Compare 1577 edition: 1 The one and twentith of October, a parlement was holden at Westminster, [...] parlement [...]herein the kings of the [...]rch are [...] in the which amongst other things the queene being persuaded by the car|dinall (and other of hir clergie) that she could not prosper, so long as she kept in hir hands any posses|sions of the church, did frankelie and freelie resigne and render vnto them all those reuenues ecclesiasti|call, which by the authoritie of parlement, in the time of king Henrie, had béene annexed to the crowne, called the first fruits and tenths of all bishopricks, benefices, and ecclesiasticall promotions. The resig|nation whereof was a great diminution of the reue|nues of the crowne. [...] subsidie [...] Stow ¶In this parlement was gran|ted to the king & queene a subsidie of the laitie from fiue pounds to ten pounds eight pence of the pound, from ten pounds to twentie pounds twelue pence of the pound, & from twentie pounds vpward sixtéene pence of the pound, and all strangers double, and the cleargie granted six shillings of the pound.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Doctor Storie
and other were appointed by the car|dinall,
This Storie [...] executed [...] quéen El [...]zabeths [...]
The death of Stephan Gardiner [...]shop of [...]inchester.
At length, about foure of the clocke commeth his seruant posting in all possible spéed from Oxford, bringing intelligence to the bishop what he had heard and séene: of whom the said bishop diligentlie inqui|ring the truth of the matter, & hearing by his man, that fire most certeinlie was set vnto them, com|meth out reioising to the duke: Now saith he, let vs go to dinner. Wherevpon, they being set downe, meat immediatlie was brought, and the bishop be|gan merilie to eate:G [...]di [...]er [...] with [...] sudden [...] of God. but what followed? The bloud|die tyrant had not eaten a few bits, but the sudden stroke of God his terrible hand fell vpon him in such sort, as immediatlie he was taken from the table, & so brought to his bed, where he continued the space of fiftéene daies, in such intollerable anguish and tor|ments, that all that meane while, during those fif|teene daies, he could not auoid by order of vrine, or otherwise, any thing that he receiued: whereby his bodie being miserablie inflamed within (who had in|flamed so manie good martyrs before) was brought to a wretched end. And thereof no doubt, as most like it is, came the thrusting out of his toong from his mouth so swolne & blacke, with the inflammation of his bodie. A spectacle worthie to be noted and behol|den of all such bloudie burning persecutors.