Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the time whilest the armie laie thus in the campe betwéene Lieth and Edenburgh, manie lards and gentlemen came in to the lord protector to require his protection, the which his grace to whome he thought good did grant.The earle of Bothwell. This daie came the earle of Bothwell to his grace, who hauing beene kept in prison by the gouernour, the night after the battell was set at libertie, and comming thus to the lord protector, was friendlie welcomed and interteined; and hauing this night supped with his grace, he de|parted.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Lieth was set on fire this saturdaie, whereas it was meant,Lieth burned. that there should haue beene but one house onelie burnt, belonging to one Barton that had plaid a slipperie part with the lord protector. But the soldiors being set a worke to fire that house, fired all the rest. Six great ships also that laie in the hauen, which for their age and decaie were not so apt for vse, were likewise set on fire and burnt. On sundaie the eightéenth of September, the lord pro|tector (for considerations moouing him to pitie) ha|uing all this while spared Edenburgh from hurt, did so leaue it, but Lieth and the ships burning, soone after seauen of the clocke in the morning, caused the campe to dislodge,The armie dislodged. and as they were raised and on foot, the castell shot off a peale, with chambers hard|lie and all, of foure and twentie péeces. Passing that daie seauen miles, they camped earlie for that night at Crainston by a place of the lard of Brimstons.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Crainston.The same morning the lord protector made mai|ster Andrew Dudleie knight, brother to the earle of Warwike, dispatched my lord admerall and him by ships full fraught with men and munition toward the winning of an hold in the east side of Scotland called Broughticrag,Broughti|crag. which stood in such sort in the mouth of the riuer of Taie, as that being gotten, both Dundée, saint Iohns towne, and diuerse other townes standing vpon the same riuer the best of the countrie in those parts, set vpon the Taie, should either become subiect vnto this hold, or else be com|pelled to forgo the whole vse of the riuer, for hauing anie thing comming in or outward. The lord ad|merall, and the said sir Andrew sped themselues with such good successe and diligence in that enter|prise, that on the wednesdaie following, being the one and twentith of September, after certeine of their shot discharged against that castell, the same was yeelded vnto them,Broughti|crag yéelded to the Eng|lishmen. the which sir Andrew did then enter, and after kept, as capteine to his high praise and commendation.