About this time there came ouer into England a certeine English booke, giuing warning to the Englishmen of the Spaniards, and disclosing cer|teine close practises for recouerie of abbeie lands, which booke was called A warning for England. Whereof ye shall vnderstand much more at large where I. Fox in mart. sub tit. Hen. 8we speake of the Spanish inquisition. So that by the occasion of this booke, vpon the thirteenth daie of this moneth came out a certeine proclamation, set foorth in the name of the king and the quéene, re|pealing and disanulling all maner of bookes writ|ten or printed, whatsoeuer should touch anie thing the impairing of the popes dignitie, wherby not one|lie much godlie edification was hindered, but also great perill grew among the people. This procla|mation is recorded at large with other appendents, in the Acts and Monuments, vnder the title of quéene Marie.]
¶ In this yeare died sir Iohn Gresham, I. Stow. 1037. Free scale [...] Holt, with o|ther charita [...] deeds of sir Io. Gresh [...] who bare the office of lord maior of London 1547, a man of a mercifull nature, and good deuotion both to God and his countrie. He founded a frée schoole at Holt, a market towne in Norffolke, & gaue to euerie ward in London ten pounds to be distributed to the poore; and to thréescore poore men and women, euerie one of them thrée yeards of brode cloth of eight or nine shillings the yard, to be made in gownes readie to their backs. He gaue also to maids mariages, and to the hospitals in London, aboue two hundred pounds in readie monie.A blasing starre. A blasing starre was seene at all times of the night, the sixt, seuenth, eight, ninth, and tenth of March.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 About this time, Brookes bishop of Glocester was by the cardinall sent downe as commissioner from the pope to Oxford,Brookes bi|shop of Glo [...]ster appoint to examine Cranmer. there to sit vpon the exami|nation of Thomas Cranmer archbishop of Cantur|burie, in such things as should be laid to his charge by Iohn Storie and Thomas Martin, doctors in the lawes, sent speciallie in commission from the quéene. At which time the said archbishop making low obei|sance to them that sate in the queenes name, shewed no token of reuerence to the bishop that was the popes commissioner: who neuerthelesse procéeded a|gainst him as iudge, and conuicted him of heresie.Th. Cranm [...] archbishop [...] Canturbur [...] condemned. According to the which sentence, the one and twentith daie of March next following, he was disgraded by Edmund Boner, and Thomas Thirlebie, bishops of London and Elie, sent downe for that purpose, and he was burned in the same place where Ridleie and Latimer before had suffered.He is burnt