dare come out of your crowes nest, I will be readie to ride an hundred Scotish miles,Oh valiant heart! to méet with you in anie in|different place. And vntill that time, I shall account you deuoid of honestie & honor, vnworthie to march vpon ground, or keepe companie with men. From Hamilton, the 29 of Maie 1570.

Subscribed George Careie.

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