Compare 1577 edition: 1 Upon the fridaie the thrée and twentith of Fe|bruarie, about nine of the clocke, the duke of Suf|folke was brought foorth of the tower vnto the scaf|fold on the tower hill. And in his comming thither,The duke of Suffolke be|headed. there accompanied him doctor Weston, as his ghost|lie father: notwithstanding (as it should séeme) a|gainst the will of the said duke. For when the duke went vp the scaffold, the said Weston being on his left hand, pressed to go vp with him. The duke with his hand put him downe againe off the staires, and Weston taking hold of the duke forced him downe likewise. And as they ascended the second time, the duke againe put him downe. Then Weston said,Doctor Weston. that it was the quéenes pleasure he should so doo wherewith the duke casting his hands abrode, ascen|ded vp the scaffold, and paused a prettie while after, and then he said.
22.1. The duke of Suffolks words to the people at the time of his death.
The duke of Suffolks words to the people at the time of his death.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _MAisters, I haue offended the queene and hir lawes, and there|by am iustlie condemned to die, and am willing to die, desiring all men to be obedient; and I praie God that this my death maie be an example to all men: beseeching you all to beare mee wit|nesse that I die in the faith of Christ, tru|sting to be saued by his bloud onelie (and by none other trumperie) the which died for EEBO page image 1101 me, and for all them that doo trulie repent, & stedfastlie trust in him. And I doo repent, desiring you all to pray to God for me, that when ye see my breath depart from me, you will praie to God that he maie receiue my soule. And then hee desired all men to for|giue him, saieng that the queene had for|giuen him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then maister Weston declared with a lowd voice that the quéenes maiestie had forgiue [...] him. Then di|uers of the standers by said with audible voice Such forgiuenes God send thee, meaning doctor Weston. Then the duke kneeled vpon his knees, and said the psalme Misereremei Deus, vnto the end, holding vp his hands, and looking vp to heauen. And when he had ended the psalme, he said; In manus [...] Domine com|me [...]do spiritum m [...]um. Then he arose and stood vp, and deliuered his cap and so [...]rffe to the executioner, and therewith the executioner kneeled downe: and asked the duke forgiuenesse, and the duke said, God forgiue thee, and I doo and when thou doost thine office, I praie thee doo if quicklie, and God haue mercie to thee. Then s [...]od there a man and said, My lord, how shall I doo for the monie that you doo owe me? And the duke said, Alas good fellow, I praie thée trouble me not now, but go thy waie to my officers. Then he knit a kercher about his face, and knéeled downe and said, Our father which art in heauen, &c vnto the end: and then he said, Christ haue mercie vpon me, and laid downe his head on the blocke: and the executioner toke the axe, and at the first chop stroke off his head, and held it vp to the people, according to the common custome of execution.