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On Bartholomew euen,Disputation at Christs hospitall, as had béene accu+stomed at saint Bartholo|mewes in Smithfield, being an in|couragement to yoong scholers. after the Lord maior and aldermen of London had rid about Bartholomew faire, they came to Christes hospitall within New|gate, where they heard a disputation betwéene the scholers of Paules schoole, saint Anthonies schoole, and the scholers of the said hospitall, for whome was prouided thrée games, which was three pennes: the best pen of siluer and gilt, valued at fiue shillings, woone by a scholer of saint Anthonies schoole, and the maister of that schoole had six shillings eight pence: the second, a pen of siluer parcell gilt, valued at iiij. shillings, woone by a scholer of Paules schoole, & his maister had fiue shillings in monie: the third a pen of siluer, valued at thrée shillings, woone by a scholer of the said hospitall, and his maister had foure shil|lings. And there were two preests maisters of arts appointed for iudges, which had each of them a siluer rule for their paines, valued at six shillings eight pence the peece. The disputation being ended, the maior and aldermen entred the hall, where the chil|dren of the hospitall vse to dine, and had fruit & wine, and so departed.

King Philip went ouer seas,King Philip went ouer in|to Flanders. and landed at Calis on the fourth of September, where he was honora|bly receiued by the lord deputie, & the maior of the sta|ple of Calis, an alderman of London named sir Andrew Iud, presenting his maiestie with a purse & a thousand marks of gold in it: that night the king was lodged in staple inne: and on the morrow he departed from Calis towards Brussels in Brabant, to visit the emperor his father: he gaue at his depar|ting among the souldiors of the towne of Calis, a thousand crownes of gold, and there accompanied him in his iournie of English lords, the earle of A|rundell lord steward of the quéenes house, the earle of Penbroke, the earle of Huntington, and others. On Michaelmasse euen, the prisoners that laie in the counter in Bredstréet,New counter in Woodstréet. were remoued to a new coun|ter made in Woodstréet of the cities purchase & buil|ding, the which remoouing was confirmed by a com|mon councell assembled at the Guildhall for that purpose.

On the last of September, by occasion of great wind and raine that had fallen, was such great floods,Great land|waters wher|by diuerse fre|quented places were ouerflowne. that that morning the kings palace at Westmin|ster, and Westminster hall was ouerflowne with water, vnto the staire foot, going to the chancerie and kings bench: so that when the lord maior of London should come to present the shiriffes to the barons of the excheker, all Westminster hall was full of wa|ter. And by report there, that morning, a whirriman rowed with his bote ouer Westminster bridge, into the palace court, and so through the staple gate: and all the wooll staple into the kings stréet, and all the marshes on Lambeth side, were so ouerflowne, that the people from Newington church could not passe on foot, but were caried by bote from the said church to the pinfold, neere to saint Georges in South|worke.]

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