Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 They put sir Roger Woodhouse, and other priso|ners whom they had caught, in streict ward within the foresaid house of mount Surrie, on the which they seized, and spoiled whatsoeuer they found within it. In the meane time, the maior of Norwich taking aduise with his brethren the aldermen, what was best to doo in this case whether presentlie to issue foorth, and distresse the rebels now in the beginning, least time might giue them meane to increase their pow|er: or rather to staie till they had aduertised the councell of the whole matter. In the end they agréed that this last aduise was most surest, and so they dis|patched a post with all spéed to the court. Beside this great campe (as they termed it) at Mousehold, there was a lesser at Rising chase neare to Lin:Rising chase. but the rebels there, by the good diligence and circumspect po|licie of the iustices and gentlemen of those parts, were spéedilie repressed, and driuen from thence. Notwithstanding afterwards they assembled togi|ther at Watton, & there remained about a fortnight, stopping also the passage at Thetford and Brandon ferrie, within nine miles of the said Watton:Watton. and at length came and ioined themselues with these other at Mousehold, by appointment of their ge|nerall capteine (as they tooke him) the foresaid Ro|bert Ket.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, there came flocking from Suffolke and other parts, a great multitude of lewd disposed persons, raised by firing of beacons, and ringing of bels. Also a number of rascals & naughtie lewd per|sons stale out of the citie of Norwich, and went to campe. And thus being got togither in great multi|tudes, they added one wickednesse to another, as ha|uing no staie of themselues after their downefall, nor holding them content with the committing of one villanous trespasse and horrible transgression, according vnto the poets words to the like purpose:
Now to cloke their malicious purpose with a coun|terfeit shew of holinesse, they caused one Coniers vicar of saint Martins in Norwich to saie seruice morning and euening,Counterfeit religion. to praie to God for prosperous spéed in that their vngodlie enterprise. Moreouer they went about to ioine to their cause diuerse honest men, and right commendable for religion, doctrine, vertue, and innocencie of life; amongst whome were Robert Watson a preacher, Thomas Cod maior of Norwich, and Thomas Alderich of Mangréene hall. These thrée, although sore against their willes, were constreined to be present with them in all matters of counsell, and to take vpon them (as associats with capteine Ket) the administration and order of euerie thing: which happened well for manie. For when ci|sher Ket himselfe, or anie other of the capteins, through setting on of the outragious multitude, pur|posed anie mischéefe (as often it came to passe) in one place or other, through their graue aduise, and approo|ued industrie, their furie was sundrie times staied and calmed. Although Ket bent to all vngratiousnes, EEBO page image 1030 would diuerse times grant foorth commissions, abu|sing now and then the names of honest men thereby, appointing his vntheistie mates to fetch in vit|tels to furnish their campe withall. The tenor of one of the which commissions here insueth.Quisnam hominum est, quem tu contentum videris vnoFlagitio?—
Compare 1577 edition: 121.1. The forme of a warrant granted out by the rebels to take vp vittels.
The forme of a warrant granted out by the rebels to take vp vittels.
_WE the kings friends & deputies, doo grant licence to all men, to prouide and bring into the campe at Mousehold, all maner of cat|tell, and prouision of vittels, in what place soeuer they may find the same: so that no violence or iniurie bee doone to any honest or poore man. Commanding all persons as they render the kings honor and roiall ma|iestie, and the releefe of the common welth, to be obedient to vs the gouernors, and to those whose names insue.
Signed Robert Ket.