Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 A parlement.About this time the kings maiestie calling his high court of parlement, held the same at West|minster the three and twentith daie of Ianuarie, in this fift yéere of his reigne, and there continued it, vntill the fiftéenth daie of Aprill in the sixt yeare of his said reigne. In this parlement the booke of com|mon praier,Fooke of common prai|er confirmed. which in some part had béene corrected and amended, was newlie confirmed & established. ¶ In the end of this parlement, namelie the fifteenth of Aprill the infectious sweating sicknesse began at Shrewesburie, Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 1049. Sweating sickenesse. which ended not in the north part of England vntill the end of September. In this space what number died, it cannot be well accounted: but certeine it is, that in London in few daies nine hundred and sixtie gaue vp the ghost. It began in London the ninth of Iulie, and the twelfth of Iulie it was most vehement: which was so terrible, Iohn [...]. that people being in best helth, were suddenlie taken, and dead in foure and twentie houres, and twelue, or lesse, for lacke of skill in guiding them in their sweat. And it is to be noted,Of this [...] died Henrie [...] Charles [...] of Charles Brandon, the elder first, [...] the yoong [...] after: so th [...] they both [...] dukes of Suffolke. that this mortalitie fell chéeflie or rather vpon men, and those also of the best age, as betwéen thirtie & fortie yeers. The spéedie riddance of life procured by this sicknes, did so terrifie people of all sorts, that such as could make shift, either with monie or freendship, changed their soile, and leauing places of concourse, betooke them (for the time) to a|bodes, though not altogither solitarie, yet lesse frequented: to conclude, manifold meanes were made for safetie of life. The first wéeke died in Lon|don eight hundred persons.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The manner of this sweat was such, Rich. Gra [...]. that if men did take anie cold outwardlie, it stroke the sweat in, and immediatlie killed them. If they were suffered to sléepe, commonlie they swooned in their sleepe and departed, or else died immediat|lie vpon their waking.Remedie [...]|gainst the danger of the sweating sicknesse. But the waie to escape dan|ger was close keeping moderatlie with some aire and a little drinke, and the same to be posset-ale, and so to kéepe them thirtie houres, & then was the dan|ger past; but beware of sudden cold. Before men had learned the manner of keeping, an infinit num|ber perished. This disease at that time followed Englishmen & none other nation; for in Antwerpe and other countries, our Englishmen being there a|mongst diuerse other nations, onelie our English|men were sicke thereof, and none other persons. The consideration of which thing made this nation much afraid thereof, who for the time began to repent and giue almes, and to remember God from whom that plague might well séeme to be sent among vs. But as the disease in time ceased, so our deuotion in short time decaied.The imb [...]|sing of the coine.] At this time also the king with the ad|uise of his priuie councell, and hauing also great conference with merchants and others, perceiuing that by such coins and copper monies, as had beene coined in the time of the king his father, and now were commonlie currant in the realme; and indéed a great number of them not worth halfe the value that they were currant at, to the great dishonor of the kings maiestie & the realme, and to the deceit & no little hinderance of all the kings maiesties good subiects, did now purpose not onelie the abasing of the said copper monies, but also meant wholie to r [...]|duce them into bullion, to the intent to deliuer fine and good monies for them. And therefore in the mo|neth of Iulie by his graces proclamation, he abased the péece of twelue pence,Two [...]a [...]les of moni [...]. commonlie called a tes|ton vnto nine pence, and the péece of foure pence vnto three pence. And in August next following, the peece of nine pence was abased to six pence, and the peece of thrée pence vnto two pence, and the pennie to an halfepennie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 On the eleuenth daie of October, there was a great creation of dukes and earles,Creation of honorable estates, as the lord mar|quesse Dorset was created duke of Suffolke, the earle of Warwike made duke of Northumberland, and the earle of Wilshire made marquesse of Win|chester, & sir William Herbert maister of the horsse; he also made William Cicill his secretarie knight, I.S. pag. 1050. maister Iohn Chéeke one of his schoolemaisters knight, maister Henrie Dudlie knight,The duked Summer [...]et againe appre|hended, and committed [...] the to [...]. & maister Henrie Neuill knight. The sixtéenth daie of the said moneth being fridaie, the duke of Summerset was againe apprehended, & his wife also, & committed to the tower; with him also were cõmitted sir Michaell EEBO page image 1067 Stanhope, sir Thomas Arundell, sir Rafe Uane, sir Miles Partrige & other for suspicion of treason and felonie, whereof they were all shortlie after indicted. And so standing indicted, the second daie of Decem|ber next following, the said duke was brought out of the tower of London with the ax of the tower borne before him, with a great number of billes, gleaues, halberds & pollaxes attending vpon him, & so came into Westminster hall, where was made in the middle of the hall a new scaffold, where all the lords of the kings councell sate as his iudges:The duke ar|reigned both of treason and [...]lonie. and there was he arreigned and charged with manie ar|ticles both of felonie and treason. And when after much mild speech he had answered not guiltie, he in all humble manner put himselfe to be tried by his péeres: who after long consultation among them|selues, gaue their verdict that he was not guiltie of the treason, but of the felonie. The people there pre|sent (which was a great number) hearing the lords saie not guiltie, which was to the treason, thinking most certeinlie that he was cléerelie acquited; and chieflie for that immediatlie vpon the pronouncing of those words, he that caried the ax of the tower departed with the ax,The people [...]pposing the duke to be [...]re gaue a great showt [...] ioie. they made such an outcrie and [...]o [...]e, as the like hath not béene heard. Which was an euident declaration of their good willes and hartie fa|uors vnto him, whose life they greatlie desired to haue saued, for that he had deserued right well of most (though the good gentleman had some priuat e|nimies) and had béene as a man maie iustlie saie:
Solamen magnum patriae, solamen amicis.