The bishop answered and said, that it was the quéenes maiesties will and commandement, that he should send for him; and so commanding him to wipe out the booke and Verbum Dei too: he sent him home. So the painter departed, but fearing least he should leaue some part either of the booke, or of Verbum Dei, in king Henries hand: he wiped awaie a péece of his fingers withall. Here I passe ouer and cut off other gauds and pageants of pastime shewed vnto him in passing through London, with the flattering verses set vp in Latine, wherin were blazed out in one place the fiue Philips,Fiue Philips as the fiue worthies of the world, Philip of Macedonia, Philip the emperor, Philippus Audax, Philippus Bonus, Philip prince of Spaine and king of England. In another poetrie king Phi|lip was resembled by an image representing Orphe|us, and all English people resembled to brute and sauage beasts following after Orpheus harpe, and dansing after king Philips pipe. Not that I repre|hend the art of the Latine verses, which was fine and cunning; but that I passe ouer the matter, ha|uing other grauer things in hand, and therefore passe ouer also the sight at Paules church side, of him that came downe vpon a rope tied to the batlements with his head before, neither staieng himselfe with hand or foot: which shortlie after cost him his life.
But one thing by the waie I cannot let passe, tou|ching the yoong florishing rood newlie set vp against this present time, to welcome king Philip into Paules church. The setting vp of which rood was this, and may make as good a pageant as the best. Anno 2. Mariae Boner in his roialtie, and all his prebenda|ries about him in Paules quéere,The erecting vp of the rood at Paules. the rood laid along vpon the pauement, and also all the doores of Paules being shut, the bishop with other said and soong di|uers praiers by the rood: that being doone they an|nointed the rood with oile in diuers places, and after the annointing crept vnto it and kissed it. After that they tooke the said rood and weied him vp and set him in his old accustomed place,Bishop Bo|ners god the rood of Pauls set vp with Te Deum. and all the while they were dooing thereof, the whole queere sang Te Deum, and when that was ended, they rang the bels, not on|lie for ioy, but also for the notable and great fact they had doone therein.
Not long after this, a merrie fellow came into Paules,Salutation to the rood of Paules. and spied the rood with Marie and Iohn new set vp, wherto (among a great sort of people) he made low curtsie & said: Sir, your maistership is welcome to towne, I had thought to haue talked further with your maistership, but that ye be héere clothed in the quéenes colours. I hope ye be but a summers bird, for that ye be dressed in white & gréene, &c. The prince thus being in the church of Paules, after doctor Harpesfield had finished his oration in Latine, set forward through Fléetstreet, & so came to White hall, where he with the quéene remained foure daies af|ter, and from thence remooued vnto Richmond. Af|ter this, all the lords had leaue to depart into their countries, with strict commandement to bring all their harnesse and artillerie into the tower of Lon|don with all spéed. Now remained there no English lord at the court but the bishop of Winchester.