Compare 1577 edition: 1 The ninetéenth of August, sir Andrew Dudleie, sir Iohn Gates, and sir Henrie Gates brethren, and sir Thomas Palmer knights, were arreigned at Westminster; and confessing their indictments, had iudgement, which was pronounced by the marquesse of Winchester high treasuror of England that sate that daie as chiefe iustice. On the twentith of August doctor Watson chapleine to the bishop of Winches|ter preached at Pauls crosse,Preacher at P [...]ules crosse [...]ded. by the quéenes appoint|ment, & for feare of the like tumult as had béene not long before, certeine lords of the councell repai|red to the sermon, as the lord treasuror, the lord pri|uie seale, the earle of Bedford, the earle of Penbroke, the lord Wentworth, the lord Rich, and sir Henrie Gerningam capteine of the gard with two hundred of the gard, which stood about the preacher with hal|berts. Also the maior had warned the companies of the citie to be present in their liueries, which was well accepted of the queenes councell: and the ser|mon was quietlie ended.
On the two and twentith of August Iohn duke of Northumberland was beheaded on the tower hill, whose bodie with the head was buried in the tower, by the bodie of Edward late duke of Sumerset. So that there lieth before the high altar two dukes be|twéene two quéenes, to wit, the duke of Summer|set & the duke of Northumberland betweene quéene Anne and quéene Katharine, all foure beheaded. At the same time and place also was likewise behea|ded sir Iohn Gates,Sir Iohn Gates and sir Thomas Palmer be| [...]ded. and sir Thomas Palmer, which sir Iohn Gates in that place vsed few words, but laid downe his head without anie kercher, and had the same striken off at thrée blowes. Sir Thomas Palmer, as soone as he came to the scaffold, tooke e|uerie man by the hand, and desired them to praie for him: then putting off his gowne, he leaned vpon the [...]ast raile, and said these words in effect.
22.1. The effect of such words as sir Thomas Palmer vttered on the scaffold at his death.
The effect of such words as sir Thomas Palmer vttered on the scaffold at his death.
_MY maisters (quoth he) God saue you all. It is not vnknowne vnto you wherefore I come hither, which I haue worthilie well de|serued at Gods hands: for I know it to be his diuine ordinance, by this meanes to call me to his mercie, and to teach me to know my selfe, what I am, and wherevn|to we are all subiect: I thanke his merci|full goodnesse, for hee hath caused me to learne more in one little darke corner in yonder tower, than euer I learned by a|nie trauell in so manie places as I haue beene. For there (I saie) I haue seene God what he is, & how vnsearchable his woon|derous works are, & how infinit his mer|cies be: I haue seene there my selfe throgh|lie, and what I am, nothing but a lumpe of sin, earth, dust, and of all vilenesse most vi|lest: I haue seene there and know what the world is, how vaine, deceitfull, transitorie, and short it is; how wicked and lothsome the works thereof are in the sight of Gods maiestie; how he neither regardeth the manaces of the proud men and migh|tie ones, neither despiseth the humblenesse of the poore & lowlie which are in the same world: finallie, I haue seene there what death is, how nie hanging ouer all mens heds, and yet how vncerteine the time, and how vnknowne to all men, and how little it is to be feared. And should I feare death or be sad therefore? Haue I not seene two die before mine eies? Yea and within the hearing of mine eares? No, neither the sprinkling of the bloud, nor the sheading thereof, nor the bloudie ax it selfe shall make me afraid. And now taking my leaue of the same, I praie you all to praie for me. Come on good fellow (quoth he) art thou he that must doo the deed? I forgiue thee with all my hart; & then kneeling downe, & laieng his hed on the blocke, he said; I will see how meet the blocke is for my necke, I praie thee strike not yet, for I haue a few praiers to saie; and that doone, strike on Gods name, good leaue thou.