Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 Fiftlie,He exhorteth to obedience and treateth of restoring this realme to the vnitie of the church. he exhorted them all to obedience of these two princes, and to call vpon God for issue to be had betweene them, adding that king Philips fa|ther the emperour, had amongst other princes tra|uelled most for the restitution of the peace and vnitie of the church. But as almightie God said vnto Da|uid, though he had a mind and will to build his tem|ple: yet bicause he had shed bloud, he should not build it. And so bicause the emperour hath had so ma|nie warres, and shed so much bloud therefore hee could not atteine to bring perfect peace to the church. But trulie (said he) this gratious prince king Philip his sonne, as I conceiue, is appointed of God to it, considering now the calling of him to be ioined with so catholike a princesse, as is the queene of this realme, one without all doubt sent likewise of God, for the restoring of the said realme to the vnitie of the church, from whence it hath erred and gone astraie, as it dooth and maie manifestlie appeare.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 6 Sixtlie, he protested that his commission was not to preiudice anie person,He protesteth that he ment the preiudice of no man, &c. for he came not to de|stroie, but to build; he came to reconcile, and not to condemne; he came not to compell, but to call a|gaine; he came not to call anie thing in question al|readie doone: but his commission was of grace and clemencie to all such as would receiue it. For tou|ching all matters past, and doone, they should be cast into the sea of forgetfulnesse, and neuer more to bée thought vpon.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 7 Finallie (said he) the meane whereby to receiue this high benefit,He sheweth the meanes of procuring the foresaid recon|ciliation. is first to reuoke and repeale all such lawes as are impediments, blocks and barres to this most gratious reconciliation. For like as he himselfe had no place to speake there, before such lawes were abrogated and remooued as stood in his waie: euen so they could not receiue the grace offe|red from the see apostolike, vntill these like impedi|ments of lawes made against the see of Rome, were vtterlie abolished and repealed. And so in conclusion aduertised them, first for the glorie of God, and next for the conseruation and suertie of the wealth and quietnesse of the whole realme, that they should ear|nestlie trauell therein, and that then he would make them participants of the benefit of his commission.