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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The fiue and twentith of Maie, the erle of Deuon|shire was brought out of the tower at three of the clocke in the morning, sir Thomas Tresham knight, and maister Chamberlaine of Suffolke, with cer|teine of the gard, being appointed to attend on him to Fodringham castell in Northamptonshire, where he was assigned to remaine vnder custodie of the said sir Thomas Tresham and others.A gun shot as the preacher: Sée before pag. 1102. ¶On the tenth of Iune, the foresaid doctor Pendleton preached at Poules crosse, at whome a gun was shot, the pellet wherof went verie neere him, and light on the church wall: but the shooter could not be found. Anno Reg. 2. The lord Iohn Greie arreigned, pardoned, and released.] The ele|uenth of Iune the lord Iohn Greie, brother to the late duke of Suffolke, was arreigned at Westmin|ster in the Kings bench, and there condemned: but yet through the painfull trauell and diligent sute of the ladie Greie his wife, his pardon was obteined, and so he escaped with life, and was at length set at libertie, as after it shall appeare.

¶ The two and twentith of Iune was proclama|tion made, forbidding the shooting in handguns, Abr. Fl. ex I. Stow. 109 [...]. A spirit in a wall without Aldersgate doth penãce at Paules crosse for abusing the people, &c. and bearing of weapons. The fifteenth of Iulie, Elisa|beth Croft, a wench about eightéene yeares old, stood vpon a scaffold at Pauls crosse all the sermon time, where she confessed, that she being mooued by diuerse lewd persons therevnto, had vpon the fourteenth of March last before passed, counterfeited certeine spea|ches in an house without Aldresgate of London, EEBO page image 1118 through the which the people of the whole citie were woonderfullie molested, for that all men might heare the voice, but not sée hir person. Some said it was an angell, some a voice from heauen, some the Holie|ghost, &c. This was called the spirit in the wall: shée had laine whistling in a strange whistle made for that purpose, which was giuen hir by one Drakes: then were there diuerse companions confederat with hir, which putting themselues amongst the prease, tooke vpon them to interpret what the spirit said, expres|sing certeine seditious words against the quéene, the prince of Spaine, the masse, and confession, &c.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The prince of Spaine pre|paration to [...] into England.But now in this meane while that these things thus passed here in England, the prince of Spaine prepared for his hither comming, vnto whome had béene sent the earle of Bedford lord priuie seale, and the lord Fitzwaters, accompanied with diuerse no|ble men and gentlemen, who arriuing at the Corone in Galisia, were receiued verie honorablie. And for|somuch as the prince was then at vale Dolido, di|stant from thence neere hand an hundred leagues, they were desired to staie there for their better ease, till he might haue conuenient oportunitie to repaire thither: which neuerthelesse he could not doo so soone as he pretended to haue desire thereto, as well by reason of the sickenesse of his sister, the princes Do|wager of Portugall, as by other weightie affaires. But being at length rid of such incumbers, & come into Galisia,The Eng|l [...]h ambassa|dors meet him [...] S. Iames [...] Cõpost [...]lla. the English ambassadors met him at saint Iames de Compostella. And after he had in presence of a great number of noble men and gen|tlemen there ratified the contract, and sworne to ob|serue the couenant, he departed towards Corone, where within a few daies after he imbarked, and ac|companied with the number of an hundred and fiftie saile, directed his course toward England.

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