Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thomas Altourborne in Norffolke and fellow with Bilneie in suffering persecution vnder cardi|nall Wolseie, Henrie Bradshaw borne in Chester where he was professed a blacke moonke wrote the life of saint Werbourgh and a certeine chronicle, Iohn Palsgraue a citizen of London wrote in|structions for the perfect vnderstanding of the French toong, Iohn Skuish a Cornishman wrote certeine abbreuiations of chronicles with a treatise of the warres of Troie, Anthonie Fitzherbert a iudge wrote an abridgement of the lawe, Iohn Lit|tleton wrote also of the principles of the law but he liued before this season, Wilfride Holme wrote a treatise of the rebellion in Lincolneshire and in the North after the maner of a dialog, Iohn Constable an excellent poet and rhetorician, Iohn Hilier, Ed|ward For student in the kings college in Cam|bridge was aduanced to the bishops sée of Hereford and was imploied in diuerse amb [...]ssages from king Henrie the seuenth both into Germanie and Italie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Lambert aliàs Nichols borne in Norffolke, of whome yee haue heard in the historie of this king, how he suffered for the controuersie of the sacra|ment; George Fulberie, Iohn Hooker, Thomas Lanquet wrote an epitome of chronicles and also of the winning of Bullongne, Iohn Shepre, Leonard Cox wrote diuerse treatises, one in English rhe|torike whereof Bale maketh no mention; Thomas Soulmon borne in the Ile of Gernseie verie studi|ous in histories as by his writings and notes it ap|peareth, Iohn Longland bishop of Lincolne, Mau|rice Chancie a Charterhouse moonke, Cutbert Tun|stall bishop of Duresme, Richard Samson, Alban Hill a Welshman an excellent physician, Richard Croke verie expert in the Gréeke toong, Robert Whittington borne in Staffordshire néere to Lich|field wrote diuerse treatises for the instruction of Grammarians, Iohn Aldrige bishop of Carleill, Iohn Russell gathered a treatise intituled Super iure Caesaris & Papae, he wrote also commentaries in Canti|ca; William Roie, Simon Fish a Kentishman borne wrote a booke called the supplication of beg|gers.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Powell and Edward Powell Welshmen wrote against Luther, Edward died in Smithfield for treason in denieng the kings supremacie in the yeare 1540; Iohn Houghton gouernour of the Char|terhouse moonks in London died likewise for trea|son in the yeare a thousand fiue hundred thirtie and fiue; Iohn Rickes being an aged man, forsaking the order of a frier Minor, which he had first professed, imbraced the gospell; George Bullen lord Rochford, brother to quéene Anne, wrote diuerse songs and so|nets; Francis Bigod knight borne in Yorkeshire wrote a booke against the cleargie intituled De im|propriationibus, and translated certeine bookes from Latine into English, he died for rebellion in the yeare a thousand fiue hundred thirtie and seauen; Richard Wise, Henrie Morleie lord Morleie, wrote diuerse treatises, as comedies and tragedies, the life of sectaries, and certeine rithmes; William Bote|uille aliàs Thin restored Chaucers workes by his learned and painfull corrections.