Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Thomas Cranmer archbishop of Canturburie,His execut [...]. Thomas Wriothesleie lord chancellor, sir William EEBO page image 977 Paulet knight of the order, lord Saint-Iohn, & great master of the houshold: sir Edward Seimer knight of the order, earle of Hertford, and high chamber|leine of England: sir Iohn Russell knight of the or|der, lord priuie seale: sir Iohn Dudleie knight of the order, vicount Lisle, & baron of Maupas, high adme|rall of England: Cutbert Tunstall bishop of Dur|ham: sir Anthonie Browne knight of the order, and master of the horsse: sir Edmund Montacute knight chiefe iustice of the cõmon plees: sir Thomas Brom|leie knight, one of the iustices of the kings bench: sir Edward North knight, chancellor of the augmenta|tion: sir William Paget knight of the order: sir Anthonie Dennie knight: sir William Herbert knight: sir Edward Wotton knight, treasuror of Calis: Nicholas Wotton deane of Canturburie and Yorke.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 So soone as the noble king had finished his last will and testament, as afore is said, he shortlie there|vpon yeelded vp his spirit to almightie God,The decease of King Henrie the eight. depar|ting this world the eight and twentith daie of Ianu|arie, in the eight and thirtith yeare of his reigne, and in the yeare of our Lord 1546, after the accompt of the church of England; but after the accompt which we follow in this booke 1547, beginning our yeare the first of Ianuarie. He reigned thirtie and seuen yeares, nine moneths and od daies. His bodie (accor|ding to his will in that behalfe) was conueied to Windsor with all funerall pompe, and in the college there interred. Of this tresnoble and trespuissant monarch, I find these few verses, which maie serue in good stead of an epitaph or funerall inscription:
Henricus octa| [...] post 38. [...].Henricus princeps propè lustra peregerat octo,Et populum magna prudens cum laude regebat,Ex quo magna solitractauit sceptra Britanni:Cùm Deus omnipotens, morbo obrepente, moneretHinc emigrandum de vita. Proh doloringens!Quo [...] pia pleb [...]lachrymis quàm tristibus ora rigauit?Quàm grauiterregni proceres planxere cubantem?Anglia tota iacet moerens, lugubris & amens,Nil opis apportant medici, nil profuit herba [...]Quae solet humanis membris adferre salutem,Pharmaca nil prosunt, praebetur potio frustra [...]Heu nulla tristis mors est medicabilis arte.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The descrip|tion of King Henrie the eight.This noble prince was right fortunate in all his dooings, so that commonlie whatsoeuer he attem|ted, had good successe, as well in matters of peace as of wars. Of personage he was tall and mightie, in his latter daies somwhat grosse, or as we tearment, bourlie: in wit and memorie verie perfect: of such maiestie tempered with humanitie, as best became so noble and high an estate: a great fauorer of lear|ning, as he that was not ignorant of good letters himselfe he was of great magnificence and libera|litie, insomuch that Iohn Leland that woorthie antiquarie, hauing tasted of his roiall bountifulnesse, hath left no lesse testified to the world in a proper epigram, which I will not omit, least I should wilfullie conceale a manifest protestation of his thankfulnesse left witnessed vnto the world in writing:
Ante suos Phoebus radios ostendere mundoAd Henricum octa [...]um, regem Angliae, maxi| [...] studiosorum [...]torem.Desinet, & claras Cynthia pulchra faces:Ante fluet rapidum tacitis sine piscibus aequor,Spinifer & nullam sentis habebit auem:Antè sacrae quercus cessabunt spargere ramos,Florá sollicita pingere prata manu:Quàm rex diue tuum labatur pectore nostroNomen, quod studijs portus & aura meis.